I dont know about this idea of Dr. Shiva that HIV doesnt cause AIDSbut I do know that Dr. Shiva doesnt really subscribe to the germ theory of disease in general, so perhaps that is why hes saying that. In fact, used CytoSolve to discover a combination therapy for pancreatic cancer, all done on the computer without killing animals. And you can create your own interaction. And I proved it out with many different industrial organizations. its not the simple exchange of text messages but one of the things that the invention of email brings us to is a system of innovation, again another system that the innovation of Email did not occur in the military industrial academic complex. What is Ginger well first of all its a mighty herb you know its one of the most commonly consumed dietary condiments in the world its a rhizome its not really a root when we say root but its the thing that grows off the side of roots and its the main portion of Ginger that is consumed. And by the way, what youre learning here youre not going to learn anywhere else because Systems Biology is still relatively a new field and Systems Biology says We dont just in order to understand the whole human here, we got to understand how the genes interact with proteins across cells and tissues to understand the whole. Ampliar bsqueda. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai an Indian American scientist says Vitamins A and D He never said that. So Gingerol inhibition of calcium channels leads to alleviation of asthma symptoms. All right, everyone. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) on LinkedIn: Dr. SHIVA LIVE: How By the way, any one of these chemical reactions looks like this chemical a reacts with a chemical being to give protein x, and these in 2003, some of these little diagrams are becoming mathematical models. Okay, so Ginger, when we look at Ginger, were using CytoSolve to understand the complexity of Ginger. Very powerful the next thing is Ginger also modulates allergy the allergic response because your body produces histamines you know so if you look at antihistamines okay so Ginger has an antihistamine effect so as you can notice here what Ginger does the basophils, this purple structure here produces histamines in response to allergens now what histamines are implicated in antigen. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottoms Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. So if you look at the sort of the DNA of everything Ive been doing, its always been around Systems, from the Email System, the invention of Email from the creation of CytoSolve, system cells, the Clean Foods Certified movement. Go look at what the pillow guy has put out. CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 12,260 research articles, 231 clinical trials, widely researched for 89 years medically. Okay, so thats really the background on CytoSolve, which I think its important for everyone to understand. And this is a problem because this is why the tumor cell doesnt die because it doesnt go through the normal cycle. Now when you do if you go to PubMed and you do the research youll find out that its quite a widely researched supplement theres nearly 12,260 research articles, 231 clinical trials on Ginger, and thats over you know 89 years of medical research. And then hopefully, we dont kill too many pilots at all. Well, it has inflammatory enzymes, it affects so Lipoxygenase, Cycloxygenase, these are whats called COX-2 enzymes are the Lipoxygenase enzyme. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) Shiva Ayyadurai Wiki, Age, Wife, Family, Biography & More Could we create a technology that could mathematically model that. Its really the Science of Systems. And its impossible for this methodology to handle combinations that are personalized and precise. @CytoSolve reveals SCHISANDRA FRUIT affects 4 molecular pathways involved in LUNG CONGESTION Video below. But the point is, they ignore the IFN. Will the Congress have me - an expert on the immune system- testify on this, or just push Johnny-come-lately hack MDs who were SILENT THEN? It's a place to come and rest and reset your body. You know, it looks at pieces. And then you can get activated, you can learn how you educate your neighbors about the real systems issue of masks, how you educate them to go Beyond Vax & Anti-vax So this is a Systems Approach. So these are, by the way, there are a total of 33 gingerol related compounds, 33. Maybe its because they saw this interview from Christina Aguayo on the countrys first audience driven news platform that fosters the real voice of America., The case of Shiva Ayyadurai is the really telling one. Dr. Shiva share how the theory of the immune system being taught now is about a 100 years old. And what many of these nutraceutical companies do is throw formulations that say they throw a lot of marketing. Topics on this website include the following: saying 'no' to GMO's, Systems Approach to Medicine, Immune Boosting Protocol, The Truth About Artificial Intelligence . Good evening everyone. This was to for to understand new ways to stop SIDS where babies are dying their sleep but I also in that medical school understood another system the interoffice mail system which included the secretary who had the inbox, outbox folders and she would write this thing called a memo to, from, subject, carbon paper completely different system and this was put into an envelope and this was then transferred through these pneumatic tubes. VASHIVA, LLC. Without fear. My journey to systems because itll take you on this long journey I took and thats why Ive interconnected the fight for Truth Freedom Health, how I look at transport, conversion, and storage. Anyway, thats the background introduction about, you know what the VA SHIVA Truth Freedom Health Movement all about. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body. So todays talk is going to be on Ginger and Immune Health, a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Biology Analysis. So, NF-kB, and Ginger or NF-kB serves as a target for Ginger. 2023 - All Rights Reserved |. 115 different chemical compounds have been identified, which doesnt mean that theres not any less, its got minerals, its got vitamins, its got Gingerols. And then we have angiogenesis regulators, VEGF What is that? We just didnt do what in combination with trillions of combinations of bio molecular reactions to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that down regulate the biomarkers of discomfort and normal swelling. So I want you to understand when you take that Systems Approach. My husband got it. So if the elephant here represents Immune Health, if the elephant represents cancer, right, you will find out that the individual way that research is done today in academia is its reductionism. Supplements That Are Safe to Take When You Have Lung Cancer - WebMD It interacts, both of them, how am I able to do that. So anyway, its good to have everyone here. It comes from all different things, but I hope all of you take advantage of it. So thats how you understand the numbering. The important thing to understand is science is constantly changing. #WorkersUnite. You have to do better. Well, the irony was when the Genome Project ended in 2003, remember, the Human Genome Project was all about saying that genes are who we are. Its a class that were doing today and I have to do a class this evening on our on Truth Freedom Health, so I hope some of you can join us there but anyway the Truth Freedom Health understanding is the basis of this movement but what youll understand is Truth Freedom Health is literally part of a larger systems understanding that all of our Truth Freedom Health Warriors learn. Well the research shows a maintenance dosage is around 250 milligrams to 4.8 grams per day for pain you want to take about two grams per day for sugar control diabetes 1.6 grams per day or 1600 milligrams, for migraines 250 milligrams single dose and nausea 250 milligrams to two grams. So anyway, in closing, what I want to share with you is when we take a Systems Approach, like weve done to developing mV25, is that when you take Ginger again, we can also take an Eastern and Engineering Systems Approach. He is a Fulbright Scholar and has started 7 successful hi-tech companies including EchoMail, CytoSolve and Systems Health. Now what are the health benefits of Ginger so we walked through the molecular aspects and the biological aspects. To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. #WorkersUnite. Then when I just give curcumin, you notice a drop from .15 to .05, which is a drop in inflammation. Be the Light. So, what are those molecular targets? Look it up be brave. So if you think about an airplane today, we dont throw a pilot into some new airplanes, we do all of the airplane designs on the computer, we find out what fails, what works. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) en LinkedIn: Schisandra and Lung Dr.SHIVA LIVE: THIS Is the Solution to the Global Attack on Freedom https://lnkd.in/dDBrhkWx In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of So I appreciate all your guys support and the contributions people make. We have many different Certification Programs in there. And even after I finished my PhD, in 2007, I spent five years publishing a lot of scientific papers in the leading journals, because you always have naysayers. For almost five years now, weve been among those explaining why Shiva Ayyadurais claim that he invented email is complete bullshit. You know how I get involved in understanding things as a system you see Ginger is itself a system. CytoSolve is really a technology for understanding the scientific source of Truth. Like The Tactics I will come back to that. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai - Truth. Freedom. Health. Explaining the - YouTube So, and furthermore, if you look at the pharmaceutical industry, this is why they need to move into the market of vaccines because youre over a year and a year theyre doing R & D funding in this pharmaceutical model, and Big Pharma is frankly failing big time.