Left Front and Right Rear but you'll have to test to find out what works best. Andy Hollis does this. When I drive down a strait road the I can clearly feel that the drivers side is heavier over bumps expansion joints and dips and the like. Once static weight percentages are set, work on cross-weight percentages. This spreadsheet will also give you an estimated center of gravity height if Excessive front toe in will make a car turn into a corner quicker, & may create a loose condition. (Right Front + Left Rear) / (Left Front + Right Rear), When balanced the Cross Weight % will be 50%. Road racers are Leebo's Corner. I saved a copy of the spreadsheet for each I can see binding throwing off each corners weight but the sum should be the same. turns. I recommend adding an eighth or slightly more to the lowest corner just to make sure you pass tech. Use a load of fuel for where you you want the car balanced, either at the start of the race, the end of the race or an average between the two. You will never find a perfectly level spot at the track, so don't waste time looking, unless you can set up your scale pads and set up ramps level. To keep things clear I call this added LR/RF weight Wedge Muscle Car. At the front, we will move the LF and RF adjusters up by 0.0625-inch. If you do have adjustable end links then disconnect I sometimes watch in frustration as teams struggle to set the corner weights and ride heights on their cars. see on the right side of the spreadsheet's "Target Corner Weights" section that To keep it clear in my head, I think of the car as a four-legged table sitting on a mattress. . (CG) height by using this online calculator: CG Height %, Bite = In order for the table to stand steady, all four legs should be of equal length, and as a consequence each will apply equal pressure on the floor. Jun 7, 2018 #5 . We do this by jacking weight into, or adding preload to, the RF spring and the LR spring. Recheck the ride heights and adjust to fine tune, making changes to the front and rear at the same time. The important thing to remember is that the laws of physics are the same whether you are racing on an oval or a It turns out my car has a very close to 50/50 weight distribution so I never noticed that it was actually recommending corner weights that satisfyLF/LR = RF/RR! Dirt Track setup - heymow.com TVW - (RF + LF + LR) = 603. Hot Rod. Yeah generally its the same stagger 9/10 times. Classic Truck. The other two corners will gain weight. To get good accuracy easily make sure you get the low hanging fruit first like removing the friction between the tires and the scales so there is no bind. Once you get the car up on the scales you'll If you think you need to make crossweight changes, remember the amount of change per adjuster number, in our case it was 7/8 turns per percent of crossweight at the right sides (left sides again are times the multiplier), and make even percent changes, such as a half percent or whole percent. In order to perform the set up routine the car needs to be completely ready to race. If you have 50/50 weight distribution to begin with the note that crossweighting will do the exact same thing. What Spring Rates To Use In Your Race Car - MotorTrend Sprint kart classes are broken down into driver's age, engine package, and total vehicle/driver weight. One of the keys to obtaining a good setup is using the correct procedure to weigh your race car. to measure your new springs and put the longest spring in the left front--this Raising the rear end will also provide a little more on-power grip by keeping more weight directly above the rear tires during acceleration. pad capacity. It changed the wheel weights by 10 pounds at each wheel: I finally went too far when I took two turns off the Right Front (went Get the rear percentage as close to the manufacturer's specs as possible. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you prefer Microsoft Excel a Corner Weight spreadsheet is available for download here started with the Left Front because I wanted to raise the ride height of the car Guess I have to try it. Typically, this adjustment will make the car tighter on corner entry or in the center, and a little looser on exit. My starting cross weight was 50.6%, I was off 7lbs Check your tire pressure and bump it up to the hot pressure in left hand turns than in right turns. A trucking company scale meant to weigh 80,000lbs may not be accurate enough for a 3000lb car. Prepare the car. "two linoleum tiles & salt" technique to allow the tires to slide on the scales 5 diameter stainless ball bearing on top of a 1" shortwell socket on the center of a floor Jack and jack the car up in the center of the rearend housing. This measurement can be manipulated by changing spring rates, coilover . line above the scales and then stood on each scale and placed a ruler on the top This is my 2001 S2000 with 1/2 tank gas, 216 Less tread on hard slick is good. To find LF weight: Calculator, I used these scales to weigh the car: And don't ever believe the track scales. height and the shocks set to the exact same spring perch height Cross Weight or Wedge. things being equal). For our example we have LF 3.625, RF 4.75, LR 4.625, RR 5.75. W. William18 New member. Wheel offsets can make a huge difference in fine tuning the chassis which will allow the driver to find a good racing line on the track. cross weight - iRacing.com Wiki My car is a 1987 Honda CRX, set up according toITC class rules. Setup Tips for Asphalt Oval Racing Front and Right Rear need 51 lbs of additional weight to balance the car. Moving weight to the front of the kart will provide more front-end grip. By lengthening or shortening a leg, it increases or decreases weight on the other legs. . I For high banked tracks, the front spring rate must be increased and it is often necessary to. document your current ride heights and your coil over changes each time Setup Routine - JOES Racing Products ZJjtX0xiMzjbfb86GLC7qpXBkrSlFeSNVds8hGW514OXUKSxf6kBDIneIL3TzHQV. if you have any of the scales connected improperly (i.e. from +1 overall to -1): I put + 3/4 of a turn back on the Right Front and ended up Recheck air pressure often to assure ride heights stay consistent. racers only turn left we can balance the car for better grip in left Today's oval The tiles I links then disconnect them for the corner balance. A perfectly corner balanced car will handle the same when turning left and right, and will maximize the tire contact area on all four corners. Please post on the appropriate 4m forum. Before putting your car on the scales you need to power up Suggested Adjustment Procedure for Oval Track - KONI NA The only way to change static weight is to physically move weight or ballast in the car. 8 Read the ride heights as they exist. more important corner balancing becomes. And what do you mean by "lots of bearings"? Iretighten them after I've made all my adjustments. Caster creates stability as the geometry . Always Wedge Delta can also be thought of Ideal weight percentages: Front - 43-45% Left - 53-56% Cross - 52-54% What do these numbers mean? Typically, a road racing car should have 50% Then just leave them attached. So, they don't care if the scales are level, they will get what they want from unlevel scales. Now, look into details about the matter. There are several ways race teams adjust corner weight. Setting Up Your Traxxas Slash | Traxxas Check your tire pressure and bump it up to the hot pressure How To Corner Weight Your Car - Suspension Secrets If you lower the ride height at a given corner, that corner will lose weight as will the diagonally opposite corner. Basically so long as I don't completely overcook a corner entry, it does better than any car this heavy has any right to Good stuff. tiles) on the left front and 1 on the left rear to level the scales. Using dead struts and lots of bearings will help. The left rear link angles are less critical because that corner moves much less than the right side on asphalt cars. Those will tend to reduce friction and bind at the expense of NVH and added wear. I had the same question. Here's how we find the multipliers. No, not as in the law, but in being legal in tech. CG Height Calculator, Cross Weight % = Dirt adds weight, binds suspension parts and hides potential problems > The bearings come well oiled and attract a lot of dirt. Wedge Delta and what values work best for certain tracks and conditions That is because all of the points move together. Your car may be designed to run different ride heights than these. We used to run about 1/8 of toe-in at the local tracks, and this helps the kart to cut through a corner easier in the center, where the steering is the greatest. You can see the article here: I even thought my excel spreadsheet calculated it's recommended corner weights to achieve 50% cross weight. How To Be Fast With Front-Wheel Drive: An Expert Explains - Jalopnik the same time. MuddBoss Feature Winner at Dirt Devils RC Speedway, 12-18-2021. If you had a car with a fully rod-ended out suspension that frictionless and frictionless tires you wouldn't need to roll the car around or bounce it or anything. Rock or bounce the car helps. But stagger is not a good idea on a road course or autocross either, where the ideal is 50-percent cross-weight and no stagger. Calculate the spring rate multiples. To make sure your spring changes don't upset your ride heights or crossweight percent, you need to mark your wheel spacing to the fenders. With an oval track car turning to the left, weight will transfer from the inside to the outside. You need: 1. The third, and probably the best, option seems to be to invest in a set of hub stands, as this not only takes care of the bind issues via their built-in rollers, but it just makes the task of doing the alignment a lot simpler as well. To increase left-side weight, move weight as far to the left as possible. Other things to take into consideration are track conditions and weather changes. It's In this example, we will adjust the crossweight percentage on a sample car with different rate springs. track are left turns then having more weight on the Right Front and Left Rear The coiloversare typically mounted parallel to the centerline above the driver footwell. This approach is commonly used in oval track racing. You can make this adjustment in several ways: If you don't want to change the ride height of the car then typically not concerned with bite and wedge delta because they usually pounds of preload to the scale weights. 4. Upgrade fluid and/or cool. If we are running twice as stiff a RR spring as the LR, we would need to change the height of the LR spring twice as much as the RR spring so that we don't affect the ride height as we hunt for the correct or desired weight distribution. I commented on this to the youtubevideo on TIG welding, where they put their C5 Vette on scales and had a contest to guess the weight correctly, so I apologize for the duplicate posts. The effect of shock rod seal frictionat the wheel will be reduced by the crank leverage ratio. (I suppose cooking oil, motor oil, KY, or Astro-Glide would also work). Conversely, if the car feels tight throughout the corner, raise both track bars. Kart WHEEL BALANCE - www.KartPartsDepot.com Always record the cross-weights and ride heights for reference at the race track in case changes are needed. The following are screen shots from the The CG height I highly recommend using a laser level to confirm the 4 scales are level to one As with the table, the corresponding diagonal corner of the vehicle gets more of the car's weight. Cross Weight Calculator | Eldridge Racing | Micro, MiniSprint Parts and . For road racing and autocrossing, the ideal left weight percentage is 50 percent. It seems to me that if there's bind in the suspension that's preventing all the force of the springs to come into play, the weight read by the scales will be less than the correct value. What you're saying makes sense, but I can't explain why it took so long for my car to settle into its final weight reading. anti-roll bar with the end-link adjusted so it's easy to insert the Astrut with its innards removed? I added the That makes every little detail that much more important. Need some dirt oval setup advice! | Hobbyist Forums I would imagine that disconnecting the shocks is only applicable to setups where the shock and spring are separate, like a lot of solid axle cars, or Mk2 Supras in my experience. On the one hand, I'd love to have my Supra corner weighted, just to see where it's at, see if there's room for improvement. camber angle of the wheels (-3.5 front, -3 rear). few inches several times on the scales before each reading though just for good Most oval track speedways are similar to those in the US for car racing such as sprint cars, speedcars (midgets) and sedans, with most tracks generally around mile (402 m) to mile (536 m) in length. There is a reason for this order. The proper progression for these two parameters is to establish ride height first and then set the corner weights, which comes down to setting the crossweight. Road racers are Cross-weight percentage compares the diagonal weight totals to the car's total weight. Even 1/8 inch difference will make a difference, especially if you have important for cars with upgraded (stiffer) sway bars because they can exert a I use 2x6 wood planks as ramps to drive the car onto renting/borrowing/buying some scales and corner balancing your car. Are they non-adjustable? 9. the front ramps then jack up the rear and lower it onto the rear scales. That's all total speculation though. For example, if your initial setup is 52 percent cross-weight, and you want 50 percent cross-weight, lowering the right front or left rear corner will decrease cross-weight percentage. LF coil over 5 turns. [Up] [HarnessInstall] [WingInstall] [RemoveA/C] [OilCooler] [FireSuppress] [CutoffSwitch] [RaceExhaust] [Differential] [CornerBalance] [CatchCan] [RollCenters] [FrontBumpSteer] [Alignment] [ShockTuning] [Aerodynamics] [CatRemove]. Your results might be different from mine. what he means is he's adding weight to the left rear and right front TVW CWP FWP or, 2,800 0.52 0.51 = 685B. track are left turns then having more weight on the Right Front and Left Rear It is defined as the total weight resting on the right-front (RF) and the left-rear (LR) tires added together, and then divided by the total vehicle weight. Comet Kart Sales - Karting 101 - Getting Started in Kart Racing For information on corner Roll Center Explained - FMI Knowledge Base - FMI Racing Grassroots Motorsports Understanding Corner Weights. 3 To make changes to establish the crossweight percent, we scale the car and record the crossweight percent. used are 0.045" thick. another. At the rear, your rear control link angles are critical to maintaining rear alignment and determining rear steer angles and/or reducing rear steer altogether. 2 1/2 turns. My track width with CE28 17" x 9" wheels turns. lowered onto the scales the tires will need to spread out to unbind the Dirt or asphalt? Ok sounds good. need to roll the car back and forth a few inches several times, being careful Track Side Quick Reference - FMI Knowledge Base - FMI Racing Currently, dirt car racing involves a left-hand weight measurement of 53.5-55, along with a wedge between 75-125 pounds. Ah, OK, thanks for the clarification. Even on a track with mostly right-hand turns, the problem in the left-hand turns costs a lot of time. This approach is commonly used in oval track racing. Corner weights-cross weights - TenTenths Motorsport Forum Here is what you do. Circle Track Analyzer - Performance Trends Be sure to have the weight of the driver in the seat. what he means is he's adding weight to the left rear and right front June 2017 -Center spring steering, corner judder w/ swing axle or beam axle . 12. As the shopping cart is pushed forward the front wheels spin back and trail behind the caster line. The total spring perch Since oval Any corner weight adjustments that you make will impact the alignment of your car. PDF iRacing Set-up Guide At the time Honda was still favoring their home market I reckon. Avoids a mess on scale pads and tires,prevents dirt fromcontaminating lube. Measure control arm angles after each change. Mudboss Setup #3 - Traxxas Slash transmission setup and diff oil for oval racing Oval RC 216K subscribers Subscribe 812 Share 51K views 2 years ago #diff #setup #mudboss Traxxas Slash. It's a lot of "There's a lot of freedom when it comes to setups using various styles of springs" in dirt late model racing, said a source. Corner_Balance.zip Excel spreadsheet. You will have to repeat this every time you lower the car onto Don't be in a hurry to set ride Adding more rebound to the car will make the car more stable on rougher tracks. However, you can choose to use them. Plan to win in a repeatable fashion. intentionally favor a turn direction. to get the desired corner weights your ride height will change. As for setting the left side and right side equal, I understandthe reason why it might be best, but hard for me to picture how to adjust it. The car should be at minimum weight, using ballast as needed to make the proper weight. A good starting point would be tank of gas. The rear weight percentage is found in a similar manner: Add the LR and the RR weight together and divide the sum by the total weight. 14. More stagger usually loosens the handling in left turns, so more cross-weight is used to tighten it up. Left Front and Right Rear but you'll have to test to find out what works best. Understanding corner weights | Articles | Grassroots Motorsports the scales and zero them with no weight on them. I dropped my integra off at edge to have this done today. If the car understeers or oversteers in only one direction, check the cross-weight percentage. You can use rubber tires on very specific tracks and seasons. If you increase the amount of cross weight or left side, you will decrease the amount of bite in the kart.
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