She recognized Castle and asked if he killed Carson Wolf. Eventually, Castle took out the final agent, non-lethally shooting him. The plot starts to thicken during the course of these two episodes of The Ark that saw some monumental catastrophes such as toxic water and a near collision with a comet plague the crew. Despite the loud ringing in ears, Castle overheard someone asking for a mission update and saw Agent Orange looking at all of the wounded and severely damaged soldiers, calmly asking if they had successfully killed the target as he wanted. When Castle simply thanked him for the coffee and prepared leave the Church, he then turned back to Hoyle as he questioned how often he thought about their time in the United States Marine Corps together. While Castle was gone, Tepper confessed to falsifying documents as he had been threatened by a mysterious woman demanding his confession on record.[33]. Castle tracked him and charged into the hospital, fighting off a security guard on the way before blasting through the hallways with a shotgun. Moreover, his time offscreen wasn't spent idle either; he was prepping for the second half of the series. Madani asked Castle to admit that he had witnessed everything that had happened to Zubair, while he confirmed that it was Rawlins who gave these orders, with Castle commented that there was already the video, that Gunner Henderson recorded that showed Zubair's torture and execution, admitting that the video had damned all of them. [10], Micro began to have second thoughts after seeing the aftermath of Castle's battle, but Castle refused to let him off the hook. Castle revealed that the cameraman was Gunner Henderson. He then looked up to see Russo running through the room above. Castle went through and asked questions, but Nelson played dumb, claiming not to know who Russo was. That evening, Castle had decided to stop by Lola's Roadhouse, as he watched Shooter Jennings' performance and requested another beer, turning down an offer for the tab. However, Castle had noted that Madani was previously shot for him, insisting that he owed her, while Bendix then tried to question who they really were, while Castle and Madani told her to shut up. Hoyle assured him that was not the case. Answer: He wasn't trying to kill Daredevil. The Punisher then went to the church, finding Russo lying in a pool of his own blood, having been shot three times by Dinah Madani, as Russo had mistakenly believed that Hoyle had come to be with him, only to bitterly laugh when he saw the Punisher. Once they were gone, Castle waited for Chaney and Speed to get close to him before he charged forward firing his gun, shooting Chaney twice in the gut before dodging Speed's shotgun blast. He then shot the main guy in the leg and told him to talk. Castle listened as Hoyle explained that he was listed as Russo's next of kin, and he had gone to Sacred Saints Hospital to see Russo in person, as he commented about how bad Russo's mental and physical condition had been. Castle went alone to find Henderson while Micro stayed with the van. Doctor Strange fights the vampires for a while, but eventually dies. Castle had then overheard Rex explaining that his Grandmother had sent him back into their Apartment without any breakfast, while Beth apologized for the awkwardness of the situation, although Castle had also apologized for attempting to leave without saying his goodbyes to her. The two fight, which prompts Punisher to start firing. However, as he was being beaten into submission, the Punisher had then managed to reach behind him and grabbed a steel plate, which he used to strike the Russian across the face with incredible force. While more men began shooting at the Punisher, he took cover as he waited for them to reload, allowing them to believe that they had him cornered, while in reality, he had allowed them all to move to deadly positions. Rawlins stopped the torture after two hours of beating Castle, taking a break while Russo convinced Castle to enter the codes into Micro's computer. His fans brought flowers and hundreds of stuffed animals and toys to the memorial, presumed to be in honor of Castle's deceased children. As Castle walked down the corridors of the prison, the inmates watching his arrival yelled out abuse and threw paper and various other materials at him. ""Just passing through. Pilgrim then ran out of the room. Daredevil continued to accuse Castle of making widows and orphans through his actions. Castle and Madani argued about their methods of getting information. Once he learned that they had robbed an underground card game run by the Gnucci Crime Family at Linello's and were killing Chavez for accidentally revealing his identity during the heist, Castle bludgeoned his hammer down to Lance's head and threw his corpse into the mixer. However, Castle knew that his attacker was not a criminal and when he finally got the upper hand and managed to pull out his gun, as Castle shot Daredevil in the helmet. Castle left the money in his van and attached a bomb to it, which would detonate if anyone attempted to move it. Castle didn't want him to get exploded since he want to save him very badly, Hoyle then called the New York City Police Department so that there would be a witness to the explosion, but Castle wanted Hoyle to tell him how to disarm the bomb. The average Marvel movie is 2.5 hours. ""Where to? At the front desk, Castle asked Debbie for an extra room across from their current one. However, Micro had then noted that Castle did not really have to do any of this for him or his family, to which Castle promised that he would not allow anything to happen to Sarah and Zach, ordering Micro to stick to their plan, no matter what happened, which Micro had reluctantly agreed to. Sticking to cover, the Punisher ensured that Russo was out of sight before then stepping onto the Carousel himself while keeping his weapon raised and ready to be fired. When Jon Bernthal joined season 2 of Daredevil as The Punisher, fans immediately began speculating that a solo series was on the way. Castle then left with Hoyle, leaving Bendix behind and not apologizing. Castle said that all the sheriff needs to know is that the people paying Marlena Olin are going to want her back and to make all of this disappear. As Jack failed to answer him, the Punisher simply shot him into the leg before he then questioned where Sarah and Zach Lieberman were, only for Jack to insist that he had not been given that information. An angry Castle told Hoyle that there was a five million dollar bounty on Bendix's head and Hoyle realized his mistake. The borders of this universe allow Wolverine to be killed in this manner, and Frank moves on to his last targets. The enraged Castle was then dragged off Orange by Billy Russo and Gunner Henderson while Orange fell to the floor in agony, with Russo then pulling Castle aside and declaring that he was not protecting Orange from Castle but Castle from himself. ""What do you wanna do? [41], You know something, David? Francis David "Frank" Castle, Sr., is a former United States Marine-turned-violent vigilante. As with many of the heroes on this list, The Punisher killed The Hulk during the former's run through the Marvel cast of characters. Seemingly understanding, Rex had commented that he never got to see his dad anymore, noting that he had not seen him since he was younger, with Castle noted that he was sure that his father missed him, despite Rex saying he did not know him. Who could have done that? Upon finishing his work at the construction site, Castle would return to his small apartment and ready Moby Dick, the novel which had been lent to him by Curtis Hoyle as a way to cope with the stress of his own mind, although Castle found himself struggling to focus on reading it. But while Season 2 of Daredevil arguably raised more questions than it answered about The Punisher's association with the masked vigilante he calls 'Red', The Punisher refuses to fill in the gaps. How high does this conspiracy go? The inmates continued to attack him with various weapons and shivs, but Castle's superior combat training allowed him to quickly disarm the men and use their weapons to stab them or crush their skulls, shrugging off a stab in the arm and strong blows from them as he killed more of the attacking criminals. Castle quickly deduced that they were trying to make a plea for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder but Castle insisted that it was an insult to those soldiers who were truly suffering with it unlike him. This virus affects multiple superheroes and villains as well, which is why it's also where Punisher does much of his hero killing. Castle was soon arrested and, despite the efforts of Nelson and Murdock, was sentenced to life in prison. Castle thanked her and invited her to ask him questions about the case in order to help them in court while defending him. Castle and Hoyle took Nelson back to his place and met up with Dinah Madani. Castle was told from James that he would be getting a free pass due to the debt the country owed to him due to William Rawlins' betrayal, as he confirmed if this was the pay off in order to ensure that he kept his mouth shut about Rawlins and the CIA, to which James had then confirmed. Say it. Suddenly, Mahoney approached them, knowing they would be there. Daredevil continued to discuss how New York City affects people. With everything in place for the incoming battle, the Punisher donned his Skull Vest and waited in the shadows while the Anvil agents had then arrived inside Micro's Hideout with their guns raised, as they all searched for their target. Sarah calls Frank for help with Zach. The story even begins when a young Frank comes to the aid of Matt, who was getting bullied in Hell's Kitchen. While Bendix had then gone into the next room to begin developing the photographs she had taken in Chicago for Fiona, Castle had sat down and begun staring at the utterly terrified Clive. You know, up close, I'd rather have this than any firearm.Frank Castle to Zach Lieberman, That skull? After the character's impactful introduction in Daredevil Season 2, Frank Castle was granted his very own standalone series. Micro told him that he has made arrangements for Henderson to receive a decent burial.[11]. However, the events left him too exhausted to even read a bedtime story to his daughter. When Bendix noted that Madani had issues, Castle had simply commented that Bendix also had a big mouth on her. Of course, Castle showed up and saved Karen again by killing Schoonover. Castle and Micro watch the news where he stated his hatred of cowardly bombers. However, Grotto, who was recuperating in the hospital from his wounds, was only saved by the timely intervention of Karen Page, who rushed him out of the room away from Castle. Upon hearing two other men entering the bathroom, the Punisher stopped the desperate O'Hare from calling for help by knocking him back and had then strangled him with his own tie until O'Hare had eventually chocked to death. Round and Round They Go (Episode Thirteen, "Memento Mori") - It ended were it began for Frank Castle when his former friend Billy Russo coaxed him into a final confrontation at the merry-go-round where the Punisher lost his wife and kids. Castle called Hoyle, asking if Bendix was with him. Castle then asked Madani what she wanted and Madani answered that the CIA was informed about a high-profile target and Madani needs help to eliminate him.