E.g., HH mlange rock has been found in Manastash Ridge, 110km to the south (look for the small sliver of purple near the bottom of the diagram). These are usually fairly short, and not believed to be significantly seismogenic. This bend has distorted the subducting slab into an arch that has lifted the Olympic Mountains and prevented them from subducting. This ramp could be either in the lower crustal blocks, or where the thrust sheet has split and one part is being forced over the next. Even before Washington became a state in 1889, Puget Sound beaches had been exploited as log dumps, farmed for shellfish, occupied as homesites and enjoyed for recreation. 206-296-3830. The Doty Fault appears to terminate against, or possibly merge with, the Salzer Creek Fault at Chehalis; the Salzer Creek Fault is traced another seven miles east of Chehalis. Both the SPF and UPF are said to be oblique-slip transpressional; that is, the faults show both horizontal and vertical slip as the crustal blocks are pressed together. The 1949, 1965, and 2001 Puget Sound earthquakes were the result of _____ fault movement within the Juan de Fuca plate. Especially as seismic reflection data[135] shows some faulting continuing east across Vashon Island and the East Passage of Puget Sound (the East Passage Zone, EPZ) towards Federal Way and an east-striking anticline. It has been speculated that the OS might connect with the seismically active Saint Helens Zone (discussed below), which would imply that the OS is both locked and being stressed, raising the possibility of a major earthquake. 182-3]", "Western limits of the Seattle fault zone and its interaction with the Olympic Peninsula, Washington", "Seismic reflection imaging across the eastern portions of the Tacoma fault zone", "The western extension of the Seattle fault: new insights from seismic reflection data", "Seismic Characterization of the Seattle and Southern Whidbey Island Fault Zones in the Snoqualmie River Valley, Washington", "Fault number 552, Hood Canal fault zone", "Radiocarbon Ages of Probable Coseismic Features from the Olympic Peninsula and Lake Sammamish, Washington", "Geologic map of the Summit Lake 7.5-minute quadrangle, Thurston and Mason Counties, Washington", "The Olympia structure; ramp or discontinuity? Puget Sound faults - Wikipedia This is an important observation because the Strawberry Point, Utsalady Point, Southern Whidbey Island, and various other unnamed faults lying between the DDMFZ and the OWL all of which converge at the western end of the DDMFZ seem to be intermediate versions of the DDMFZ.[34]. [58], Paleoseismological studies of the SWIF are scant. When the applied stresses become overpowering, the rocks at the fault rupture. Very little is known about the structure of the deep crust (below about 30km or 19 miles), though this and other seismic tomography studies (such as Ramachandran 2001) provide tantalizing glimpses. And in between these two the Strawberry Point Fault (SPF) skirts the south side of Ault Field, splits into various strands that bracket Strawberry Point, and then disappear (possibly ending) under the delta of the Skagit River. New tsunami simulation predicts flooding on Olympic Peninsula | Tacoma Plot. Methane Plume Emissions Associated With Puget Sound Faults in the Cascadia Forearc. Energize Eastside project is building a new substation and upgrading approximately 16 miles of existing transmission lines from Redmond to Renton. [27] This "basement" rock is covered with sedimentary deposits similar to the Chuckanut Formation, and more recent (typically Miocene) volcanic deposits. The Devils Mountain Fault (DMF) runs about 125km (75 miles) from the town of Darrington in the Cascade foothills due west to the northern tip of Whidbey Island, and on towards Victoria, British Columbia, where the DMF is believed to join the Leech River fault system at the southern end of Vancouver Island. Despite not having active plate tectonics, the eastern United States still experiences earthquakes. This is because the Olympic terrane is moving (relative to North America) northeast; its continued clockwise rotation is akin to a giant wheel rolling up the western side of the North Cascade crystalline core. Tsunami waves as high as 42 feet could crash into Seattle within Geologic Hazard Maps | WA - DNR A Tsunami Hits Puget Sound: New Simulation Shows How It Unfolds PSE | Energize Eastside Improvements Project ), Aeromagnetic mapping in 1999 showed a very prominent anomaly[172] (such as typically indicates a contrast of rock type); that, along with paleoseismological evidence of a major Holocene earthquake, has led to a suggestion that this structure "may be associated with faulting". [107], The Seattle Fault was first identified in 1965[108] but not documented as an active fault until 1992 with a set of five articles establishing that about 1100 years ago (AD 900930) an earthquake of magnitude 7+ uplifted Restoration Point and Alki Point, dropped West Point (the three white triangles in the Seattle Basin on the map), caused rockslides in the Olympics, landslides into Lake Washington, and a tsunami on Puget Sound. [219] Various other faults in the North Cascades are older (being offset by the Straight Creek Fault) and are unrelated to the faults in Puget Sound. It stands out in regard of its eastwest orientation, depth to bedrock, and hazard to an urban population center. [67] However, subsequent mapping shows that the Woods Creek Fault (WCF), a four-mile wide strip of oblique-slip and strike-slip faults just to the west and passing directly under Sultan, appears to be the more significant fault, and better aligned with Mount Vernon. It aligns with the West Coast fault and Queen Charlotte Fault system of strike-slip fault zones (similar to the San Andreas Fault in California) on the west side of Vancouver Island, but does not itself show any significant or through-going strike-slip movement. [185] The prospect of a major earthquake on the Doty Fault poses a serious hazard to the entire Puget Sound region as it threatens vital economic lifelines: At Chehalis there is but a single freeway (Interstate 5) and a single rail line connecting the Puget Sound region with the rest of the west coast; the only alternate routes are very lengthy.[186]. They interpreted it as "simple folds in Eocene bedrock", though Sherrod (1998) saw sufficient similarity with the Seattle Fault to speculate that this is a thrust fault. 0 magnitude subduction earthquake off the Washington coast would generate a tsunami capable of submerging not only coastal areas but also most of the Puget Sound shoreline . In the angle between these is located the minor Lincoln Creek uplift, the Doty Hills, and, further west, an impressive chunk of Crescent basalt. This is only one of a series of active large crustal faults in the Puget Lowland. Do you live in a natural-disaster danger zone? Check this Seattle map A new view is developing that the regional tectonic boundary is not under Hood Canal, but just to the west, involving the Saddle Mountain fault zone (discussed below) and associated faults. A Coast Range Boundary Fault (CRBF, discussed above) was inferred on the basis of differences in the basement rock to the west and east of Puget Sound (the Crescent FormationCascadia core contact), and arbitrarily mapped at various locations including Lake Washington; north of the OWL this is now generally identified, with the Southern Whidbey Island Fault. The mapped surface traces are only 5km long, but LIDAR-derived imagery shows longer lineaments, with the traces cutting Holocene alluvial traces. KUOW - Turkey's fault line is similar to faults under Puget Sound Seismic waves transmit the energy The energy of the somewhat smaller Benioff earthquakes is likewise diluted over a relatively large area. [118], Studies of the Seattle Fault west of Bremerton have revealed a complexity of geological structure and faulting. $30 to $33 Hourly. [113], Determination of the western terminus of the Seattle Fault has been problematic, and has implications for the entire west side of the Puget Lowland. Seismic tomography studies show a change in seismic velocities across the northern end of the SWIF, suggesting that this is also part of the Coast RangeCascade contact. The WRZ and SHZ are associated with the southern Washington Cascades conductor (SWCC), a formation of enhanced electrical conductivity[194] lying roughly between Riffe Lake and Mounts St. Helens, Adams, and Rainier, with a lobe extending north (outlined in yellow, right). [61], North of Everett is an area of parallel ridges and stream drainages oriented approximately NW-SE, evident even on non-geological maps. ", Because of the geometry of the SWIF and the Kingston arch, the "uplift of unknown origin" between them is smaller, and the fault separating the uplift from the arch (the Lofall Fault, discovered relatively recently by, Strictly speaking the southern edge of the Black Hills Uplift would be the southeast striking Scammon Creek Fault that converges with the east striking Doty Fault at Chehalis. The Straight Creek Fault is a major structure in the North Cascades, but has not been active for over 30 million years. [207] North of the RMFZ it follows a topographical lineament that can be traced to Rockport (on Hwy. And the magnitude used to generate that wave is only about 7.5, as opposed to a magnitude-9 earthquake off the coast. Harold Tobin, a researcher at the University of Washington and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, says the fault line that caused earthquake that shook southern Turkey near the Turkish-Syrian border and killed more than 7,000 people is similar to the faults under Puget Sound. Can be formed by differential erosion of adjacent hard and soft rock; by localized erosion, for example at the edge of a river terrace; by movement of a landslide; or by a shallow earthquake that is large enough to break the Earth's surface. That earthquake, likely between magnitude 7 and 7.5, lifted the southern end of Bainbridge Island and West Seattle more than 20 feet (3 meters), generated a tsunami, and created landslides into Lake Washington, says Bill Steele . Strawberry Point and Utsalady Point faults, "The Puget Lowland is a north-south-trending structural basin that is flanked by Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks of the Cascade Range on the east and by Eocene rocks of the Olympic Mountains on the west. 09 Feb 2023 03:01:00 Subsidence dated to between AD 1445 and 1655 has been reported in Mud Bay (just west of Olympia). [162] Trench studies indicate major earthquakes (in the range of M 6. to 7.8) on the Saddle Mountain faults [163] at nearly the same time (give or take a century) as the great quake on the Seattle Fault about 1100 years ago (900930 AD). Next to a 4-6 lines highways with 90db noise and cancerous pollution. At the northern end the right-lateral McMurray Fault Zone (MFZ) straddles Lake McMurray, just south of the Devils Mountain Fault, and is suspected of being a major bounding fault. Turkey's fault line is similar to faults under Puget Sound Scientists Search for New Faults in Puget Sound Discovery of faults has been greatly facilitated with the development of LIDAR, a technique that can generally penetrate forest canopy and vegetation to image the actual ground surface with an unprecedented accuracy of approximately one foot (30cm). Aeromagnetic anomaly maps (USGS OFR 99-514). [99] This last problem is partly solved because there is a locus of seismicity, and presumably faulting, extending from the northern end of the SHZ to the northern end of the Western Rainier Zone (see Fig. [46] Seismic tomography studies show that this portion of the SWIF marks a strong contrast of seismic velocities, such as is expected of Crescent Formation basalts in contact with the metamorphic basement rocks of the Cascades geologic province to the east. [192] Indeed, it is mainly by their seismicity that these faults are known and have been located, neither showing any surface faulting. Deep quakes are the most common large earthquakes that occur in the Puget Sound region. Modeling a Magnitude 7.2 Earthquake on the Seattle Fault Zone in South of the OWL a definite eastern boundary has not been found, with some indications it is indefinite. The true length of the UPF is likely twice as long, as it forms the southern margin of an aeromagnetic high that extends another 25km to the southeast. E.g., mapping along the Rattlesnake Mountain Fault Zone has revealed a complex network of active or potentially active faults across (and likely beyond) the lower Snoqualmie Valley, including the Cherry Creek Fault Zone, scene of the 1996 M 5.3 Duvall earthquake. Puget Sound Earthquake Faults - Seattle Earthquake Faults [98] This turns and runs just south of Victoria, nearly in-line with the SWIF. Just four miles (6km) south the city of Oak Harbor straddles several stands of the Utsalady Point Fault (UPF) as they head roughly east-southeast towards Utsalady Point at the north end of Camano Island. A single earthquake in Seattle could cause a catastrophic situation for the northwest corner of the state, a new report from Washington's Department of Natural Resources found. Harold Tobin, a researcher at the University of Washington and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, says the fault line that caused this disaster is similar to the faults under Puget Sound. [16] For the past 50 million years or so (since the early Eocene epoch) these have been thrust by subduction up against the North Cascades ("fixed block" in the diagram), which sit on the North American Plate. [42] Marine seismic reflection surveys show it striking northwest across the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. "We. [57] Mapping of areas further east that might clarify the pattern is not currently planned. But today, after 131 years of statehood, residents of this region still don't know if they have a legal right to walk across a privately . $30-$33/hr Electrician Job at University of Puget Sound Mapping from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network shows that the bulk of the earthquakes in western Washington are concentrated in four places: in two narrow zones under Mt. Study: Tsunami from Cascadia mega-quake would submerge Puget Sound [164] Such quakes pose a serious threat to the City of Tacoma's dams at Lake Cushman,[165] located in the fault zone,[166] and to everyone downstream on the Skokomish River. Turkey's fault line is similar to faults under Puget Sound For the following reviews the primary source of information is the U.S. Geological Survey's Quaternary fault and fold database (QFFDB), which includes details of discovery, a technical description, and bibliography for each fault; a specific link is provided (where available) at the end of each section. The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) reported at least three earthquakes within the past few days. [154] In this view Hood Canal is only a syncline (dip) between the Olympic Mountains and the Puget Lowland, and such faults as have been found there are local and discontinuous, ancillary to the main zone of faulting to the west. [115] This seems reasonable enough, as Hood Canal is a prominent physiographic boundary between the Olympic Mountains and Puget Lowlands, and believed to be the location of a major fault. The principal effects of this complex interplay of forces on the near-surface crust underlying the Puget Lowland are: Further complicating this is a feature of unknown structure and origin, the OlympicWallowa Lineament (OWL). Observing these topographical features, some parallel gravity gradients, and a "very active zone of minor seismicity", William Rogers inferred in 1970 a "fault or other major structural feature".[64]. [59] Another study identified an unusually broad band of scarps passing between Bothell and Snohomish, with several scarps in the vicinity of King County's controversial Brightwater regional sewage treatment plant showing at least four and possibly nine events on the SWIF in the last 16,400 years. While these models vary in some details, both indicate that the Seattle Fault itself is capable of a magnitude 7.5 earthquake. Toll Free 1-800-523-5044. [74], Early Eocene igneous units in the area appear to be part of a 49- to 44- Ma magmatic belt that appeared just after the arrival of Siletzia, and possibly associated with that event. Active faults and earthquakes in Washington state Seismic Scenario Catalog NEHRP site class and liquefaction susceptibility Seismic design categories Hazardous Minerals Lahar Hazards Landslides and landforms Inactive and abandoned mines Contact Us Susan Schnur Editor-in-Chief 360-701-6122 DNR is led by Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz While there is a bit of uplifted pre-Tertiary rock between the SPF and UPF, this does not truly fit the uplift and basin pattern described above because of the small scale (2km wide rather than around 20), and because the uplift here is entirely like a wedge being popped out between two nearly vertical faults, rather than being forced over a ramp such as is involved with the Seattle and Tacoma faults. Over 7,000 people are dead after a magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook southern Turkey, near the Turkish-Syrian border. Rainier is offset because the faults are deep and the conduits do not rise quite vertically.) It is not notably seismogenic. But the western segment the Devils Mountain Fault has left-lateral movement. Analysis of seismic profiles extending 50 km across the Puget Lowland from Lake Washington to Hood Canal indicates . [89] The northern end of the mountain falls off where it crosses the eastern end of the Seattle Fault, which in turn terminates at the RMFZ; Rattlesnake Mountain forms the eastern edge of the Seattle Uplift. [209] Between the Cherry Creek and parallel Tokul Creek faults is a contact between formations of the Western Melange Belt. The Doty Fault/Chehalis Basin sequence follows the cross-section X-X' shown on the, The long-range mapping plan area and current status of planned mapping can be seen at, For the County's interpretation of the geological hazard and anticipated impacts of a major earthquake, see the, Interstate 5 runs nearly due north from Everett to Mount Vernon, except for a stretch southeast of Conway that parallels one of these low-amplitude folds. New tsunami maps show how water could reach Seattle, Everett, Tacoma Geologic map of southwestern Washington (GM-34). [78] It is projected to extend past Lake Chaplain, and perhaps to the east end of Mount Pilchuck. The worst of the tsunami would hit the Pacific Coast and San Juan Islands area but the interior of Puget Sound between Edmonds, Tacoma, and Hoodsport could see waves 10 feet or higher, the. The Seattle Fault is the most studied of the regional faults, which has led to several models of its structure, which may also be relevant to other faults. "[50], The contrast of seismic velocities seen to the northwest is lacking in this section, suggesting that it is not the Coast RangeCascade contact. The structure of the Seattle Fault zone still have great uncertainty and there exist a number of interpretations. Crustal Faults | Pacific Northwest Seismic Network [8] As of 1985 only the Saddle Mountain Faults had been shown to have Holocene activity (since the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago). If entirely analogous, then "roof duplex" might also apply, and the Olympia Fault would be a reverse fault similar to the Tacoma Fault. According to the recent seismological studies, the Seattle Fault is believed to be a zone of thrust or reverse faults that strikes through Seattle in the densely populated Puget Lowland of western Washington (Johnson et al., 1999). One study compared the relative elevation of two marshes on opposite sides of Whidbey Island, and determined that approximately 3,000 years ago an earthquake of M 6.57.0 caused 1 to 2 meters of uplift. Saint Helens and Mt. ISNS Ch 5 Flashcards | Quizlet There is no firm evidence that this has occurred in the Seattle fault zone near Puget Sound, although a low terrace of 1 m or less formed during a moderate earthquake would be difficult to. It follows the Bainbridge Island ferry route east under Puget Sound and the route of Interstate 90 toward, and possibly beyond, the Cascade Mountains. . Review for American Spirit to U.S.A. Gilliancruise. Nor does this uplift delineate any significant basin between it and the Devils Mountain Fault. South of Monroe the folds of the Rogers Belt are obscured by subsequent volcanic formations, but other faults parallel to the RMFZ (e.g., the Snoqualmie Valley and Johnson's Swamp fault zones) extend the general trend of NNW faulting as far as Monroe. . A principal finding is that "[c]rustal seismicity in the southern Puget Sound region appears to be controlled by a key block of Crescent Formation occurring just south of the Seattle fault. Based on this and geophysical anomalies it was inferred that there is a major, active strike-slip fault zone running from the south end of Hood Canal, up Dabob Bay, and continuing north on land. 3511 NE Second St. Renton, WA 98056. It is coincident with, and possibly a result of uplift on, the Rattlesnake Mountain Fault Zone (RMFZ), a band of at least eleven faults that show both dip-slip (vertical) and right-lateral strike-slip motion. Housing: The Puget Sound had the largest increase in population per But it does not appear that there have been studies of the deeper structure of these faults, or whether there has been any recent activity. There is a general pattern where most of these faults partition a series of basins and uplifts, each about 20km wide. Its capable magnitude is a megathrust quake exceeding 9.0. Devils Mountain Fault Zone, Northern Puget Sound, Washington [127], The Tacoma Fault (at right, and also between lines C and D on the Uplift and basin map, above) just north of the city of Tacoma, Washington has been described as "one of the most striking geophysical anomalies in the Puget Lowland". [187] Such a length would be comparable to the length of the Seattle or Tacoma faults, and capable of an earthquake of M 6.7. [123] Other studies have faults extending NW or WNW from the SF towards Dabob Bay;[124] these are now recognized as part of the Dabob Bay fault zone. These maps are based on only one Cascadia scenario. Analyze Instructions: Close. The SE striking Scammon Creek Fault seems to be terminated by the Salzer Creek Fault (the exact relationship is not clear), with the latter continuing east for another seven miles. Olympic Peninsula, Washington has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. The EPZ is active, being the locale of the 1995 M 5 Point Robinson earthquake.[136]. Combined with continued aggressive electric conservation efforts, Energize . ), The Coast Range Boundary Fault (CRBF) is hypothesized, expected on the basis of tectonic considerations, which may correlate in part with one or more currently known faults, or may involve as yet undiscovered faulting. Black lines show the South Whidbey Island Fault Zone, the Seattle Fault Zone and the Tacoma. Washington's fault lines tend to sweep east-west. Interpretation of the eastern part of the Tacoma Fault is not entirely settled. The Seattle Fault, a zone of east-west thrust faults under the Puget Sound and Seattle, last ruptured in a magnitude-7.0 to -7.5 earthquake about 1,100 years ago. A Puget Sound Fault running down the center of Puget Sound (and Vashon Island) was once proposed,[220] but seems to have not been accepted by the geological community. to the north, past Lummi Island is contrary to the prevailing consensus that the DMF is not offset. The San Juan Island and Leach River faults crossing the southern end of Vancouver Island are significant and undoubtedly connected with the DarringtonDevils Mountain and Southern Whidbey Island faults, and certainly of particular interest to the residents of Victoria, B.C. American Seattle Cruise Reviews - Cruise Critic However, most seismic activity is not associated with any known fault. It therefore seems reasonable that the rest of the SWIF (and its apparent extension, the RMFZ) follows the Coast RangeCascade contact, and (these faults being active) constitutes the CRBF. Full-Time. This formation, up to 15km thick, is largely buried (from one to ten kilometers deep), and known mainly by magnetotellurics and other geophysical methods. It is believed capable of generating earthquakes of at least magnitude 7, and there is evidence of such a quake approximately 1,000 years ago, possibly the same earthquake documented on the Seattle Fault 24 miles (38km) to the north. The first item on your list though is the fault of builders and nobody else.
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