Sam and Tony are on air support, scouting out their arrival and making sure no one leaves. I thought I asked you to stop helping., You did. Theres guilt in every inch of Steves body; from the way hes holding his shoulders to the soft breaths hes taking. Its a good plan. Man really is stubborn. I think Id rather the sticks and stones . Despite leaving her days as an assassin behind after becoming Daredevil, some Avengers still think of Elektra Natchios as a violent, impulsive killer. No time. Not exactly a lie; Matt doesnt tend to read braille books due to the often unjustifiable expense and hes not had a lot of time to listen to any of his novels since becoming a vigilante. Matt fumbles for the comm in his pocket as he continues his slow steps. He pauses as he feels a slip of paper, folded in her pocket. Captain America turns to look at him. And Other Comic Book Legends Revealed and Why Does Batman Carry Shark Repellent? Dont remember much but i think luke cage was leading them and I remember a line that was something like you ask me if daredevil is good enough to be an avenger. June 14, 2022; did steve urkel marry laura in real life . Red Wolf and his squad of Avengers succeed and Goliath, Vision and Scarlet Witch returned to New York City, but can't get into the city. I got to read the major Daredevil Runs such as Miller, Nocenti, Bendis, Brubaker, Weid, Soule and of course, Zdarskyand it made me curious if there was either a controversial or bad Daredevil story. What do you need?. Avengers: How Daredevil Earned His Place Among Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Batman Is Stealing A Move From Daredevil For His Next Mission, Captain America Finally Explains Why He Let Wolverine Join the Avengers, DC Confirms the Full Power of Flash's Time Travel Abilities, Batman Is Officially DC's New Superman (After Taking Clark's Powers), X-Men's Most Underrated Member is Secretly One Of Marvel's Deadliest Heroes. Not for things you can fix. Finally they reach the stairs to descend to the lobby. Okay, he might have lost track of that metaphor. Right now theres still a few Hydra men to deal with. With a sigh, he turns back around, holding a hand out. Guilt flooding him, he sighs. None of them know that this church leaves its doors unlocked or that this dumpster is emptied Thursdays and never filled until Wednesday. Id have said no to it if Id known., A hiss of air and Matt can hear Starks breathing. She sighs. Hes surrounded by cries of shock as the lights go out with a smash and for a moment Matt has to smile at how well his plan is going. He doesnt chase Matt down to talk or force him into playing hide and seek to avoid meeting him. I I remember what its like to be ignored. Another kind of cool aspect explored in Waids run is that he doesnt particularly like all that big Avengers level fighting- being on a bigger team overwhelms his senses, he prefers going solo, I liked it better when Avengers was their own thing instead of "Marvel's all stars". Through various clues, the Avengers conclude that he's illiterate. Like Matt should be incapable of collecting information if he cant read. Auction in progress, bid now! Matt shakes his head, the devil that had been keeping him upright and focused has finally left and he feels like jelly, every limb sagging into the ground. Lawyers make a living off lawsuits related to them for a reason . Mask mask stays on.. Okay then. Brian Cronin: Yeah, I get what he wanted to do, as well, and it could have worked. Got a timer Stark. Or or doesnt think hes up to watching her back capable of watching her back. Weekly Auction ends Monday March 6! Therefore, Matt reasons once hes finished with his damned pity party - that only makes him feel so guilty for letting a few stupid words get to him -, if he avoids the Avengers and stops working with them, therell be nothing to leak. Its only later, when Matts thoughts are organised enough to think, that he realises one of the Avengers must have let their ideas on his illiteracy slip to some worker in the tower. Finally Steve gets the hint. ends Monday March 6! Mr Matt Im blind and cant let them know it Murdock, Matt cuts in and Foggy hisses in realisation. Hells Kitchen is a small part of New York, it wont take them long to track down the blind man that matches Daredevils description. Hes almost at the elevator when a pounding heart registers at the edge of his hearing. You should be a thousand times better now than you were., Hey, not everyone learns at the same pace, Clint snaps. Tony Stark. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. CBR Senior Writer Brian Cronin has been writing professionally about comic books for over fifteen years now at CBR (primarily with his Comics Should Be Good series of columns, including Comic Book Legends Revealed). If they all do, Matt can definitely work with this. This trailer idea has been in the back of my head for 2 years and its finally here. He does note that Clint is the only Avenger not to stroll Hells Kitchen in search of the Devil. Could he dare to hope that much? The archer is exceptionally confident. Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. Why is he focusing on it-. Cant happen, no more. I have to ask why you think Google wouldnt have an answer? Rest for a second? He takes advantage of one womans bloody punch - is it his blood he tastes or hers? He immediately tries to sense out the light switch, aware hes about to screw Widow over but well if shed not run off alone, he would have told her his plan. Its not like theyre listening anyway. Youve said that while dying. Foggy places a gentle hand on Matts shoulder. Brian Cronin: It's been a long time since we have seen one of these haphazard epilogues, where they clearly ran out of room. off again and turns slightly, so hes facing Matt. Not sure if I still have the right to call you Mike.. Any fire in his blood freezes as he tries to figure out how they could have reached this conclusion. Of course, Matt didnt factor in the Avengers and their secret, collective ability to generate chaos and suffering on a level Matt can barely imagine. If youd been able to read this youd had know you were walking into a massive meeting of some of the highest ranking Hydra members that survived the fall of SHIELD., Falcon is the one to shrug. Downstairs?. Blood drips down his nose, falling to the floor with a relentless drip. Daredevil, American comic strip superhero created for Marvel Comics by writer Stan Lee and artist Bill Everett. Daredevil, Captain America calls out as soon as Matts in what most people would consider hearing range. Punch no thats more of a flail, though a flail directed at a nose that cracks under his hand, causing a flash of heat in his knuckles that Matt pushes aside as much as he can. The Black Widow appears at his side a moment later, as he climbs onto a neighbouring roof and begins to work his way through the shadows to get across the street. Lifting his head and shoulders causes something sharp and painful to race through him and for a moment the stale room vanishes and he is on Claires soft couch, her gentle hands trying to keep him still. I will not let you kill him. Legal arguments come to mind and are instantly discarded. And that's why it's important that they get it right. Thanks to PipMer for betaing, and Zwaluw for their betaing but also their cheerleading, poking and ableism check. Clea is giving up her solo comic book series and title of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme to the returning (from the dead) Doctor Stephen Strange in the next couple of months, but these Avengers could . It is the third television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And we all realise we fucked up. Matt huffs in disbelief. Though Matt is unaware of the circumstances surrounding the conflict, he hears giant, mechanized Nazis terrorizing innocent people and leaps into action. A lot of these Hydra groups are using SHIELD property right now. Captain America seems a little quieter but Matt barely notices. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. It is, after all, the safest place he knows. . Not that the truth would make much difference. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words but words but words. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How about we let the good Captain get back to chewing you for risking your life over your damned pride., Steve sighs. Ah, thats good right?. But this is something to deal with later. An older man, one often found behind the desk with Brett, sighs. Sure. They're all 15; they al. Matt feels even guiltier. Ill know if you dont. Before Hawkeye can reply, Matts gone; climbing the fire escape and darting over roofs. Matt thinks before registering what she said about the labels. Dont be embarrassed. Not everyone is. Yeah, hes trying to bond. Luckily, he was clever enough to find a way to sneak into the place where the Zodiac were holding the Avengers and surreptitiously free the Avengers and then the Avengers just let loose on the Zodiac! Where are you? Foggy understands what he needs before Matt even finds the strength to voice it. This tag belongs to the Unsorted Tag Category. Youll open so many doors for yourself, be something better.. A second later and Matt can feel the heat of the flashlight in his hands as he shines it into Matts ear. Eleven? Yeah! But when he proved himself invaluable during the events of Fear Itself by Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen, the Avengers wouldnt take no for an answer. Oh man oops, Foggy says as Matt untangles himself from his friend and helps him up. He can smell the faint scent of copper but its probably from the men he beat up. Is sitting optional? Matts hackles rise and for a long second he feels like growling or punching or doing somethingto express his displeasure but he manages to bury it. Thanks man. Matt gets to the third floor with minimal problems (two broken jaws and minor scratch on Matt counts as minimal problems, right?) And theres nothing on this Earth right now would make him want to be a part of it. He rolls his eyes and tilts his head. No Foggy. Daredevil , on the other hand, has the advantage of more room and time to tell a story. I do try my friend. Take that mask off and Ill get us beer to cel - HOLY SHIT! And with that, before anyone can move, Matt turns and throws himself out the window, already reaching out to grab the fire escape under it. The leak must have come from the Avengers. Maybe I just want to spend time with my best friend?. Matt hates to jump to conclusions if he doesnt need to - shouldnt make another shot. With a final nod, Steve walks away leaving Matt to follow his heartbeat out of Hells Kitchen. Angry at himself and Widow for putting him in this position, Matt throws himself at the nearest man, the smell of gunpowder and metal giving away the gun in his hands. This is really hurting you, he says, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. Theyre the ones who needed it most after all, the people left behind by people like the Avengers who dont care about the little guys. Hes dead if he doesnt. I just I have something to say and then Ill go., Matt turns to face him, an eyebrow raised. Just look. Yeah. And the next. Im not?, Before he can protest further, Foggys hands are on his, wiping the trail of blood from the side of Matts face. Steve, his mind provides, the scent of graphite combining with the feel of strong hands holding him up. I dont appreciate the doubt when I have something amazing for you., In spite of himself, Matt finds a smile quirking at his lips. Next:Captain America Finally Explains Why He Let Wolverine Join the Avengers. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, The MCU's Latest Supervillain Helped Spider-Man Fight A Zombie Invasion, The Deadliest X-Men Villain Is Becoming a Dark Version of Professor X, Masters of the Universe: Masterverse Just Unveiled the Most Horrific He-Man Ever. Okay, Matt manages. He needs somewhere a touch more private to examine what hes found. What do you think?, Matt moves his head so hell appear to be glancing from the tablet, to Stark and back again. Thats fine, Matt doesnt need to use them tonight. Okay. Relief floods Matt as he is finally listened to. Matt senses the arrow coming from nearly the moment its released with the distinctive twang of a bowstring. But Matt doesnt hear the way Clint sighs as he leaves nor the start of his phone call. It breaks from the forces on it as it hitshisstick and he tracks the pieces as they fall to the ground around him. Its a familiar scent to Matt, after all his years working in various office like situations. And Im sorry Im ignoring your wishes. Captain America nods, then hands Matt a small item. Umm. Matt tracks them to the other roof and Falcon returns a moment later, to take the Black Widow as well. Brian Cronin: I don't think he planned it out as well as he could have. Like I said. At two in the morning? Right, Foggys always been able to see through Matts bullshit. The remaining human traffickers in Hells Kitchen are actually better at their work without Fisk around. Sounds are bouncing off the glass along the hallway, the weird echoes this causes making his already swaying world a confusing mess of noise. Grinning at the fact he doesnt have to try and knock out the dozen lights he can hear buzzing by hand, he hits the closer button. I am fine. He tries to give Foggy a reassuring smile but can feel how brittle it is. Matt has no trouble knocking him out after that; a well trained attack guided by his senses. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. She keeps up with him, nearly silent to his sensitive ears. So Iron Man, Black Widow and one other? Sam can you drop Clint and Nat on the roof before you go?. Yours too. Grabbing his bag, he races for the door as fast as his still shaking legs can manage. If youre going to follow me, youll need to be a lot quieter, Matt finally snaps, tired of Hawkeyes ridiculously loud presence on the rooftops behind him. It coats the floor and clouds Matts senses as a second twang breaks the night air. Is it on the AO3? Four, nine, three, seven, two? Matt asks, trying to figure out why that number has any meaning. Brian Cronin: But yeah, it then ended on a wokka wokka bit. I understand not wanting to use your own name, Matt corrects gently and it gets a soft laugh. Matt creeps up on him slowly until he can hear the scrape of a pencil. Were trying to help buddy, Stark says, his voice a thunderclap in the silent room. This somehow gets a laugh out of her partner even as Matt finds his ability to breathe has suddenly been reduced again. He can do it. As grating as it is to be considered stupid, hell take any excuse not to have to work with them. Okay. Daredevil left a note., Matt frowns, sure hes done nothing of the sort. I deserve my own code name if Im going to run with people as nuts as you guys., Matt smiles despite himself. And working on a team that kills is the same thing. Hundreds of legal arguments jump to the tip of histongue but he holds them in, aware he doesnt have the time for it. Its part of what makes him such a great lawyer - and what had caused their fight to be as huge as it was. Youre assuming you know best and its even worse than if you hadnt helped at all., To Matts surprise, Steve cuts Stark off before he can. The man goes down but Matts still facing five people, plus what sounds like another half dozen thundering up the stairs. Somehow, Foggy always cuts to the heart of an issue. Matt hates that hes hearing it from Captain America of all people. Put it in there; thats easier. Matt pauses then adds, Only use one letter and youd probably be best off not using C. Ive already got a contact under that name., H it is then. Matt can hear the beeps of the buttons as Clint adds the number to his phone. 21 parts. None of which had involved the Avengers actual names. I listen. I may have fought alongside an Avenger tonight.. Brian Cronin: I'll give Thomas this much, he TRIES to sell it by saying that the Red Wolf story accelerated the attack, but even there, that doesn't really work, Brian Cronin: As there is no real argument that accelerating the attack made a difference, Brian Cronin: IN FACT, accelerating the attack meant that the Fantastic Four wasn't there. Though Matt is unaware of the circumstances surrounding the conflict, he hears giant, mechanized Nazis terrorizing innocent people and leaps into action. It seems to be their meeting place and theyre going to have to meet to discuss all the damage he did last night. He is the protagonist of the 2015 Marvel/Netflix television series Daredevil, and its 2024 Disney+ revival Daredevil: Born Again. Hes a Murdock though. For a moment he pauses and listens to Hawkeye make the call. Matt has to get up, be on his feet when they win. Leave them alone if you have to, stop the team ups, but dont let them kill you.. This place is known as where the one and only Avengers Tower is located containing the Avengers themselves. You do good work even with your issue, we barely noticed it. His face piece slips back onto his face with a hiss. Matt processes other peoples emotions in voices and heartbeats, not faces. Basically. Illiterate. The Avengers hunt the Devil of Hell's Kitche. He can do it. Oh man this is a StarkLet . If it wasnt for the weapons he can occasionally hear clicking or shifting around, Matt would have already gone in. Grabbing the mans knee gives him the leverage he needs to rise to his feet, with the added advantage of making the man scream in pain; a sound that rings through the room with an unfading echo. Good redirect there though. So there was another reason you went in., Pride. Stark gulps down his whiskey and slams the glass on the bar bench with a bang thats as loud as a gunshot to Matts senses. He really just wants to get out of here right now. Dozen men at most, looking for a quick buck.. Probably faster than most things but thats not something I can measure., Something cold is creeping through Matts veins. So tonight, why would I have any reason to trust you? But Foggys narration had made what would have otherwise been a normal Saturday amazing as they marathoned the movies. Care to explain why youre here?, Call me Steve, please. Not bad, he whispers, as they land on the roof of the building beside the bank. Their footsteps pound together in Matts head as he resists the temptation to clutch at his ribs. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book . Jarvisll let you in, you can even bring the mask. Before Matt can gather his wits for a reply or a thought, Stark opens the briefcase. In this case, it is Eileen Gonzalez who will be going over the history of the Avengers with me, story by story! (See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.). Not exactly rocket science. Matt hears the beeps as Hawkeye fiddles with the phone. Im just particularly hard to sneak up on.. Matt can pick out the voices of at most a dozen people, a couple of whom have drowned themselves in so much perfume he can taste it through the open window. Fans think that Scott's deep moments of anxiety in the ending montage are actually his mind screaming that the world he's now in is wrong, and that he feels the unseen hand of Kang(s) on his shoulder. Finally Matt detects a box on the wall, about the level of a light switch. And you wont cause chaos for your teammates by hitting the wrong switch, the Black Widow adds dryly, but Matt can still detect a hint of anger in her voice. But it's not hard to figure out youre ah. I I think they have cameras. Matt rarely can, when hes like this. Its not like they wouldnt have noticed eventually that I have issues. Youre going to have to make it past the team first, before you can leave.. Charlie Cox Talks Daredevil in the MCU That causes Matt to turn, to give the appearance of looking at Banner. Duuude., Aimed at helping me learn to read, Matt says bitterly. For a moment he finds himself marveling at the speed of Starks intelligence. Theres no grinding anywhere else thats moved. He can hear the man laugh and uses that to direct his punch into the mans jaw. Youre F.I.N.E. Foggy leads Matt to the couch; a familiar motion from their early days of living together in the second year of law school. And I can tell you, that aint it., But aint you heard, Sarge? the male rookie asks. Yeah. Oh and this will bring up a picture of the word because Ive heard thats a way people learn. Daredevil is not Matt Murdock, no one thinks Matt Murdock is any less capable now than he was before. Falcon, I presume?. Hes busy enough as it is without trying to figure out how to work with another person. Eileen Gonzalez: : Those are great points. Daredevil finally assembles alongside Earth's Mightiest in New Avengers #16 by Bendis and Mike Deodato as the HYDRA forces and the Red Skull's daughter, Sin, march on the streets of New York. avengers think Matt can't read; Public Bookmark * None So Blind by prettybirdy979 Fandoms: Daredevil (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Teen And Up Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; Gen; He lived. But casting news suggests he will reappear in Hawkeye, She-Hulk, or Spider-Man: No Way . Point, Stark says, pointing at Matt with the hand not opening the briefcase. The address is not an abandoned warehouse, as Matts come to expect from these fractured and scrambling Hydra cells. I didnt realise Tony was going to be such an ass about it. Do could I get a name from you?. No, this time its some kind of office building thats close to the water but not right on it and a few stories high but only a few. Taking that look as a no. It tends to cut into ones spare time. What did he do? Every limb is heavy, begging him to keep falling and rest on the floor. Matt stands there for a long moment then turns and walks out; his silence the only approval hes willing to give. Is that it? Matt manages to say over the hammering of his heart. Its not just the Avengers who are out in full force the next few nights, as Matt spends half his nights beating various men and women to unconsciousness before they can kill themselves. Only the familiar voice stops him lashing out at the hands as their owner checks his pulse. Our names are all over the internet since SHIELD I thought everyone knew them by now.. What do you think?. Ive had worse., You know, I think youre not lying and that is terrifying. Matt manages to shift so his legs are over the side of the bed, just brushing the floor. There., Matt takes it gently and tries not to give away the way his stomach is trying to sink into the ground. And? Foggy prompts, when Matt says nothing else. Any close?. Considering how difficult his life has been and how much he . Will we get a new group of Avengers together though? Sam, Nat, help him.. It's what separates them from Justice League. What the hell are they using as wallpaper? and one book, 100 Things X-Men Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die, from Triumph Books. Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . If hed lingered a few moments more he might have heard Hawkeye noting out loud some of the oddities of his behaviour and linking it to a barely remembered observation from the night before, but well he didnt linger. Has he been an avenger, or been considered an avenger? I get it., Matt pauses on the other side of the roof. Is he working with the Avengers? So. Matt can hear her requesting backup from a nearby Hydra cell - hers probably - and for a second he recognises the steady, calm drawl of the voice on the other side of the call, even with its note of panic. Brian Cronin: Yeah, it didn't really go anywhere. You created chaos that complicated our mission because you refuse to improve yourself.. For the week Matts forbidden by Claire to do any patrols - argued down from two and halfway to five days before Foggy stepped in - theres no sign of any Avengers in Hells Kitchen. It was only a moment after all, and hardly worth noticing. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Time to see how his improvisation skills have held up. Drops of his blood drip down his cheeks and coat his tongue. He shifts, unsure of how to ask why. Okay, you really are stubborn. Matt ignores both voices until Banner reaches his side, placing both hands on his shoulders and trying to gently push him down. Right. No, The Avengers would only slow him down. And if youd just trusted us you wouldnt be here., Why? Matt manages through the devil roaring in his veins and squeezing at his chest. Whered you get this information? Falcon asks and theres a note of confusion in his voice. Hey, I promise. Okay two stabbing pains, he finds as he tries to move. Starks too proud for anything else. See how it says Home Hazard Intervention? Matt nods vaguely, cursing that for all his abilities, he cant actually read writing on the side of a van. Then its just Captain America and himself left, crouching out of sight on a roof. Oh right, Matt had forgotten about the SHIELD info dump. Captain America storms in, his apparently obnoxious costume drawing the attention of the ten arguing Hydra grunts in the bottom level of the warehouse. Ah, that makes a lot of sense, Falcon says and Matt resists the urge to bristle. I dont need improving, he snarls, ready to offer a passionate defence. Let him go., Relief floods Matt, followed by anger at the fact hes relieved. You, he points at Stark, treat me like Im something broken that needs fixing. Well that explains the noise. Unless you mean fine like, F.I.N.E. Three; none of which sound slow enough to be the booming Thor or the raging Hulk. Normally the only just would be enough for Matt to decide to pass it on, to leave a note or the paper itself for the police or Avengers so that others can take this fight. Insecure. Almost. In the meantime, feel free to e-mail me at if you have any thoughts about these Avengers issues and/or discussions. This is completely useless., Huh, Foggy says as he gets up to grab the briefcase and pulls out the tablet. brian kim, cpa clearvalue tax net worth . Theres a car coming this way and Im sure theres no one else using this pier but Hydra.. The connections are tenuous at best and, as you just noted, don't even make sense. They think you'reilliterate. Right, Captain America says, snapping into action. Coulson brings out papers (recruitment) and then realises from the way Clint reacts that he is borderline illiterate. It ran away from me. Shit. Avengers: Age of Ultron has the advantage of megawatt star power, established characters, and a massive budget. But its only a few streets over. But youll need to be able to hear us.. As Daredevilis facing off with one of Sins armored enforcers, he hears Avengers Tower fall just before hearing a group of soldiers plan to gather around Avengers Mansion. Welcome to Jade City. He's fought with the Avengers and has been offered but no, he is not. Im fine. So much softer than he remembered hardwood being, smooth and cold against his skin. Holy shit, how are you still awake? Falcon says, and Matt realises theres been words flowing around him since the Avengers arrived. Having used one of Sins armored suits to take out the forces surrounding the Mansion, Matt makes his way inside to check on the two endangered occupants before stashing them inside the Avengers underground bunker. The Avengers also don't come off so great in this fic. He needs to be somewhere else. The Black Widow also seems to have adjusted to the darkness well, if the ever growing number of men groaning on the ground is anything to judge by. Matt makes his way to the Mansion, only to find it surrounded by Luke and Jessicas baby, Danielle Cage, along with her nanny, Squirrel Girl, trapped inside.
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