* Now you can take care of those updates from almost anywhere. Version Flash Part No. REPLACED 251-1531, 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 270-7122 151 APR05 REPLACED 228-8037,231-9247,235-1380, Flash Part No. BRAKESAVER Service Replacement Reason A new Coolant Warning Engine Load Enable Threshold parameter has been added to support this feature. Challenger 35/45/55 FLASH File Cross Reference 205-6937 37 447 @ 1800 RPM 37 410HP@1900RPM *************************************************************************** ECM with any earlier software version. BRAKESAVER 5EK53003, 435 HP 1650 PT 5EK53004 & 129-0261 129-0263 46 AUG95 180-3892 180-3893 1,3 Flash Part No. REPLACED N/A, C18 Ind 522 kW ACERT 329-6720 90 JUN08 understand what software is currently flashed in the controllers. 270 HP 2100 9EW00001 UP 245-7323 41 NOV03 455 HP 1650 PT 5EK05767-53003 185-1205 327 DEC99, 455 HP 1650 PT 5EK53004-67192 185-1209 347 DEC99, 455 HP 1650 PT 5EK67193 & UP 186-9910 357 DEC99 310 HP 2100 2AW1 UP 165-1741 17 SEP98, 250/270 MT 2100 2AW1 UP 222-9279 5 DEC02 7RN463-UP 2FW1-UP 8KN143-UP 205-6929 205-6930 25-37 Replaces 382-6771,417-8566, 3176C R1600 LHD REPLACED 149-5385,150-4718, C15 365C ACERT STD 447-0881 3 AUG13 1. 237 HP 2000 C-16 CLEAN POWER GOV SERIAL NO. 176-6050 176-6051 16,18,21,23 (208.5? Replaced 248-7639,251-7455, FOR USE WITH FORMER STYLE INJECTORS (174-7526) Files 222-3478.exe, 2065418.exe, 2065410.exe and During a discharge and when the UPS does not have a valid input or bypass source, its output Change E-Trim map to 3500B baseline map Replaces 379-5058,420-3495 Flash Part No. Use right or left arrow key change third line to parameter 105 1350/1450/1550 PT, 380 HP 1800/2100 9NS1 UP 191-9930 321 OCT 00 II 2EK1 UP 310 PDCC 12 0R6634-00 1600 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, (Special - POWER LIMITED) II 8TC1413 10980 350 EPA 103 0R6651-00 232 CAB1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 Support for lower case transmission serial numbers 1400 HP @ 2300 RPM 587 HP @ 1500 RPM CAT FLASH FILE 2020 01 - YouTube above is the preferred method. Chip Version Reason After the progress bar changed when the new software is flashed, the low idle switch latest 226-2363 226-2364 46 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, CONTINUOUS/PRIME/PRIME+10/STANDBY, LO BSFC 275-2169,276-2682, C15 ACERT MT845 ACERT 412HP/2100 RPM 301-2209 96 SEP06 Replaced 258-7348,262-4521,265-9559,272-3113, Replaced 225-2371, HEP07580 & UP ACERT 600 HP/1800 RPM ***********************************************************. 1. 800 HP @ 2100 How To Program A Cat ECM. How To Flash A Cat ECM. Cat - YouTube Latest 273-9072 13-27, 3512 EPG 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, CNT/PR/PR+10/SB, LO BSFC Software 177-7690 is only compatible with First Production 320C. 327-4519,333-5944,334-1287,343-5744, FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) 910 KVA Continous @ 1500 Low E 27 REPLACED 215-3242,229-0421, C-12 INDUSTRIAL C,D,& E RATED, ADEM III, TIER II EMISSIONS 248 6LZ1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 UPS View will display the message 547bKW 60HZ 733HP@1800RPM 2. 247-6378 247-6379 1,2 348-4746, 435HP 1550/1750 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM SDP00001-UP 365-1162 42/142 Nov10 1214 @ 1800 RPM 10 Latest 254-5610 Original A3 made from 205-6956 A2 file, ******************************************************************************** RFT injectors Updated 05/24/01, EPG MARINE AUX MARINE PROPULSION mentioned in Jan 28, 1998 TIB. REPLACED 224-6815,250-8494, 3456/EPG Interlock Code: 18 262-8912 NONE NOV04 327-4507,333-5991, 430 HP 1550 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM LEE00001-UP 337-7345 57/157 OCT08 flash method of updating software described in the paragraph 65. 617 HP @ 1800 RPM Caterpillar .FLS to .BIN - ECU Connections 3508 W/EUI MARINE PROPULSION UPRATE ONLY NXS00001-UP 348-4751, 475HP 1650/1750 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM SDP00001-UP 365-1168 48/148 Nov10 417-3523, C6.6 938 AB&T MWL T3 443-8398 123 JUL13 Modified low oil pressure event map to meet 3500B 128-6998 128-6999 465bKW 60HZ 624HP@1800RPM Chip Version Reason Version Version In the configuration screen, it is necessary to set the following perameters to the proper values: 245-1961 latest 229-0266 45, 46 590 HP/1500 RPM 213HP@1850RPM **************************************************************************, 50 HZ, EMISSIONS REPLACED 234-1218, 7KM1-Up Chip Version C7 GOV SERIAL NO. Cat Et. 208-6650 37 401 HP/1800 RPM 180-3894 180-3895 1,3 SEE REHS1385, 773D/3412E (7ER1 UP) 310-1883 114 MAR07 850 HP @ 1800 RPM 149 Oct12 MULTI-TORQUE UP, 410 HP 1450 PT 5EK00001 & 129-0203 129-0205 19 AUG95 an improvement that may augment performance, engine response and fuel economy Loss of coolant flow event logging still requires 266-2751 9 Service Replacement Reason ******************************************************************************** 308-6227,315-5034,325-9414, 425 HP 1900 309-8658 40 FEB07 TOP GEAR ONLY (ROCKWELL), 410 HP FIELD UPRATE ONLY 1LW00001 & UP 192-5318 407 APR00 SPEED RANGE CODE REPLACEMENT CODE DATE field updated with the new software will need to make a wiring Primary Reason Code W/ 325 HP OR 350 HP IRON) 327-4530,333-5955,334-1298,343-5755, 4. 8. 1800 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, LO BSFC ***************************************************************************, C-15 271-2867, 380 HP 1400 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB00508-6811 291-2057 38 MAR06 ********************************************************************************, 1900 RPM, EPA CERT Primary Reason Code MT SUPPORT ALLISON OWS 4700 TRANS It is not necessary to Service Replacement Reason Replacement Flash Part No. From 168-4416 to 180-9126: C7 190HP @ 2500 RPM JUL08 40/140 334-2353 Coolant flow event activation debounce time of 2 sec. 680 KVA @ 1500 RPM 20 180-4616 REPLACED 295-8799, C32 Marine ACERT SEC 311-0217 59 APR07 275 HP 7LG07500-15999 112-2072 OR6857 19 JUL 93 II 2EK1 UP 310 PDCC 12 1019250-00 was due to a loss of communications (cable was pulled loose or battery Chip Version Reason 245-1992 latest 206-2522 206-2523 Added cold cylinder cutout status display to Service Tool. 193-4245 193-4246 203-9249 N/A 22, 25-33 Flash Part No. II.V 8TC10981 Up 400 CARB 105 0R6661-00 Added operating parameter called Stepped Phase Match to allow the unit to either ramp or step the phase in. false logging of high air filter rest events. 500 HP/2100 204-7778,201-4872, 215-3288,229-0429, C15/IND INTERLOCK CODE=146 215-7425 JUN03 Replaced 390-5245,219-1000,260-5880,264-0451 1150/1050 PT, 335 HP 1800/2100 8YS1 UP 191-9921 326 OCT 00 BRAKESAVER latest 209-8284 11-22, ************************************************************************* II 8TC1413-UP 310 MT Top4 CARB 113 1022492-00 This will allow the ECM to monitor differential pressure even if the sensors are installed backward. 6. Default is on. Replaced 314-3436,316-1765,318-7033, For 176-6128 176-6130 176-6129 176-6131 1 be installed to match the new part number injector! Reason Flash Part No. Replaces MXS 290-2173/PM code 28 for use in Heavy Haul applications only, 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM MXS00001-UP 308-1305 52 JAN07 176-6046 176-6047 5,6,8,9 REPLACED 190-7381, 3412E Marine A MID RANGE 218-7487 46 MAR02 Updated July 24,2008 AJK, Heavy-Duty Ratings for October 2002-up Engines 3508B GENSET APPLICATION 1450/1550 PT 1800 385 HP @ 1800RPM 445-8849 36 JUL13 Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason Replaced 256-1389,267-3418,290-0410, C18/IND INTERLOCK CODE=157 365-6497 Nov10 220HP@2000RPM 168-6553 168-6555 168-6554 168-6556 *435 450 1650 2100 Brakesaver avail. 348-4763, 600 HP 1850 LB-FT (RV) 2100 RPM SDP00001-UP 365-1179 59/159 Nov10 205-7013 Replaced 266-6500,282-5095,292-2223 MULTI TORQUE, 335/365 HP 1800 9CK1 UP 188-8084 313 DEC 99 REPLACED 262-1973,293-7536, 3406E Marine A Tier 307-9881 40 JAN07 1600 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, IMO CERT 435 HP 1450 PT 5EK75900 & UP 186-9908 377 DEC99 299-1769, C-18 MACH D9T SS ACERT EU 311-6858 15 MAR07 Default FLS/FTS to not programmed 3. 138-1275 138-1277 138-1276 132-1278 205-6985 205-6986 25-37 143H transmission control AUTOSHIFT 190-8461 130H transmission control basic homologation (1) 190-8462 TOP 2 GEAR MULTITORQUE, 500HP 1750/1850PT 2100 RPM 2WS00001 & UP 215-7851 40 MAR02 If it is less All engines are SCAC (Separate Circuit After Cooled) unless Several problems are fixed with this update. Replaces, C4.4 MACH 420_Tier4i 437-0396 15 MAY13 code activated until parameter is programmed one time. Replaced 248-7635,251-7451, Replaced 300-5340, C18 EP-50HZ Marine Aux 353-7991 73 OCT09 Scroll down to SERVICE OPTIONS Interlock mismatch code occurs and the interlock code *********************************************************** 208-6648 REPLACED 248-8780, 3406E Marine C Tier W/ACERT HEAD 271-8683 73 MAY05 Reset the processor. and the continuous light flashing is a nuisance and may disguise a new w/ Factory installed 241-3239 Injectors SEP06 IC 29 300-0450 155-1731 155-1733 151-1732 151-1734 Sound like you have an issue with the speed sensors (or the wiring harness) on the RH Drive Motor. REPLACED 251-1525, 435HP 1550/1650 LB-FT 1800/2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7381 127 JAN02 245-2007 JWAC HIGH POWER Replaced 360-7469,362-5278,367-3832, The bar will move from Replaces 383-1253,432-5969, C30 Marine High Power 239-5982 149 NOV03 New timing map. logging. Only the annunication of the derate has changed. flash file. 205-6939 37 Primary Reason Code CHART A contains flash files applicable to basic MAC-14 ECMs only. Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 2yg & 7lg Personality Module Cross Reference 750 @ 1470 EPA LoNox Cert. 210 HP @ 2400 1WM/7LZ 1 and up 188-8056 303 JAN00 A March 17, Replacement Flash Part No. latest 249-1801 NA 56, 3508B 1573 RPM Description of Change: Flash software is now available for the drive REPLACED 177-5380,222-9252 SEE REHS1385, 836/3408E 525HP 2100HP 237-0739 - 61 APR03 225 HP 2200 383-8633 21 JUL11 Support for coolant flow switch, From 194-9640 to 196-7335: 316-1784,318-7052,320-0317,326-3629, 235-1386,236-8696, 430 HP 1650 LB-FT 2100 RPM MBL01000-UP 272-6472 232 MAR05 140-2448 140-2449 3508B Industrial Version 1. Replaced 249-2492,255-1270, Chip Version Reason SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE 368kw/1500RPM 459kw/1800RPM REPLACED 194-4987, 3412E Marine C 255-7351 126 APR04 looking for cat c15 flash file - TruckersReport.com 168-8338 168-8340 168-8339 168-8341 264-7701,271-1371,283-1178, Replaced 170-8091, 380 HP 1450 LB-FT 1800 1YN1 UP 190-0234 303 DEC99 Replaced 232-3989 245-1998 147-0763 147-0765 147-0764 147-0766 REPLACED 228-8046,231-9256, HORSEPOWER TORQUE SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE All of the earlier production 435/500 HP 1550/1650 PT OWS 5EK05767 & UP 185-1204 338 DEC99, 435/500 HP OWS 5EK05767 & UP 186-9909 376 DEC99 W/ 350 HP IRON), DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH SERVICE ITRLCK RELEASE 2. 227-9355 3126 Truck 190HP 520 lb-ft, 2300 RPM Date Code SEP02 457kw/1500RPM 3. ************************************************************************ Replaces 441-3720, C7 MACH-573 WFB FP 432-8846 25 APR13 228 1850 3408E/3412E/C18/C27/C32,3500 Machine & Commercial Engine FLASH File Cross Reference, SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS REHS1385 FOR DETAILS ON INJECTOR INFORMATION, ************************************************************************** -, C9 MACH-627H WTSf 370HP@1800RPM C9 MTB 285 HP @ 2100 RPM 890 lb-ft (Bus) JAN05 IC 20 270-9204 147HP@1800RPM 17 conditions on EPA/IMO certified ratings. Initial Production 184-8016: IF THIS CHANGE IS NOT MADE, THE REPLACED 208-5803,215-7415,237-0731, 267 CMP1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 135-6835 135-6837 135-6836 135-6838 Fix known problems Replaced N/A, C15 740 469 HP/1800 RPM 275-0633 6 JUN05 625 HP @ 1400 for use with 172-0802 ECM Version Flash Part No. Changed VIMS map. Many of the personality modules in the affected serial number range can be 185-2955 185-2957 185-2956 185-2958 ******************************************************************* 275 HP @ 2200 6PZ 1 and up 224-4622 119 SEP02 distribution system. 242-5349 53 REPLACED 204-7204, 3456/EPG Interlock Code: 28 262-8909 NONE NOV04 Primary Service Backup Service Reason all future software releases. 972G transmission control 192-9953 326-3656,327-4524,333-5949,334-1292, Correct the program to allow the following condition to work only once if, the bypass range checking was 325 HP 7LG CHALLENGER 3E5491 OR6573 18 OCT 91 REPLACED 221-9293,249-0075, 3412E Industrial 263-4031 134 OCT04 ***************************************************************************, 3406E EPG (GENSET) 60Hz 492KW@1800 134-8462 86 JUL96 4. Reasons for software change: 176-6064 176-6066 176-6065 176-6067 18-21 Added fuel correction factor programmable parameter to Version Flash Part No. Replaced 170-8092, 410 HP 1800 1YN1 UP 190-0232 301 DEC99 230-1574 3126 Truck 210HP 520 lb-ft, 2200 RPM Date Code OCT02 4. Aluminum pistons (was 170-8184), 410 HP 1450/1550 BRAKESAVER 5EK67193 & UP 186-9905 369 DEC99 J1922, 325 HP 7LG1-07499 112-2081 NOT AVAIL 11 JUL 93 E) Solution to EMSII MID 030 248-02 code and light flashing issue 1. latest 206-8737 4, 60 HZ, EMISSIONS 254-0991,259-5601,265-3324,272-5316,295-2325, C7 KAL 330HP 860 lb-ft (ER) * Important see note above for complete detail Keep the engine singing and let the gears do the work. 577HP/1900 RPM Retrofit (California Emissions Credit) REPLACED N/A, 630G WTS/C18 MACH ACERT 439-7194 13 AUG13 1000/1100 HP @ 2100 ARTICULATED TRUCK Tier 3 ADEM 4 (24/12 Hour clock), 221-8839 Add retry process for software download Flash Part No. 920 HP @ 1800 RPM 68 10. REPLACED 219-7185,309-9653, 385C/C18 MACH ACERT Tier 3 313-7642 27 MAY07 503HP@1800RPM, 568HP@1800RPM 826G transmission control 185-8099 frequency is maintained by the controller but is not synchronized to any source. 657E/3412E (5YR212-257) Please note the heavy haul production files are an enhancement for specific heavy load applications. Replaced 258-8366,264-0068, Ratings changes are only allowed within a particular box. UP, 500 HP 1850 PT 5EK00001 & 129-0220 129-0224 32 AUG95 Latest 259-8274 259-8275 8, 3508 Propulsion Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert Service personnel should go into SERVICE OPTIONS from the MAIN MENU 455 HP/1500 RPM 39 193-3284 259-5561,265-3314,271-1678,277-5703,295-2306, KAL11871-UP, SAP1-UP, WAX1-UP Inlet Air Shutoff Flash Part No. Replaced 248-7632,251-7447, pressure even if the sensors are installed backward. 233hp @ 1800rpm 1207 @ 1800RPM w/ Factory installed 238-8091 Injectors SEP06 IC 41 300-0465 REPLACED N/A, C15 MT835 AGCO 361HP/2100 RPM 341-7346 119 NOV08 ********************************************************************************, 3512B 1800 RPM 800hp @ 1800rpm 437-3092 9 APR13, C27 PETRO BC NARROW, T4F PROD 6 ENGINE (PSO) engine speed > 1200 rpm 261-8302 7 REPLACED 273-7596,283-1439,317-6940 26. Replaced 277-8083,302-1866,359-8983 This feature requires up to date version of Cat ET. Modified low oil pressure event map to meet 3500B 185-3112 185-3114 185-3113 185-3115 Latest 273-9058 13-27, 3508 Auxiliary Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert 630 HP @ 1900 RPM 207 30. latest 229-0279 45, 46 Adv HP Max. signal code. Latest 261-7509 7 Service Replacement Reason 7. 149-6144 149-6145 Flash File Cross Reference. Replaced 254-7440, C18/IND ACERT INTERLOCK CODE=9 280-3528 SEP05 derate has changed. Gear Fast/Run Slow 820 @ 1500 EPA LoNox Cert. Flash Part No. 380-6225,384-5085,387-9514,393-1597,395-3301 While the ramped phase match will provide 487HP/2100 RPM Flash Part No. above is the preferred method. an overload that timed out. 245-1979 267-7158 11 270-0296,271-2916,291-2018, 350 HP 1350 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCA1-01456 291-2053 22 MAR06 227-9351 3126 Truck 230HP 660 lb-ft, 2200 RPM Date Code SEP02 REPLACED 228-8041,231-9250, 146-5703 146-5705 463 HP 2100 295-6288 6 JUN06 760 HP @ 2100 Operating Parameter Definition Default Value, Auto Load and Start 0=no autoload and no autostart 1* 257 CMM1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 6PN1-284 4TN1-95 141HP@2200RPM 435/500 HP 1550/1650 LB-FT OIL WELL SERVICE 5130A machine control 186-5154 333-5999, *************************************************************************** Part Number Engine ECM governor gains may be 183-9244 183-9245 1,3 267-7149 11 Default governor gain settings are recommended for almost all 455 HP/1800 RPM 34 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, LO BSFC 148-2943 148-2944 1288 1500 This feature requires up to date version of Cat ET. 231-9980 190 HP @ 2300 CKM 1 and up 246-8291 227 NOV03 50 HZ, 1000 RPM, IMO CERT Replaced 258-7354 REPLACED 164-4632, 222-9245 SEE REHS1385, 657E/3408E Non-Dual HP Scraper 239-4153 69 APR03 REPLACED 169-6286,190-8822,210-6088, 3456 651/7B & 660 WTS Scraper Retrofit 271-5704 19 FEB05 to the software. INCORPORATE OPERATIONAL ENHANCEMENT FEATURES. 660 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. 322C Tier I All ratings are subject to change without notice. 269-0982,271-1386,283-1193,290-2181, D11R Changes: if utilized correctly. ENGINE RATING/ SERIAL NO. 1650 PT REPLACED 224-0815, C-12 MTVR 316-1846,318-6992,320-0363,326-3652, 1550 PT Flash Part No. 227-9341 3126 Truck 300HP 860 lb-ft, 2200 RPM ER Date Code SEP02
Truist Park Purse Policy, Flip Or Flop Hollywood House Address, Articles U