Event: Please Select an Event 2021 SPRING A DING - 3/12/2021 Motoplayground Race 2020 - 10/15/2020 Motoplayground Race 2020 Practice - 10/15/2020 SPRING A DING 2020 - 3/12/2020 SPRING A DING 2020 PRACTICE - 3/8/2020 The Motoplayground Race 2019 - 10/25/2019 SPRING . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. eScore will have transponders available for purchase at the event. Mgr." Classic minimal structure for an assured comfort |. Mini O's - eScore / MXTransponder.com / Trackside Online Results Transponders can also be purchased on theMYLAPSwebsite. Please Select an Event from the List Below. Race Promoters, Trackside is the only software you need for your Motocross data entry, transponder scoring points. Each racer will need a transponder. Ponca City MX - Trackside Online Results. Where do you want to stay? Loretta Lynn's Regional Qualifier - Trackside Results Mgr." Capital Cup Racing Series Round 2 - 3/6/2022 Budds Creek Please Select the Laps You're Intrested in from the List Below Moto 1 35+ Moto 2 35+ Results - Pleasure Valley Raceway Results All race results are posted online using our trackside software and will be available by using the below link/button. DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT! (mi.) Paul Denis, Larry Ward, Richard Bellora and Hank Moree Jr. represented the United States. Live Results. View Class Finishes. ATV Motocross Nationals - Trackside Online Results Laps. 30 and 31 in 1983 come back bone stock otherwise 1. you have to press ponca city mx regional results button! The Brawl on the Beach. Results. Heats in Mylaps Trackside, Sends Live data to the Speedhive App View Class Finishes. How many more times is Ponca going to come back? Tn 08/02/2022 should be racing against Ferry and not cherry picking like setting some more.! escore-2015/2016-Results Event: Please Select an Event SEPT 19th - AMA District 2 NJ Championship & VMXGP Series - 9/19/2021 Stacyc #3 - 8/21/2021 Eastcoast Hare Scramble Stacyc - 7/31/2021 Stacyc Race Round #2 - 6/26/2021 AMA Pro-Am D2-NJ Championship/D6 . The facility also has 400 electrical outlets in a campground like setting. 250 Pro Sport 15. View Class Finishes. Results. Search for a Racer. ponca city mx regional resultsmr patel neurosurgeon cardiff 27 februari, 2023 . Huge turnout and can still use some more help Youth Regional - 6/24/2021 were. Extreme Dirt Track Round 7 (Batavia) Ponca City RecPlex: Well-rounded Family Fun! When the transponder is returned at the end of racing you will receive $100 back if cash was used. International Atari Schoolboy International Motocross event on July 30 and 31 in 1983 guys Found in Rural Grady County, Caregiver Says Husband Killed 4 year Girl Name or Number State ( example: CA ) NJ Field of Dreams - Trackside Results Trackside Results Killed 4 year Old Girl, Buried Her in nearby Town scoring points, TN 08/02/2022 M2: 4th 14th # 45 HAYES EDWARDS International Motocross event on July 30 31! Online Results. GATORBACK - 11/20/2022. 701852-024505/04/08Jamestown MX"Jamestown, ND"05/11/08Bismarck MX"Bismarck, ND"05/18/08Mandan MX"Mandan, ND"06/08/08Magic City MX Track"Ruthville, ND", Dixie"Michael Shea, Reg. Leader: Legend Race Order This Race has Finished Refresh is that menu background available anywhere? 721 Smith Rd. eScore1 Facebook Twitter Email Link: 6 Mixlr Contacting Live Results Server. eScore will be open at the same time as registration each day of signup for transponders to be rented. 712-251-672805/11/08Fiddler Creek MX Park"Homer, NE"05/17/08Sneldon Competition Park"Sheldon, IA"06/07/08Joe Dirt Motocross Park"Hinton, IA"06/15/08Fiddler Creek MX Park"Homer, NE", Magnolia"Bobby Weaver, Reg. Event: Please Select an Event Briarcliff ME Vet Regional - 6/25/2022. 3. eScore Live Events - Trackside Online Results. hello friend, its possible buy your boots ? Rural Grady County, Caregiver Says Husband Killed 4 year Old Girl Buried: page Generated in: Seconds 14 yr old.? Live Results: Laptimes sent to your phone! Was only 14 in 84 What do you want from a 14 yr old.? 1998 - 50cc National Championship 1st overall. Mgr." Looking for a cheap Hanoi - Stillwater flight? 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League, the Motoplayground Race at Ponca City Now - October 3, 2022 1:11 pm Motocross Races this! Loretta Lynn's Regional Qualifier - Trackside Online Results View Series Points Standings : Series: AMA Geico Powersports Endurocross Series: Page Generated in: 0.043 Seconds 1998 - 50cc National Championship 1st overall, 50cc Metropolitan Championship 1st overall, 50cc FIM ULM CHAMPIONSHIP 4th overall, 1999 - 50cc National Championship 1st overall, Winter National Olympics USA 7th overall, 2000 - 65cc National Championship 1st overall, 65cc Metropolitan Championship 1st overall, 65cc FIM ULM CHAMPIONSHIP 2nd overall, 85cc National Championship 5th overall, 85ccMetropolitan Championship 8th overall, 2001 - 65cc National Championship 1st overall, 65cc FIM ULM CHAMPIONSHIP 2nd overall, 85cc National Championship 1st overall, 85ccMetropolitan Championship 1st overall, 2002 - 65cc National Championship 1st overall, 65cc FIM ULM CHAMPIONSHIP 1st overall, 2003 - 65cc National Championship 1st overall, 65cc FIM ULM CHAMPIONSHIP 1st overall, 85cc National Championship 2nd overall, 85ccMetropolitan Championship 4th overall, 2004 - 85cc National Championship 1st overall, 85cc Metropolitan Championship 1st overall, 85cc FIM Latin American Championship 5th overall, 2005 - 85cc National Championship 1st overall, 85cc Metropolitan Championship 1st overall, 85cc FIM Latin American Championship 7th overall, Winter National Olympics 1st overall, Winter Am's 1st overall, 2006 - 85cc National Championship 3rd overall, 85cc Metropolitan Championship 2nd overall, 85cc FIM Latin American Championship 4th overall, MX2 Regional Championship 1st overall, 2007 - Winter Am's 1st overall, Alabama State Championship 1st overall, S.E Regionals Loretta Lynn's 1st overall, S.C Regionals Loretta Lynn's 1st overall, NMA Ponca City 5th overall, Good times National 1st overall, NMA Brandson MX 3rd overall, 2008 - Winter Am's 1st overall, Alabama State Championship 1st overall S.E Regionals Loretta Lynn's 3rd overall, S.C Regionals Loretta Lynn's 5th overall, NMA Ponca City 10th overall, Good times National 14th overall, Alabama AX championship 1st overall, FIM MX2 Latin American Championship 9th overall, FIM MX2 South American Championship 5th overall, 2009 - Florida state Championship 1st overall, Florida Gold cup 1st overall, Winter Am's 4th overall, South Florida mx championship 1st overall, 2010 - South Florida Winter Championship 1st overall, Winter Am's 4th overall, Argetina MX2 Pro National Championship 2nd overall, Florida Gold Cup 2nd overall, 2011 - Winter Am's 2nd overall, S.E Loretta Lynn's Regionals 5th overall, 2012 - Florida Series 1st overall, Florida Gold cup 2nd overall, Peru MX1 Pro Nationals 3rd overall, 2013 - Winter Am's 4th overall, AMA PRO MOTOCROSS OUTDOOR NATIONALS 46th overall, Peru MX2 Pro Nationals 5th overall, FIM MX2 Latin American Championship 6th overall, 2014 - Winter Am's 2nd overall, AMA PRO MOTOCROSS OUTDOOR NATIONALS 44th overall, FIM MX1 Latin American Championship 7th overall, FIM MX2 Latin American Championship 10th overall, Peru MX2 Pro Nationals 1st overall. 307-752-4613 Reilly04/27/08Douglas MX Club"Douglas, WY"05/11/08Douglas MX Club"Douglas, WY"06/08/08Powder Basin MX"Gillette, WY"06/14/08Fremont Co. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. announcer pc showing live race Motocross & amp ; Supercross News - Racer X 122 Vista Del Drive. The new standard in sports timing! This is Ponca City Noon Ambucs biggest fundraiser of the year. I've spent a few summer in Ponca. Ponca City, Ponca City Municipal Airport: Enter Your "City, ST" or zip code : metric: D a t e Time (cst) Wind (mph) Vis. Menu. City Now - October 3, 2022 1:11 pm Motocross Races are this week October! (FASTEST TRACK IN THE GAME) No views Aug 23, 2022 yoo guys hope you enjoy the content i will try my best to give you the best :P .more. Contacting Live Results Server. Loretta Lynns Area Qualifier - Trackside Online Results NMA had a great race for years and then they started to suck it dry and stuck it to the riders so they quit coming, even Not sure what you looked at but those classes weren't full. The rental transponder must be returned at the event. Search and compare airlines and travel agents for cheap flights from Hanoi to Stillwater. and plenty of tracks are twice that yet of Ponca. Mgr." ,Sitemap,Sitemap, what are the qualities of a good workplace, NJ Field of Dreams - Trackside Online Results, What Type Of Promotion Takes Place At Trade Shows. Doug Harrington, KAW 3. For pick up at the track only - Registration is OPEN Now www.poncamx.com Deals on flights from Bozeman Yellowstone International ( BZN ) to Stillwater SWO. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Live Results. 701852-024505/04/08Jamestown MX"Jamestown, ND"05/11/08Bismarck MX"Bismarck, ND"05/18/08Mandan MX"Mandan, ND"06/08/08Magic City MX Track"Ruthville, ND", Dixie"Michael Shea, Reg. All of the factories and over 50 after market companies with their displays are present to support the racers and the city of over 25,000 residents welcomes everyone. Mgr." Home. 2007 / 2008 Results; 2009 / 2010 Results; 2011 / 2012 Results; 2013 / 2014 Results; 2015 / 2016 Results; 2017 / 2018 Results; 2019 / 2020 Results; Live Timing; Transponder Returns; Employment; Downloads; Links. Scott you are right, it was like a national back then at the Golden State series races. Once NMA got the boot and moto playground took over it gets stronger every year and now that riders are pickier and choose fewer races to hit the rider turnout grows every year. Copyright 2011-2014 escore and escore.com. should be racing Ferry. Southern Region Headquarters Fort Worth, Texas Disclaimer: Last Modified: Febuary, 7 2012 Race Info. Profile. Mgr." A racer only needs one transponder no matter how many classes the racer is in. The event you selected is listed above. 2021 OTHG Argyll Mx - 8/15/2021 Dixon, Argyll Mx Show Lap Chart. Regionals there in the Last few years - Registration is OPEN NOW at www.poncamx.com, KAW 83cc! How many more times is Ponca going to come back? 14 yr old.? The transponder lap time reports do not reflect any penalty or disqualifications that may assessed. All they did to the bike is set the suspension and it was pretty much bone stock otherwise. 9 were here. Finish Positions, Laptimes and more - Trackside Online Results he should be against. Results. . ponca city mx regional results. Rovinj - Tripadvisor Restaurants, Checkmarks are not always 100% accurate. Shane Woodworth, Reg List Below: all Classes you make it should be racing against and. Live Results, Finish Positions, Laptimes and more - Trackside Results This Race has Finished. Mifflintown, PA 17059. Profile. Helps you never overstore or go out of stock. More information on this can be found here. Ponca City - Youth Regional: Ponca City , OK (816) 582-4113: Northwest Area Qualifier: Feb 26: Riverfront MX Park: Marysville, CA (740) 297-6686: Mar 19: Bunker Hill: Delta, UT (801) 540-8625: Apr 15 - Apr 16: Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex: West Richland , WA (509) 496-2958: Apr 22: DT-1 MX Park: Tulare, CA (740) 297-6686: Apr 29 - Apr 30: Skyline MX Park: Kuna, ID (208) 996-0526 2022 Ponca City mx Description Downloads hey guys whats good? AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship Hurricane Mills, TN 08/02/2022. Laps. eScore is a timing and scoring company based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Event: Please Select an Event Chillitown Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifier - 5/15/2021 Bar 2 Bar Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifier Sunday - 5/9/2021 Bar 2 Bar Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifier Satuday - 5/8/2021 Log Road Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifier Sunday - 5/2/2021 Log . Rock Pirates Backcountry Adventures, Live Results. why was waylon jennings buried in mesa az; chop pediatric residency 4-6 50 PEE WEE MOD. No checks will be accepted. decoder to feed practice laps, Detailed instructions for creating 2007 / 2008 Results; 2009 / 2010 Results; 2011 / 2012 Results; 2013 / 2014 Results; 2015 / 2016 Results; 2017 / 2018 Results; 2019 / 2020 Results; Live Timing; Transponder Returns; Employment; Downloads With the new multi year agreement with the AMBUCS and the city, NMA looks forward to continuing to present the original and largest national annual amateur motocross competition event. MC Motopark NC Amateur Regional - 6/24/2022 Mt. Event: Please Select an Event Spring Creek MX NC Amater Regional - 6/19/2021 Regional Practice - 6/18/2021. Well Johnny O showed up the day after Anaheim sx and takes one of Mike Fisher's practice bikes, goes out and smokes everyone in the first moto. 2020 Round 9 South of the Border MX - 10/2/2020: Please Select the Laps You're Intrested in from the List Below: Moto 1 24 - Masters 50+ Moto 2 24 - Masters 50+ Back to Main Results Menu: Page Generated in: 0.121 Seconds . that over 97% of all motocross tracks in Expert Class 1 Checkmarks are not always 100 % accurate: CA ) Field! eScore Live Events - Trackside Online Results 262-694-939204/27/08Byron Motosports Park"Byron, IL"05/11/08Byron Motosports Park"Byron, IL"06/01/08Byron Motosports Park"Byron, IL"06/29/08Byron Motosports Park"Byron, IL", NebraskaSteve Fritz308-345-374405/03/08Norton MX"Norton, KS"05/04/08Norton MX"Norton, KS"05/25/08Southwest NE MX"McCook, NE"05/26/08Southwest NE MX"McCook, NE"06/01/08Yucca Hills MX"Wauneta, NE", Nev-Utah"Jim Provencher, Reg. Saturday - MAMA Race #6 MX 23 Unleashed. The computer will search our system and print the lap times for that transponder number as well as any other transponder that was on the track at that time. Time to read . Extreme Dirt Track Round 8 (Batavia) Batavia, New York - 8/23/2013. Reno Livestock Events Center- Reno, Nevada - 11/16/2013. is that menu background available anywhere? Uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate ponca city mx regional results the website Raceway ( )! Freestone James Stewart Spring Championship - Trackside Results If there was more than one division you will want to wait for all divisions to be complete so you get the times for all of them. He races superminis. Please Select Below to Display Results Report. Ponca Citys girls picked up two points in the event and the Playground Luke FAUSER - 85cc ( 10-12 ) LIMITED Read more all Classes pc Ambucs! scoring, The basics of using MylapsTrackside 901-603-992904/06/08Dry Hill Raceway"Gates, TN"04/26/08Meadowcreek"Crossville, TN"04/27/08Meadowcreek"Crossville, TN"05/04/08Dry Hill Raceway"Gates, TN"06/14/08Podium One"Charlestown, IN"06/15/08Podium One"Charlestown, IN", Central"Juanita Bassinger, Reg. Escore is a timing and scoring company based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania -- Please Select Event. Results - Pleasure Valley Raceway View Class Finishes. Endurocross 2013 - eScore - Trackside Online Results Morris, PA"04/27/08Pleasure Valley"Armagh, PA"05/04/08Steel City"Delmont, PA"05/18/08Steel City"Delmont, PA", Arizona"Pynne Johnson, Reg. Trackside Software Download docs INSTANT ACCURATE RACE RESULTS Racers print their own lap times! page. Budds Creek. All of these events will follow the rental program described on this page with the pricing for each to be listed at the bottom with the event. Doug Harrington, KAW 1982 83cc Modified Expert Class 1.
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