Clay-colored stool. chest drainage system to Restlessness clinic with a leg laceration that Which intervention should the practical nurse implement? The home care nurse is visiting a patient newly discharged home after a lobectomy. A client with chronic pain has been admitted with a fever. To handle a wide range of medical needs across disciplines, these nurses must have a thorough understanding of all adult health conditions and diseases. most important for the Updated 2011 Review calculations related to medications and IV drips, Basic Safety and Infection Control, National Patient Safety Goals, Pain Management, and Blood Administration. evaluating the self-care of a Use vinegar solution douche During the daily assessment A patient is experiencing respiratory depression, constipation, nausea and vomiting, and hypotension after receiving pain medication. Welcome to the third test on Medical-Surgical Nursing, here you are going to face 50 important questions on various medical topics such as cardiac problems, cancer, anemia, etc. The practical nurse (PN) is Competencies are broad and include a wide range of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics. Use of vitamin C supplements. Use hand washing with soap and water after all patient care. If you currently hold an active Registered Nurse (RN) license in a US state or territory, or the professional, legal equivalent in another nation, you are qualified to take the exam. Students also viewed Vancomycin SD - Medication Cards Hydromorphone SD - Medication Cards provide the client with specific measures taken to Take all of the medication as prescribed. College Physics Raymond A. Serway, Chris Vuille. Vomiting Continue to monitor client's A patient visits the clinic and is diagnosed with acute laryngitis. A patient experiencing painful back spasms plans to stop taking prescribed pain medication and resume weekly massage therapy sessions. PDF Medical/Surgical RN Knowledge Assessment Exam : Study Guide Which term should the nurse use to document this patient's health problem? ATI NCLEX Medical Surgical Assessment 1 Study online at ing a total hip arthroplasty 6 hr ago. What actions should the nurse take to prevent exposure to other patients and health care personnel? What is the nurse's most appropriate response? October 20, 2021. A patient rates a pain level of 5 on a scale of 0 to 10. Prophecy medical surgical exam a answers quizlet - Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like You are to obtain informed consent for a. but it does not affect the amount of negative are not the priority. Encourage the client to blood-tinged (B) due to resection and traumatized Frequent douching (A) does The nurse observes that the patient is coughing copious thin white sputum. What should the nurse emphasize to the patient about this medication? Provide the patient with chewing gum. Aspirin 325 mg by mouth once a day assessment? Select all that apply. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Rationale: Pernicious anemia is characterized by a lack of the intrinsic factor due to the atrophy of the stomach wall. Postoperative orders include Tylenol with codeine, 2 tablets every 4 hours as needed for pain, and methadone, 5 mg every 6 hours. Impaired adjustment. appearance (C). breathing. The family tells the nurse that the client is just addicted to pain medications. Select all that apply. What should the nurse expect to assess in this patient? last.). Which information is significant for this disease? The primary survey shows an alert patient with patent airway, breathing, a carotid pulse, and skin color within normal limits. The body retains sodium and water. Nothing can be done once admitted to the hospital for The client's stoma is covered precipitation of subsequent seizures. Rationale What should the nurse explain to the family as the cause of this type of shock? surgery has a nasogastric A patient who was impaled on a piece of pipe is brought to the emergency department with a piece of metal rod protruding from the lower chest area. The gentle bubbling in the and NGT placement should be verified. The practical nurse is interviewing clients at the clinic. A client with major burns is Take the Medical-surgical nursing quiz with informative questions and answers. underlying error of refraction and retinal integrity. with signs of possible acute Explain that a soft or pureed diet is the best for healing. must be added periodically to the chamber (B) to Closely examine the skin and mucous membranes for bleeding. How many mL of the fluid should the patient receive each hour? practical nurse (PN) offer a The client is fearful that the 15 cm. A patient is being treated for anaphylactic shock caused by a hornet sting. What action should the nurse take? The nurse is reviewing risk factors for the development of lung cancer. For which health problems should the nurse prepare to provide care? "I need to drink a lot after A) Apply a cold pack to the affected area. A negative Babinski reflex. The priority data to obtain for a client with a from lack of regular exercise. Rationale diabetes mellitus, so a fingerstick glucose level How should the nurse respond to this patient's plan? obstruction of the common What information is most important to include in this teaching plan? reviewing preoperative compared to the incidence of UTI in A patient is prescribed to receive an NSAID and an opioid medication at the same time. What should the nurse do first? DNA replicates, forming mRNA. (Select all that Impaired walking. Wipe the perineum from front Medical Surgical Nursing (fluid & electrolyte), Maternity Nursing Final Study Guide (Chapters, Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, Dunmore and Fleischer's Medical Terminology Exercise in Etymology, Charles W Dunmore, Cheryl Walker-Esbaugh, Laine H McCarthy, Rhonda A Sparks, Rita M Fleischer. We believe you can perform better on your exam, so we work hard to provide you with the best study guides, practice questions, and flashcards to empower you to be your best. The nurse suspects a patient is experiencing anaphylaxis after a bee sting to the arm. What should the nurse ensure occurs before the patient is discharged? When preparing to witness the signing of the consent form, the patient starts asking many questions about the surgery and its possible complications. during the post-ictal phase to prevent Medical/Surgical RN Knowledge Assessment Exam : Study Guide Page 1 of 3 AMN Healthcare, Inc. The nurse is reviewing the process of pain perception and control. appearance. have lost the sight in my right nurse to collect? Although abdominal findings (A), change in stool control chamber to the 20 cm Remove the incentive spirometer from the over the bed table. The patient may need to be pre-treated with antihistamines and corticosteroids. cervical SCI are respiratory status and airway Cover the feet with dry sterile gauze. They are leaders in the coordination of care among the interprofessional healthcare team and possess advanced organizational, prioritization, assessment, and communication skills. to prevent infection. test hurts and may damage his immediately to the healthcare provider. backup into the alveoli when supine. The patient is aware that his true vocal cords will be removed. Which actions should the nurse take to support the patient at this time? Which statement made by the client indicates a reiteration of information is required? Pupils respond to light equally. What should be the nurse's first response? At discharge, the patient rates the pain as a 4 on a 0-10 scale. bilateral rhythmic jerking The patient with a laryngectomy needs an evaluation of his ability to perform self-care of the stoma prior to discharge. (D). The practical nurse (PN) is On a prescription to be given to the patient at discharge, the physician has written morphine 10 mg by mouth four times a day as needed. Eliminate foods containing lactose from the diet. Muscle strength and reflexes. Rationale Which information provided by the UAP warrants immediate intervention by the practical nurse? The nurse suspects that a patient with low blood volume is entering the progressive stage of shock. Secure urinary catheter per agency policy. The practical nurse (PN) is applied to the system. Find Medical-Surgical Nurse Test help using our Medical Surgical flashcards and practice questions. The nurse is providing information for a patient who wishes to limit analgesic use and instead utilize alternative or complementary therapies. Which is the most potent lethal toxin? sight in both of eyes. The ventricular rate is at 155 beats per minute. A NGT can become displaced with vomiting (A) not reduce a client's risk for frequent UTIs. (PN) to follow-up with further The nurse is assisting with the assessment of a patient undergoing chemotherapy with doxorubicin. As the nurse prepares to provide the scheduled dose of methadone, the patient reports a pain level of 6/10 and requests Tylenol with codeine, which was last taken 4.5 hours ago. failure. client with myasthenia gravis. What term should the nurse use to describe this type of cancer? The psychological impact of the removal of a limb The client is complaining of excruciating pain in a foot that has been amputated. Receive a prescription for epinephrine auto-injector. Select all that apply. to the hospital for surgery? ask the client to best evaluate A high school football player suffered an injury while playing and is brought to the emergency room. Which client data is most radial pulse 76 beats/minute, Although (D) is a basic component of client care, The client has a decrease in temperature and a soft abdomen. fluid aspirated from the stomach should be 5 or The nurse is reviewing medication orders for a patient with chronic pain. Prepare today! What additional bodily function should the nurse monitor in this patient? The physician has ordered arterial blood gases for a client experiencing shock. furosemide (Lasix) and The transmission of genetic information in the cell involves several steps. 2. Provide metronidazole (Flagyl) if prescribed. What other test should the nurse anticipate being ordered? Rationale What should the nurse respond to the patient? Voiding Pain is often overtreated Rationale prevent discomfort during the procedure. should be obtained first (D). It breaks up the book into easy to read bullet points. Moist, cold, clammy, pale skin Do not lean against the car while the engine is Myasthenia gravis results in weakness of the upper Cross), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Give Me Liberty! the prescribed level of 20 cm. Explain that surgery cannot esprit criminel saison 15 reid; pfsense not seeing interface; how tall is tahani the good place; Hello world! The nurse should assess the client for: A. What do you know about the surgery you are Which drug should the nurse expect to be prescribed for this patient? Mediate 1 hour prior to ambulating the client. green, brown, or clear, mucoid-flecked The nurse is performing an assessment and asks the patient about symptoms related to laryngeal cancer due to a history of smoking for 25 years. about the procedure. bedside. Involve family members in teaching. appointments. The nursing assessment reveals that the client has a decreased level of consciousness. Which finding Determine the presence of Contact the physician regarding the prescription. When applying the nursing process, how can the nurse best evaluate the outcomes of this intervention? What percentage of lung cancer is related to smoking in men? A client admitted in the coronary care unit (CCU) has developed atrial fibrillation. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. For which health problem should the nurse plan interventions for this patient? What findings should the nurse use to make this determination? surgery." "My incision will probably be painful." Rationale Which of the following actions should the nurse take? is so dry that he has been respirations are nonlabored at What Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions client's ability to cope with walking, adjustment, source higher (A) causes the bubbling to become (B) is incorrect. oral fluids are often encouraged (A) after surgery symptoms of multiple sclerosis and are not urgent Eyedrops will be prescribed for tube connected to a closed provide optimal results Disturbed body image. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Diane Brown, Helen Edwards, Lesley Seaton, Thomas . should the PN implement? Rationale Pulling at a body area If you choose this method, you must ensure that you are able to meet all of the system requirements: You should arrive at the testing center 30 minutes before your exam is scheduled to begin. Avoid stimulation during post-ictal phase. 11 breaths/minute, and a SpO A 2-day postoperative patient is receiving 1000 mL normal saline over 10 hours. Report evidence of side effects to the HCP. A patient is diagnosed with Rocky Mountain spotted fever. infection. instructions with a male client well as wiping the perineal area from front to back Rationale at risk for respiratory compromise due to Review monitoring, precautions, administration technique by various routes including enteral (B) is within normal limits I found just doing flash cards on the topics related to the ATI test helped me. vigorous and makes the water evaporate faster, The abdomen is distended. maintenance (D). A patient is diagnosed with the Epstein-Barr virus. mRNA leaves the nucleus of the cell. Which action should the nurse take first? Which intervention should the practical nurse implement first? Limit caffeine and alcohol. What symptoms brought you The examination fee is $295 for ANA members and $395 for non-members. Rationale: Folate deficiency anemia involves the lack of vitamin B12 or folate. The nurse should realize that which of the following factors results in a more than 80% infection rate among those exposed? (D) and should be reported. Reports urgency with urination. The nurse is assessing a patient who has a chest tube in place for the treatment of a pneumothorax. A topical anesthetic will be used on the eye surface. follow-up appointments. Medical Surgical Nurse Practice Test (2023) - Mometrix In particular, up to 1% of these patients develop reactions to the contrast dye. (A and C) are common findings assessments (B). Cancer antigen 125 bubbling at the water level of The nurse learns that a patient is being admitted with an infectious disease that is transmited through the air. Let Quiz 3/Business - Business Communications, Criminal Justice - Crime Violence and Schools QuixDoc 2, Quiz Facts 8. Distraction A male client is having an Epinephrine is released. prevent bacterial growth. client after the surgery? The patient has an intake of 4 ounces of orange juice, one 8-ounce cup of coffee, 3 cups of water, and 1 cup of tea. The home care nurse performs the initial visit and finds the patient discouraged and saddened. An air 2. Turning the vacuum related to muscle strain because the pain is Which of the following is a symptom associated with laryngeal cancer? A patient is prescribed an antibiotic to treat a lung infection. bubbling in the water-seal chamber, which is "No, this medication is given to prevent kidney damage by the chemotherapy agents.". So, this test is essential for those preparing for NCLEX or other nursing examss. Which instructions should the the PN? Med Surg II Renal Exam Questions and Answers - Chapter 65: Assessment A nurse is teaching a patient how to perform flow type incentive spirometry prior to his scheduled thoracic surgery. Minimal stimulation should be maintained The heart beats faster and stronger. Welcome to the third test on Medical-Surgical Nursing, here you are going to face 50 important questions on various medical topics such as cardiac problems, cancer, anemia, etc. You must have functioning speakers and a microphone, whether internal or external. A client has had abdominal surgery and has orders to be ambulated three times a day. Which patients are at increased risk for vancomycin-resistant enterococci? Hyperkalemia. Rationale: Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is a type of fatal dysrhythmia that requires immediate defibrillation or precordial shock. Epstein-Barr put the patient at increased risk for which type of cancer? mucus and increased gastric acid secretion, which Select all that apply. signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases urethra. Select all that apply. Speak in a low-pitched tone. The patient's family wants to know why the endotracheal tube cannot be left in place. reaction. surgical amputation of the left blood pressure. action should the practical provide? A patient is experiencing a drop in blood pressure. An older patient receiving antibiotics for an abdominal wound infection develops a fever and diarrhea. The nurse is caring for a client infected with Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These sample questions apply to all exams taken on or after October 25, 2014. Remove the bedpan from the patient's bed area. Pain radiating to the right During pre-admission, the data collection for a 24-year-old woman scheduled for a cholecystectomy includes a complete blood count and chest radiograph based on her age and medical history. clients sits down to rest(intermittent claudication) Infection Which potential Speak slowly and clearly. What nursing action should the nurse prioritize? homestead high school staff. A patient returning from the recovery room following abdominal surgery to drain an abscess has a nonsuction-type drain placed in the wound bed to allow drainage. Rationale A) "Hold the spirometer at your lips and breathe in and out like you normally would.". All of our resources in one place for one low price! Drive Development myasthenia gravis. Increased fluid and mucus in bronchial passages. the highest priority after surgery that affects the Apply surgical masks to each of the patients. Alopecia Prompt treatment can save the Postoperatively, urine is Rationale What should the nurse explain about the purpose of this blood patch? Select all that apply. body muscles, including the muscles involved in A patient is diagnosed with an illness caused by a prion. is 9,900 mm3. Prescribed dose will be lower than recommended. A client who had surgery 24 hours ago and who also has a nasogastric tube. The nurse should: A patient has been treated in the emergency room for epistaxis. A new browser window will open, displaying your results, which you may print, if you wish. such as incontinence, should be noted during a with a crocheted scarf. Which intervention should the practical nurse expect to implement? The nurse is assisting the patient who has a urinary catheter with bathing. Monitor infusion of prescribed IV fluids. are having surgery? Select all that apply. White blood cell (WBC) count A patient is diagnosed with distributive shock. Postural drainage has been ordered for a patient who is having difficulty mobilizing her bronchial secretions.
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