Beware! The 50 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries of All Time Gamberg was a young deputy when the Keddie cabin murders occurred. While under hypnosis, he described the killers as a tall man with blond hair and a mustache and a short man, who was clean-shaven with dark hair. Historic Mysteries reports neighbors heard "muffled screams or groans," sometime between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m., but they did not realize anyone was in danger and simply went back to sleep. [24], Based on Justin's descriptions, composite sketches of the two unknown men were produced by Harlan Embry, a man with no artistic ability and no training in forensic sketching. At Keddie Cabin, two victims were found tied to each other. Based on Justin's description of the attackers, detectives identified Martin "Marty" Smartt as one of the primary suspects in the cabin murders. Sheilas mother had been covered partially with a blanket though that had done little to hide her gruesome injuries. Secondly but more importantly there is his reasoning process. A neighborhood boy, Justin Eason, would spend the night with Sues two youngest sons that evening. Additionally, he said that Marilyn was his niece, which was also false. [8], On April 11, 1981, around 11:30 am, Sue, Sheila, and Greg drove from the residence of their friends, the Meeks family, to pick up Rick, who was attending baseball tryouts at Gansner Field in Quincy. In 2016, Gamberg located a hammer believed to be one of the murder weapons in a dried-up pond in Keddie. Amid the attack, Tina came out of her room and was carried out of the house by one of the men, who came back inside the house without her. Unfortunately, they couldnt determine where the sounds came from and went back to sleep. Meanwhile, Sheriff Thomas had resigned from the investigation three months in and take a job instead at the Sacramento DOJ. Keddie Murders Revisited Part 1: New Evidence Discovered Links Living Suspect to Grisly Scene, November 15, 2019.Whelan, Micheal. [24][11] It was never explained why, with access to the Justice Department's and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) top forensic artists, law enforcement chose to use an amateur who sometimes volunteered to help local police. It is unclear what evidence links Boubede to the mafia. "[17] He allegedly told the counselor that Tina was killed to prevent her from identifying him, as she had "witnessed the whole thing. [24] In his later account of events, told under hypnosis,[17] he claimed to have awoken to sounds coming from the living room while asleep in the bedroom with Rick and Greg. [24] Plumas County Sheriff Sylvester Thomas, who presided over the case, later stated that Martin had provided "endless clues" in the case that seemed to "throw the suspicion away from him. They lived in a trailer park for a short time, but then Sue decided to move just five miles from Quincy into the mountains to a place known as the Keddie Resort. His handling of the case in retrospect would be considered disastrous at best and corrupt at worst. On the other hand, his reason for killing Tina was that she had seen everything. At least one other person was killed that night: her teenage brothers friend, whose body also was found by then 14-year-old Sheila on the living room floor of Cabin 28 in Keddie, California, on the morning of April 12, 1981. ABC10's Madison Wade spoke with. However, they onlywent on a few dates, and the last time they saw each other was two days before she was killed. On July 18, 1984, a lone gunman James Oliver Huberty entered a crowded McDonald's with a plan: "hunting for humans." He opened fire on the customers inside the fast-food chain, killing 21 and wounding 19 others. Later, investigators learned that Boubede had a criminal record and was working as an enforcer with the mafia in Chicago. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. It's my strong sense that there's something about Tina that did not allow for her to be left there.". [3][4] She decided to relocate to northern California, where her brother Don was residing at the time. This is a site about the Keddie murders that happened the night of April 11-12, 1981 in Keddie, CA On the after show, Dennis asks Sheila how the crime affected her surviving younger siblings, and about the role Sheila played as their protector in later years. Plumas County Sheriffs Department The Keddie family about four years before the murders. In one of the bedrooms, authorities found Rick, Greg, and their friend Justin Eason Smartt, unharmed. The fragments were eventually determined to belong to the missing girl Tina. The strangest thing is that there is no apparent motive. Keddie Truth - Index page What the 14-year-old girl discovered inside the modest four-room cabin instantly became one of the most macabre scenes in modern American crime history and has come to be known as the gruesome Keddie murders. There, they visited their friends and watched TV. [12] Tina's jacket, shoes and a toolbox containing various tools were missing from the house,[6] which showed no indication of forced entry. Keddie Murder Victims (Clockwise): Sue Sharp, John Sharp, Dana Wingate, and Tina Sharp. The night before the murders, Sheila had slept over a friends house down the street. But the memory of those murders has also stayed with the community and especially with the investigators who have re-opened the case of the 1981 attacks on Sue Sharp, her son Johnny, her daughter Tina, and family friend Dana Wingate. The killers had escaped. As reported by ABC10, John Boubede died in 1988, and Martin Smartt died in 2006. Martin was a known drug dealer and Bo was connected to Chicago crime syndicates with financial interests in drug distribution. Although the cabin Sharp rented from Mollath was run down, it provided her and her family with more room. which Jamie had already done by entering through the cabin's back door to check for any survivors. I killed the woman and her daughter, but I didnt have anything to do with the [boys], he purportedly told the counselor. However, she forgot to bring the clothes she planned to wear to church. Keddie28 reports she was attending business classes at the Feather River Community College, where she was purportedly a "good student" who worked hard to maintain high grades. People Magazine Investigates continues with new episodes that air Mondays (10 p.m. Between them lies the forgotten tape of the anonymous phone tip left in 1984, rediscovered in 2013. called the Sacramento Department of Justice. Justin reported then that John and Dana entered the home and argued with the men which resulted in a violent fight. Sheila Sharp who discovered the victims of the Keddie Cabin 28 murders in 1981, when she was 14 hopes the cold case finally will be resolved By Jeff Truesdell Published on November 25, 2016. As reported by Keddie28, all three victims were bound with cords, medical tape, and wire. 5 Things to Know about the Keddie Cabin Murders and the Hunt for the Killers, 'People Magazine Investigates' : Inside Decades-Old Disappearances of 5 People Along the Snake River. Of the suspects who are still alive, Gamberg said: They better batten down the hatches because were coming. It's been forty years since the Kebbie Cabin Murders happened in a rural area of Plumas County. He is the author of a series of published mystery novels and holds a degree in criminal psychology. Until 3 years to the day after the horrific murders a man collecting cans stumbled upon a human skull in Butte County CA. The Keddie Murders: Quadruple Homicide Unsolved After 40+ Years Joe Turner is a freelance writer of crime with a passion for unsolved mysteries. Jamie witnessed the carnage, the aftermath of murder. "[29] In a 2016 interview, Gamberg stated that the letter was "overlooked" in the initial investigation and never admitted as evidence. On April 11, 1981, Sue and the kids were in and out of Cabin 28 throughout the day. He is foul-mouthed, disrespectful, and abusive, even when speaking of the victims and immediate surviving family. On . While he was supposedly collecting cans, a human skull and mandible turned up. Originally established as a stop along the railroad, the area was in the middle of a total transition when the Sharp . [10] Around this time, the two were seen in the city's downtown area. Although we have attempted to sort through it with due diligence, even the most credible sources do not agree on all the details. The Murders in Cabin 28. Who killed four people in Keddie | by About the Cabin 28 Keddie Murders Case: However, when this failed, the Keddie Resort owner Gary Mollath turned a series of cabins into low-income rental housing. [24] According to Justin, John and Dana then entered the home and began heatedly arguing with the men. 5 Things to Know about the Keddie Cabin Murders and the New Hunt for the Killers. It has been 40 years since the tragedy took place in rural Plumas County. Given the extent of the brutality of the Keddie cabin murders, there was plenty of evidence left behind. Episode Info His head was badly damaged as though bashed in with a blunt object and lay partially on a pillow. Gamberg also stated that at that time, six potential suspects were being examined. Then at 3:30 pm, the two teenagers headed out again. Sue began renting out Cabin 28 at the Keddie Resort in 1980 when she relocated to Northern California after separating from her husband. Sitting down with PEOPLE Senior Editor Alicia Dennis for the People Magazine Investigates After Show that followed the broadcast, Sheila talks about the additional burdens she carries because of the grisly discovery and the uncertainty of who was responsible. One of the men had a hammer. This was a couple years ago. Corona, Marcella. Gamberg and the owner,who goes by the name DMAC, believe that Sue Sharp and Marty Smartt were having an affair. Three years after the slayings occurred, part of a skull was found 29 miles away near Camp Eighteen in neighboring Butte County. The Keddie victims were bound with tape and electrical cords. The trio had been stabbed, bludgeoned, and strangled to death. Horror Hotspot: Keddie Cabin Murders - Timber Creek Talon Richard's alibi for the time of the murder is, he was supposedly with Mike Hamilton, Angus Lynch, and Good ol' Steve Durham at the Arcade.
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