You will find the skudder location on the peninsula map. It contains an elixir. Now make Rhen wear her ball gown from the inventory. Hello traveler! In order to get the good deed done you need bee wax and mirror. Explore the world map to find the Veniara Island (show map world). He is also one of the boss, though not among the Daevas who captured any druid. Really worth having! You are transported to another room. Come back to the bridge which I forbade you from crossing and go north. Our Aveyond Walkthrough helps you though this medieval world of monsters and mystery. Go back to your Rhens house in dads room, talk to dad and watch the conversation. Follow the arrow direction. If you select no way then you have to talk to him again and select of course. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up upgrade your weapons and armors from the weapons shop. Exit the pillar and enter the next pillar named as Rootwell. Our walkthrough will give you the tips and tricks needed to defeat the evil Ahriman in no time. Follow the events carefully. Now head towards the middle passage. On the extreme left side of the mule express, you will find a chest containing 2 emerald and 2 sapphire. You will land up in no. Buy the antidote for 30 gold pennies and return to the boar. Walk to your south and youll reach another cave after sometime. Ask the boatman to take you back to the eastern isle. Dig the spot to find a star orb for Lars. Follow the previous guide to the Ogres Lair when we were hunting for the first boss. The art dealer Frederick will give you a quest (side quest no.28). Enter the third hut and talk to the man behind the bars. You are presented another puzzle-the color puzzle. Go to snow queen castle, which you had seen before while on your way to Aveyond in the northern isle. Carry on till you come across a mushroom creature sitting there. First grab the two chests on the east to find 900 gold pennies and the belt of hippolyte. He will give you a quest in return to reveal whom they are working for. The game's main antagonist, he plots from his realm attempting to destroy Rhen and Aveyond to take control of the world. Keep it for the later times. Return to Veldarah and then to the cursed city of Ejindro. The runes help you to travel from one area to the other without the need for any vehicle, anytime, from anywhere. While exploring the caves you will also come across the dead city of Ejindro. Return to the bifurcation and take the other path through the unlocked gate. 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful. Solve dozens of adventure puzzles and explore an enchanting world. So lets get the ticket first. You can also come back later to learn them instead of learning them now. You will find Talia waiting for you. 2/24/2008. After that click on the lamp beside the queen, the genie will transfer to the fancy lamp. There are also some villagers who will either give you important information or are the key to some future quests. I will give screen shots of the rooms so that you can find the way which leads to the boss. Go all the way north from Rhens dads house and locate the herbalist in the last house of the topmost part of the village. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up. What Ill do is put up the screenshots of where you should go and from which place. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest Download & Review - softpedia There is a blue chest in inner room of the palace; the chest is locked, so you can come back later when you know how to open them. Emeralds can only be sold. Press the first switch and continue till you see another moving ball. Simply hold down the Ctrl and "F" keys together, and enter. Enter the cave entrance. Talk to everyone in the village. Now we need to return to wildwoods to rescue the first druid. Now we will advance for our next quest. In Ghedahre enter the house just beside the church. Now the monsters here are extremely tough, so I recommend avoiding them or using the beast repellent. Also make sure that you save your game often so that you dont lose your progress due to a power cut or by accidental game shutdown. Then go to the sandstone cave and refer the directions given before (refer sandstone cave guide) to find two blue chests. We will get back to her later. Pick it up and return to Rootwell. Now its time to explore new horizons. First we need to go to the Dream castle. I'd love to see someone post a walkthrough or faq or something for this game since it's a good game in my book.. 3ds friend code -- magicbay02 - 2380-3309-0613. You are given the task to find the druids and save the world from Ahriman, this is your main quest. Pick up the 85 pennies from the chest on your way. Go east where a solitary earth elemental is roaming around and then south. You can also check the necromancer spell book to make Lars learn new spell (if he has registered for it). Walk to the signpost of the eastern isle and go south from there. She will be relieved. Return by one screen and open the chest to find 150 gold pennies. The location of this goodie is shown in the screenshot below. The nurse will give you a quest to kill the rats. Then enter the door beside it. Or else you can give the statue to the militant squirrels in the highlands. You can talk to the red haired man Lorad. The chest in this area contains 650 gold pennies, the blue chest has 580 gold pennies, and there are three dirt piles in the peninsula which yield cheese, beast repellant and cheese. Now there is a special trick if you dont want to fight the difficult monsters in this dungeon and also have sufficient levels to face the final boss. Kill the spiders and collect items/gold from the corpse. From there, walk south. Since you already have collected the book pages from all over the world, therefore you can give them to him. Pass through the door. You can buy pets for your manor at Sedona. Then talk to Rhens mom in the previous room. Before leaving to the following area, see the locations of the chests and collect the items from them; you will get- enchanted helmet, bone shield, crusher (best bow for Teijal), gargoyle whip (best whip for Elini), cloak of death and mithra shield (best shield). Enter the cave to your north. They contain 1 covey balm and 850 gold pennies. Before that you can heal your party inside room 10 for free by talking to the fairy (the fairy at room 9 damages instead of healing). Enter the door beside her and then again through the door thats in front. We need to go to Wildwoods to get the good deed done. Elephant garlic can be found from a grave in Halloween hills (you must already have that in your inventory if youve followed the walkthrough). Enter the left one first. Cross it and head to the eastern direction, through the path between forested trees till you reach another ladder. If you want to chat informally with other gamers who are playing Aveyond & other games like Aveyond, head on over and join us! Return to Velgerd. When you reach a house with a save point, then it means you have arrived at Oldwoods. You may heal Rhen by making her sleep on the small rug in her room. Reach out for the glow berries and pluck them. Fight when you are asked to. Aveyond 1 - Rhen's Quest WalkTrough PDF | PDF | Nature - Scribd Take Vatas soul and go to Memory Caverns. You will find the bean seed has grown into a tree. At least he still has Fang, his loyal storm wolf. Take the bird seed on the upper right side of the cave and exit. Fight Dorvan and retrieve the glass eye. Enter the ballroom and talk to Pemberlin. Collect you reward-either Mithril Rapier for pirate john/teijal or Red demon spell for Elini. Then cross the long bridge and go up the ladder you first come across. 14), Griselda Bring to boat man as wife (side quest no. You can also buy some salmons from the fish seller. Elinis succubus works wonders. The ice spell scrolls works wonders against him. Talk to them and they will join your party as friends. Carry on and exit the cavern. Dont forget to buy the ball gown from the seamstress. It contains a chest with 250 gold pennies. A bit further down you will find a cave. Now we need to complete a quest which should have been done long ago. If you are exploring the forest then you will find chests scattered all over. Now go to the peninsula. Exit through the passage and you will be out in the open. Return to Clearwater and give that to his mom. Miserably. Another good walkthrough. Rhen will not prefer taking him now, we will come back here later. Talk to the chef of the ball room and he will also give you a quest (side quest no.29). enter the orchard. Make Lars wear the cloak of undying loyalty and then fight it. Enter Rhens house and talk to her father, observe what he says carefully. Talk to the green haired guy. Walk to your left and climb down the stairs and cross the bridge again and enter the cave. The in-game event will be triggered automatically and a secret passage is revealed. Become a hermit- Rhen will spend the rest of your life in wildwoods and nobody will ever hear of you again. Explore the area and grab the chests before entering the cave where Aesma resides. The creatures will remain with you as long as Lars has the cloak equipped. 30) Who tried to assassinate the king-talk to the main thieve in blue robe in the thiefs cave. Refer the map, first we will climb up the ladder near the central oasis to dig the dirt pile (referred as D in the map). Walk to your east till you see another ladder. After walking a bit, look to your left to find a chest containing 1 covey balm. After you reach Dirkon, open the chest (see peninsula map) to get steel boots. Go down a bit and you will see another cave, enter it and you will see that it was the same cave from where you exited via the hole. when you've finished the quest the bottle will be in the shop. Select it from the inventory and you will find the speed of your party leader has increased. Stop an evil queen from turning the world into ice, capture a dragon and ride the winds to ancient lands, unite the kingdoms and discover your destiny. Collect the haunch from the chest. Exit Ghalarah and take the dirt path. Return to Gretchen, she will reward you a shovel. Aveyond 3-1: Lord of Twilight; Aveyond 3-2: Gates of Night; Aveyond 3-3: The Lost Orb; Aveyond 3-4: The Darkthrop Prophecy; Aveyond 4: Shadow of the Mist; Characters. 2 leads to an area containing a red chest (Dark sword), walk along the arrow direction to reach the next room. He failed. Come back to the bridge, cross it and walk up northward and exit via the cave passage. See what he has to say. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. Press it and the barricade blocking another switch will unlock. Ace_Anderson (Topic Creator) 13 years ago #2. Now back to business. Get down the ladder, cross the bridge, then down another ladder, follow the dirt path and then down the next set of stairs; you will see a cave beside an apple cart. Meet Zarich, our next boss. It has two flame spells. He inflicts weevils. The map shows where are the chests and our point of interests: Explore the area on your own, the enemies and strong and they cast sleep or silence spell, so equip the star amulets. Start walking to your right from there, then up till you find another door. Getting back to business, play the piano in the church and then enter the gate that opens up. Open the chest there to find the goody you have installed (I used god goodie). 2. Grazila Bring sludgemaster 2000 (side quest no. Enter the unlocked door passage. A vampress in another house will give you a quest to find a ghost to haunt in her house (side quest no.37). Talk to the one on the left, she will trigger a quest (side quest no.42). You will land up in point 2 in the next map. : You will be given a choice- you can join Dameon or fight Ahriman, the consequences need not be discussed as it is crystal clear what do they mean. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest Q&A for PC - GameFAQs This place is bustling with activity and has lots of quests. From the gates of the school go down to the sandstone cave (marked with a red box in lowlands map). Talk to the ghost boy wandering around, he has nowhere to go. The northern area yields a chest containing cutlass. From there walk up to the spot marked as L in the map. Buy the book page and the empty bottle from the shop. You can come back here whenever you are running short of gold pennies. Walk up to the chest on the upper right of point 8 in that map. Each cubicle has a note on the wall. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up. Here go directly to your east and enter the cave first. The location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. Since youve discovered the magic kettle from the Blasted Lands, now you can return to Veldt and give it to the alchemist. (NOTE: whenever you reach a new place, dont forget to buy new weapons and armors). Buy as many healing and regenerative items as possible, heal up and save before you go to the Stronghold temple (inside demon caves of southern isle desert). From the entrance head east till you reach a double waterfall. 20), Gretchen 1) Make her ugly again (side quest no. Use the magic clock, heal up again and the talk to Aesma- the next boss. Go to the place where you had parked your boat. 2. Exit the cave to the other side and walk around the narrow river bank, cross the bridge, head to you left direction and then up the ladder. You will find a man in a boat. Exit and go to one of the other veniara islands. He will join your party. The druids are: Find Lars in his room in the sorcery dormitory (the 3rd room on your right in the top row of rooms). Now before we set forth for our final showdown lets get some errands done. Follow the route to the next tower. Get back one screen and trace back your way to the bifurcation. If you like games like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Dragon Warrior, you are going to love Aveyond. One has elixir and the other yields mandrake. Released: 04-Jul-2008, file size-147 kb. Now you got an important instrument-use this shovel to dig up graves as well as dirt piles which look like the one marked in white, to find items. I will not mention places which are easy to locate (e.g the palace, any person in the village, etc.). Make sure that you use the necromancer spell book from time to time to make Lars learn new spells after he levels up. It contains haunch. In that case what is advised that dont place the pomegranate seed on the altar and then board the boat. use as Battering Ram get 3 fire stick. Sword of Silence - In the Icy Caves, Northern Isle. Take it and go to the thieves hideout. Walk up to the temple and touch Daenas soul to his statue. Elinis indra, Rhens Nightmare Flight spell and Lars decompose works wonders. The guard will allow you pass when you show the token given by Lorad. a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:section_title;s:12:Aveyond Tips;s:12:section_body;s:111293:. The note gives the hint as to which color cube will fit in here. There is nothing else in this area. Our Aveyond 2 Walkthrough contains everything you need in order to play this unforgettable adventure game. View source History Talk (0) This category is intended to broadly cover pages containing instructions for progressing the game. Aveyond 1, Rhen's Quest Build B Walkthrough | PDF - Scribd You can apply this skill during fights and see which creatures can be enslaved with the cloak of undying loyalty. Enter that cave. Fight the toad and get her back to the fairy prince in memory caverns. Release date: 24-Jan-2008, File Size:147kb. We havent explored the area yet, so lets do it now. Return by one screen and walk northwards and exit via another passage (no.7 in the map). You will find a horse carriage parked there. Exit from there and re-enter Blackroot System. The chests here yield elixir, covey balm, 1 power acorn, 990 gold pennies and zurvan armor. You will find Rhens level increased by 5 from her previous level. Exit the ball room and enter your manor. Follow the dotted line onto the next region. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest Message Board for PC - GameFAQs - GameSpot Walk to the mauve colored tent, you will find the last pet shop there. Take him to Aveyond and choose your reward-6 diamonds or dizzy doll. Exit via the other end. Important Note FIND DREAMER'S TEAR TO MAKE RAINBOW BRIDGE Lets get Tidbits quest done quickly. It works fine that way). Enter the cat-Tidbits mushroom house and he will give you a quest (side quest no.10). There is nothing more in this area. Carry one and exit to the next map. Follow the dirt path till you reach a ladder; climb up and keep following the dirt path till you reach another ladder. The pick lock for the blue chest can be found much later in the game. The dizzy doll will inflict madness on a single enemy. There are 4600 gold pennies, a book page, 6000 gold pennies, beast repellant, blessed shield, salmon and an elixir in this area and some locked in chests. Then you can go back to New Witchwood and escort her child with you. Finally you will end up in point 6 of the map. The cloak of invisibility is what the name suggests, makes you invisible to the ordinary enemy. Open the chest to your left to get a covey balm. if you have both the bird seed and the bird cage (bought from Veldarah junk shop), then try to trap the nightingale. Things could be worse. Exit the tavern and follow the southern route. We are done for now. She will ask you to bring an elixir. After her expression of kindness, make Rhen sleep in her rug. Now since you already know what she wants to know, your quest is solved. You will find yourself outside again. Go to Thais and give hector the glow berry. Ean's best friend Iya suddenly disappears, and his . Go to Lands End and then inside Mt Orion. This time take the right passage. Make your way to the blue circle marked on the map. Exit the cavern and open the chest to find bronze sword. He will also give you something. Walk two paces down from the bone file; Press enter or action button, you will discover the treasure shown in the treasure map retrieved from the library. Enter the holes which will take you to outside Blackbone Cave. The house beside the weapons house has a second floor to it. He will show you the way to sleeping dust. This goodie is included in the later part of the game and need not be downloaded. This way you can explore all the probable possibilities in the game as rpg games offer a lot of diversions and endings. Enter it to retrieve the sword of silence from the chest. Rhens siren call is effective. walkthrough are from the official Aveyond website and credits go to Amanda (Amaranth) who captured the maps and tiniponi* (Aveyond Admin) who added landmarks to the maps. And voila you will see no monsters in the stronghold temple! Watch the cutscene. Climb down two ladders till you reach a small chamber. From the entrance, exit through the door on northwest. Go to the sign post past the tavern and this time take the north-western path till you reach a barricaded gate. If you find them too difficult, use the beast repellant to ward them off for some time. LP Aveyond Rhen's Quest. You can also buy pets and keep them in your manor (there are three pet shops in total, one in Halloween Hills, another in sedona and the last one will be talked about later). But be careful that you have runes to get back to the area where you have parked your vehicle or else you may not be able to leave a particular part of an isle. We need to fetch the cloak of undying loyalty if youve chosen the climbing guide when you rescued the last druid. Use it on the boar and see what happens. Ace_Anderson 13 years ago #1. Buy it and refer the Aveyond map to locate Lambchops treasure marked as L in the screenshot below: Take your path to cave 1 from the teacup town, enter it and take the exit to the right side; you will end up in front of cave3 of the map. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. Get out from there and enter another door beside it. The chest has power acorn. She will give you a love potion. Simply hold down the Ctrl and F keys together, and enter the word or phrase youre looking for into the text box. Either you can give the statue to the elves in Oldwood which would help you complete three quests (return of the king, uncursing the city of Ejindro and bringing a ghost to haunt the vampress house at ghedahre). Buy some spell scrolls, but buy only one tornado spell as one of your party member will need to learn it. Sword of Might - Southern isle, Demon caves, in a chest Sword of Dreams - The dreamworld, head west after entering, its in a chest in a cave. She will ask you to entertain her. 1.Open Aveyond. FINDING THE TRUFFLE FOR THE CHEF Thieves hideout: PROVE TO THE MOUNTAIN KING THAT FAIRIES EXIST, FIND WHAT HAPPENED TO LEVUS/FIND AN ANTIDOTE FOR LEVUS, FIND DREAMERS TEAR TO MAKE RAINBOW BRIDGE, Published on 24, March 2009 | 14 years ago, Aveyond: The Darkthrop Prophecy Walkthrough, Aveyond: Lord of Twilight Tips Walkthrough. Talk to Harald again for some important information. Follow it till you reach two sets of stairs, climb them and keep following the footsteps till you see a mule express. 17). Go to the palace, heal up and save, then talk to the queen and ask for her lamp. You will land up at point 7 of map Y. Talk to him and save him. File Size: 45.6 KB, Released: 24-Jan-2008. However I shall mention what you would get from all the chests in total from both the wilderness and the caves (this way you will enjoy the game and its dungeons without rigidly following the walkthrough)- 1 haunch, 20 gold pennies, 40 gold pennies, 10 wild berries, 1 apple, 25 gold pennies, 1 covey balm, 60 gold pennies, 1 quail egg and a black oak staff. Now exit via point 9 in the map Y. Buy lots of healing items and upgrade your weapons. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. Talk to Oracle, she will give you four options, which would decide how will you make Rhen lead her life to the end. Quest complete. Press that switch and reach here: Observe the movements of the appearing and disappearing holes carefully, their positions are fixed so make your way through to reach the switch. Defeat it and get the voice box. Talk to her and take her in your friend party, and set off for the wilderness. It would have yielded something else if you didnt dig up the rune in the wilderness of Eastern Empire. 1. Take the right path. Take it and go to the ice caverns. Go north first and get the chain mail from the chest. After walking for a sometime you will come across an elevated platform with a chest. The chest beside the sun shrine yields a traveling rune to the Aveyond. Take it and return to the art Dealer in Sedona. Gold-use it for 100,000 gold. PDF AVEYOND 2: EAN'S QUEST - Internode Press the action button or enter and see what happens. From now on you can heal Rhen and her party for free here till you graduate. Fight the banshee queen and after that you will see that she dropped something. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest. Forced into retirement early, Boyle now spends his days arguing with haunted trees and scaring off the occasional knight. Refer the map to go through the dungeon onto the exit through point 1 in the map below: The enemies have around 15000 hp and cast massive blows which can kill your party members. Elini's indra, Rhen's Nightmare Flight spell and Lars' decompose works wonders. The Annihilator guild is located here, if youve not already joined any other guild then you can join here. Before leaving Sedona, visit the item shop. Explore the place and talk to everyone. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. The enemies re-spawn here except for the main enemies (to be referred as boss from now onwards), so you can fight them over and over again just by exiting and re-entering the screen and level up your characters. It consists of several small homes and one longer structure which are all made of the same light tan stone with red roofs. If no one has an answer while you're on, head over to Reddit to ask. Return to the nurse. You will see the world map: Rhen wakes up in a slaves dress in a small room. He could have been born a hero. After getting a covey balm from it go down the ladder, collect the sword of light and cross the bridge on your left. Party Members; NPCs; Talia Maurva; Rhen Pendragon; Ean Okho; Mel Darkthrop; Boyle Wolfbane; Buy some traveling runes to veldt. He is a mini boss, though not related to the main quest. Back in Veldt, give the librarian the Belt of Hippolyte and she will reward you with demon orb, equip it on Lars. The chest in the cave has elixir. Cross the bridge to enter Mystery manor. Exit through the door shown in the screenshot: Heal up and save before talking to the old man. Go to Wildwoods, take Elini in your party and come back to the necromancer in Veldarah. Keep walking from the signpost near the mule express in the snow forest towards the eastern direction till you reach the exit to the world map. Dont fight it; you are not strong enough yet. Follow the passage, its linear. Walk up to the nearest bifurcation where you can see a grave and take that path. Get back one screen and exit that cave. Enter the mauve colored tent to upgrade your weapons. Then again exit the cave through the other end. Explore and talk to your party members and open the chest to get the speed crystal goodie. Now there are two uses of this statue. Category:Maps | Aveyond Wiki | Fandom There you will find a chest containing bronze rod. The switch near the door will reset the puzzle if you mess up. Get back to the first small bridge and cross it. Aveyond is packed with more than 60 quests, hundreds of places to explore, and over 30 hours of game play. Remember it as you need to come back here later. If you have an elixir in your inventory then just exit the house and enter again. Enter the hole by crossing the small bridge inside the cave, you will transported to the base of another cave. Climb up the rope (if you had fetched the climbing guide) and open the chest to get the Charmed orb for Lars.