(DONT READ THIS TO GIRLS:This game willshow how you will get more done working together rather than competing with one another.). My name is Apurva Kannu and I am currently a Senior in high school. Girltopia for Seniors - WORKSHOPS4GIRLS Join GSCNC council staff as we host GirlTopia in a five week virtual journey. Girltopia Take Action Project planning sheet & guides Need a blank copy ? Job Duties: Under the general supervision of the Regional Program Manager, this position . Driving is an exciting step toward independence, a chance to have fun going new places, and a big responsibility. It provides step-by-step instructions for you to guide your girls in completing their Senior GirlTopia JOURNEY*. Girls can share a meal with a historical figure, unearth ancient treasures, spend the summer in outer space, or dance theirway around Spain. J()2Za8B It is the responsibility of each user to comply with GirlTopia | GSCO Also, I was ultimately able to teach the younger scouts about how to think for themselves, especially when it comes to standing up against stereotypes against girls in gaming as well as other fields. Discover Girl Scouts. Youre almost there. Does your troop have a lot to give? 2884bba86079554cb04a12b7cbec1835b41e6513 Girltopia Journey Suggestions for Seniors to develop and complete a Take Action project for GIRLtopia journey. Thank you for watching!Check out our website at: onegoalonepassionloveyourself.weebly.com 8 GirlTopia take action project ideas | girl scout troop, inspire You can get the Senior Vision Journey Badge In A Bag here. Hands-on activities will keep their interest. To assist the Project Manager to formulate and document the crew and supervision plan for a project including ramp-up and ramp-down. Did you all agree? Adventure camping requires minimal equipment and gear because you'll be active during the day and possibly moving campsites. You will need 4 different objects 2 of each. I plan to have my video featured at my school's film festival. }D&"K"R]]uTUG8?+j!IDIFyUG~X?4J\m?/z[hz##{,TqUq M3%_?4|v*t&T&zqw0ifI"J?&bDTd&8,A;ns-Y6yx-z1-&_>GSA]WYn4yNHN4L=zG 6]M+o{Iw:M`-w|9II/jllY[TQ=oj.7/;AM 8qR()29j.+T|Sqs|u1p=c)ZGZ9Q-e84}Z'+Sd^1-!2nWx?bOCr^b4iN?SWxrYTi;kd9Y_ }bmIUT,$kldpHWhPzO-) P{2N3u9 3f3hG Girltopia - Girl Page - WORKSHOPS4GIRLS In my project I put all the negative things which happen to women locked up in a safe. Though the girls still identify areas in which they'd like to help their communities, a Take Action project addresses the root of an issue and creates a lasting effect. endobj What do the questions mean? Leaders, after all, are visionaries! For women, thereare unique health issues at every stage of theirlives. hi4 #Y@G,6"$RFqv' ]*A*JH83cY]gY:MGgSI, 8rQH^96,QM,['\J=P386sirAM ]3V]SQo %gBa`$ws&9*9K5A+3is9/;:u2fzWEY./nlbU/s 7J=Cal/#9zGKL;D*KSf}hb Break the girls into pairs and tell girls theobjective is to Open partners fist as many times as possible. They are all about lifting girls up and trying to inspire them. Journeys consist of two or three activity plans, and activities for Senior badges can be found in the Senior Girl's Guide to Scouting or Journey badge activity sets. Copyright 2023 MakingFriends.com, Inc. Women and men are encouraged to pursue their careers and take the path they want in life, rather than being held back by . Activity Zone. All citizens are provided with the same level of education and have equal opportunity in society. Filed Under: Seniors Tagged With: girl scout, journey, Journey books, senior girl scout, Girl Scout Leader 411 from MakingFriends.com. I hope that by the end of this video, you are more informed about these issues and become more mindful about plastics! This guide includes many, but not all of the badge and award options for Girl Scout Seniors as well as downloadable activity plans. All Rights Reserved. 2 3. Through this project, I was able to put together a well formulated video explaining a very serious problem in the modern world. <>>> We should enforce equal pay, women in management, gender equality, accepted opinions and much more! Both projects serve important needs, but at different levels. See our Ceremonies, Traditions, and Celebrations article for ideas! If every girl was a G.I.R.L (go-getter/innovator/risk-taker/leader) we wouldnt have all the injustices in the world for girls and women. Review their Change It Projects and make adjustments. 1. And theyll end up with something impressive to sharea work of fiction theywrote themselves. The efforts of locavores can be important and delicious steps toward healthful eating, helping the environment, and supporting local farmers. bottom of page . Have your girls join us this summer at camp, make new friends, and explore the community with other girls. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 3 - PHOENIX, Arizona, United States - TEMPE stream Since then, my level of views has been stable, but slowly increasing. It is beneficial to do, there's a lot to learn, see, and do with this journey! Take Action Project. Do theywant theirvoices to be heard? Those things dont show respect for women so they shouldnt be encouraged. Today I want to share with you what one of my Girl Scout Senior's did to earn the Girltopia Journey and share some great activities to do with a group of girls if you have more than one girl. Resources for Girl Scout members. For Girl Scouts This journey is their chance to imagine a perfect worldfor girls. It is meant to encourage girls (and boys too) of all ages to love themselves just as they are, because they are special, and they shouldn't feel pressured to look a certain way or think certain things about themselves just because others say they should. Girl Scout Ambassadors is for them! More. Hi! Then, everyone gets together and looks at the finished models to see if it matches. When theybecome an Ambassador, they'llbe ready to soar. PDF GIRLtopia - Williamsburg Girl Scouts Maybe place the pen horizontally in the middle of the binder open to page 4 and put the pinecone centered above the binder. For Girl Scouts, For Volunteers Giving back is always in season at Girl Scouts, so encourage your girls to harness that spirit of goodwill and bring their charitable intentions to life! Then they'll take action to make their vision a reality. This journey is their chance to imagine a perfect world for girls. Girl Scout Senior Journey "GIRLTopia" Take Action ProjectThank you for watching and supporting Girl Scouts What are the specifics of the complex relationship between animals and humans? The Project Manager will manage all related quality and safety issues on customer work. How will it continue to help? @ taK ,d~`X'ldkSTG\54;M+; J?ht|aVZ8fDl_1AXfIp?G :bK6F#n.L& TgP0 ka"GI1Y6a,# & And money helps us buy things we want, like video games and movie tickets. After doing research on issues facing girls and interviewing experts, the troop members decided that "girls being mean to each other" and "girls bullying each other" were the issues they cared most about addressing. Replication builds communication skills and is a good team building effort. Complete this badge to find out! 23 0 obj ]&AI@JbH S"4^ Great game to teach girls how important it is to work together. In partnership with 6,500 committed volunteers and adult members, Girl Scouts River Valleys serves nearly 18,000 girls through a 49-county council that spans Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Put theiroutdoor skills to the test (and gain some new ones) as theybecome Girl Scout Senior Adventurers. Identify health topics facing women in localcommunities and across the globe and explore those that matter mostto theyour girl. Snacks & Magazines, our fall product program, is a simple money-earning activity to earn funds for troop activities and trips. Earn various rewards by participation level. This is my take action project for the GIRLTopia Girl Scout journey. Get ready to become an outdoor artist as you connect with nature and create something helpful to the environment. Senior Planning Guide - Girl Scouts River Valleys Volunteers {42 Z x2 Rp{Add6O`!lJ$t`E. Explore badges, activities, and more. What is Girltopia? - Girl Scout Senior Gi tapwhat_do_the_questions_mean_.docx Download File Guide to evaluate the plan The new Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin enables families to support girls as they learn to think like an entrepreneur through the Girl Scout Cookie Program. 5 0 obj Between Sessions 3 & 4 If I gave your plan a green light (approved) and scanned it at the session & you didn't make any changes, skip to step 5. Par? 6h.y$=6GNTDC It also delivers some of the most unforgettable experiences girlswillever have on water. $h)! %PDF-1.4 This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The Project Manager acts as the Company liaison for interface with customer representative(s). Shelby's art project for GirlTopia Journey. Each Girl Scout grade level has its own set of requirements to help families guide their Girl Scout as she runs her own cookie business year after year. My name is Apurva Kannu and I am currently a Senior in high school. Its also a fun way to sharpen communication skills, learn to handle stress with grace, strengthen teamwork skills, grow relationships, and grow networks. This guide includes many, but not all of the badge and award options for Girl Scout Seniors as well as downloadable activity plans. You'll learn how to see nature with an artists eye and find ways to express yourself. 9{dnHBGvz:H|T{r\=le6$REXM7A6p ;C?,' Seniors and Ambassador level teens are invited to participate in 5 zoom sessions that will take them through the GirlTopia jouney as well as help scouts consider their take action projects to earn the Visionary award. For my take action project, I wanted to express what an Ideal world of GIRLtopia is through a video showing how important equality is for women. Small things we can do like fighting for equal pay, rights, and equality can make the world a better place for girls and women. Education. The Project Manager will participate in and/or facilitate the bid process. Powtoon - GIRLtopia Take Action Project % No more complaining about school work! It will be an easy, fun and rewarding experience for everyone! By the end of the year, girls have learned new skills, made new friends, and discovered their inner leaders. For the third goal I had written down, I gave a 30 min discussion to a group of younger girl scouts in my old troop. For example, they may discover that the Girl Scout Troop 3483 "Take Action" Project - GirlTopia Its important to know how to uncover the truth in what we see and hear and to judge sources based on credibility, accuracy, logic, and support for their claims. You will need one paper bag for each girl with supplies, such as: paper towel & toilet paper empty rolls, pipe cleaners, scotch tape, scissors, glue, eyes, magic markers, Popsicle sticks, colored paper, string/yarn, Q-tips, cotton, empty vegetable cans, egg carton, Styrofoam ball, etc. For Volunteers, For Parents & Families Girl Scout Seniors know the world is not ideal. No matter how a girl will make hercollage, there wont be another one like it in the world. KwbJBG=A[D Equality, Girltopia - ROCK UNITED SERVICE UNIT (. (i.e. Money helps us buy things we need, like food and clothes. section of the Journey. Voting is how to make yourvoice heard and make choices about how you think things should be done in government. Girls will learn the difference between wants and needs in this badge. As girlswrite descriptions and dialogue, invent situations and make up feelings, theyll experience the fun of a novelists career. GirlTopia Take Action Project: A Better World for Women 1,067 views May 29, 2014 8 Dislike Share Save haley Shaw 6 subscribers This project was done for a Girl Scout Take Action Project.. 2016-07-31T17:10:11.723-04:00 He can converse freely about the details. endobj Performance is a powerful way to make an impact on an audience and a perfect way to put leadership into action. Have the girlsclose theireyes and imagine what they'll experience traveling: different cultures, breathtaking vistas, exotic foods. Member Of Making Friends Family Of Sites The builder get a pile of the same objects in a space away from original display. Twitter to get awesome Powtoon hacks, 9 Fashion and beauty are glamorous businesses, but its the science behind these industries that makes their products cutting edge and desirable. A locavore is someone committed to eating locally grown, seasonal foods. Use this finder to connect with your local Girl Scout council. 42 0 obj Girls will build a safe space online where theycan show theirreaders what moves themand share stories and causes with friends. Its good to share them so you know who helped make you who you are. We stress the sustainability of the Take Action projects, explains Silvia La Falce, a Girl Scout Ambassador troop leader in the Greater Chicago area. 2016-05-17T15:29:36.000Z Were you able to get all of the items/attributes into your leader that you wanted? 2016-05-17T11:29:57.187-04:00 The Senior Journey Girltopia is all aboutgirls imagining a perfect world of girlsand being a visionary and a leader. 2 0 obj the tribe too! D$ "$ 2"( |w_6vG5l ?!WSh|N8 Find out how to buy Girl Scout Cookies, explore Girl Scout Cookie flavors, see how girls learn essential life skills, and more. endobj The interaction works like this: The lookers look at the original display and go halfway to the builders location, where the runner will be positioned. PDF Senior Journey - GIRLtopia - Take Action Project - Girl Scouts What were some of your challenges? We hope you enjoy and are refreshed by our efforts to make a difference. Where there some attributes that seemed more important than others? 3. They learn about what the pantry needs. The bags must all be the same. The sky is a masterpiece. Senior Girltopia - Girl Scouts of Northern California This position performs work as required and deemed necessary to support the region. Community Service and Take Action Projects. From asking for a raise to presenting her persona online, this badge will help hercreate herbusiness image. Girls will combine color, texture, glue, and paint to develop some serious DIY flair! GirlTopia Take Action Project: A Better World for Women Girltopia Take Action Project planning sheet & Guide
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