Archived Nights. There, he murdered them one by one and hid their bodies in the animatronic suits. 3 - Charlies murder (Midnight motorist minigame + Security puppet minigame and save him minigame) Charlie becomes puppet. After the last night, the voice on the cassette recordings reveals that this location was created in an attempt to lure the existing Fazbear animatronics into a central location in order to destroy them all. After surviving in the mall until morning with the help of Glamrock Freddy, Gregory discovered the remains of Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place buried deep below the mall. However, the classic animatronics were kept in the hopes of a future reopening. Players play as Michael Afton, who finds himself at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, an underground warehouse that stores animatronics that can be rented for parties. While both of these explanations are mere speculation, they would allow both the Logbook 93 theory and the Molten MCI theory to coexist in the timeline. 18 - FNaF 3 happens and Michael tries to end it all by burning the place down and killing Afton. Find Fnaf Copypasta-inspired gifts and merchandise printed on quality products one at a time in socially responsible ways. Fornote - OHHHH boy basically, in my timeline, the older brother (foxy mask guy) is who possesses Fredbear in the end. Fredbears Family Diner. Its possible that Fritz Smith, the guard hired for this final night shift, was Michael Afton using an alias to avoid revealing that he was related to William. Its likely thatFNAF AR: Special Deliveryis also part of the canon timeline since it directly references canon events from bothHelp WantedandSecurity Breach. This represents whoever is in it has been satisfied by Williams suffering. Lastly, my theory interprets Golden Freddy as an aged Spring Freddy, the next gen incarnation of Fredbear made for Fredbear and Friends along with Spring Bonnie. Um, I actuawwy wowked in that office befowe you. Watch the remake here! Chicas Party World. The bite of 87. This is the end of the Purple Guy. Circus Baby was designed to kidnap and/or kill children, though its unclear what his motive was. (The soothing of the souls is shown during the happiest day mini-game and the final image if you get the good ending of FNaF 3), 19 - Henry opens his own restaurant and he is secretly planning to burn the place down when all of the remaining possessed animatronics are there. Every inch of her is so hot. Baby was put out of order, and Afton Robotics shuts down. r kvd auktoriserad bilhandlare. (Compare the poster of Fredbear/Golden Freddys face to what Michael would have been seeing as he was about to be shoved into the mouth of Fredbear. You play as a guard at Fazbears Fright, the horror attraction based on the events tied to Fazbear Entertainment. However, I think he is wrong. Players can salvage animatronics and rearrange their restaurant layout before tackling the nights from the security office in traditional FNAF fashion. You don't even realize that you are trapped. At some point, William Afton contacted his son, Michael, to ask him to find Circus Babys Entertainment and Rentals. WHOLE FNAF STORY AND TIMELINE! | Fandom As such, Sister Location could take place before FNAF 1 without any timeline conflicts. I will update my timeline to include this. Answer: If youre just getting into the Five Nights at Freddysseries, I recommend playing the games in the order they were released. 4 - FNaF 1 Location opens and shuts down for the first time (first 5 murders, Foxy gogogo minigame) - circus babys pizza worldopens and Elizabeth gets clawed. Timeline as far as I'm concerned is 4,2,1,SL,3 . Some say its Michael who is bite of '87 victim and was rehired due to Faz Ent oversight under a new alias others state Jeremy Fitzgerald is a different person altogether who dies from the Bite. I encourage you to compare my version of the timeline with your interpretation of the series and with the evidence and details found in the games themselves. Michael Afton was hired to be this franchise locations owner and manager, though he wasnt originally part of Henrys plan. In 1993, the restaurant was looking for a new security guard. Another Child Dies. Between the sheer amount of content and the incredible detail baked into every installment of the series, theres a lot to unpack before getting to the actual story of Five Nights at Freddys. TheFive Nights at Freddystimeline begins with the opening of the original Fredbears Family Diner. FNAF's whole story: William Afton kills kids, kids kill him, some kid gets bit along the way, there's a fire and now William's son is hunting daddy dearest. fnaf timeline copypasta - This explains why he is able to ask such personal questions because it is the older brother communicating with the younger brother. They use their new disguise to carry out these murders, using the Spring Bonnie and Fredbear suits to lure children to their death, leading to the closing of Fredbears Family Diner. Thanks for the great comment, it is clear that your points are well thought out and you have helped me in many ways. Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach makes for a total of seven games in the main series, following a complex chronological timeline. (Uses SCUPer to extract remnant). William kills 5 more children but instead of them possessing animatronics, Afton steals the remnant from them and uses it to further his life. Fazbear Entertainment tries one last time to keep the franchise alive. Michael, who had been injected with Remnant by the Scooper, reanimated moments later, his soul now haunting his rotting corpse. there was a spare suit somehow..(AKA GOLDEN FREDDY) they were working well, than william or micheal afton killed 6 kids 1 went to freddy 1 went to bonnie 1 went to chica 1 went to foxy and 1 went to puppet and golden freddy, witch caused them to activate AT night,somehow we saw mangle BEFORE the toy animatronics were realeased in a minigame on halloween editon, same with balloon boy i think idk but oh well i wont queston it:). These robots come from a now-closed sister location to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and animatronics like Circus Baby and Ballora are unique to this game. Help Wanted: Fazbear Entertainment is back bitch! (The spirit who possesses Golden Freddy) This also explains the spirit that possesses the survival logbook because it is not the spirit of whoever possesses Golden Freddy, it is the older brother who possesses Fredbear. Twitter. video is a joke, if you couldn't tell somehow. Michael Afton, still pursuing his father after Williams disappearance, was hired as the locations night guard/entertainer. Damien is a keen gamer and an esteemed writer within the industry, sharing his time equally between FNAFInsider and GameRant. Michael's mugshot, in addition to being a FNAF copypasta is a very edited version of Tom DeLay's mugshot. Later complaints came from guests that the animatronics smelled foul and were leaking mysterious fluids, leading fans to the speculation that the children's corpses may have been hidden inside the animatronics. Info gleaned from the books says Fredbear becomes Golden Freddy whereas Fredbear's dimensions and accessory colours are clearly different, so my Spring Freddy theory is the missing link that bridges the gap. ?\" I'm here to provide all the answers. so then they broke down bonnie's face was gone blah blah than toy animatronics on stage than done done done bla blah than fnaf 1 animatronics blah blah nobody gives a CrAp then sister location well idk blah blah fazbear fright wtf shit shit IDK XD, FNaF 4 FNaF 2 FNaF 1 FNaF 3 FNaF Sister Location. After this, Baby was locked in the Afton Robotics lab underground (the location of Sister Location). FNaF 3 No one likes FNaF 3. Fnaf Full timeline - Timeline Download Export Duplicate Embed 6074 views 1 1 Fnaf Full timeline Created by Popcorn drawings Updated 29 Jan 2021 List of edits Comments Send Endo Bendo Ennard never lives with mike, The fake ending in SL is not cannon. The game plays a cutscene, showing a video of the pizzeria burning down with the animatronics trapped inside and cuts out as the fire consumes the building and its contents. Eventually, Jeremy learns that there is an ongoing police investigation surrounding the restaurant, mostly like the "Bite of '87" mentioned in the first game. Can FNaF 6 Copypasta Be Used As A FNAF Script? - Updated Ideas Its unclear exactly when the third Freddy Fazbears Pizza location opened, but at some point, the classic animatronics were refurbished for this new, lower-budget establishment. Little bro crying child witnesses Dad's first murder at FFD not Fredbear and Friends and this is why Afton is keeping tabs on the boy (psychic friend Fredbear) and is angry at him for sneaking out, he knows the secret "you know what will happen if HE catches you here" (yes, the 3 before 4 thing was intentional. Alright! Eventually, the place burns down due to gas leaks, but Ennard may have escaped. The moisture from the restaurants leaking roof loosened the suits spring locks, causing them to activate and plunge into Williams body. The second game in the series features the same format as the original game, with players remaining stationary in a security office, attempting to keep deadly animatronics at bay. Henry is William Afton's business partner and designs the animatronics for Afton Robotics. fnaf timeline copypasta - Her thighs up to her midriff and her eyes. Ennard wore Michaels body as a disguise until it decayed, at which point Ennard had no choice but to eject himself into the sewers. William began spying on the Crying Child, setting up several surveillance cameras around their house to watch him. I am pretty sure the legal age for working is 16 at that point in time and we already know that Fazbear Entertainment is a corrupt company so i dont see it being that big of a stretch. The whole fnaf timeline : copypasta - reddit How Long is Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach? Every purchase you make puts money in an artist's pocket. If he is crying child, he would be too young to legally work as a night guard in 1987. 13 - Michael follows the animatronics to the FNaF 1 location to try and free them there. Foot note:The phone guy is the brother who used the foxy mask to scare Michael. To assemble this timeline, I used evidence found in theFNAF Survival Logbookto placeSister Locationbefore FNAF 1. The animatronics can do many kid-friendly things, but as Baby tells us in Sister Location, her code is also programmed to count the children in the room, and when there is only one child in the room, she is coded to lure them in with ice cream and kill them by . 12 - Michael gets fired because he smells and the management team finds out he was tampering with the animatronics. FNAF 6 - Copypasta However, once the restaurant had been left abandoned, William Afton returned in secret to dismantle the animatronics, presumably to collect more Remnant. Furthermore, my theory is based off of the concept that Fredbear and Golden Freddy are two separate entities (contrary to Matpats beliefs) therefore i do not see why you brought Cassidy up in the way that you did unless you were just alerting me of the fact that Cassidy is the name of the spirit who possesses Golden Freddy. Henry Emily and William Afton were the original owners and founders of Fredbears Family Diner. UCN: The One they should not have killed traps his murderer in an endless purgatory/hell as revenge for what they did to him. As such, its more likely that theLogbookcomes from his shifts in FNAF 1. The Future After Fazbear's Fright burnt down, in an attempt from Michael to remove the suit - he thought the fire would disintegrate the suit, but it only hurt more -, he concluded the last thing he had to do in his neverending life was to go after his father, one to caused all the . However, for now, only the seven main games and a few side materials (including novels) are certified canon by the developers. As the two lay together in the rain, Charlies soul entered the animatronic, allowing her spirit to possess it. entire fnaf lore copypasta. 10 - if you pay attention to what Ballora says in her post jumpscare speeches in UCN, she sounds kind of romanitc towards the person you play as, which is commonly assumed to be William, so this would make sense if it was his lover/wife. Afton does Missing children incident (MCI) in '85 according to books (specifically June 26th according to FNaF 1 posters). 5-6) I believe FNaF 4 is Michael's nightmare from guilt at killing his younger bro coupled with his father's mind control devices. While the burning of Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place and Henrys awesome speech marked the end of an era for FNAF, William Afton wasnt kidding around when he told us he always comes back.. The souls of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Golden Freddy are soothed and move on to the afterlife. My Blog. Five Nights at Freddys 3. RELATED: How Long is Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach? Afton Robotics rents animatronics out to other locations. This implies that it was given to another guard sometime after Michael used it. Once all of the animatronics were gathered and trapped in the restaurant, Henrys master plan was revealed, and he set the place ablaze to release everyones souls at once. There are several spin-off games in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, and those spark constant debate in the fanbase about each side game's place in the timeline. This theory explains how the souls from the first Missing Childrens Incident ended up possessing Molten Freddy by FNAF 6. Well, that sure was a year, huh? A couple things before the timeline, I would like to say that this is a draft of the timeline and not 100% complete so constructive criticism is welcomed as well as notifying me of big holes in my timeline. After Elizabeths death, the restaurant was immediately shut down, though the companys official statement cited gas leaks to protect its image. Unlike other games in the franchise, the player character is not a security guard at a pizzeria, but instead a child in their own bedroom. 17 - Michael assumes that William is dead but when Fazbears Fright opens up 30 years later, Michael goes to check it out. By the end of the week, Michael realized that Williams corpse possessed the suit. - New Year, New Site. Hopefully. The events are ordered in chronological order where event 1 happens then events 2 happens etc. However, he was fired after his first shift for tampering with the animatronics. Gamers play as Gregory, a young boy who has managed to stay inside of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex after closing, and is faced with roaming animatronics attempting to capture him. Have you ever heard of Among Us, Gregory? I must say, I did not anticipate such a traffic boost at the end, but with Security breach releasing, perhaps I should not have been so surprised. Once William was on the dayshift, he began luring more children to their deaths, which became the second Missing Childrens Incident in the timeline. By melting the haunted metal, William was able to inject this liquid Remnant into new animatronics to give them life, presumably to figure out how to become immortal himself. Always seeming so near, yet somehow out of . But yeah. Afton kills 5 more children and they possess the toy animatronics. - A working timeline of the FNaF franchise I find that kind of funny since the whole thing is 1800 words. \"What on EARTH is the FNaF Lore? Phone Guy tells you to make sure that none of the animatronics hurt anyone during the party, since theyve been acting weird. The Crying Child had a habit of running off to this location and did so frequently enough that his father became enraged. Thats more than i write for my English essays. The series namesake, Five Nights at Freddy's, has no confirmed date in the timeline, but fans widely agree that it likely takes place in 1993. However, on the first page of theLogbookwhere Michael filled out his name, theres a note from management regarding the fact that the book had previously been used. Only a relative could ask the personal questions seen in the survival logbook. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It's a new day. However, there are some malfunctions and they tend to be violent and search for you during the course of your shift. Email. Instead of scrapping the toy animatronics, its likely that William melted down their endoskeletons and used the molten Remnant to possess the new Funtime animatronics. This child stays in their bed for the entirety of the game and is armed with a flashlight. Now that we have established that these two events are either the same thing or coincidentally similar (which i doubt since Scott doesnt do coincidences) we can prove that this is not a spring-lock failure by comparing the FNaF 3 trailer where we see Springtrap twitching to Springtraps spring-lock failure that we see in the mini-game. She and the other animatronics, who had combined themselves into one amalgamate animatronic named Ennard, climbed inside Michaels body and used him to escape the facility. There are several endings to Security Breach, and one leads to players finding the burnt remains of the pizzeria from Pizzeria Simulator, confirming the timeline of events surrounding the two games. Due to the murder of yet another child, Freddy Fazbear closes its doors once again. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Special Delivery: In order to prepare for the launch of the Fazmall (name Pending), Fazbear Entertainment has created a new system where they send Animatronics to your door to act as companions and friends for life. You need to vent. (Proof is Michael speaking to William at the end of sister location (cutscene)). Chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber. (Totally didn't just rip this off the Rick and Morty copypasta.) Though unconfirmed, it is most likely that the bite of 87 happened during this birthday party. Bonus points if you read until the end. The Ultimate Guide To The FNAF Universe And Lore || FNAF Explained FULL If you'd like a refuge from the madness, please, do join us on our Discord. We know that the animatronics are often reused, and the paycheck is more akin to 1992 or 1993.
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