For this, youll need to access the e-bikes controller box. The level of the voltage measured at the charging port must be the same as the one rater for the battery pack. Typically, the battery management system will cut off the power if it senses the battery draining too fast below certain safe levels. When they sense that the bikes brakes are activated, theyll override the throttle entirely. Call Us . NAKTO 26" 350W Fat Tire Electric Bicycle Mountain Snow Beach Sporting For ebikes with a fuse, you can simply remove it and hold it against some light to see if its burned out. It is meant for short rides and doesn't have any mechanical disk brakes, suspension, or derailleur. It can be worth checking your charger first. I appreciate you sending that over to me Ill be waiting eagerly. Youll want to use the red lead to test the positive side of the adaptor, and your black lead can check the negative side. Disconnect those wires from the controller. Li-Ion batteries can burst into flames, the risk is low, but always make sure of your own and your families safety. So I turned the key to the off position and the motor stopped. Ride1Up Revv 1 Review Detailed Review of the Powerful E-Ride. I had a time hard deciding if I should get one considering I already have a car, but they are great for the daily commute: fast, reliable, have a low cost per mille and youll have a lot of fun. The final note here is dont let your battery get hot. You dont need to discharge the battery fully. Common Electric Bike Errors. The first step you should take to troubleshoot the matter is to inspect the wires or cables up close. I have the same problem. participates in affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates Program and other adserving platforms such as Adsense. This NAKTO 20 Inch Fat Tire Electric Bike adopts the 48V 10Ah built-in battery, 350W high-speed brushless motor, Shimano 6-speed, front and rear disc brake, a bright front light, 3 riding mode--electric bicycle&pedal assist(PAS)&normal bike, you can ride on the mountain or beach. If your ebike keeps cutting off, one of the most common reasons for such hiccups is a failing battery. As such, the wires connected to the rear hub motor can often get loose, frayed, or damaged over time. For the discharging port, after youve got you results youll want to check our results list below. There are several reasons for such malfunction including aging, too frequent charge cycles, improper battery management, and a manufacturing defect. Is your e-bike under warranty? Support installment payment. There is typically a minimum speed that will activate the drive motor. Wow fantastic information! These programs enable us to receive commissionson recommended products related to our niche when we link to If thats possible, then you can fix it at home as a DIY project. Now, would be the time to take your electric bike back to your dealer. Insufficient Bend 7. Heres a quick test that can detect the problem: Remove the battery pack from your eBike and charge it up on a bench. When Im using switch as well as kicking the bike, the battery or controller will shutdown and it will back to normal if I charged it for a second. Sale; Outlet; Home; Men's Beach Cruisers; Filter. Suppose you have access to another e-bike throttle. In any case, knowing how to troubleshoot common problems of ebikes is valuable information for anyone owning an electric bike or thinking about buying one. Just a thought. Sit back and enjoy the ride, while we take care of the rest. China is a huge electric bike market, and only a tiny percentage of the bikes sold have a lithium battery fitted. Some people may suggest that you use your controller to figure out which wires are for the brake inhibitor so you can disconnect them completely to get rid of the problem. This NAKTO E-bike product is also known as the Camel model. Or some other fault? I come home charger is red for 30 minutes I leave it's fine then it dies. Please read our Privacy Policy. Check them out here. Mar 1, 2023 Supercharge Your Health Resolutions with E-Bikes In today's fast-paced world, maintaining good health can be a challenge. Nakto eBike Battery Rebuild Service 10. When this is the case, the . Scott Strike, dual suspension electric mountain bike. Mini Bikes; On Sale. Sale; Outlet; Home; All products; . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Well, its because different types of throttles are wired differently. Nakto. Men's Beach Cruiser Bikes | - Tagged "frame-style_cruising" Voltmeter can test an ebike battery or charger voltage. It was in a local bike shop for about two weeks already waiting on parts via warranty for an unrelated issue as well. How long have these issues been going on? If your battery isnt charging, start by checking the following: That is entirely normal - and will, unfortunately, only get worse as time goes on. Reboot the battery by holding the battery power switch for 10 seconds. Was it a sudden start to the problem or gradual? From what you are describing either your key switch electrical contacts are damaged or there is a faulty wire somewhere else that interrupts the circuit. Normally, cruiser bikes are designed for short trips around town, short commutes to work, or running errands; However, the OX is much more . Some will use a 0-100% range, while others have a series of LED lights, depending on the model. One way to solve this is by dropping the assist level and pedaling a little harder when going up steep inclines or hills. Sometimes that means a DIY fix and other times it can mean a recall, software update or part replacement by a dealer. 92110. And maybe a soldering iron, depending on the problem. Thanks for sharing that. A twisted or missing spoke magnet could cause malfunction as well. When you engage the rear brake, the battery pack will go through a load so you can then read the voltage and find out how much it drops. Some speed controllers are turned on by pressing the M button. You must log in or register to reply here. Ordering online and your bike will be completely assembled and ready to pick up in-warehouse. Flat-head and Phillips screwdrivers to open and remove the throttle for inspection. Snip zip tie excess so it is flush and smooth. Another thing to check here is that the electrical cables are correctly connected. I wanted to share some of my experience from riding, maintenance and, more importantly, tips for buying one. Q: The fender is loose/broken. Nakto Classic City Electric Bicycle Customer favorite electric bike. Lost ebike keys.. Help!!! - Motored Bikes If doing this makes the power display comes on and the motor spins with your wheel then it now looks like youve got a battery problem and not a charger issue. Ideally, you should do this every 30 cycles, after a break of not riding, or bi-annually. Are your eBikes wheel bearings freely spinning? Sometimes, the dirt roads can dislodge the cable connections; this is often the case with mountain electric bikes. Hopefully, the charger will now charge your battery, recheck the battery voltage, it should be pretty near to the full voltage of the battery. If you have a voltmeter or a multimeter, you can test the voltage of the battery charger port. Ready to get this nut cracked. Sounds loose connection,to your battery. Aostirmotor Fat Tire Folding Electric Bike A20 Commute to work gets easy with the Aostirmotor, a fat-tire electric bike that slyly zips through traffic and folds compact to fit under your desk. As an Amazon Associate this site earns commissions from qualifying purchases. Known Issues & Problems with Nakto Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes Since I can remember, I have always had regular bikes and mountain bikes. If youre experiencing power cuts with a new ebike that youre just starting to use, it might be because the pack has been sized, engineered, or manufactured with less than the required high current capacity for supporting heavy loads. 4) If it's still dragging, adjust the clutch. Overall Score: 8.3. What I found was that the metal bushing nut supporting the electrical connector on the battery was loose allowing random disconnection of the battery from the integrated bracket. 2. This is to avoid the risk of overcharging or damaging the battery if the charger malfunctions. Following this advice should allow you to get the maximum lifespan out of your battery, and buying new batteries is not cheap, so it is worth the effort of doing. Once received, your battery is tested at our repair center to check whether the energy cells are worn out. You may have to clip a few zip ties to access this plug. At times it's fine oother times it'll just die on me. Sort by. Troubleshooting. Not to mention, many ebike owners dont live near an electric bike service shop, so getting the job done themselves can be a lifesaver. Just a brief update if anyone is interested. Doing this should give you a positive reading; a negative reading means that the battery probably has been miswired at the factory. Comparison tools, shop directory, and forums at: As a result, it should hopefully charge and then once youve put it back on your bike discharge normally. This is because the motor has a clutch that prevents the wheel from rotating the motor. If your ebike wont start or keeps cutting off, the issue can often be traced back to the battery. The time length does not matter how often or not they have been used. Wow ok Ill double check that. I remove the battery and put it back in. Check the Battery Charger. The XT60 is the larger of the 2 cables. If you have any questions about our product, please leave us an email and we will reply within 24 hours; 1-year warranty, like the bike's seat/motor/battery/charger, etc; Please contact us if you have any problems with the product, Nakto Inc will do best to provide you the best service. Unfortunately, seeing as how the throttle is only working intermittently, thats an indicator that the wire damage is hidden underneath the insulation where you cant see it. 8:30-4:30 Pacific time. That would prevent the bike from damaging itself if you were to press or twist the throttle while the brakes are on. If the battery pack hasnt been charged for 6 months or less, you may be able to recharge it successfully. One way to achieve those health resolutions is by incorporating e-b Once its fully charged, test the battery by leaving it off the bike. Dont get me wrong; e-bike batteries are built to last - but theyre still prone to failure if they arent adequately taken care of during their lifetime. My battery switches of when I start to climb a steep hill, what could be the cause of this? Either battery connections or wiring connectors when something works intermittently. The only way to check if the battery is swollen is to drop the lower plate and take out the battery pack. How to check the electric bicycle problem? - NAKTO Factory Store Better yet, they could troubleshoot and fix it for you in a jiffy! If the throttle is feeling loose or missing out on strokes from time to time, you can just replace it after testing whether or not its receiving steady power. Its a good idea to recycle the battery; most cities have a place where you can do this. By that, we mean youve tried to press or twist the throttle repeatedly, but the bike just sits there motionless. Magnet is on the spoke in proper position. $539.95. Checking the battery voltage can give you a clue as to whether or not the battery has been damaged. Check that the e-brake lever is not damaged or engaged. : NAKTO 20" Electric Bikes for Adults, Dual Disc Brake If you go into Asia, and particularly China, youll see that the most common battery used are lead-acid batteries. To get your ebike running again, youll need to fix the jammed brake levers. You might want to leave this one to the professionals. Another reason for such issues could be the ring of magnets on the front sprocket; the sensors may be out of alignment due to being dirty or knocked around. Overall Score: 7.9. Last of all, never be afraid to bring your bike back to the shop and ask a qualified person for help. Q: How to fix an unbalance bike seat? Now when I plug everything back in I'm not getting the 03 error anymore but I'm also not getting any power from the throttle and on the screen is not recognizing any battery power even though I have two battery packs both 52 volt fully charged. COPYRIGHT 2020 BICYCLE UNIVERSE LLC. There are numerous reasons why your electric bike isnt speeding up. My ebike will cut out. One reviewer and a few owners said the Camel could not power up steep hills. There is a gear sensor and its got a flashing green light and is looking properly fixed to the bike. If you notice that youre charging your battery, but it still discharges quickly without being used, you might have a short circuit somewhere or a faulty battery at your hands. Getting speed reading from the display when wheel is turning. Check if there are any melted or burned wires connected to the rear hub motor. Its not that theres anything wrong with the throttle at all. You can check the voltage of an ebike using a voltmeter by simply attaching the prongs to the positive and negative sides of the prongs on the battery. To work the dischargeof the battery should be around 1 volt slightly needs to be discharged. com today! I think patience is a virtue. I'm getting angry maybe I should get a new battery but it's pretty new. Find out if your electric bike motor spinning freely or it coggs. But fear not, we've got you covered! If you have just bought an electric bike or are perhaps thinking about buying an electric bike you might be thinking about batteries. You only want to be doing this for a few seconds. If it does, then thats a clear indicator your problems are being caused by faulty brake sensors, which are overriding the throttle. The Camel blew a fuse on a reviewer's test ride, when climbing a steep hill. The second step to take when getting to the bottom of your bike's charging issues is to check your bike battery's voltage. If your electric bike is being placed on charge and your battery does not seem to charge. But if not, then you should buy a new battery. While most e-bike throttles share the same common problems, some will be unique to the throttle type you have. Youll more than likely see 2 cables that look the same. If your eBike hasnt been charged for a more extended period, it would be a good idea to give it a top-up - and see how it goes. Nakto Classic City Electric Bicycle - Electric Boarding Company My battery seems to charge. Ill check with Roshan Monday if its in the mail. How to Troubleshoot and Fix an Electric Bike - YouTube Naturally, you dont really want to be doing that, and it is a job for the experts, you also wouldnt have needed to read our guide if you know how to do that. If engaged, this will keep the throttle / motor from operating. If jumpstarting doesnt work, youll be looking into advanced techniques and cutting your battery open. One owner's battery wouldn't charge from new. Copyright 2012-2022 EBR Electric Bike Review, Inc. Also operating under the name EBR. NAKTO's 22" Elegance Electric Bike has its fair share of drawbacks, but they don't overshadow the wonderful features the e-bike offers. Youll now want to see your results. . If a damaged cable is the cause of your throttle problem, youll need to get that replaced. Ive contacted Biktrix and sent them emails. Unlike with traditional bikes, ebikes have various configurations and designs which makes repairing flat tires different for brands and models. If the wires are loose, youll probably have to replace the loose or damaged portions. Ordering online and your bike will be completely assembled and ready to pick up in-warehouse. Thats why e-bike owners must know how to troubleshoot their bikes properly before getting them fixed. I just fitted new battery to my eBike. . Local Delivery & Pick-Up Ordering online and your bike will be completely assembled and ready to pick up in-warehouse. That way, even if you accidentally press on the throttle too hard and the bike shoots forward, you wont have to worry about damaging anything or hurting anyone. low, medium, and high power). FRAME. JavaScript is disabled. Do this slowly and dont put any strain on the battery. I did find some error codes on the display Ill post the picture below. Still, if youre charging your bike every few days, you should be able to get many years out of your electric bike before you begin to notice the capacity of your battery is starting to degrade. Heres the simplified version of how it works: Inside your throttle is a magnet that works in conjunction with your Hall Effect Sensor. Did you resolve your issue? You dont want to get trigger happy and run your battery at high amp setting either. Everything is tight. Has the fuse blown in either the eBike battery pack or the charger? Get special offers, exclusive product news, and event info straight to your inbox. hello That is just a safety feature - and its usually around 1.8 mph. Lastly, slightly more expensive e-bike throttles may even have a key switch or LED displays on them to show you all sorts of stats about your electric bike. All NAKTO ebikes are covered under our 1-year warranty for the original owner. Q: Why does the seat always wobble? Thank you for you help Ann. Grab a flashlight and inspect every inch of the cable. Check the connection between the motor and the controller. The . One other thought; if you're comfortable with a voltmeter, measure the battery voltage on the bottom of the pack. Thanks for the great article. Not finding anything using Google. So without further ado, let's get started! Unfortunately, if that Hall Effect Sensor were to stop working correctly for any reason, it could also cause you to experience throttle problems with your e-bike. Li-Ion batteries are a type of rechargeable battery. 500C (pdf) Download. Lithium-ion batteries are good at holding a charge. Try and charge to 80% and discharge until 20%. They only last between 2 and 3 years from when they were manufactured. NAKTO Electric Bike Review | IRideEV There are multiple ways to do this. . If the indicator light doesnt illuminate or even blink on and off when the charger is plugged into the wall, then youre dealing with a defective charger. Some of our top sellers in the Nakto ebike offering are the Nakto Camel Womens, Nakto Camel Mens, Nakto Super Cruiser and the Nakto Elegance. If the battery is working well, the voltage will drop by a few volts only. Using these programs we can keep the site up, write useful content about Electric Scooters and offer great value without any cost for the final users. How can an owner get replacement parts for a Natko Steady? How fast can my electric bike go? To do so, you have to flip your hub motor backward. Her main passion is cycling, that's why she is always looking for an amazing new e-bike to make her journey even more unforgettable! Refine view all. Aug 8, 2018 . The LEDs on the control panel and the ebike should light up, if this doesnt happen, then theres a chance that the battery hasnt been charged or there may have been a blown fuse. While youre at it, you should also check the battery charger. Clean them with a rag, and you should be good to go. I know that was a long 10 miles back home! Youll also have an indicator of the batterys current level on the battery pack itself or the speed controller. Regards. Q: The e-bike derailleur can work, but I can't change the speed. Check out our article about the best electric scooter accessories here <<<, How do know what battery I need for my bike. 1. Maintaining an ebike in good working condition can be tricky business, especially if youre a newbie ebike rider. The bike will run ok for a minute or two but cuts out again. On the other hand, the 18650 lithium-ion cells are far more resistant to swelling and, in turn, more reliable. Throttle works intermittently. $739.00. Nakto electric bike error codes - If it was a sudden start to the issues, do you remember riding over some bad potholes or super rocky road? You can make a final adjustment to the brake cable tension by unthreading the brake cable adjuster until you get the right tension. No ebike is perfect, this is a thread dedicated to sharing known issues or problems with electric bikes from Nakto as well as any help and solutions you know of. I have a new bolt pro ebike. As a reader supported site we sometimes earn commissions when referring to stores. The throttle could get stuck or not work at all. In this situation, you could consider getting the wiring replaced. Today I charged it. Free shipping to all addresses in the 48 continental U.S. states via UPS Ground. I was sent the cable and diagnostics were done with Roshan and Bafang. Nakto Electric Fat Tire Bike | $539.95. If your brakes arent functioning properly, then you should check the shoes or the brake pads for signs of wear. Which should I go by? How To Adjust Your 2-Stroke Clutch - 48cc 50cc 66cc 80cc -Motorized Bicycle. However, we stress that you never do that as it can be extremely dangerous on the road. No one tests electric bikes like we do. A lead acid battery can only hold 25 watts per kilogram. . The reason for the 100% charge cycle for the first cycles is so that your battery can balance. Inspect your controller for any wires that may be loose, disconnected, or misconnected. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Sometimes that means a DIY fix and other times it can mean a recall, software update or part replacement by a dealer. The Nakto 26-inch 250W Cargo is a reasonably priced Class 2 electric bike that we feel is a decent option for commuting or running errands. Make sure the battery isn't rattling around, and the battery connector is not slightly melted and making a good connection. Were going to help guide you through the world of electric bike batteries. The comfort of this bike and ease of cycling makes it best for anyone with back problems and spinal issues because you can easily cycle . Additionally, you need to check the battery charger port. Often than not, a severe voltage drop means that one or more cells in your battery pack have been damaged. Once youve adjusted the brake cable adjusters to the end of their limits, screw them all the way in. Nakto Electric Bike Controller . You dont want to burn your house down because of a silly accident. Youll also want to make sure that you fully charge the battery for the first 5 charging cycles, this can be a long time so be prepared. In this article, we're sharing a full guide on how to troubleshoot common ebike problems to help you get back on the road in no time. However, a throttle with additional features, switches, or displays will undoubtedly have more components and several more wires that youll need to inspect to troubleshoot a problem. Nakto Camel City Women's Electric Bike. There you have it, a comprehensive guide on how to troubleshoot common problems of ebikes. The first thing youll need to do is to remover the battery pack. You must log in or register to reply here. All NAKTO ebikes are covered under our 1-year warranty for the original owner. You can adjust the pedal-assist magnet position using a flathead screwdriver to push the disc nearer to the sensors. Your e-bike throttle will probably be one of the three general types: All of them work in the same way. Does your bike have the GearSensor attachment that cuts the motor briefly when shifting? View the contact pins and see whether one is missing or not. Overall Score: 7.9. ModWheel 48v 1000w Direct Drive Electric Bike Kit. Water can find its way into these connections, too. (as in the pedal assist sorta worked or had worked fine prior to this issue). any suggestions? Is there a motor controller fault? The first step is to try and charge the battery properly. If youve recently made mechanical adjustments to the wheels, pedals, sprockets, derailleurs, and so on, this could be why youre encountering power supply hiccups. It can take around 6 8 charge-discharge cycles for your battery to balance. Next, plug the battery charger into the battery charger port on your ebike and observe the indicator light on the battery charger. Manuals - The Electric Bike Warehouse do i need a stronger battery Doing so will give you the best battery life. Get special offers, exclusive product news, and event info straight to your inbox. Common E-bike Battery Problems and How to Fix Them - Electric Biking The controllers job is to take input signals from all the controls and sensors on the ebike, analyze them, and then determine the best way to transfer the power coming from the battery to the motor. Advancements in technology and design have sky-rocketed them from a pipe-dream to a. If youve charged your ebike battery for less than 8 hours, try letting it charge for 8 hours and then check if the electric bike can run at full speed. JavaScript is disabled. I also found the bushing loose on the bike side and tightened it also. You are using an out of date browser. By ruling out all the other basic problems with your e-bike, youll be able to confirm that it is indeed a problem related to the throttle. Q: Why does my chain keep falling off or getting stuck? If the voltmeter reads a surface charge of more than 36V, then the battery is fully charged and you can try troubleshooting another component. This fuse is usually located on the side and could blow up because of short circuits, vibrations, over-current, or old age. RENT KING is a family owned Furniture, Appliances, Electronics, Mattresses store located in Tampa, FL. Bicycle Universe is compensated for referring traffic and business to these sources. In some cases, these switches can get stuck - leading to their failure. The step through Nakto City Electric Bike takes a traditional European style handle bar bike, and makes it one of the World's best electric commuter bikes. If you find that the brakes have been pulled back because of damage and cant seem to break free, this will cause the motor inhibitor switch to stay turned on. Malfunctions of the power or pedal assist system on your ebike may cause issues associated with pulsating or occasional power cut-offs. You can find plenty of models or you can just get an universal one with the same specs as your existing battery. Also, check the fuse or circuit breaker. Hi, my name is Richard and I own an electric scooter for years now.
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