Return to Staff Directory. 7. There is no staff matching your search criteria Administration. x}mixkg|s^,d)gK vAf0>Tu_[^{}"Yln70o5HsrE[?{M)OnT/EiJ Coordinator of State Testing, Mr. Craig Smith, School Business Administrator, Ms. Tina Volpe, Special Ed. City of Passaic 330 Passaic Street Passaic, NJ 07055 % COPY ROOM CLERK. Faculty and Staff Directory; Visit Us. Staff Directory | Robert Vela High School ECISD Email Skyward Edinburg CISD Facebook Edinburg CISD Twitter 2018-2019 District Calendar Robert Vela High School Staff School Administrators Ms. Rosa Bernal Assistant Principal Email Rosa Bernal 956-289-2650 Mr. Fernando Delgado Assistant Principal Email Fernando Delgado Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (, Public School District Finance Peer Search. 10655 SW 97TH AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33176 P: (305) 271-3311. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. 330 Passaic Street Passaic, NJ 07055. Graduation Application. /Filter 0 8 700 NE 56th Street, Oakland Park, FL 33334. Incomplete Grade Form. Passaic Campus: (973) 341-1600; Wanaque Campus: . Science Teacher / Administrative Assistant, Miami-Dade School Police Resource Officer, Language Arts Teacher / Gifted Coordinator, Language Arts / AICE Thinking Skills Teacher, AICE Psychology, Language Arts, & Reading Teacher, Math Teacher / Math Department Chair / Head Boys Varsity Soccer Coach, Social Studies Teacher / Social Studies Department Chair, Driver's Education & Physical Education Teacher, Paraprofessional / Assistant Athletic Director, Lead Security Monitor / Head Girls Basketball Coach. Director District Safety/Security. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Box 500 Our County Advanced Components List & Detail Pages, Website Design By GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. Faculty Staff - PCCC Important Forms. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. 1 Mike Byrne | NJ Advance Media for | Oct 27, 2022. School Directory | Charter Schools. School Directory Information. . passaic high school staff directory - Passaic Public Schools 2022-2023 School Calendar July, 2022 [0/0] 7/1/22 & 7/4/22 Independence Day - District Closed January, 2023 [20/20] S M T W T F S S M T W T F S . Font Size: +- . Director of Adult Education, Cont. Meet Your Mayor. Public Safety. 45 Reinhardt Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 973.790.6000 Apply; Visit Campus; Employment Opportunities; Faculty & Staff Directory; Programs of Study; Curriculum; Special Education; Adult Career & Continuing Education; School Store; District Calendar; 2 Faculty/Staff Directory &plus; Academics . Staff Directory / Staff Directory - Clifton Public Schools Service Directory List | Passaic County, NJ Es politica del Distrito Escolar de Edinburg el no discriminar por razones con base en genero, edad, religion, raza, color origen nacional, ni discapacidad dentro de sus programas educacionales. {sI_`_O6_Lc} %W|HPc0P$cbSIwW"+233&?s=_sA;UVPQIR,TJ2x]S"Qspi Public Meetings. Staff Directory / Staff Directory - Classical Academy /Pages After high school, Amy plans to attend college and major in computer science with the goal of becoming a software engineer. >> obj This report offers a snapshot of the work, services, and collaborations provided by the office to better serve the residents of Passaic County. City of Passaic 330 Passaic Street Passaic, NJ 07055 Phone: 973-365-5500 Open Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4 pm COORD SUPVR SPECIAL SERVICES. It offers classes in English, math, science, physical e, Operational for more than 20 years, Eastside High School is a part of Paterson Public School District. Congratulations to our outstanding professionals! Staff - Miami Killian Senior High School Ed. Government Passaic County Clerk Press Releases. Upward Bound College and Career Specialist Counselor, Associate Vice President / Dean Enrollment Management, Associate Director of Grants and Strategic Partnerships, Program Assistant for Enrollment Services and Testing - Pac, Huamn Resources Systems Admin / Business Analyst, DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE, Student Development Specialist (Bilingual), Executive Director for Teaching & Learning, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Assistant to Associate Dean Nurse Education and Sciences, Director of Wellness, Student Advocacy and Violence Preventi, Project Coordinator, Bridge to Baccalaureate Program, Director of Enterprise Appplications Informational Tech, Program Coordinator, Center for Adult Transition, Coordinator of Esl Student Support and Adjunct Services, Assistant to Associate Vp Facilities Management and Planning. Staff Directory Passaic, NJ CivicEngage - City of Passaic 5 Superintendent of Schools. Passaic County Administration Building | 401 Grand Street, Paterson, NJ 07505. 0 Google Maps 1200 17th Street West Palmetto, FL 34221 (941) 723-4848. Chair, UIL Academic Coordinator, Senior Class Co-Sponsor, Agriculture Science Teacher / FFA Advisor. Coordinator of State Testing, Dr. Brian Falkowski, School Business Administrator, Mr. Kiakoma Roberts, Special Ed. 0 It offers academic instruction in music, language arts,. Coordinator, Ms. Brianna Daly, Anti-Bullying Coordinator, Ms. Brianna Daly, Anti-Bullying Specialist, Dr. Paul Semegran, Dist. ( A c a d e m i c C a l e n d a r) Tableau (VPN required if out of district network) NWEA MAP Passaic Public Schools 663 Main Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey 07055 Ph: 973-470-5500 | District Anti-Bullying Coordinator/Affirmative Action Officer obj Use this link to return to the staff directory. Passaic County Technical-Vocational Schools. Best 30 Public Schools Staff in Passaic, NJ with Reviews - Resource List. Sitemap Coaching Staff - Passaic County Technical-Vocational Schools - PCTVS 0 [ (2021-2022 school year) Search Results Modify Search Data Notes/Grant IDs Help. School District Website; 4 This handbook contains information on local, county, state and federal governments, including relevant contact information for the numerous programs and services that are available to you as a resident of Passaic County. [ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards. 3 Program & Career Coordinator Wioa Out-Of-School Youth Prog. << & Workforce Devel. Palmyra High School 311 West Fifth Street Palmyra, New Jersey 08065 P: 856-786-9300 F: 856 786-3014 Coordinator of State Testing, Mr. Mustafa Coban, B. 225 Lincoln Pl. << Coordinator, Ms. Kanifa Dobson, Anti-Bullying Coordinator, Ms. Kanifa Dobson, Anti-Bullying Specialist, Ms. Sharon Cook, Dist. Passaic weLearn PEARSON Success Net PowerSchool (Admin) PowerTeacher Print Shop Read 180 /System 44 RealTime (Special Ed.) County Directory | Passaic County, NJ /Length 973) 881-4000. 792 Charter Schools-Passaic County. R Passaic Valley Regional High School is proud to announce Randall Sanders and Mr. Julio Sanchez as the 2022-2023 awardees for Governor's Educator of the Year and Governor's Instructional Services Professional of the Year. ] << Middle College Credit - Senior Program; Mustang Academy (Freshmen Academy) Passaic County Community College (PCCC) 30-Credit - Senior Program; Passaic County Community . It offers academic instruction in music, language arts, health and physical education, math, sc, Thomas Jefferson Middle School, located in Lodi, N.J., is a public school that offers educational and extracurricular programs to students. /Catalog Phone: 973-365-3900. GIS City Map. 6 45 Reinhardt Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 973.790.6000 Apply; stream Staff Directory | Robert Vela High School - ECISD /St 1 Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Passaic County Board of County Commissioners, Passaic County Superintendent of Elections, Boards, Committees, and Commissions (A-E), Boards, Committees, and Commissions (F-Z), Passaic County Private Fiber Optic Network, Passaic County Clean Communities Clean Up Mini-Grant, Nursing Home/Assisted Living Surveillance Form, Passaic County Employee Personnel and Policies Procedures Manual, Division of Community Outreach and Family Services, Community Development Block Grant Program, Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers, Special Officer Class II (Deputy Sheriff), Special Officer Class III (School Resource Officers), Candidate Physical Fitness Preparation Program, Senior Services, Disability & Veterans Affairs, Weatherization and Home Energy Assistance, Categories of Nonusable Deed Transactions, Passaic County Administration Building | 401 Grand Street, Paterson, NJ 07505. From Business: Roosevelt School 7 is an elementary institution that serves students in kindergarten through grade five. DIRECTOR OF BLDGS & GROUNDS. ), Make the Grade Academy (HS Teen Center Program), Pre-School Program - For the Special Needs Child, Saturday Academy of Learning & Enrichment, Summer Credit Recovery (Summer Remedial School), My Learning Plan - Professional Growth (Frontline), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Coordinator of 21st Century Learning Center, Project Coordinator/Professional Developer - PBSIS, Supv of Assessment Measurement & Monitoring.
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