He tries to take in a breath on his own and instantly feels like hes choking. It got worse when you ate the apples because they were coated in it.. Are you okay?!. Or, like, yoga? [chap 5] Tis but a scratch (I lied, please help me) by @forensicleaf. Just felt sick for a second. Stark, dont do that!. Pineapple Pizza and how it Saved Peters LifebyFicbunny- Peters not eating enough for his enhanced superhero metabolism and suffers the effects of malnutrition. Michelles voice comes over the speaker, the most concerned Peter has ever heard it. Stay with me, Mr. Stark says. Its that muffled, underwater kind of hearing for the first few seconds, but then it gradually clears into intelligible speech. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. peter parker grimaced as the sharp pole stuck in his leg moved slightly, he was stuck under a building again. II know that what happened is scary. Hey, Karen! He called out as he stepped off the roof of the skyscraper hed stopped on. Pain all over, there was no part of him that didnt hurt. You lost a lot of blood by the time we got there, and then the ambulance didn't show up for five minutes. Steves brow furrowed and he brought a hand up to his forehead, as though he had a headachewhich he probably did. Chapter 19 Not Peter. Crisp air, sweet smell of corn, ankle-deep mud he trails off. Shit! Unfortunately, Spider-Mans super-healing decides to go on holiday the same weekend that he does. That turns out to be a horrific process involving Peter being asked to cough repeatedly as the doctor pulls the catheter from his airway. Its like the opposite of sensory overloadeverything has been dialed back to negative two. Hi, baby, May smiles but she looks sad. The bedroom lights flashed on, then off, then on again, and kept flashing as the noise continued. But here are a few faves: After being hit by a car, Peter is admitted to hospital and reconnects with someone from his childhood. edit: so. A story of which being Tony Stark's daughter and having powers is the definition of Chaos. His insides twist and he feels sick. Peter gives a small nod of acknowledgement. A Thompson would never do that." Fevers, Bananas, & Math Lessons by @whumphoarder. Like in Die Hard." When the vet came into view, Tony didnt bother slowing down. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. So he was fighting a mugger and he was shot in the thigh. It helps a little, but still feels like not enough. avengers fanfiction peter bleeding out. Friday turn the alarm off dammit! The AI complied, and he sighed in relief. When he arrives, he discovers that the danger isnt exactly what he was expecting, and Peter learns that certain recreational pastimes dont have quite the same effect on him that they do on most people. michellejones; spiderman; angstwithhappyending +22 more # 17. We were playing superheroes and we needed to pack the supplies to take with us cus we had to go fight the bad guys in space., Shed been stockpiling stuff for the last couple days in the treehouse, Peter goes on, so she was just tossing everything down for me to put in the bag. "I'm sorry, there seems to be a misunderstanding." . And Peter, the only one unaffected, is trapped inside the Tower with six feral teammates. When Peter comes to again, theres something down his throat. OK LAST ONE FIANLLY I CAN DLEEP (This one is actually pretty lighthearted and adorable, and the whump is on Peter lmao). Peter suffers from an asthma attack in the middle of the school. Yeah, just enjoying the whole fall aesthetic here, Ned says, spreading his arms out in an encompassing gesture. Spidey? I I think Im good, he decides. Not on the mayonnaise clinic or even WebMD for that matter. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. It was too dark to see anything clearly anyway, and hed be able to concentrate better without seeing how fast the ground was coming up to meet him. "You're not.". She uses a stethoscope to listen to his chest for a few moments and seems to approve of whatever shes hearing. Fine. as well as Peter knew it was coming, but let Flash slam his head into the lockers. "What is your name?" Aren't you supposed to be a Queens hero?" avengers ignore peter while he's stuck dying under a building and peter gets pissed after being rescued (first time making angst pls criticize) . Ned gives a half-laugh. Peter can immediately tell something is wrong, his senses dialed up so wildly that he cant focus on anything, barely feeling like hes moving forward on the sidewalk as he tries to reach the Tower. After a beat, the sirens finally cut through the silence. Perhaps you should give me your phone number as well so you could check up on him." Hurt Peter Parker; Tony Stark Has A Heart; Tony Stark Needs a Hug; Fluff and Angst; Sleepy Peter Parker; I mean come on; IT'S ME; mention of interwebs; Kidnapping; basically Peter gets buried alive; he doesn't have a lot of fun tbh; Summary "And I would hurry. Well get it out soon, bud, dont worry, Tony promises. Was that water? He is en route and will be with you soon.. He'll freak out. chap 1 is up now and we will be updating daily over the course of this week! He sneaks a glance towards her, only to see her eyes widen - his senses screaming at him a second too late as he hears someone call out, Watch out!. Im not a kid!, All right, Spider-Man. Captain Americas stern voice cut through the audio. He shivers violently. , . 7. Hours? Peter's mind races, I can't take off my shirt all of the scars, the muscle! Two: Even though I may say this is an Avengers Fanfiction, IT ORIGINALLY BEGAN AS A SPIDERMAN FANFICTION. What? Peter scoffs. Someone is cutting his clothing off of him. He shot a web to a building across the street and stumbled onto the roof of it. Acute respiratory distress. 2.Peter didn't intend of commuting suicide when he woke up this morning. He spotted another guy in faded fatigues sneaking up behind the archer and swung right past, extending his legs and sending the guy flying off the building. Who is an actual doctor by the way., A migraine hits unexpectedly, and Peter doesnt want to worry his aunt. everyone is booked. Tony was about to cut him off angrily. Please just help Peter." Youre alright, kid. his voice became raspy as he called out for him. Well, Im like, right next to him, so, As Peter spoke, Steve Rogers groaned and tried to move, but the rubble on his legs prevented him from going anywhere. Youve got like, food poisoning or something., Peter shakes his head. Do you know any irondad fics where Peter is poisoned? Who knew Flash actually had it in him. Peter tries to relax and let the machine breathe for him. For Petes Sake by @kitcat992 - Peter suffers a life-threatening head injury while on patrol and Tony comes through for him. and quickly launched himself on top of it. T-minus uh, yeah, Im here. He waved brightly at the clustered criminals who were brandishing their automatic weapons at the trapped and unconscious Captain. 4697 guests Im more of a Granny Smith kinda guy.. And then you threw up and you were choking on it and I-I didnt know what to do, I just, I couldnt think and, Peters own eyes are stinging now. Everywhere, really. 2. fuck im so tired Tony Stark had called him that morning (seriously, Mr. Stark, it was a Saturday, who wakes up at 7 AM?) his clothes were ripped and something was definitely now piercing his bellys skin. Peter shakes his head. I'm going to have to ask you to take them out, and give them to me." Its not exactly the lie Peter would have gone for, but beggars cant be choosers. Pepper called from the kitchen. and asked him to come help him out with something. Peter chuckled. Between dodging apples from Flash, he recalls hearing the farmer explain something about how they had just sprayed all the crops that morning. "~the office~"Principal Mortia you don't understand!" Peter was really confused for a second before he realized that she meant his hearing aids. He pulled him back up and slammed his head into the lockers again and again. Uh, Peter cant go to the hospital! he blurts out. where are you by the way? captain americas com had a sound like a whoosh that peter guessed to be either another type of gun that he was yet to be shot with yet or caps shield. To Peters dismay, the lightheadedness and headache hes been experiencing arent improving with the addition of the fruitin fact, theyre definitely getting worse. Now, he was Lucifer coming to drag a new sinner to hell. Bleeding In Slow Motion - An Avengers Fanfiction Chapter 1: Prologue Hey, Mr. Stark, see that empty rental place on the corner?, There are alien weapons in there. I'm not doing irondad rec lists anymore, sorry! Racing down the hall, Tony noted that the alarm and flashing lights were all over the compound and that the rest of the Avengers team were on their way to the conference room as well. Take These Broken Shards (I'm bleeding out) - Archive of Our Own No, mfine, he grumbles. Hey man, he croaks out. "I remember those days. Peter was sure. Why was his alarm going off? The light is bright, painfully so, but Peter cant jerk away, he cant do anything because his body is being crushed by something heavy but not entirely unpleasant. The people I like know it's real. It's around your neck like a necklace. He feels disgusting. Laughing. Ten minutes and two and a half apples later, they turn around yet another bend in the path and arrive at a three-way crossroads. Hey, Spider-Man, it's okay. But he had a great weekend, he was really confident, and he broke Cap's record for bench pressing. The signal cuts off then. Is there anything else I can call you? too bad they decided to have a party when Peter needed a glass of water. "Rosa call an ambulance! "Dad. Tony knew he was dying. Its exactly the kind of canon-compliant fic I thought I would never be able to read/enjoy after Endgame but Im so glad I gave it a chance because this author absolutely fleshes out Morgans character and makes you fall in love with her and Peters mentor/brother-ish relationship to her. The fight was overthe rest of the Avengers had seemingly taken care of all the bad guys and secured the Chitauri weapons. Morgan and Tony play along. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. People began to get her around him as he was forced out of the building in handcuffs. Read popular avengers peter bleeding at school Fanfiction book in Webnovel. or: Nineteen year old Peter Parker navigating his life as a moneyless college student. Tony and Peter are stranded in the desert after a plane crash. Bruce and Tony made him some hearing aids with the capacity of his enhanced hearing, but without them, Peter has no sense of hearing in the slightest for the rest of his life. Peter was wearing his Spiderman suit and didn't want to be spotted going out on patrol. Its okay.. A familiar figure comes into view. Tony screamed. Whys there a kid on our comm link? Peter heard a distinctly female voice ask. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. Peter wants to say that he is, hes trying, but his brain and his mouth arent cooperating. 19. Now he was missing, possibly dead. 32 Stories. I'm bleeding out for you, for you. Pepper muttered sleepily beside him, snuggling into the covers. babyspider. But hey, he's just a useless lonely orphan no one loves, right Flash? Hey, chill, Cap. Peter told him, reaching out for the chunk of rock. The mugger was webbed to the wall and Peter was laying on the ground. You just told me his lips are turning blue, Michelle points out. Its the Cinderella AU you never knew you needed, but dont want to live without. Catch up, old man!. Or, Tony Stark talks a drugged-up Spider-Man through a kidnapping escape. They turn around another corner and are met with a dead-end and a yellow sign stating You look Corn-fused!. Mr. Leeds, Ms. Jones, Ms. Shuri, please take Mr. Parker to the nurses office." Peter frowns. The moment shes gone, FRIDAY interrupts. Hes being transported somewhere. You know, its been ages since anyone sorted through the supply closet, he says casually, jerking his head towards a nearby door. Tony held up his hands, chargers charged and ready to fire without hesitation. Tony has finally started allowing the kid to tag along on missions with the team. At the sound of the alarm, he had rushed back out of the supply closet and was fussing over the monitors now. Peter nearly fell off of that plane too many times. You should try yoga., As much as Id love to hear the rest of this conversation, a dry voice says into Peters ear, I think I requested you for backup, Spider-Man., Peter, about to shoot a web to continue towards the rising smoke, yelped and and fell right off the forty-story building in surprise. Peter mutters. Kid. His head feels like its splitting in two and every muscle in his body aches as though hes just fought off the Vulture again. You think hes being poisoned?!. The principal continued to tell Flash what would happen to him. Was that? Beta'd by SeetheSea (and borkybarnes). As his friend approaches, Peter can see that Neds eyes are red and a little swollen. Okay, one, thats cheating. He remembers us.. In which Peter Parker comes up with some ~creative~ coping mechanisms (for a fever-induced nightmare), the likes of which Tony Stark hasnt seen before. Hey! Peter protested at the same time that Tony said, This is Spider-Man. Peter continued with his totally justified complaint. Peter didnt go to Manhattan very oftenusually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasnt often. Everyone raised their hand simultaneously, all except for Peter, whose eyes were on the paper undisputed. multiple seizures. You had like, four seizures, man, he goes on, his voice thick with emotion. Whatever. 140 guests My office, now! There's been a bit of an accident at school. Chapter 17 Yep, he definitely needs a blood sugar boost. So instead of leaving it to the heroes, which he was hardly, he gritted his teeth and hung on for dear life. I love whump fics, but I dont really enjoy ones that are unrealistic. As he races closer, Tony winces at the knowledge that Peter had to have already hit the pavement that he was too late. The tightness in his chest is growing steadily worse and he has to breathe faster to compensate, which is doing nothing to help his dizziness. Thank you! Im from the future and I need your help, he said, heart pounding as Stranges eyes widened with realisation. His brow is scrunched, frown turning down the edges of his lips, but his eyes are open. The group had started out the field trip that day by picking apples in the farms orchard. His spider sense is screaming at him now and he feels his muscles start to twitch. BY . Well, good thing you're going to jail. Any reason that you can figure out as to why theyre out here? Peters jelly laid forgotten once Tony left. What does Captain America not have that you dont? Struggling to draw in breath, Tony could feel his heart pounding. Tony comes to take care of him. She growled. he couldnt think of anything else but the avengers, captain america, mr stark ignoring him. Peter wonders if Michelle was going to watch him during tryouts - only to wonder if that would be worse, considering his inability to focus when she was around. Why he was sitting on the top of a random Manhattan skyscraper, Peter had no idea, but he shot a web towards the guy and ripped the weapon out of his hands. Tony's eyes were dark with fury. Youre like, sweating.. No, not because he's dying, so he can have a parent here, and the other can be murdering the jack ass who did this to him." Yeah, I dont know either, kid, Tony grumbles. And the 1 Time Tony didnt. Set directly after The Titan's Curse. He had a feeling that they were connected. Don't go to sleep, okay Spider-Man. Can she bring your backup one? Ned asks worriedly. Yeah youre going oh-for-two on class field trips lately, Ned agrees. as well as You've arrived. 738 guests So I do believe I understand. Visiting her friend.. Wow., Cap was lying facedown, his legs covered by a large chunk of concrete. Friday contact Karen, Tony ordered tersely. His lungs burn from lack of oxygen. Tony adopts Peter after May is suddenly killed in a hit and run. Dizziness filled his mind, nausea in his belly. Her brow furrows just the smallest bit. Kid, how? Steve asked, watching Peter as he moved in a way that shouldnt be possible. Put your hands up,theman ordered roughly. Ned seems to have remembered it too. "He was following her from the bus station in Queens. "Oh, Mrs. Stark! Think Ill go do some inventory reports, Once Tony is out of sight and the door shuts behind him, Peter tugs down the mask for a second. Later, after the city was largely cleaned up and Captain America was stable, Mr. Stark approached Peter, who was sitting on top of a medical van, swinging his feet idly. You should remove Peter's mask. 6. Pepper nodded, a murderous look crossing her face. Oh, shit! Boss, Leeds has just been cleared by medical staff and is requesting entrance.. Worth a shot. He winces as another cramp hits his stomach. Blood letting, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction But thats only their first problem. Tony pulls doit his phone and started texting. Chapter 4 Crack one-shot that I wrote based off of a tumblr/pinterest text post that I saw like years ago. Peter gets a laced drink intended for Tony while at a fancy event. Tony appears to notice this too. So what he was loosing a lot of blood and had AB- blood, the blood type that 1 in every 162 people has. I don't care that you think it isn't." Don't be like me, guys. But I guess even if you did, we wouldnt have butter anyway.. 5. Because the next moment those hands were pressing down a little harder, a solid weight on his shoulder and chest. Peter thinks he's dreaming, but he realizes this is his new reality. 4-year-old Peter has his first asthma attack, and, true to this fandoms usual style, its a bit of an ordeal. He punched him in the ribs repeatedly, pushed him to the ground and started kicking him in the nose. Flash didn't dare move for risk of being seen and possibly shot at. Peter! he exclaims, rushing over. Ned snorts. As he flew towards the last known location of Spider-Man, Tony tried to control the heart clenching fear that threatened to overwhelm him. he started to think he was loosing too much blood because everything was begging to go back, though that also could have just been more rubble falling on him too. You sure youre okay? Chapter 7 What are your most whumpy peter fic recs? He jerked his wrists up and shot a web at the man, yanking the gun out of his hands and shoving him harshly away from Rogers. All traces of humor disappear from Neds features. Peter laughed. Ill put TWs in the A/N for those chapters. "Yes he is." Peter doesnt even get a chance to see what he should watch out for when everything around him turns to black. Parker luck had other ideas though and Ned gets a lesson he didn't realise he needed to learn. what was he suppose to do? I'm doing this instead of studying for my history final. Peter Parker Meets the Avengers - Works | Archive of Our Own Are you guys, Before Peter could say anything else, he was suddenly assaulted by an explosion of sound and voices of all the various Avengers, and he nearly released the web he was hanging from in surprise. MarleyTheHobbit, SkiversTheCrackSimp, i_ate_your_plants, ManyGayUmbrellas, fluffyjeans, CuriousL8e, wtf_did_i_write, bluelacedeye, imvoidmf, RatLover007, Accio_Me, DragonPlusWolf, Fortunecoookie, Elysia_is_my_beloved, AvidReaderOfAllWorks, artsyemmatoebeans, Atyyfanfictionfan, Beccatt, Daughter_of_Scotland, yourfavbrowngirlie, shezrob23, strkhollnd, PickUpUrPh0ne, thefemaleregulusblack, HopelessGodofMisery, CrazyMandarin, Astra_Pardusevich, becksf, Yume_swan, Skylar4739, NeverEnoughFangirling, ManDudes, Cuz_WhyNotz, mashkitkat, booisstupid, RF_rida98, bibisjk7, Moonstorm558, zzqqTaiwan, Alycohenn, Kumquat72, melodicraven, Sirperin, CM_03, DideRemi, pterodactyl_screech, RaiZel_yumyum, Onyxtarantula, paintedbluerose, FashionablyLateLadyLuck, and 754 more users Doctor Cho arrives a few moments later. ', Hawkeyes eyes widened and he cursed. Whats some good Peter whump stories youve read recently? A few minutes later, Peters stomach growls audibly, reminding him that theyre currently missing lunch. It was supposed to be a chilled night. He whipped around as fast as possible and crossed the distance between them in two bounds, kicking the guy so hard he flew down Houston about three blocks before slamming into a building. left kudos on this work! In spite of that, he mutters, Yeah, maybe.. Instead his first day ends with his roommate bleeding out into the snow right in front of him. Again." "Um, Peter. I meanno, Im not hurt. Tony wakes up at the bottom of a bomb shelter with a concussed Peter next to him, their only means of escape being a hatch 40 feet directly above them. mind the tags!). Peter has the gauntlet, the stones already in place. Seriously? No problem! KID! tony grunted and a slam sound echoed in peters ear, unless its life threatening i dont wanna hear it! His stomach twists and cramps and he retches miserably. The stranger loomed over him, with a smile. You know, this really isnt a good way to deal with stress. Peter told the guy as he shot another web, sticking him to the side of the water tower on the top of the building. His skin is roughly scrubbed down with sponges and lukewarm water. Chaos ensues. However, when the concept of paralysis is used in relation to Peter, things end up shifting more than they ever seemed to last time. Well, hes got the mother of all concussions and a few cuts and scrapes, but hell be fine., Good, Peter breathed. Hi, Hawkeye!, Quick as lightningwell, maybe not that quickClint Barton whirled and sent an arrow flying right at Peters face. Not to mention his spidey sense is going haywire. Cyanide? Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man PART 2. Peter doesnt feel good.. Oh my god! Sentry mode. Tony ordered it over his shoulder. Getting Midtown School of Science and Technology to approve the decathlon team for a field trip to a pumpkin farm had been a bit of a stretch. And From his newfound spot on a rooftop, Peter caught sight of a flood of bad guys changing direction and headed towards a mostly-abandoned apartment building. If Peter had enough air left to care, he would have been surprised. Peter tries to smile through the mask but settles for another thumbs up. Couldnt breathe. You're gonna be okay. - When the former Avengers finally apologize and return to the tower, Tony insist Peter wait before he meets them. Im also- Im also a quite acrobatic based hero he explained, moving to sit cross-legged on the floor, watching the others struggle. Im coming Peter. Every spider has its day (but today is not that day) by @frostysunflowers, Peter, its very important that you stay awake., Really? The lights rose and Tonys anxiety rose with it. The reality is, every move Tony made was as a dangerous as a Black Widow that was woken up at three in the morning by Clint dumping a bucket of cold water on her, a thousandfold and minus the fact that she loved Clint like a brother and wouldn't actually kill him. "Hello? He, uhdoesnt have insurance? Ned tries again. Yeah, Mr. Stark. Im on my way now. Just a precaution, she explains. all he could think about was how he was probably going to die. Wrap Me Up And Hold Me Close by @spider-man-stan. Hes looking for you. The man pointed at Dr. It turns out that bullies actually are lacking something in their lives that their victim has! He kicked out and knocked one guys legs out from under him before swinging away. The Red Room and HYDRA have united to undertake a top-secret project: Create a human spider with super human and spider-like abilities. 4. "Sorry for this part. What if its the pesticide making him sick?. Tony is standing next to his bed, his face calm, but eyes full of concern. The machine gun fire was background noise; Peter was going too fast for them to try and hit him. This. peter grunted as he pushed, the pole lifted and he gasped, letting go of the slab and the pole sliding down fast and welty through his leg. What?, The the Mayo Clinic. Snarky irondad is my jam. He doesnt know whats happening to him, but the out of control feeling is making him want to cry. Ned is trying to talk to him, but his voice sounds muffled, almost like theyre underwater. Does that seem fair to you?" Complete. Mr. Stark was the one that brought you to the hospital." Peter Parker was unable to get out of the rubble and an exasperated and worried Tony Stark takes Peter to . Exit is over there.. 7. # 1. Gasps and various other exclamations were audible around the room. Breathing in the chemicals YUUEEEUH by @wolfypuppypiles, Peter and Bucky are trapped and Peter DOES NOT like small spaces. His cheeks flushing, Peter shakes his head. There is a retail space available for lease that is giving off unusual readings. Little Peter is about to be under quite a lot of pressure, and it might get a little hard to breathe., tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, If You Can't Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest), yo lets all get together and celebrate my babe parkrstark. Morgan stays because she wants to see him wake up and smile at her like that, too. So he was bleeding out in an alley and unable to stand up. And the 1 Time Tony didnt. Nothing to freak out about! "Detectives Jake Peralta and Rosa Diaz. Neds phone rings. Whoops, he mutters before slipping it back over his mouth and nose. "Aha!" One: This book takes place one year after the events of Homecoming. "Question number seventeen. He puts two of the apples in the pocket of his hoodie and sticks the other between his teeth to free his hands so he can re-zip the backpack. He nods in confirmation. From the table next to the bed, he produces a small dry erase board and a marker. Anyone but Peter. no see thats the thing im- tonys line had gone dead. flora funeral home rocky mount va. Jun 5th, 2022 . The nurse let an evil grin cross her face. His stomach twists. Peter experiences a serious car accident and loses the ability to walk. An-And there was this white foam coming out of your mouth, and God! A fanfic where Tony Stark and Pepper Stark had a kid named Peter Stark. "Excuse me, mister wireless headphones are not permitted in class. Condiments cant play doctor by14million_constellations, That gets Tony to look up instantly. Stephen Strange was confused. poisoning is a trope i can definitely get behind, Five Times Tony Benches Peter on a Mission + One Time Peter Benches Tony. "Karen, should we put Peter's mask back on so the doctors don't know his identity?" I'm here to inform the school that the two of us should no longer be considered contacts for this boy here. Peter bleeds out in a guinea pig enclosure at Morgans sixth birthday party. A rush of wind sent goosebumps across his skin before two strong hands gripped his shoulders tightly, keeping him upright and from nose-diving straight into the alleyway cement. He visibly tensed. (See the end of the work for more notes.). 'Cause I'm bleeding out So if the last thing that I do Is to . he wasnt wearing his mask, somehow it must have come off while he was busy getting trapped. "Your pathetic ass excuse of a son tormented my son about saying he has an internship at Stark Industries, which he does as my personal intern, and the one day," Tony holds up one finger, "that my son finally says that he doesn't need your son to believe him, your son decides it's okay to break my sons nose, two of his ribs, repeatedly hit his head into his locker so much that he was bleeding and my son's locker has red streaks down it, and my son can no longer hear. She wasnt expecting this, "Hes pretty sure he died, and then he wakes up again in a lab as one of the illegal experimental test subjects (hopefully not, but most likely yes), in a broken-in lab underground in the sewers. Oh- and the Avengers and co. have to put up with his bullshit. I mean, baby steps, right? Thatsthat's good, right?, Uh, yeah. Mr. Stark gave him a strange look. And then to make matter worse, Bucky had been triggered and forgotten who anyone was. None of the Avengers looked away. Ive got eyes on Cap, he announced to the general comm. Gotta say, dude, not super impressed with the whole spidey sense thing, Ned says as they trudge through the muddy corn maze. But how? (If youre interested in seeing Neds POV while Peter is unconscious. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Genre: Fluffy illness/injury, whump, hurt/comfort, humor, A/N: Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx and@sallyidss for beta-reading and to @awesomesockes for plot, summary, and title ideas <3, SoTony snaps the single use ice pack to activate the chemicals and gives it a few shakes as he moves back over to the kitchen tablewhich one of you is going to explain what happened here?, Morgan shakes her head gravely side to side. he grunted as his exposed fore arm scraped on the rough stone, and the slab dipped a little as he pressed the com on his ear. Hey losers, youre not lost are you? Michelle calls over in her usual bored tone.
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