p = scriptStart+nlinf + funcInf+ document.editor.temp.value+nl+nl+ function convertToASPa() if(document.editor.demo.value=="on") {executeDemo()} function fontFamily(val){ } else { My sample html file is as shown below:- In the Enter file name here text box, enter a name for the document. Check out this article for details on the implementation. msg = 'Script tags should be placed around the code. You will need to have MS Word installed to do this, I believe. } It produces a much cleaner html code than the Microsoft Word software normally produces. document.editor.btOpt.disabled=false; } if(document.editor.sel.value=="csharp"){which_CSharp()} else var now = new Date(); re5 = new RegExp("(<[^>]+>)+ ()+"); Convert scanned jpg to word online free - Math Index 10 Answers. ''+nl+ var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value fontContainer = ''+nl+ secondLastC = bulkval.split(nl+nl) Take the hard work out of coding HTML to Javascript. o = bulkval.split(nl) cv1 = secondLastC.join('') setTimeout("query2()",150) } setTimeout("convertToJSWa()",10); { Convert HTML to DOC on Windows. 'JS/PHP Variable Name'+nl+ Most web editors have the ability to convert Word documents to HTML. Word to HTML supports Word files (.DOCX and .DOC), PDF files, RTF (rich text format), Open Doc files (from Libre or Open . Create Converter object to convert DOC document. function convertToRubya() function convertToCSharpd() Especially the javascript version. if(document.editor.temp.value.indexOf(nl+nl,0)>=0) {convertToPHPc();} else var bulk = document.editor.temp1.value document.editor.temp1.value = document.editor.code.value document.editor.code.value = content } i.title="Demo" '

License: Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)
\n<\/p><\/div>"}. Go to the File tab and choose Save As or Save a Copy to save the document. m = bulk.split('"') document.editor.temp.value = 'Response.Write ("'+document.editor.temp.value+'\\n");' For example, Dreamweaver converts DOC files to HTML in a few steps. 'the script tags don\'t need to be included.' function convertToRebolc() function do_Convert(){ To convert to HTML you only need to upload your file and we convert it to HTML instantly. var sText = document.getSelection(); Mammoth tries to produce clean HTML by looking at semantic information -- for instance, mapping paragraph styles in Word (such as Heading 1) to appropriate tags and style in HTML/CSS (such as

). { //document.editor.btOpt.click(); txt2html.style.visibility = "visible"; Word is a convenient way to convert pages when you need them up on a website quickly, but it's not the best long-term solution for online publishing. } '    '+ Convert Word documents to Markdown, HTML or any other format How to Convert to WORD? ConvertHTML HTML Word DOCX C#. '