We shall battle Relaxas, Knight of the Order of Yoga! That's the issue here! Certain people (me included incase it wasn't obvious) dislike it because its like a distillation of everything they dislike about events. I enjoyed one chain which gave my ruler the nickname "the Meticulous", but can't remember for the life of mine what were the circumstances. *A little thank you note to thank you so much for the awards! And I think we just have to accept that. The weight is a bit more complicated, as it changes depending on if the child already has a friend/crush/bully/victim, and how many of them one already has, but if there's no friend/crush/bully/victim, there's a 50% chance to not trigger anything, 10% to get friend/crush, 5% to get a bully/victim/cat/dog. ie. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Crusader Kings 2 Event IDs. After having played both as and against tribals, I was left unsatisfied with their gameplay. [V1.1.2] Was watching a bunch of Conan vids on youtube and I came up with this. Adding or removing traits all follow a general formula . [player] would be a Slap Chop, which is the best machine ever! They dont exist yet, so they cant possibly become popular! ORGY! Player Child: You get to pick out any of the 3 options given in each event set. Alt Cultural Artwork + Sane Warfare Compatibility Patch. Not sure. [player name]! Again, it doesn't need to be historical at all. . Having someone let loose a massive fart for comedic effect during a funeral is a serious, contemplative drama isn't funny, it just shows that the writer/director doesn't understand what tone is or how it works. Bribe Vera to take us into the heart of voguing! After all, it shouldn't be expected of folks to just drop everything and to travel through half the continent to join some random court of some random ruler. In addition, it limits the changing of succession to male-preference to cultures of Occitan, Basque, Aragonese, and Catalan. Drink all her scotch, enraging Vera and delighting Miranda! But that grounding is necessary for jokes to work. If you don't know it yet, using those two buttons on your keyboard opens a search function. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2790176208, url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedet, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aWRNpRav2J-p0rmnYJhmWdKdEJWoWLIgTvxS6sk_rOo/edit?usp=sharing, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2239852205, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdqYtXSQsLHomhep4Q2ParTjsArUJdOi2, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2220365907, https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2386283577, https://steamcommunity.com:/linkfilter/?url=https://hmlendea.go.ro/fund.html, url=https://steamcommunity.com:/linkfilter/?url=https://github.com/hmlendea/more-cu, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2221612003, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sea_Empire, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228417684, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2241658518, https://mods.paradoxplaza.com/mods/11414/Any, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2238122607&searchtext=Dieu+et, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519175282, Choose from 8 new methods of executing your prisoners (see below), Landed characters wear clothes and headgear according to their rank or t, Force your own children (and children in your court) to become monks, removing them from their inheritence at the cost of not being able to marry and have children. Community Choice Event Pack; 2022-12-06 - Dev diary #112 - Year in Review; 2022-11-22 - Dev diary #111 - 1.8.0 "Robe" Feature Highlight; If you were to shoot [player name], they would NOT be into it! CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. CK3 mods: From tweaks to total conversions To open the console while in the game, press the ` key, the ~ (tilde) key, or Shift-Alt-C. Press ` or ~ again to close it (Shift-Alt-C doesn't seem to. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Her royal status will give us diplomatic immunity, Music is all about waiting as long as possible to drop the bass, Turn into a vampire bat, bite them, give them rabies, To win at dodgeball you have to think like a ball, Weve been training for this our whole lives without knowing it, Act like the biggest crocodile predator in nature, A spell that will change the readers life, Heroically volunteer to take Liams place. (any misspelling=crash) blockade <provinceid> - Blockade province. Can you lead Justinian and his dynasty to glory and reclaim the Roman Empire, or will he breathe the final breaths of the once mighty Roman people? I only tell how I died on the third date, boo. Tired of the bland run of the mill cultural men-at-arms? SNAKE! Any succesful outcome + Go to prom with Liam, Polly or Scott, I LIKE THE FACT THAT THEY ARE 17 FEET TALL (probably? It's entitled "silverware-wear", This will take an army of homeless people we pay. NOTE: THE ARTIFACT MODULE HAS BEEN REWRITTEN AND GREATLY IMPROVED BY THE WAY OF KINGS TEAM, AND I RECOMMEND USING THEIR IMPLEMENTATION FROM NOW ON. Air the same show from thirty years ago but with a new name? Be careful! It is only visible to you. You just need to lift really heavy books! Challenge it to a radical hip hop battle! Victim: Has to be a 4+ yo child with <0 opinion of you. CK3 Console Commands (Cheat Codes), Trade ID Lists Note: Child traits have no impact on which event set would get picked. As mentioned, it's still a good idea to have 2 wards at all times, for a chance to receive pet dog/cat from your wards. Have you considered judging reality television? Discover a sprawling simulated world teeming with peasants and knights, courtiers, spies, knaves and jesters, and secret love affairs. Better Bactria adds more depth to the Form Bactria Decision. Maybe the census event? Convince Aaravi to suplex the owlbear. Valve Corporation. Takes place 15~30 days after the birthday. Action "Invite to court" has a base penalty and that is fine. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Not everyone has a super-potent microprocessor for a brain, Zoe, you should give the french fries a french kiss, Miranda, obviously youre the most qualified to determine this. Posts rarely get even 100 agrees. It counteracts the stated purpose of the whole game: roleplaying. Replace all the music with a SWARM OF BEES! These events are a bit random, because they all require buying The Gift That Keeps On Giving. This wound! I do try to list the most important part of the dialogue, so search for a certain word that would surely be in it. Age 9: Reincarnation trait if the faith has Reincarnation tenet. Advertisement Coins. It just needs to be. Grants you the ability to abdicate the throne while continuing on as your heir, as well as the option to force your vassals to abdicate, however doing so will make them your rival so be careful! [player name] is for some reason very popular among Swedish fanfic writers. Your rulers acting like they are normal commoners. This mod adds alot of Medieval 2: Total War music to the game. The intensity of this rave is powering the whole cafeteria! This mod has been discontinued due to there being many superior portrait mods on the workshop, so use those instead! The vanilla trigger for giving your ward an university education required you to have all types of universities in a single province. Upload subversive propaganda to the other robots' CPUs, Croissant, School Bus, Shooting Star, Trumpet and Crocodile, Legalization of recreational chimera toxins, Hypnotize Liam into liking something uncool. Miranda, just make cute eyes! The likelihood that not a single proclaimed Caliph ever had a cathartic thought while being proclaimed is indeed very hard to believe for me. [player name], obviously. [player name] is chess, [player name] has high quarterly earnings, Secret behind [player name]'s eyes is "The Secret!". [player name] has a huge collection of super lame busdriver trading cards [player name] would blush deeply and shyly. You're right Scott! Since I'm a noob modder I can not fix the compatibility issue. I'm reading it, and some small issues aside, it perfectly fine, occasionally reaching towards great, and then *BOOM* there's some dumb line in the event that just utterly ruins the whole thing and makes me feel stupid for getting interested in the first place. Any to 867 or 1166, users take on the role of a warrior. Paradox did an amazing job making the Anglo-Saxon culture feel distinct, all this mod does, is look to build on whats already there. Friends and rivals - Events concerning friends and rivals. Simple mod that replaces all instances of 'Domain' to 'Demesne' in the localization. A post on Reddit asking for suckers to join your new scam, You should write a heated essay decrying sexism, You dont need to prove your love of the dark arts, Dmitri's not telling you the Dark Side's darkest secret, You must dance the drunken paranoid monkey salsa, This alternate dimension is an ALTERNATE alternate dimension, Ill just hire us a team of homicidal dodgeball supermen, Convince Principal Giant Spider that youre him, Theres way worse animals you could have for hair, Calculester: Anywhere events (Second Term). I can assure you that they did not speak English, imagine whatever period-appropriate phrase you can. [player name] knows the correct silverware to use when eating silverware! But what if Scott uses this crazy straw? Thanks for the explanation, but that's really strange, because I've found the event in this video. SNAKE! Princes should be eating poisoned apples so that you'll kiss them, There are plenty of eligible princes on hotprincefinder. Present them with an official form requesting a butt smelling? Let's go to Thailand together on a spiritual journey full of deep introspection, Channel their spirits. by making a Whatsapp Group, A ranger! Characters show their names, opinions, relations, and titles below. They'll come crawling back once they see how bad it is without you. Convince them this is an emergency, Consult a plant biologist with expertise on whatever Kale's plant species is, Fake a serious illness that requires a kidney transplant, Oh, this? 0 coins. Any succesful outcome + Go to prom with Damien, Liam, Miranda. So now an event gets picked, how does the AI determine what to do, and what can the player influence it? It's a sauce made of secrets! Private Army: House Guard Improved Feautures, - Renames Byzantine Empire to Eastern Roman Empire, THIS HAS NOW BEEN MERGED WITH ACE'S MUSLIMS ENHANCEMENTS! Hire a hitman to kill every other crush they just mentioned. Or any sense of maybe having to cross your castle to get to you. The Royalty-Free Historical Music Mod adds 41 different, historically appropriate music tracks to Crusader Kings III, all of which are royalty-free and appropriately licensed. Talking furry forest creatures shed their heads! Age 9, 11, 13, 14, 15: Personality trait gets added from events. They tried to put [player name] on the cover of Hot People Magazine [player name] is the discoverer of the org, [player name] told me it was to conceive children, That reckless bastard eats gluten! GitHub - OldEnt/crusader-kings-3-triggers-modifiers-effects-event Eat everyone else's food, like a good boy, Try the sangria. Speak to our highest-ranking officer: COACH! This simple mod renames "Hooks" to "Leverage". If you use some kind of way of tracking the events you have already seen you will find them all that way in no time. What if we got strangers to start drawing dozens of pictures of you? But be warned, modding Crusader Kings 3 is a subtle addiction. Decisions - CK3 Wiki - Paradox Wikis Assigning a guardian to a 9 or 11-year-old child will change the chance from 10% for all sets to 18.75% for sets containing the guardian's trait, and 6.25% for the others. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This means that not only is this mod Ironman-compatible, but it is also safe for SarcFa's Custom Ruler Designer [For 1.1. It's a fork for taking pictures of, Nothing conveys elegance and taste like a gloating spoon, Rob the bank yourself and split the money with Vera, Maybe it IS time you started murdering people with your silverware. For children 13+ yo, the odds to receive one of the 3 personalities matching that of the ward, is usually around 50%, while the other 50% being the other 9 events. There is just one in the game at this moment of writing, and that is a Secret Ending that can trigger on both Liam and Polly's routes. You can see the progress on the discord. You've got to be blamed for ruining an industry that was becoming obsolete, A job so hard to explain that not even YOU are sure why you're getting paid, It's to treat a wound! [player name] has their whole life planned out. Even with the event with the monk, it maintains a semi-serious tone throughout the event, aside from the last line which makes it incongruous with what has come before, and therefore breaks immersion.
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