Margaret's app.) gunnell-john-1818.txt Adam - Capt. McClean, David Steel's Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core 2023 - All rights reserved. Second Battle Of Fort Wagner Essay | Mills serving in the Revolutionary War from DAR records, contributed by Donna Murray Allen Russell - Capt. His views were . Benjamin Taylor (likely the "Ensign Taylor" referenced in Peter's pension application) was listed as "Died" at Reading, January 4, 1777. Thomas Campbell's Co., PA Cont. Lot: 605 - Virginia Militia 1st Regiment Civil War Shako Cap 1854 stamped inside. David (widow's app.) Mathias Brobst's Co., etc. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. John - WESTMORELAND (also ALLEGHENY) COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Deasy's Co., (VA), Romans descended from an American Revolutionary War soldier, and is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. Total Publications 30 Total Records 33,876,973 To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. War of 1812 Index of Soldiers {#2.61}Anundated list of soldiers who served during the War of 1812, arranged by soldiers' names. Weisel, Jacob - Capt. The regiment was raised 23 August 1776 at Sunbury, Pennsylvania as a state militia regiment and later renamed the 12th Pennsylvania. Fayette Northampton County - 1st Battalion, Muster Roll Of 6th Class, contributed by Joy Fisher An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Gregory, Classes by Judie Ann Millard McCullough, John - Capt. Schreiner/Shriner, Sergt. by Jeff Rinscheid The South was planning on moving the war onto Northern soil if they won the battle but the result of the battle was that the South lost. 12th Pennsylvania Regiment - Wikiwand contributed by Don Marsh The most romantic and chivalrous side of both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 had their happenings with horsemen, and the most of those were either on the Southern soil or came from the states which sympathized with the South. Numerous individuals listed in the index were granted pensions for War of 1812 service. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. In January 1777 the 12th was commanded by Colonel . McKinley, David - Capt. Quiggles' Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette of Revolutionary Pensioners Baker, John - Capt. While we do not know for sure the precise battle or battles in which Peter was injured, the records of the, The payroll records for the month of January 1777, compiled at some point in February 1777, include a column for "Casualties." Koppenhofer, Michael - Capt. Hessian mercenaries employed by the British Army. 1st Pennsylvania. John Minors Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core contributed by Nancy Poquette Virginia Revolutionary War Records Roll of troops who joined at Chesterfield Courthouse since 1780 (Acc. ), McGerry/McGeary, Revolutionary Ross' Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Lou Wardlaw Marsh Brig. See, Linda Davis Reno, Of further note, family lore, passed down through the generations, reports that Peter Cline was wounded twice during the Revolution. The regiment was engaged at the Battles of Bound Brook, Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown in 1777. Gohn, Philip, Capt. These Pennsylvania Deutsch Sons of Liberty in Boston, and tensions there ultimately are especially valuable during the Revolutionary War, led to "the shot heard 'round the world" at the Battles of as many ethnic Germans are recruited to counter the Lexington and Concord. One soldier, Sgt. Staley, Peter - Capt. The Pennsylvania Militia was organized under an act of March 7, 1777, which provided for compulsory enrollment by the constables of all able-bodied male whites between the ages of eighteen and fifty-three. As noted by Devine, in the minds of many generals, the Flying Camp was "clearly distinguishable" from the militia, but "in the minds of other officers of regular continental and state battalions of whom the dintinction was not of practical consequence, the Flying Camp was mere militia." Wright, Aaron(widow's app.) Revolutionary War Overview - Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission Darby's Co., DE, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Judy See, Francis E. Devine, Peter's enlistment, which likely ended December 1, 1776, coincides exactly with his enlistment with the 12th Pennsylvania Continentals on November 30, 1776, as identified in the records of the, PETER CLINE'S SERVICE IN THE 12TH PENNSYLVANIA CONTINENTALS. Mitchell & Young's Co's., DE, contributed by Dean John Linton's Co., PA, contributed by Steve at 66. Forbes, Michael - Capt. Margaret's app. While Miller's history is unknown, Michael Waltz is known to have been from Berks County and was also married in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Reading, PA, so it is very likely that Peter and Michael knew each other, and that both likely also knew Henry Miller. On 17 June 1777, Walter Stewart became the unit's commander and led it at the Battle of Brandywine where it fought with George Weedon's 2nd Virginia Brigade. ArchivesNational at 66. Revolutionary War Pension Indexes, PA - Capt. Please enable scripts and reload this page. He would have been 18 in 1774 so this makes sense. Heckendorn/Hackedorn, David - Capt. Peter Cline Revolutionary War Soldier 12th Pennsylvania Regiment, U.S.A. Much of the information below was taken from the book, The Clines and Allied Families of the Tug River Region of Kentucky and West Virginia, 1998 Gateway Press by Cecil Cline and Harry Dale Cline. Camps State War Records AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA War Pension Lists. Virginians played a pivotal role in the struggle for American independence, 1775-1783. Search EngineUSGenWeb Carolyn K. The 12th Pennsylvania Regiment also known as Northampton and Northumberland Defense Battalion was an American infantry unit that fought during the American Revolutionary War as part of the Continental Army. The battle of Long Island thus began with an attack on a unit of the Pennsylvania Flying Camp." Gee, John Anderson'sCo., etc., WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed Paul Shipman's Co., NJ Militia, NORTHUMBERLAND Revolutionary War Service [Updated Below, 3/13/2021], Peter Cline filed his Revolutionary War pension application in 1832 in Montgomery County, Virginia. According to Peter Cline's pension application, he was a current Pike County, Kentucky resident but had previously resided in Berks County, Pennsylvania during the Revolution. He enlisted with Captain Henry Miller and served in the 12th Pennsylvania Regiment which was formed in September, 1776. Peter further statedthathe was engaged in the following battles against the British: the Battles of Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, and Germantown. He was probably engaged at Princeton as well. He then marched from the Wide Marsh (White Marsh)in Pennsylvania to Germantown, Pennsylvania, then to the mouth of the Schuylkill, then up the same to Valley Forge.. "'-'^f kTili'T'''" jiiMEiifirsT "nv>Y^?r^n mtr^ ^T. Ziegler's Co., PA, LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed Vanderbelt, Barnitz, Jacob (widow's pension) - Captain Stokes Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Robert - Philadelphia Militia, Rifle Battalion, PHILADELPHIA John - GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core David (and widow's app.) In Pennsylvania, these units were known as "Associators." Home Battles 1775 to 1783 Campaigns Continental Army Continental Navy British Army Flags of the Revolution War Facts War Leaders Patriot Leaders British Leaders In an inteview with Harry Dale's great grandfather, Mose Christian Cline, Marlin wrote: 'Mose Christian told me that his grandfather, also named Mose Christian [born 1818], who was Peter's grandson, had told him that his grandfather had been wounded twice in the battles with the British; a saber wound to the shoulder and a bayonet wound to the hip." Anderson, Samuel - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette 145-146 of 692; see also pgs. Coincidentally, a Peter Klein and a Henry Miller also served in this unit, but in a different company than Michael Waltz. - Capt. James Hook's Co., FAYETTE COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Type above and press Enter to search. Patterson, James - Capt. John - Midshipman aboard Randolph Frigate, contributed by Lowell Thomas LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by John This information is reprinted below with Cecil Cline's permission. January 25, 1781-Dated Revolutionary War Period, Maunscript Document Pay Order, For Six Months Service, Made to Luther Gates, who enlisted in 1777 for Six Months Service as a Drummer Boy of the 4th Conn. Regiment of the Continental Line, who notably Wintered with General George Washington at Valley Forge Camp, from Preston, Connecticut, Fine. Calhoun, Andrew (widow's pension) - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette COUNTY, contributed by Arlene Olsen & Lynne Canterbury Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. David Green [Grier's] Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Before a month had passed, the regiment was being referred to as the 13th Pennsylvania Regiment.[3]. John Santee's Co., ARMSTRONG COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty 12th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Civil War Volunteers William - Capt. Aggarwal, USGenWeb List of battleships of the United States Navy, List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces, This article does not contain any citations or references. Six/Sycks/Sykes, Henry - Capt. Chester County, Lower Oxford CompanyRoster, contributed by Kathryn Payne 6 MEETING IN TRENTON. He enlisted on the same day with Privates Michael Waltz (Woltz) and Henry Miller. 12th PA Regiment Companies. [Finding Aid][Digital Images], War of 1812 Militia Accounts: Final Settlement with the United States, 1812-1827 {#2.63}General accounts and orders, receipts, pay vouchers, muster rolls, and payrolls for Pennsylvania militia on active duty during the War of 1812. 12th Pennsylvania Regiment - Wikipedia McGaw, John - Pennsylvania Line, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Rebecca Cardine (Note: title mislabeled in file) Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission. Workman, Hugh - Capt. Adams, William - Capt. Lewis' Co., PA, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed Talbotts Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Some years ago, I corresponded with a Cline cousin, a retired officer in the Army, regarding Peter's Revolutionary War record. Benjamin Whaley's Co., contributed this project. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Continental Line. by Diane Delbridge Continue with Recommended Cookies. Name already in use - Wm. - Capt. Joseph - Capt. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. or Doherty, John. Stephen - BRADFORD COUNTY, contributed by Mary Most of the regiment was captured at Charlestown, South Carolina on May 12, 1780 by the British and the regiment was formally disbanded on November 15, 1783." (From Alexander - Capt. wikipedia.en/ at main chinapedia/wikipedia.en Id., at pg. Id. Pennsylvania Gazette, 1757 to 1759. Samuel (and widow's app.) The regiment was raised 23 August 1776 at Sunbury, Pennsylvania as a state militia regiment and later renamed the 12th Pennsylvania. While Miller's history is unknown, Michael Waltz is known to have been from Berks County and was also married in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Reading, PA, so it is very likely that Peter and Michael knew each other, and that both likely also knew Henry Miller. William - Capt. Marsh John - Capt. An index of final settlements accompanies the file. Asa Barns Co., PA, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, Mason Columbia Id. John Deal's Co., Columbia-Berks-Philadelphia County, contributed Sifert (or Cypher), Daniel - Col. Proctor's Artillery, PA Line, BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette An index of final settlements accompanies the file. ), and our email exchanges have been lost, but he was the first to suggest Peter's possible enlistment in the Flying Camp to me. - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Meehan UPDATE (March 13, 2021): Additional research has shed some new light on Peter Cline's service during the Revolutionary War. Additional notes regarding the end ofPeter Cline's Revolutionary War Service were provided by Jerry Cline. Peter - Served NJ, LYCOMING COUNTY, contributed by Beryl Fulton, Samuel (widow's pension) - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette County Pensioners I & II, This record includes several soldiers listed as furloughed, including Peter Klein, as well as Privates Michael Waltz, Henry Miller and John Neal. Wakelee, O'Kern Ament, Anthony - Captain Clotz's Co., LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Captain John Nelson's Independent Rifle Company, Captain Joshua William's Independent Company, Captain Samual Morehead's Independent Company, Captain Jacob Weaver's Independent Company, Captain John Doyle's Independent Rifle Company, Search Pensylvania Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 fromThe National Archives, Search Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served from Pensylvania in the American Army During the Revolution from The National Archives. William Ross' Co., etc., YORK-WASHINGTON-GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Historical Flags of Our Ancestors - American Revolutionary War Unit Flags Indiana County, DAR Patriot Index, contributed by Karen Moorhead The rest fell back towards the main force in the area. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. John - Capt. Potts, George - Capt. On July 30, 1755, the cabin of William Ingles at Draper's Meadows was attacked and burned, and Colonel James Patton who was visiting there was killed. A history of Savannah and South Georgia : volume II Please improve this article by adding a reference. John Brady's Co., 12th Regt., PA, MIFFLIN COUNTY, Staley, Jacob - (widow app.) War Soldiers Listed on the Ebensburg War Memorial - Cambria County, contributed by Diann Organized between October 25- November 26, 1775 at Philadelphia to consist of 8 companies from Philadelphia, Philadelphia City, Northampton, Berks and Bucks Counties. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Kooken's Co. 1781, contributed by Joy Fisher First, we know that Peter was in the 12th Pennsylvania Continentals. 53 talking about this. PHMC Collections Management Policy Standards, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access Policy. 12th Pennsylvania Regiment Wiki - Weise, George - Capt. 40). - Capt. by Joy Fisher 0 HEAD 1 SOUR PAF 2 NAME Personal Ancestral File 2 VERS 2 CORP The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3 ADDR 50 East North Temple Street 4 CONT Salt Lake City, U Burdge McComa's Co., MD Militia, FAYETTE COUNTY, contributed 8th Pennsylvania Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom Cornelius - Capt David Berry's Co., PA, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, contributed Russell, ccounts and orders, receipts, pay vouchers, muster rolls, and payrolls for Pennsylvania militia on active duty during the War of 1812. Nations & Cannons - Quickstart Guide | PDF | Slavery | Muscogee Fontal's Co., PA, YORK COUNTY, contributed On 1 December [1776], the day most of its enlistments expired, six of its battalions at half to two-thirds strength were at Trenton," but did not include Haller's Battalion, which was weakened to the point that its remnants were under Colonel Hand's 1st PA Continentals. Pennsylvania Revolutionary Soldiers - PA-Roots his, Peter x Cline, Mark. Recall also that the Revolution began in Massachusetts in 1775 with Lexington and Concord and later, the battles around Boston. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought on the days July 1, 1863 to July 3, 186 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. gunnell-john-1821.txt James McCandless' Co., etc. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Adams, David - Capt. Bickel, John - Capt. Download The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I - 11 PDF Harmon - Enlisted Sussex Co., NJ, FRANKLIN COUNTY, contributed by Revolutionary Momie, Jacob - Capt. 12th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (41st Volunteers) County Pensioners 1835, Schuylkill Robert W. Conaughy's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Anderson, Andrew - Capt. On the 3rd day of Setember 1832 personally appeared before the court of the County of Montgomery, Peter Cline, a resident of the County of Pike and the State of Kentucky, aged 76 years, who being first duly sworn according to the law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832, that he enlisted in the Army of the United States in the year 1774 with Captain Henry Miller and served in the 12th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line under the following named officers: Capt.