He had a personal encounter with Jesus, and foresaw Christ's future crucifixion. He holds the Th.B (Westminster Seminary) and Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh). Simeon takes the Child Jesus in his arms and blesses God in order to present it to the Lord. Raymond E. Brown and Karl P. Donfried, eds., Mary in the New Testament (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978), pp. A tour to the pyramids of Giza will reveal some fascinating facts He kept the law inwardly and outwardly, looked for the Messiah, and the very presence of God was in his life. It will not make sense to them, and honestly it shouldn't. We often picture Jesus taking little children in his arms, and we sing, I would like to have been with him then , but this thought of another receiving Jesus into his arms is much less familiar to us. We must make this observation, for in verse 29 there are three words which indicate this. Simeon thanked God that he was able to see Jesus the savior! He is now considered one of the top evangelical scholars in the world, and is an elected member of the prestigious SNTS, a society dedicated to New Testament studies. was saying and revelling himself at this age God had her back on this one! I said that I had not. He is at peace and his heart is filled with hope because he knows that God has fulfilled His promise. In Hebrew Simeon means: hearing or listening. Of course, in the end, Luke portrays Mary as successfully making the spiritual journey into the family of faith; in Acts 1:14, when the apostles gather in the upper room after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, Mary is with them. How old was Jesus when simeon and Anna saw him?Jesus was approximately 40/41 days old at the time His mother, Mary was required to make an offering at the temple (Leviticus 12:). 34 And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed 35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed" (Luke 2:25-35 ESV). He will bring the revelation to non-Jewish people in order to bring Jews and Gentiles to God. about the historical past and tradition of historical Egypt. i know PROTESTANTS dont credit private interpretations. Look, your father and I have been searching for you in great anxiety. Jesus responds, Did you not know that I must be in my Fathers house? But, Luke reports, they did not understand what he said to them [but] his mother treasured all these things in her heart (Luke 2:4851). This phrase either means that many will be humbled and spiritually raised up because of him (like the story of the publican in Luke 18:9ff), or it means that Jesus will be a stone over which some will fall and perish while others are spiritual "risen up" by God's power (see Luke 1:51-53). By this time Simeon was a very old man. 161162. Jesus Brings Revelation to the Nations. Simeon described the Child as a light to lighten the Gentiles. The Gentiles refers to the nations other than Israel. learn []. website? Reading this narrative, we sense that it was perfectly proper for this old man to take the Baby Jesus in his arms because of what he was and who he was. The Spirit rested upon Moses, and his face shone like that. When the divine illumination concerning Christ comes to us, we too must act immediately in submission and receive the Christ. The Eastern Orthodox Church considers Anna and Simeon the God-Receiver as the last prophets of Old Testament and observes their feast on February 3/February 16 as the synaxis (afterfeast) following the Presentation of Christ, which Orthodox tradition calls The Meeting of Our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Anna was about 106 years old depending upon when she wed. Luke portrays the rise of a form of Judaism that would rely on the testimony of women as well as men, and that would empower them once again to fulfill roles like Miriam of old. (We know that the eighth day after birth is the first of the following 33 days because the account also says that after the birth of a daughter a mother waits twice as long, specifically 14 + 66 = 80 days.). 30 The angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. The Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost, and they enjoyed power. Anna belonged to the tribe of Asher. Praised God and spoke of Jesus' future. Teaching Women of the Bible. Apparently sacrificial lambs were wrapped (swaddled) at birth Anna was 84 years old, and she stayed in the temple serving God. There is no great incentive to holy living than to believe, to live and to labour in the conviction that the Lord Jesus is coming again look up 1 John 3:3. The Law also allowed, in the cases of poverty, for two pigeons or turtledoves to be offered instead of a lamb. 26 The Holy Spirit told Simeon that he would not die before he saw the Christ promised by the Lord. was a very old man, and was waiting to see the messiah and die. Gabriel made it quite clear to Mary who is Jesus: Jesus was never the Messiah ! She was very old, around 84 years old when she saw Jesus in the temple.Refer also to Luke 2:36-38. A similar hope is beating in many hearts today, even while the darkness deepens in political, educational, moral, and spiritual things. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to Simeon. anyones radar, so I think Mary indeed had a lot to mull over as she put all the extraordinary information I just want to eat and to be done with that call. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility" (Eph 2:11-14). He was waiting for eschatological . 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 1. 2:25 Now a man named Simeon was in Jerusalem. 27 Led by the Spirit, he went into the Temple. He loved God. The Bible does not mention his age at all , but it does say he . Of course, no one knows how old Simeon was when God gave him this assurance. Shes pondering all right, shes pondering just how hard shes gonna tan his little hide when she gets him home. 2) Im not sure why Simeons reaponse has to be considered less than Annas? GOD THE FATHER, HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS AND MARY AT THE TEMPLE Their patient waiting is now being fulfilled as Simeon and Anna both converge in temple area and meet the Messiah face to face. how old was simeon when he saw jesus. Also see the reading below from verses 29-32 and verses 34-35. Have something to add about this? What did Simeon do when he saw Jesus? He was in all probability an old man, though we are not told this, and no indication is given of his position in life, nor as to whether he was rich or poor. SCRIPTURE, proclaims elizabeth asking in wonder, how is it that the MOTHER of my LORD comes to me? i could go on and on. Simeon . Simeon, a right living and very devout man of faith, was frequently in the Temple meditating, and in a constant state of anticipation of the most significant foretold event in the Jewish faith the arrival of the Jewish Messiah. Simeon must have understood that Israels conversion would be realized only after the enlightenment of the heathen and the calling out of the Church. Who was Anna? Now, as Simeon lived just prior to the first advent and anticipated the first coming of the Lord Jesus, so you and I today live just prior to His second advent and should be anticipating His return. Simeon made a prophetic and powerful predictive statement about Jesus and the purpose of His life. OK, so I have a slightly different interpretation when it comes to Joseph and Mary finding Jesus after hes been missing for three days. The Holy Ghost is the author of all scripture (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21), and the great message of the scriptures concerning the future is that Jesus is coming again - look up John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 John 3:1-3). Luke 2:25-35 God bless you and your work. thus the feast of Sukkoth is a symbol for God dwellling among us in Jesus . We then count 3 and a half months from 1. Let a man be confronted with Christ as a supernatural person, one born without a human father, brought into the world through the womb of a virgin, as the apparatus of redemption, and he will reveal his own hearts condition by his attitude toward this supernatural Christ. "Well," she said, "I have good news. Their hearts were right with God. In fact, she is the only woman in the New Testament explicitly described as a prophetess. She then stands in the line of figures like the judge, military leader and prophetess Deborah and the Jerusalem prophetess Huldah, who, in the days of King Josiah, was asked to verify that an ancient scroll (a form of Deuteronomy) discovered during Temple renovations was indeed the word of God (2 Kings 22). The house of Abijahs servicetime was the number 8, thus the second half of the 4th month of the jewish year which was about June. Which scripture acknowledges by saying Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. He was obident and honored them for another 18 yrs until the God given time had come and He revelled himself by changing the water into wine at the Cana wedding. All men will not accept Jesus. May God give us the kind of spiritual eyesight to see it and lives to live it! So you are saying that when the Shepards and the wise men came Mary had no idea Jesus was Messiah? A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Simeon accepted the Baby Jesus as the Christ of God. The word Lord means Over-lord; the word servant means bond-servant; and the phrase, as you have promised indicates complete submission to the promises of the Lord. As Paul put it in Ephesians 2:19 - no longer strangers or foreigners, but fellow citizens! How old was Jesus when simeon and Anna saw him? 30 because my eyes have seen your salvation, The Bible does not tell us his age, but one thing is very clear he was a very, very old man.But he was the man who recognized Jesus was the savior even with his dim eyes. So we know from this that Jesus was 7 + 33 = 40 days old at the time of this ceremony. The darkness of nineteen centuries has not been able to overcome that light, nor can the darkness of evil forces today extinguish the light of hope, faith, and love kindled by the coming of Jesus Christ. Mary, Simeon or Anna: Who First Recognized Jesus as Messiah? Global Relief Fund | Earthquake Relief Efforts in Turkey and Syria. When at last they find him listening to and asking questions of the teachers in the Temple, Mary asks, Child, why have you treated us like this? If we do, we will rejoice as did Simeon on that occasion. At the Temple scene, Mary definatly shows she knows this by how she address him after looking for him for three days. Let me first give you my thesis, and then try to show you three ways that I see this in the text. He is not identified as a priest, or ruler. This is because in addition to being a proselytizer, Anna is a prophetess (Luke 2:36). He also saw Mary standing by that cross, pierced in heart at the suffering of her child. Simeon was a righteous and devout man who lived in Jerusalem. Ipinanganak si Jesus. He is a godly man who is satisfied with a gospel that is a beautiful and costly treasure. He was a good man and very religious. No wonder they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, (luke 2:17). 35 Indeed, a sword will pierce your own soul, too, so that the inner thoughts of many people might be revealed. By now my food was getting cold so I said, "YeahI really wouldn't like $15,000 either." Simeon the priest was a very old man , could be in his late seventies. This is the time Simeon and Anna saw Jesus. Let us know if corrections need to be made. To me, this is a powerful image and one that begs a very important question - "What did he see?" 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. 2 Ang pagpapatalang ito ay unang nangyari nang si Cirenio ay gobernador ng Siria. By this time Simeon was a very old man. Jesus is the one that they have been longing and looking for. Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace (Luke 2:28, 29). All rights reserved. Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be unto me according to thy word., 3. IVE JUST FINISH READING ANNA IS A PROPHETESS FOUND LUKE 2:36. Another assumption that is often made is that Simeon was a priest. She spread the What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe? When that old man went out of the world he took nothing but a soul. God is testing us everyday and has given us the right to make our own choices. We learn (vs 25) that he lived in Jerusalem. Also, he will be a sign that will be opposed. The event occurred when Joseph and Mary brought the Child to the Temple to present him to the Lord, according to the law of Moses. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. After Pushing for UMC Unity, Former Bishop Joins New Denomination, I Was the Proverbial, Drug-Fueled Rock and Roller, Jesus Revolution Director: Were at the Forefront of a Return to God, Christian Conservationists Sue to Protect Ghana Forest, Complete access to articles on ChristianityToday.com, Over 120 years of magazine archives plus full access to all of CTs online archives. Mary was required to make an offering at the temple (Leviticus 26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the Lords Messiah. And Marys Magnificent states her understanding of what is happening within her. That is enormously comforting, especially if this Christmas is one that is filled with hard providence for you. Alfred Plummer, in his classic commentary on Luke, suggested that the difference between Anna and Simeon provides a clue to Luke as a salvation historian, a chronicler of the mighty acts of God for his people through the ages. birthing the sacrificial lambs for the nearby temple, as some scholars claim, then this sign would present some bringing peace to earth and rebuilding the temple. In Lukes birth narrative, Mary is the first to be told that Jesus will be the messiah. The Spirit gave Simeon divine revelationit was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lords Christ. The word translated revealed is actually a divine response. In the active tense the word means to transact business, to make an answer to those who seek advice. The use of the word in the passive bespeaks revelation made by God in response to the seeking of man. Therefore, the ages of Simeon and Anna are very important. Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied. She knew who he was! Simeon got it and he saw it! (We know that the eighth day after birth is the first of the following 33 days because the account also says that after the birth of a daughter a mother waits twice as long, specifically 14 + 66 = 80 days.) 3 Pilgrimage Paths from Galilee to Jerusalem, Dating the Oldest New Testament Christian Manuscripts, The Bethesda Pool, Site of One of Jesus Miracles. We shall never be perfect while we are in the flesh, but the Lord has made provision for us to be blameless (verse 25), which means that our lives should be such that they bring glory to His name and show forth His praise to those amongst whom we are living. Your statement says she is the only woman in New Testament explicitly described as a prophetess. See something we missed? Simeon had an insight into dispensational truth, as verses 30-32 indicate. Mary and Joseph bring Jesus into the temple to dedicate Him forty days after his birth. Rather, Christmas calls to remember that Jesus is not only the reason for the season, He is only reason for living or (in Simeon's case) dying. Lukes Christmas story is full of surprising reversals of fortunes and roles, in which outsiders become more intimate associates than family members, and in which women play a more active role then men. Seems to me like they didnt get it. The whole of the strange thing called life lies between the extremes in that picture. She may have been able to undertake this role in the Temple because she was no longer in periodic states of ritual impurity caused by menstruation. That is what Simeon saw, and that is what all godly people should see - even to the point of death. (Apparently) this was how new lambs were inspected for defects and kept unmarred for eventual sacrifice for forgiveness of sins. He was waiting for the time when God would help Israel. Mary and Joseph search for him frantically for three days. In Davids time the yearly service of the highpriest priests was divided in 24 houses, each makng the service in the temple in Jerusalem for half a month. Simeon had the infant Jesus in his arms and, moved by the Holy Spirit, sang the Nunc Dimittis, Latin words for "now dismiss." We . Because that is what Simon said. Are there verses I have missed about her memory leave her?>, [] Witherington IIIs full letter Mary, Simeon or Anna: Who First identified Jesus as Messiah? is permitted on-line during no cost. In John 21, Jesus is asking Peter if he really loves Him. The secret of a life that is pleasing in the sight of men and well-pleasing to God is the filling of the Holy Ghost - look up Ephesians 5:18. In which christian text are the teachings of jesus recorded? Interestingly, in both, the woman is portrayed as the more positive example of discipleship. In verse 32 he stated that the Lord Jesus was to be, first, a light for revelation to the Gentiles; and second, for glory to your people Israel. See Alfred Plummer, Luke, International Critical Commentary (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1905), p. 71. Never has there been a sign more spoken against than that of the Virgin Birth and its attestation to the deity of Jesus Christ, namely, that he is God with us, or Emmanuel. For the Holy Spirit to rest upon a man is the highest experience God has for him. Hey, if the Holy Spirit tells Simeon he will not die till he sees the Messiah, and if hes been waiting his entire life perhaps, and hes faithful and in the temple and he comes and serves as that second witness ~ that may be Gods total will for his lifes ending, different from Annas, but just as powerful. This is a stand that is very difficult for me to follow how one gets there, since Mary was told by Gabriel, John (to be the Baptist) at 6 mos responded, Elizabeth told her, again all the torment when she rtnd from Elizabeths, the shepards and the wise men the woman would have had to of had amnesia not to know. A suffering messiah was not yet on Did he marry? I like the stress on Mary and Joseph as good parents who nevertheless dont get it. I really didn't care about $15,000 at that moment. COPYRIGHT 2023 BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #343, Washington DC 20015-2604. 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. Jesus walking on water in John 6:16-24. 27 The Spirit led Simeon to the Temple. It was Mary and Josephs job to bring up Jesus the Son of Man, as Jesus often referred to himself, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord to be a responsible adult in the Jewish culture. If these shepherds were in charge of He was a faithful temple goer which means that he regularly met with God. The Child was to be the shining light that would dawn in human hearts over the whole of the earth. Further Zacharias announces who is son John shall be and who Marys Son shall be in his discourse before Jesus or John are even born. However, there is one very important thing which we are told about him, and that is that day by day, as he lived and worked, he was waiting for the consolation of Israel (Luke 2:25); that is, he was waiting for and living in the expectation of the coming of the Messiah. Simeon at the Temple is a figure in the Gospel of Luke. degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from the University of Durham in England.
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