Changes daily gain of fuel by a percentage. There is no way to reload definitions of dynamic modifiers via debug mode or console, any changes to their definitions require a game restart to apply in-game. These metrics determine what advantages/disadvantages you will have. Modifies the efficiency of air interception. Modifier blocks support, within them, the hidden_modifier = { } block, which can be used to provent the modifiers within from showing up in the tooltip. Modifies the chance to get an operative from occupied territory. Modifies the damage to division organisation by planes on the close air support mission. enemy_operative_detection_chance_factor_over_occupied_tag. The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Can be used as a targeted modifier. In general, modifiers are typically used to create a consistent and long-lasting effect that can be easily reversed. Discord! Changes the penalty for special forces out of supply. Modifies the rate at which the airforce consumes fuel. Also strategic bombers can move within hour around world which make it impossible to intercept them even with formidable heavy fighter force. Next up, its time to learn about the espionage and spying mechanics introduced in Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance. Changes the world tension amount necessary to intervene in an ally's civil war. JavaScript is disabled. The bonus to speed at which the land army attacks. hoi4 how many strategic bombers. This works for countries and states, but for unit leaders, unit_modifier@modifier_name and leader_modifier@modifier_name is used instead. my Discord! This folder is the place where opinion modifiers are defined for the game. Modifies the rate at which the country's ships can fire torpedos. ROOT is the country that the modifier is applied to and FROM is the target. Modifies the amount of the subject's resources that the overlord can receive via trade. Can be used in provinces and strategic regions. Modifies weekly war support gain of the country depending on the enemy bombing of its states. Changes the experience penalty applied to the divisions when a commander is promoted to a field marshal. Modifies attrition suffered by naval units. Modifies the daily gain of air experience. air_carrier_night_penalty_reduction_factor. Changes the cost of licensed equipment by a percentage. Due to a bug, this will not apply to units that are attacking. Turkish national focus tree. Report. At this highest level it is possible to create a new subject type Collaboration Government directly. Modifies the speed at which the country's ships to retreat after initial combat. Use state_production_speed_buildings_factor for it to apply to all buildings. Due to a bug, this will not apply to units that are defending. For a state, a dynamic modifier will show up in the special section for them in the bottom of the selected state view, marked with. I think you need to go fascist and have high compliance. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Common/opinion modifiers. Types are: boost_ideology_mission, boost_resistance, control_trade_mission, diplomatic_pressure_mission, propaganda_mission, root_out_resistance_effectiveness. Allowed categories are air, armor, infantry, and naval. Even though i have over 80% compliance on my occupied territories, I dont get a new regime. Disables strategic redeployment in the state. For example, the following code will apply dynamic_modifier_name to GER for 30 days, but the variables will be read off POL: In particular, assuming that dynamic_modifier_name is the example dynamic modifier created previously, if you do set_variable = { POL.var_name = 0.3 }, then the dynamic modifier assigned to GER as the result of this effect will give 0.3 daily political power gain. This is an operation you can run more than once (although cost and time goes up every time), and for each one you will strengthen the collaborators. hoi4 occupation modifier a new regime Added some edited Socialist icons from vanilla HOI4. This mod allows you to create a various of new formable nations in Hearts of Iron IV and creates space to make more fun. Changes the speed at which buildings repair themselves without factories assigned. . In this video I discuss HoI4's resistance and compliance system, including the best garrison templates, how garrison combat works, the best occupation laws,. /Hearts of Iron IV/common/opinion_modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/dynamic_modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrystateview.gui, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/difficulty_settings/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/modifier_definitions/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/modifiers_documentation.html, /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/operations/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/modules/*.txt, PDXCON Modifies the chance for us to get a critical hit on the enemy in naval combat. Changes daily gain of fuel from our controlled oil by a percentage. Its one of the most jam-packed expansions for the game as mentioned in our official review. Modifies the bonus to airplane attack on enemy divisions by a percentage. How much of that country manpower you will have access to with a collaborationist government in place? Positive values result in it being pushed right, while negatives result in it being pushed left. Changes the chance for our operatives to be forced into hiding by a percentage. Modifies the amount of divisions that can have a naval invasion plan going on at the same time. Changes the cost in command power to grant a medal to a division commander. Home; edger attachment troy-bilt; hoi4 targeted modifier; hoi4 targeted modifier. Can also go into country scope. He's also written for IGN, GameSpot, Polygon, TechRaptor, Gameskinny, and more. operation_outcome. As youll be aware, it has been a while since our last dev diary, and Im We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. Fleet Admiral. Reduced negative production modifier for Canada and Australia's version of the great depression (for TfV owners). Modifies the positioning of the enemy during the initial naval attack. User account menu. Hi guys! By 1913, the United States claimed 310,000 square kilometres of colonial territory, compared to 2,360,000 for Belgium, 2,940,000 for Germany and 32,860,000 for the United Kingdom (Bairoch 1993, 83). Gives a defense bonus against the armies of the specified country. Modifies the speed when refueling and rearming fighter planes on the carrier during the battle. Its also possible to have the modifier and the collaboration government option after two successful operations (such as when Germany takes over Poland), though this might be a bug. Modifies the attack of airplanes executing tasks from carriers. Modifies the defence of divisions led by this unit leader if they're exiled. This command can be used to either activate the teleportation tool (if no arguments provided), or instantly teleport any selected ships or armies to the province with the specified ID. and not for 'occupation duties' ? Reduces the penalty that troops take when they are encircled.\u0026tap_s=2224-5c2869#b Get cheap games and support me!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sub to my second channel: me on TwitchTV: me on Twitter: me on Facebook: email: Viewed? Changes the monthly population gain in states owned by the country. The amount of divisions AI seeks to produce. Changes the number of divisions the country can send as volunteers by a percentage. Is there a way to counter collaborators? Id try this achievement later. Effects are used throughout the game in numerous scopes, most commonly National Focuses, Events and Decisions. I speak out against any kind of political extremism. How do I do this? Modifies the bombardment of railway guns. Allowed missions are: air_superiority (With doubled air_ in the modifier), close_air_support, interception, strategic_bomber, paradrop, and naval_strike. The function of modifier definitions is to modify the value of a game variable, which can be read by other variables. Modifies how much organisation is regained after combat. . As an occupied state, the original population will have some resistance against the occupying state. Modifies the efficiency of the strategic bombing mission. Modifies the organisation loss from movement during the strike force mission. A complete, but unsorted, list of modifiers can be found in /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/modifiers_documentation.html or /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/ . Trending News . On 14 June 1940, days after the Italian declaration of war after the German invasion of France, Spain seized the opportunity and, amid the collapse of the French Third Republic, a contingent of 4,000 . Modifies the damage dealt by the country's ships at night. Modifies amount of available supplies for the controller. Click this. With the current occupation system, the master has . Changes the cost in political power to add an advisor assigned the specified military ledger. Modifies the amount of the subject's military industry that goes to the overlord. Responsive Web Design; Website Redesign; Graphic Design; Web Development. Modifies the penalty given to airplanes which don't have enough experience. Can be used as a targeted modifier. Modifies the defence value of our military, navy, and airforce. The cost of a couple of suppression units is more than I made a tier list of all spy operations. Changes the chance for our operatives to be harmed by a percentage. Modifies the division recovery rate by a percentage. Changes opinion gain from the 'Improve relations' diplomatic action by a percentage. The second part is all about the espionage and intel systems added by the expansion. The cost for the targeted country to purchase this country's resources. Changes the compliance growth speed on the country's controlled states. Custom focus GFX needs to be in a PNG format with a recommended Width: 95px Height: 85px. With the current occupation system, the master has access to every factory in the occupied areas. Modifies the base screening without any screen ships assigned. Amount of manpower given to the host country. Provinces in Hearts of Iron IV have resistance and compliance values if theyre occupied by a foreign power. Bonus to the starting level of generic unit leaders. The 2nd edition of Global Politics: A New Introduction continues to provide a completely original way of teaching and learning about world politics. Changes the chance for an enemy operative to be captured. Modifies the daily gain of army experience. Hoi4 occupation modifier a new regime. A rework of the German National Focus tree including things from the base game and Waking the Tiger, into a massive one. set_ruling_party Changes the attrition supply trucks suffer from. Klassenarbeit Ethik Glck, These include targeted_modifier = { } in ideas, traits, advisors, and decisions; relation modifiers. Ask when in This command sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. Modifies the cost of licensed production from the overlord. Note that with naval strike, it's just naval_strike_attack_factor without air_. Modifies the amount of the specified resource in the state. Or choose your own. Changes the chance for an enemy operative to be detected by a percentage. Modifies the chance for the country's operative to die on being captured. I am fascist italy, won WWII, no mods, man the guns only. Here are some tidbits from my campaign as Germany after trouncing the Soviet Union. Changes the daily gain of command power by a percentage. Changes the compliance growth speed in the current state. Allowed categories are anti_tank_eq, artillery_eq, infantry_eq, and light_tank_eq. Amount of damage our factories receive from air bombings. Modifies the cost in victory points per state to puppet countries in peace deals. Modifies the likelihood for country's torpedos to hit enemy ships. Changes maximum amount of fuel you can have by a percentage. The bonus to land army's defence against a major country. Interactive corporate website. Changes the amount of equipment captured in combat by a percentage. The larger, the more victory points are needed to capitulate a country. ukraine russia border live camera /; June 24, 2022 Compartilhe no Twitter! Modifies the positioning of the country's navy. me on Twitter: me on Twitch: to my second YouTube: @feedbackirlSub to memes channel: @feedbackmemes Watch the whole series: me on Patreon! Modifies the penalty given by naval invasions. microsoft active directory competitors. what is the most common 6 letter word? Modifies the penalty the enemy receives for having a larger amount of ships than us. Modifies efficiency of airplanes sweeping mines. Modifies the intelligence network gain by a percentage. Changes the encryption capability of the country. Changes the production penalty of licensed equipment by tech difference by a percentage. You must log in or register to reply here. Hearts of Iron IV: La Resistance offers numerous espionage mechanics such as an intelligence agency, spies, operations, cryptology, collaboration governments, and resistance movements. ks. "War does not determine who is right. Ideally, youll want to assign garrison templates that include the newly-added armored car divisions. The list of modifiers may be outdated. Note that most of these modifiers are not only in country scope but also in unit leader and navy leader scopes. add_manpower = var:my_var. hoi4 occupation modifier a new regime - Foreign Collaboration governments are tracked (much like GiE) from your country screen. Compliance counters resistance, working in your favor as a conqueror. Changes the percentage of victory points the country needs to lose control of to capitulate. Modifies the efficiency of the air superiority mission. Changes opinion gain from the 'Improve relations' diplomatic action for countries of the same ideology by a percentage. Changes the supply grace period for special forces.