[2], Although HLS is the third-largest non-clinical CRO in the world, it is probably better known to the general public as the target of a high-profile animal rights campaign. The Routine Agony of Neglected Animals in Laboratories, https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Huntingdon_Life_Sciences&oldid=713053, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Julian T. Griffiths - Finance Director & Secretary, Henning Jonassen - Group Director, Necropsy Laboratory, Darioush "Dari" Dadgar - Vice President, Analytical Services. In 2002, HLS moved its financial centre to the United States and incorporated in Maryland as Life Sciences Research. [20] Another businessman with links to HLS was attacked and knocked unconscious adjacent to a barn his assailants had set alight. [25]. This site is part of Newsquest's audited local newspaper network. (SAEN), a laboratory watchdog group: The reports also reveal a 34% drop in animal use over a period of one year. In ADI's Save The Primates documentary, monkeys desperately shake their tiny, rusting, collapsing cages at a UK Home Office approved monkey dealer in Vietnam. At any one period, approximately 70,000 animals are housed in HLS facilities. Researchers noted the heart was swelling way beyond its natural size with a strange yellow fluid seeping from the organ. It is claimed by SHAC that 500 animals died every day at HLS (182,500 a year),[14] a figure at odds with HLS' published numbers. HLS uses animals in the biomedical research it conducts for its customers. Touching them was also a "waste of time." The 1,274 pages of documentation revealed a "litany of failings", including at least 520 errors and omissions. The company provides full programs for pesticides, herbicides, weed-killers and fertilizers. [26] Police estimated in 2007 that, as a consequence of the operation, "up to three quarters of the most violent activists" were jailed. Huntingdon Life Sciences, Eye, Suffolk, UK Search for more papers by this author Ian Taylor, Ian Taylor Huntingdon Life Sciences, Eye, Suffolk, UK Search for more papers by this author Book Editor (s): Cheryl L. Scudamore, Cheryl L. Scudamore Mary Lyon Centre, MRC Harwell, UK Search for more papers by this author First published: 27 December 2013 [9], In September of 1996, undercover investigator Michelle Rokke from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), was hired as a lab technician at Huntingdon's New Jersey lab. The targeted action of groups such as Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (Shac) and Uncaged has been highly effective. Huntingdon Life Sciences: More jobs to go - BBC News Corporations which contract test out to Huntingdon Life Sciences include: Abbott Laboratories, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Baxter International, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dow Chemical Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Monsanto, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Syngenta and Sanofi-Aventis. One day after the broadcast, three laboratory technicians were put on suspended leave. [6], For links to copies of this facility's U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Animal Plant Health Inspection (APHIS) reports, other information and links, see also Facility Reports and Information: Huntingdon Life Sciences, Inc., East Millstone, New Jersey.[7]. The facility can hold up to 550 monkeys at a time. This new organization has been created by the integration of Huntingdon Life Sciences, Harlan Laboratories, and three subsidiaries: GFA, NDA Analytics and LSR associates and provides essential . The documentary shows struggling monkeys being strapped into chairs and forced to inhale products. This led to an investigation of the company and the prosecution of two workers. Signal management in pharmacovigilance and human risk - PubMed Thousands of animals, including beagles, monkeys, rabbits and rodents were poisoned and killed in various ways for the 20 year study on Sucralose; known in the United States as Splenda. Fax: +44-1480-890-693, Eye Research Centre In recent years, HLS has been infiltrated and exposed at least seven separate times for animal cruelty and other violations. It describe the suffering of primates used in the research and the legal framework regulating animal testing. In spite of wide spread evidence of health dangers and concerns, Sucralose is widely available for consumption. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), unable to catch underground activists, instead targeted the website operators. Some of the companies who used HLS, subsequently withdrew their contracts. Huntingdon Life Sciences Wiki - everipedia.org According to Ms. Kite: The substance was considered so toxic that cleaning staff wore oxygen suits. The escalation of the campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences can be dated from the closure of ShamrockUseful linksHuntingdon Life Sciences Anti-HLS site Investigation of HLS experiments Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Bioindustry Association, As a mystery financial backer steps in to rescue the Huntingdon Life Sciences labs, Martin Bright sees the operating rooms and breeding centres where animals live and die for medicine - and commerce, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is set to shed about 6% of its workforce, including at its Occold laboratories near Eye, where 400 of its 1600-strong workforce are employed The investigation sparked protests resulting in government investigations. In one test, 48 Beagles had an anti-psoriatic cream applied to their shaved backs for 30 days. Materials 2.1 Analytical Standard 1 - IKI-3106 Chemical name: 3-bromo-N-[2-bromo-4-chloro-6-[[(1-cyclopropylethyl)amino]carbonyl . Two of HLS's directors are based in third world countries. [27]. : Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) Eco-terrorism, Testimony of David Martosko: Environmental and Animal-Rights Terrorism and Its Above-Ground Support System. The film had also revealed one technician squirting a syringe of drug into the bin when he could not find the dog's vein. She has to turn off her phone and fax when she goes to bed because otherwise they ring all night. Separate investigations, employee testimonies, leaking of documents and documents obtained by court order; have occurred in 1981, 1996-97 (twice), 2000, 2000-03, 2005 and 2007-08. This compares to only 30 dogs used in experiments involving unrelieved pain in 2007. In 1988 HLS was floated on the London Stock Exchange and in 1989 obtained a listing on the New York Stock Exchange. PMID: 25530039 DOI: See also USDA Animal Welfare Inspection Reports. Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is a contract research organisation (CRO) founded in 1951 in Cambridgeshire, England. It has two laboratories in the United Kingdom and one in the United States. [21], [22]. They were bound in tight sticky plaster. Following campaigns which exposed cruel conditions of monkeys transported on long flights, many airlines and ferry companies refused to transport animals for Shamrock. The investigation and report are part of a ground breaking study on primate research and the international primate trade. 2 Huntingdon Life Sciences, Eye Research Centre, Eye, Suffolk, United Kingdom. According to USDA reports for HLS's New Jersey laboratory, 77 dogs were force fed toxic substances causing substantial pain, without anesthesia in 2008. [1] HLS tests agrochemicals, foods, flavorings, industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals and veterinary products. As the atmosphere of conspiracy heightens, she has become convinced that the firebombings may be the work of agents provocateurs . Reduce costs with our complimentary sample for evaluation in your lab. According to the documents, a quarter of the primates died from "technical failures". There are marmosets that have never seen a jungle; beagles that have never been taken for a walk in the countryside; all manner of mammals, small and large, being bred so that they can be pumped with chemicals and then killed. The company was founded in the United Kingdom in 1952 and has facilities in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. martin.bright@observer.co.uk A short history of animal rights. [1] Search for stock images, vectors and videos. It was also revealed that the beagles were to have their legs broken to test a new drug, intended to combat osteoporosis, for the Japanese company, Yamanouchi Pharmaceuticals. . Shamrock customers included HLC, SmithKline Beecham, GaxoWellcome and Inveresk Clinical Research. It is important that we continue to promote these adverts as our local businesses need as much support as possible during these challenging times. Subsequently, up to 300 monkeys were kept in tiny cages inside of dark Portakabins. Non-commercial use only, not for resale. It was the first time that laboratory technicians had been prosecuted for animal cruelty in the United Kingdom. After a Home Office inquiry, the company was allowed to continue trading, but not before the collapse of its share price and the withdrawal of several large financial backers, including the Labour Party's pension fund. The documentary, It's A Dog's Life was based on her investigations and undercover tapes. is critical to maintaining consistent, reliable data. They also test detergents, tanning lotions, diet pills, food wrapping plastic, food additives, cosmetics and some pharmaceuticals. Electronic address: LAWRENCE.M.SEGAL@GSK.COM. [18] See also Splenda: Sadistically Sweet. The Observer was given unprecedented access last week to one of the HLS laboratories at the centre of the vicious, escalating row over animal testing. "[16], In 1998, an undercover investigator for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) used a camera hidden in her glasses to make 50 hours of videotape of the HLS laboratories in Princeton, New Jersey. It was predicted to be a highly profitable money maker for British sugar giant Tate & Lyle, who commissioned the research. statement of compliance. 10 June 2013 21 June 2013: 11: Huntingdon Life Sciences JSM0519 2. With over 1600 staff, it is now the largest non-clinical CRO in Europe. She started work on the Rodent Toxicology Unit. But this has not always been the case. It was predicted to be a highly profitable money maker for British sugar giant Tate & Lyle, who commissioned the research. In 2007, the NJ laboratory reported 2,143 "regulated" animals. 341,587,075 stock photos, 360 panoramic images, vectors and videos, Share Alamy images with your team and customers. Woolley Road See also pdf copies of animal testing reports for various species conducted at HLS laboratories. [16] Two of the men seen hitting and shaking dogs were found guilty under the Protection of Animals Act 1911 of "cruelly terrifying dogs." Huntingdon Life Science, Eye Research Centre, Suffolk Save up to 70% with our image packs Pre-pay for multiple images and download on demand. Brian Cass, HLS managing director, said: 'Over the years our staff have been incredibly supportive of the company, previously taking pay cuts to help save jobs, but this continued downturn in our business means we have no choice but to consider this action. AETA and the New Green Scare: Are You the Terrorist Next Door? ", Staff were encouraged not to spend time with the beagles, as "time and speed were the essence". Baboon W201m died of a stroke after two days of suffering from limb spasms and paralysis. Live exports 1994-95 The campaign against the live export trade at Shoreham, Sussex and Brightlingsea in Essex culminated in mass demonstrations against the trade in veal calves. Pre-pay for multiple images and download on demand. Huntingdon Life Sciences VHJ0005 2 Details of Sponsor and Test Facility . In the course of the year long investigation, 217 monkeys were killed in just five studies. Leaf carbon isotope compositions and stomatal characters: important Huntingdon also diversified its operations, primarily in the United States, becoming involved in engineering and environmental services. We also visited the HLS main site outside at Alconbury, Cambridgeshire, where the testing on beagles and macaque monkeys is done. Suffolk IP23 7PX Most of the jobs are anticipated to be lost in areas which test the safety of new drugs and would affect staff across the board, including scientists and managers. Barry Horne 1998The hunger strike of convicted bomb-maker and Animal Liberation Front supporter between October and Christmas 1998 split public opinion, but highlighted the plight of animals. East Millstone, NJ 08875-2360 He was the only activist invited to attend these hearings. The Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) campaign is based in the UK and US, and has aimed to close the company down since 1999. A total of 12,800 animals died at HLS during for this study. In spite of wide spread evidence of health dangers and concerns, Sucralose is widely available for consumption. highest level clan in coc 2020; huntingdon life sciences eye suffolk. In that year it established Huntingdon Analytical Services Inc. to conduct business in the United States. huntingdon life sciences eye suffolk how to get rid of burnt taste in disposable vape June 15, 2022. medora pitchfork fondue 12:11 am 12:11 am Endocrine system - A Practical Guide to the Histology of the Mouse Shareholders meetings are held secretly in Panama. At the time, HLS was using dogs to test an antibacterial agent additive for tooth paste for Colgate-Palmalive. Two of HLS's directors are based in third world countries. Then as now, there were already multiple brands of anti-psoriatic creams. [5] See also USDA. This pest can adversely affect the reproducibility and reliability of research findings. Huntingdon Life Sciences who will now only be referred to as Huntingdon Death Sciences are one of the largest contract anllnal testing companies in the world. Olestra was a "fat free oil" that was found to be safe in animal tests but caused anal leakage in humans. Collaborate with our global Enterprise Sales team. SHAC is an international campaign with groups in the UK, USA, France, Holland, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and many other countries who target HLS and the global corporations which support them. [15], Primates were imported from Mauritius, the Philippines and China andpacked in tiny crates, (often too small to stand in) for up to two and a half days.
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