You can set adventure, home, and city outfits, which she will automatically cycle between depending on the location she's in. - Added Serana's brief commentary on Skyrim's factions. - During Drinking Buddies, Serana should now only comment on Solstheim if you've been there. You can now ask Serana to sleep in any bed that is player-owned/unowned, considering there's one nearby. - Added a "LocTypeDungeon" condition for Serana's radiant love timer, so she won't be asking you for kisses in a dungeon anymore. - Companions Quest commentary || However, it is also important to note that you SHOULD NOT do the "Silver Hand" quest (the ceremony where you become a werewolf) while any of these Dawnguard quests are currently active in your journal (Chasing Echoes, Beyond Death, Seeking Disclosure, Unseen Visions, Touching the Sky). Additionally, messages will be displayed on screen indicating that Serana is guarded at the start, and the player needs to either spend more time with her or talk with her more to get her to open up. Travel out of Solstheim and go back to Skyrim. This also prevents dialogue from being tabbed out like before- the dialogue should be more continuous now. You can continue to use NFF, just disable the Outfit and Storage features in place of mine.. - Minor typo fix with Bolstering The Ranks quest, - Fixed NULL dialogue of that quest too (again), - Dialogue Tweak to one of player dialogue options in Chasing Echoes, - Added conditions for Isran dialogue not to appear when sided with the vampires. - Some backend changes to ensure some of the Main Quest dialogue fired off correctly, and at the right times. I initially ruled this out for one of the inns (Old Hroldan) due to an issue exclusive to that inn, but it seems the SDA bed detection script could have been optimized even more. - Script fixes for some Serana wait stuff, like whenever she's called to wait when the Dawnguard questline tells her not to. If you already completed "A New Covenant" on your current save, you won't be able to play through this quest. This conversation is unlocked after the "A New Covenant" quest but before the "A Date at the Bannered Mare" quest. - Disabled two more radiant lines that I missed with the last 2.0RDOPatch update, - Added in more Kerstyn lines that were left out in the previous version, - Tweaked recipe of Crimson Blood Armor to be more balanced and attainable, - Added Serana radiant dialogue for entering Bloodlet Throne (where the crafting book is located), -Tweaked a bunch of player dialogue lines to be better-written and feel less campy/forced, - Reordered dialogue priority for some Serana dialogue, - Serana's collision responses (Oh/Sorry) didn't have their proper voice lines, - Fixed issues with some of Serana's human lines playing too often, - Fixed issues with husky dialogue breaking the mod KEKW, - Added Patch for Castle Volkihar Rebuilt, - Fixed Serana's Sofia comment Forcegreet repeatedly looping, -Thieves Guild Quest Commentary and Faction Awareness, - For the entire questline (from beginning to end). - Added quest-aware commentary if you take Serana along with you to Alfthand and Blackreach to find the Dragon Elder Scroll. As an NPC, Serana is more intelligent and has many new follower features. - Fixed some conditions for Night To Remember quest commentary, - Reduced distance requirement for a lot of NPC banter. * Even with that considered, this mod will still continue to be developed and updated with a plethora of new content in the future. Full faction and quest awareness for both of the factions listed above. The base narrative for the Thieves Guild remains unchanged, in addition to vanilla records not needing to be edited. I originally kept her sneezing (even as a vampire) to help her more relatable and "human" but now it just doesn't make much sense. - Partial implementation of killmove commentary, - Tweaked conditions on humming idles not to occur while the player is sneaking, or dungeon-delving. For this to work, players need to download the SDA Wig Patch (implementation still WIP, SMP wig patches to be uploaded soon) or add their own wig records to the SDA_Wiglist Formlist via a custom patch in xEdit. - A Serana Teleport Spell. - New trading dialogue. - Serana can now ask the player if they're in the mood for lovemaking (every 2 days or so). Lines were also cut (with past updates and this current one) to make the conversation seem more realistic and less overly dramatic. - Fixed xEdit script property Warning Message (was previously harmless though). - Removed dialogue cooldown for Serana recap dialogue. The player can now role-play as someone who remained unaffected by Serana's calm spell, but chose to play along. It's intended for her to stop her headtracking and just look forward, which works sometimes. - New Radiant dialogue. - Serana can now wear whatever you want her to wear! - Some Serana Romance quests no longer say whether a quest was complete and logs it in your journal, because a lot of these are just conversations. - Reduced frequency of Serana's humming a bit (from 5% to 3%), - Reduced frequency of Serana lovey-dovey radiant greets (-20% less frequent), - Reduced frequency of prequel meme lines a bit more (-25% less frequent), - Sofia should no longer start her first conversation with Serana while she is still sleeping at the Whiterun Stables. The reason of this being that while vampires in Elder Scrolls are undead, they still retain a lot of characteristics from their mortal life. - Main quest dialogue until "Dragonslayer" (Post Main-Quest dialogue coming later), - Serana commentary on player lycanthropy, - Tweak to dialogue conditions on Serana hurt dialogue. - Flower Girls animation support innately added to SDA, without requiring a plugin patch. - Fixed House of Horrors quest commentary not triggering, Fixed missing voiceline issue for Serana Husky commentary, Tweaked conditions for Serana's Radiant Hello Greet to trigger. - Repurposed existing SDA conversations ((Stories on the Island, Shop, "How does it feel to be a vampire" dialogue) for Drinking Buddies- you can now talk to Serana about these topics through the Drinking Buddies feature! (Professional, Platonic, or Romantic relationship), - However, if the player installs the mod after a particular point in Dawnguard (Unseen Visions) it is automatically assumed that the player and Serana are in a romantic relationship. - Removed "LocTypeDwelling" from the outfit changing script. If you still want to experience it (with a mute Auri), you can type "setpapyrusquestvar SDA_FollowerBanter AuriBanter True" in the console. Frankly it'll take too much effort and also cause compatibility issues if I edit that quest for the sake of SDA's sleeping feature, so I've decided to add in this workaround for now. topic, - Added quest condition to Serana's feeling good line, - A "What's On Your Mind?" - Some backend changes for the dialogue conditions of various dialogue. Fixes to dialogue conditions for some Serana quest commentary, so that she won't suddenly exit dialogue with you for no reason Improved force greet distance for all quest commentaries- when Serana wants to have an active conversation with you, she should sit still less, and actively try to find you instead. Added in dialogue options to affirm Serana's vampirism, and also completely rewrote the end of the quest (if Serana were to be cured). Credits: - rxkx22's Seranaholic mod for the screenshot- Yinkle for the SL patch- Xiderpunk and Ashal for giving permission to use their animation frameworks, as well as Xider for invaluable help with writing the FG detection code and helping me troubleshoot- For all the users in various Discords and the Nexus forums for helping me out with troubleshooting and coding concerns- GuerillaTech for pointing grammar/punctuation/inconsistency errors out for the subtitle fixes- Netherworks and EnaiSiaion for giving me permission to use and tweak their mod assets for SDA patches- Bethesda for making such an amazing game- Kerstyn Unger for lending such an amazing voice to help out with this project. Over 14 radiant conversations that can occur anytime you explore with Remiel and Serana. - Added safeguards to Companions Commentary, Serana Tracking Marker, and House of Horrors commentary quests to ensure Serana's alias gets filled, - Added new conditions to specific radiant dialogue lines to ensure they suited the new romance plotline progression well, - Tweaks to Serana radiant love quest scripts, - Removed start-game-enabled flag for House of Horrors commentary and changed it to start via the Story Manager upon entering the Haunted House, - Regenerated lip files for some lines in which Serana's mouth didn't move, - Deleted unecessary pkf files from the archive, - Fixed an issue with a specific romance conversation repeating over and over again even if it was supposedly finished, Tweaks and developments to existing romance content, - An Unexpected Meeting (Meeting Serana for the first time), - Companionship (During Chasing Echoes and Beyond Death), - A Confession (After returning from the Soul Cairn), - Coruscation in the Vale (During Touching the Sky, and in the Vale), - Determination (before confronting Harkon), - Serana will now wait during certain parts of the House of Horrors and Silver Hand quests if she is not currently dismissable, - Made the triggering dialogue of the SDA_SeranaRomance11 quest a blocking branch, in case the ForceGreet wasn't triggered, - Added IsinScene == 0 condition for Mikael and Ysolda Banter in case they interrupt the Serana Date quest. - Added interaction with Serana, being able to ask her to rest after a long day's adventuring. One of the largest content updates thus far! - Added in goodbye lines that were supposed to be there before, - Carry weight radiant dialogue now occurs much less frequently (-75%), - Jarl Balgruuf Banter will now only occur in Whiterun. A bunch of you probably already know this, but the Serana Romance update has been out on SE for about a day or two now. Fully voiced from parts of her existing dialogue. Rewrote player dialogue in House of Horrors commentary "He violated you">>>"He assaulted you". Gone are the days of Serana using stuff you don't want her to use! One of the biggest requests for my mod was to fully replace Laura Bailey's performance- as having two VAs voice the same character can be jarring. - Added in teleportation to the Companions quest commentary. The most ambitious feature of this mod yet, and will require an entire update for itself. If you have more questions or would like to know more, please visit my website! (See the article here for all the names). SDA will continue to work perfectly with your favorite Serana overhaul of choice. If Serana isn't close to you yet, you won't hear any MQ commentary at all. - Fixed some conditions in the SDA_SeranaRomance7 quest, so the conversation should fire off more reliably now if it wasn't already, - Dialogue priority for the "I love you, Serana" dialogue prompt was moved up in the topic list, - Added in a safeguard to ensure the Serana Alias for the radiant love quest was filled on quest start. Did it for sure this time. - Initial patch release. - Serana now performs what is called a 'Silent TP' when she has quest commentary. - 10 brand-new custom conversations, tied to specific character names! 2. Essa infatti arricchisce ENORMEMENTE il vampiro pi famoso di Skyrim, aggiungendo numerose linee di dialogo che rendono l'esperienza del personaggio in Skyrim molto pi immersiva. So telling her to be quiet should now actually do that, and not make her talk more instead. If the player is named a certain name that has been requested by Patrons, Serana will automatically recognize that (if on PC), or manually if on console. - Second Half of Companions Quest Commentary (starting from after "The Silver Hand"). Serana should now properly sleep in any inn with a rentable double bed (The Bannered Mare, Winking Skeever, Braidwood Inn, Old Hroldan Inn, Dead Man's Drink, Moorside Inn)! This has since been fixed. - Fixed College of Winterhold opinion dialogue bug when playing as a Dunmer, - Fixed Serana having vampire dialogue even though she's cured, - Fixed some dialogue bugs with the final Serana Romance quest, - Some love radiant greets ("What is it pretty boy/girl") had the wrong conditions set - they should now only occur if Serana has been romanced. ), and "Tale of the Tongues" from the vanilla game. These lines will be added in with the rest of the 2.8 update, but for now, Laura will be voicing those lines with her vanilla depiction. Regardless, Serana will not want to go in that house at any cost because of Molag Bal's history with her family. Queen of the Damned now suggested to be run alongside SDA, to compliment the spell buffs by SDA to make her an even more competent sorcerer. Big Update! Hey guys, Author of the Serana Dialogue Add-On mod here. For now it's just about her dad but more topics to come for the next release. ), - Manually went through a lot of the Serana Romance files and adjusted audio for those that were too quiet, - Improved face animations for some of the Serana Romance lines, - More ITPOs/ITM cleaning (Thanks to Astakos for pointing out the records! Some good stuff- primarily the fact that you're now able to romance Serana. This has been fixed. - A bunch of dialogue conditions fixes, to have more conversations fire correctly and as intended. However, if the player chooses to remain part of the #furryfam- although Serana will disagree with you, this won't be harmful to the player-Serana relationship (as she has come to learn to respect your decisions- despite how the Companions questline brought up some of her past trauma). - Radiant conversation dialogue with Serana to start off a day's adventuring (this only occurs post-Dawnguard too, as during the Dawnguard questline there would be more important matters to tend to.). Big Update! - Added framework for future patchless integrations with Apocalypse Spells. It should now be a blocking branch, so the dialogue would now be harder to miss, - Increased audio of training lines which were too quiet. - Disabled Serana Romance as a requirement for the Kindred Judgement conversation, as it also works thematically for a platonic relationship, - Tweaked some conditions on radiant hello lines to be more thematically in line with Serana's character development throughout Dawnguard, - Fixed some issues with OStim integration. Additionally, Serana Dialogue Add-On will not be compatible with mods that change "DLC1NPCMonitoringPlayerScript and DLC1_NPCMentalModelScript". - Added dialogue to disable candlelight and some cloak spells (Frost, Lightning, Whirlwind). "The Tale of the Tongues" is for Dragonborn/MQ players as well, conditioned to only occur after the main quest. When she joins up with the player again after "Bloodlines", after about a week she will start to open up to the player and become friendlier (a new game, or save before Bloodlines is completed required for the timer to take effect). - Backend functionality improvements to the "A Date at the Bannered Mare" quest to ensure it runs more smoothly. Improvements to dialogue scene AI packages, Improvements to Radiant Hello Timings (should be more varied and less spammy). - Added in random idle yawns for Serana. - Fixed an incorrect master header for the patch. of Amorous Adventures patch (for those who don't use Flower Girls). Whenever you mount your own horse, she will mount hers in turn. If there are mods that do this too, do not use them with SDA- you will break Serana's brain! - The "strange sensation" message shouldn't appear twice now. When both FG and OStim are installed, OStim takes precedence. - Added in an option to equip Serana's default outfit again in the Serana Outfit Menu. This includes any and all of the intellectual property within the mod, including (but not limited to) all the mod's code, the "new" SDA Serana character and all the writing within the confines of the mod, and Kerstyn's performance as Serana (this includes training her lines for AI generation). Serana will also tend to initiate the conversation with you about how she feels on current Main Quest-related events. - Greatly reduced frequency of Serana's irritated sneak greets, - Companions and Jorrvaskr general location-awareness. - The player will no longer be able to steal Serana's horse. Child interactions have been delayed and are currently on the backburner due to the sheer amount of content in this update already. Please don't do this quest when specific Dawnguard quests are active in your journal. - Reduced distance of Serana to Player package (used in several NPC banter scenes). Also deleted the irrelevant GV that wasn't being used. - Script fixes for SDA Player Background Dialogue (some didn't correctly set the quest stage), - Marked Ysolda as essential as I need her alive for the Bannered Mare quest, - Improvements to Lockpick Commentary Script, - Fixes with Radiant Commentary for DG Quests (both sides). - Removed SDA Friendship requirement for the College of Winterhold commentary. - While drinking (if in third person) the player will now also play the appropriate drinking animations. - Initial patch release. - Auri Banter. Will perhaps get to Volkihar Clan commentary later. It's disabled for now though until I can find a way to get it working consistently. The player can choose (via dialogue) whether they want Serana's hood to be disabled all times, or only in sunlight (and if Serana isn't wearing any other headgear). - Also improved the backend scripts for the Serana Training feature- people were reporting similar issues with said quest. *woot woot! The Romance Update is here! - Removed GetDistance requirement from radiant lovemaking dialogue. - For this new "Trust" conversation, to set up it's context properly and avoid melodrama, multiple messageboxes have been added to each of the Serana Romance conversations. PLEASE heed this advice as if you don't, you might run into some weird and annoying wonkiness. Disabled for now until scene framework is fully put together. Serana will no longer comment negatively about the Companions if you've told her you want to cure the Circle of their lycanthropy. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. - The FG/OStim check is now made on each player game load, making SDA now able to detect if either of these animation frameworks were installed on an existing SDA save. This will allow the normal Vanilla Skyrim marriage options using the amulet of Mara. To see it, and for immersion-sake, talk to Serana RIGHT BEFORE entering the haunted house. The revoice is now effectively 100% complete! A patch for the Relationship Dialogue Overhaul mod; this patch prevents dialogue overlap in a lot of Serana's radiant dialogue added by RDO, to ensure a consistent VA experience with Serana's radiant lines. - Added conditions for some of Serana's radiant dialogue to only occur if she likes the player romantically, - Made the facial animations for some dialogues more expressive. - Removed temporary sound processing left from the CK. - Serana can now sing two more songs: "The Dusk On Anvil Harbor" from Interesting NPCs (I got permissions! I've since added in safeguards to ensure that once quests are run, they are no longer run again. - You can now change how far or near you want Serana to travel along with you! - A new "Trust" conversation, which aims to solve a DG plothole. - Reduced randomness of gift-giving item pool. - Disabled two Laura Bailey combat lines that were already revoiced. diventare la vostra anima gemella! Edits out some of the dialogue Serana Dialogue Edit adds, as to not thematically conflict with the additions my mod makes to similar dialogue branches (currently Hellos and Combat Idles). - Added another ending conversation with Serana after defeating Harkon. Rewrites and revoices of early SDA content (when Kerstyn was first brought on board). - More of Serana's ForceGreets shouldn't trigger when the player is in dialogue now. Certain creative liberties will still be taken, like Serana's talent for singing, fondness of alcohol, and general playful nature will still stay in the mod. - Completely redone Serana "What's your opinion on" dialogue with new lines voiced by the new VA, Kerstyn Unger! All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Serana Dialogue Add-On Simplified Chinese Translation, Serana Dialogue Addon - version francaise, Serana Dialogue Add-On - Russian Translation SE, Serana Dialogue Add-On - TRADUZIONE ITALIANA, Serana Dialogue Add-On SE - Russian Translation, Serana Dialogue Add-On Turkish Translation, Serana Dialogue Add-On - spolszczenie (polish translation), Serana Dialogue Add-On -Translation Brazilian Portuguese - PT-BR - Version 3.2.1, Serana Dialogue Add-On Traditional Chinese Translation, Serana Dialogue Add-On SE - Traducao PT-BR, Serana Dialogue Add-On - Spanish (Voces y Textos), Serana Dialog Add-on - Polish Translation, Serana Dialogue Add-On - Czech Translation. This is to make it less intrusive when it first fires, and to have it be friendlier for VR users. This includes anything that will be seen by an audience of people, whether it be a Skyrim modification or even a video.Mod Pack Authors can use my content in their mod lists (even without my permission) but CANNOT benefit off of monetizations in any way, shape, or form. - The contextual responses for some of Serana's radiant dialogue should now work properly and as intended. - Disabled old recap dialogue to help reduce VA overlap. There's also new content for Drinking Buddies: - Serana now has more drink options (the Riften 'Special' Drinks). Dark Brotherhood faction awareness and quest commentary. - Expanded existing "What's on Your Mind" dialogue with new voice lines, - Tweaked Harkon recap player dialogue choice to be more about him exclusively and less about Serana's family, - Added extensive recap dialogue with Serana about her family (both her relationships with Harkon and Valerica), - Added more radiant commentary dialogue to caves/dungeons. - More subtitle fixes, courtesy of GuerillaTech. The player can choose to delay this too, in case they need Serana for a quest or just want her to stick around for a bit longer. Just speak to Serana (as long as you know the spell) and you can teach it to her right away. There were some files incorrectly archived. She will now use her town outfit in all areas with this keyword. - Revamped Drinking Buddies code from the ground-up. - Disabled another bloodcursed arrows topic that should have been disabled. Spouse Merchant ability and daily gold. - Disabled a bit more radiant idles for a more consistent experience. - Reimplemented "What's on Your Mind" conversations, with better-written dialogue that supersedes the somewhat bland and one-note conversations that were previously there. An expansion of Serana's dialogue and NPC features to make her a more immersive follower. - Added conditions to the "Trust" quest music track, just more safeguards to ensure that it doesn't keep playing even after the quest is finished. - An SDA Serana menu feature (currently unvoiced, but with full feature functionality). Over 160+ new lines! She will react positively to alcohol, flowers, and high value items- but negatively to the rest. - Improved how Drinking Buddies is triggered, hopefully solving issues for some of you, where the dialogue option would just outright disappear after a while. - Added some missing scripts and flags that allowed the SDA Injured Commentary to be reset, having it function as a radiant commentary feature, as originally intended, - Added more Alternate Voice flags to existing dialogue, - Fixed some staticy sounds with existing dialogue lines, - Removed more redundant records from earlier versions of the mod, - Improvements to quest commentary fragment scripts, - Serana radiant drink sessions functionality. - Added radiant quest dialogue for the Dawnguard side. - "House of Horrors" quest awareness. Big Content Update! If you have more questions or would like to know more, please visit my website! so that it can be asked right away without having to ask "Can I talk to you for a bit?" Bethesda meant only the player to attend the party, no one else. - Reduced frequency of pop culture/meme lines by -20%, - Reduced frequency of Serana singing by -5%. - (For the ESL Version) Moved forward armor keyword changes (already present in Crimson Blood ESL versions), updated the keywords, dropped the armor rating to the same as the original light armor file, Minor update with small fixes and optimizations, - Tweaked conditions on daily adventuring conversation to increase likehood of the prompt to appear, - Moved "Let's call it a day" dialogue to it's own consolidated branch, as it didn't really make sense for it to be with the more extensive conversations, - Some minor backend tweaks to help make future mod development easier, - Partial implementation of lockpicking commentary (disabled for now). If you've been having problems with the quest, this bugfix update should fix it for sure. I felt in vanilla, that conversation was cut short. - Serana will no longer compliment your skills when she is in a dungeon. - Redone the code of the Haunted House quest commentary, so that there now aren't any compatibility issues with other mods which edit the same quest. Serana asks to go on a date after confessing her love to the Dragonborn.Mods Installed - 365SDA MOD - 3.3.2 Version. - Commentary when the player forges items, creates potions, enchants, drops items, and levels up, College of Winterhold Arcaneum conversation (Serana's reaction is no longer cringey and sudden, and more role-play is added to the conversation), Addition of new role-play lines to the Dark Brotherhood quest (The player can now choose to be more cautious after Aventus asks them to kill Grelod), Rewrote and added more lines to the Trust conversation. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. It's been improved on the technical level as well so there should be fewer bugs with it. This quest can be triggered after the Bannered Mare Date and the subsequent friendship conversation. - Moved some dialogue lines to the "Can I talk to you for a bit?" - The bugfix of the previous 1.9.5 patch created another bug, which prevented the Bannered Mare quest from progressing from a certain point. Serana will now feel even more responsive and alive during your adventures! Full Quest Commentary from "Dragonborn" to "At The Summit of Apocrypha". Now when talking to her with this option, Serana's responses (28, chosen at random dependent on questline progress, surroundings, romance) should feel a lot more organic and authentic. In later conversations, romance can still be opted out of, as usual.