Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16
It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning.
Library GCSS- Army ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. With an average of 10 system specialists, including supply, medical, signal, maintenance, and aviation, SASMOs can support the brigade CAISI and CSS VSAT network. Case 2 contains the antenna mast, which is used for support. "CAISI can act as a bridge, an access point and a repeater all functioning at once, which makes the new CAISI 2.0 lighter, faster and more reliable," Smith said. Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16
By Capt. endobj
Weapon Origin Number Image Notes Anti-aircraft artillery M48A2E1/A3 Chaparral United States 34 34 self-propelled surface-to-air missile systems received (23 in the A3 version and 11 in the A2 version) with 224 missiles. An official website of the United States government. Supports up to SBU data transmission into the NIPRnet, CAISI and remote satellite terminals Soldier owned and operated, Supporting satellite network infrastructure in sanctuary and contractor supported (system complexity is here, not with Soldier), All Applications are currently useable across the satellite network, No reports of excessive application delay or performances issues, Majority of applications are low-bandwidth. AB-1244/GRC-1 antenna mast kit, NSN 5985-01-616-6192, which is included in each CBM and SSR kit. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. 8. A bridge is a device that connects two networks that may use the same or a different Data Link Layer protocol. It provides STAMIS (Standard Army Management Information System) clients and servers with wired and wireless secure network connectivity for all current state -of-the art STAMIS and Combat Service Support satellite systems worldwide.". CSS VSAT bandwidth is provided by the Product Manager Defense Wide Transmission Systems. So, in theory, much like HughesNet and DirectTV, we use commercial off the shelf equipment, we have added an auto acquire antennae with a 1.2 meter reflector. Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army) Other Major Interdependencies CAISI, CSS SATCOM PROGRAM STATUS 1QFY11: Received Authority to Operate for CAISI 1QFY11: Participated in GCSS-A test events 2QFY11: Completed CSS VSAT TM and distributed to users 2QFY11: Completed extended SATCOM COOP failover testing and INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. What do stock car racing and the Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-A) have in common? 4riFmIljHq\[:"8vfJ8\8l!PWqIdVYP;rw^RqvW@?6M9?z}3b[8:Z*2\;b+@8;fC-rq:Y/Eqv.)J(7uY
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PDF Combat Service Support Communications (CSS Comms) Learning Step/Activity 1. To update, change the domain to, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, OL-701A/TYQ CAISI Bridge Module (CBM), NSN 5820-01-564-4845, LIN P99881, MK-2975A/TYQ System Support Representative (SSR) accessory kit, NSN 5999-01-566-3094, LIN A40443. This article was published in the March-April 2014 issue of Army Sustainment magazine. He is a graduate of Columbia College of Missouri, the Signal Captains Career Course, and the Sustainment Automation Support Management Office Course. The agenda includes the Mission, PSDR S-1 Equipment, Architecture, Capabilities, Planning Considerations and a few slides for the field. "We're also still supporting that system for units in the field until they have all been replaced with the upgrade," Dougher said. However, there may be instances during sustainment where SSR kits will be issued with a CBM case (green) substituted for the SSR CBM (black). U.S Army Story: The 10 things you should know about CAISI and CSS VSAT. LIN P99881, Data Processor CAISI (NSN: 5820-01-564-4845) LIN S70517, Sealing Electric Iron (NSN: 3540-00-222-4336) LIN W51910, Small . endobj
List of equipment of the Portuguese Army - Wikipedia Headquartered at Fort Monmouth, N.J., the command's mission is to research, develop, acquire, field and sustain communications, command, control computer, intelligence, electronic warfare and sensors capabilities for the Armed Forces.
U.S. Armys Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS). 5820-01-564-4845 25627-08-001 The preparation process includes configuring routers, upgrading software and then configuring default settings for the radios, routers and modems. Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR) is the Army HR community's functional realignment to synchronize with Army transformation. CAISI has the technology to create secure wireless bridging and wireless local area network services. The CBM supports local area communications up to 2 miles and point-to-point communications up to 32 miles. endobj
CAISI has the technology to create secure wireless bridging and wireless local area network services.
Learning Step/Activity 2. 3 hrs/0 mins Total Hours, SECTION II. TM distribution is restricted, so youll need to log in with your CAC first. General Dynamics is no longer producing theFortress ES520 Deployable Mesh Point. VSAT - SSI Learning Resource Center - United States Army Be advised that the SSR CBM case (Case 1) has the exact same configuration as the CBM case, OL-701A/TYQ. . CAISI and CSS VSAT can be palletized and transported in one vehicle. Download. CAISI + CSS SATCOM: A global network solution that extends the NIPRNET into the tactical battle space - connecting human resource (HR) professionals and their sensitive but unclassified (SBU) automated information systems. Units must order replacement CAISI components through the Army supply system. <>
Communicate the Capabilities of the FMSWeb
"CAISI 1.1 had two modules for wireless communications in the field," said Jerry Dougher, chief, Command, Control and Computer Systems Division. The STB Package is sized to the projected supported population. The CAISI and CSS VSAT systems are easy to deploy and set up. Inspect the connectors before and after operation. A sustainer can shut down, store, transport, and set up the systems at a new location without assistance. due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment. "We then test the system; if it passes, it's fielded, where further configuration takes place to customize a system to optimize them to the needs of particular units," said Tom Yankosky, electronics worker. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) <>
Download. IA4?r:-dSuZ\#(l:mn7y/hQ2.spZ)S^jXfP}RfmnTD'CD_IspNf47h'c``-`Y*B xINm-*P.v@^+`!Etqhm)T5_|*NKPM8$=I'5obM:jc ?Yp8y0Wo/ W$ c>me]:G4u8rQR Technicians upgrade global communications system - United States Army (CAISI) WIRELESS 2.0 CONSISTING OF: OL-701A/TYQ (NSN: 5820-01-564-4845) (EIC: KC3) AND MK-2975A/TYQ (NSN: 5999-01-566-3094) (EIC: KC2) Unit Of Issue(s .
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________. PDF Components of End Item & BII - United States Army 1. CAISI and CSS VSAT provide built-in level 2 security (as outlined in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules) and voice over Internet protocol. A .mil website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. This communications backbone provides a seamless, wireless link between the tactical battlefield and the sustainment domain, enabling current logistics, using Standard Army Management Information Systems (STAMIS) to link with the remaining higher-level SALE components to implement the Warfighter Information Network - Tactical (WIN-T) architecture, Learning Step / Activity 4. CONTENT HAS NOT BEEN ALTERED. Lock
In 20 to 30 minutes, CSS VSAT can go from being "fully stored for transport" to being able to successfully transmit automated sustainment data. MOTIVATOR.
Combat Service Support Communications (CSS Comms) CAISI Bridge Module acts as an access point, and extends wireless internet access to users on the client modules. Home Page GCSS- Army The 10 things you should know about CAISI and CSS VSAT, General Dynamics Mission SystemsAustralia. A lock (
PSDR provided the equipment (listed above) to the S-1s, giving them stand alone capability during deployment anywhere in the world. endobj
Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16
The BCT/AVN Bde has a VSAT Terminal and the requisite Air Time, as opposed to the Brigade package which does not, due to its requirements to operate remotely and have the ability to communicate independently and digitally. Each CAISI consists of a transport box and antenna carrier. PDF CAISI Bridge Module Kit Item Description NSN PN 1 - United States Army Or contact CECOM ILS manager John E. Slade, Jr. at: After entering a keyword, you must hit or click the, With the migration to Army365, emailsin older articles may still reflect an address. Army Publishing Directorate - Details Page TOBYHANNA ARMY DEPOT, PA. - A global communications system used by the armed forces is now lighter, more compact and more capable. xj@z*R @l Watch any NASCAR race and it quickly becomes obvious that success can be achieved only through constant, uninterrupted communication between the driver and his pit crew. About 5,600 personnel are employed at Tobyhanna, which is located in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. Case 2 contains the antenna mast, which is used for support. PDF MAST, ANTENNA, 30-METER AB-1340/G (NSN 5985-01-249-2581) - RadioNerds Then choose the ETM/IETM icon and search for the TMs. Official websites use .mil
(703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer
In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Automated sustainment information system users must do the same with their CAISI and CSS VSAT systems if they are to be successful in their missions. Media: Small Group Instruction, To provide the backbone for anytime, anywhere communication connectivity capability. JFIF ` ` C Search for "CAISI-VSAT" on both store sites. | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Army to review discharges and status-upgrade procedures for behavioral health conditions. stream
ALARACT: ARMY POLICY TO UPDATE BULK FUEL CL III (B) PURCHASE DEVICES IN SUPPORT OF ALARCT 350/2012. Chief Warrant Officer 4 Luis G. Sanchez is a capabilities developer for Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface and Combat Service Support Very Small Aperture Terminal at the Combined Arms Support Command Enterprise Systems Directorate. Furthermore, Forward Support Battalions (FSB) have the required equipment to change encryptions. An official website of the United States government. 7 0 obj
Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
CSS SATCOM supports information exchange up to the sensitive level, is rapidly deployable anywhere in the world and is fully integrated into the Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet). 7N(VM, o]YpJ'cs:\C98x8Cm=mv:;T;r*{~]8mGE%kZ6^s5xshk:' byx1l{6 For example, clients only work with another bridge module (within 2 to 4 miles depending on terrain) as long as the encryptions are keyed in, which takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. The GCSS-Army's mission to the Sustainment Automation Support Management Office (SASMO): Client Hardware/Software Support. The CAISI bridge module's shipping weight is 54 pounds, and the total weight for the CSS VSAT is 494 pounds. Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16
Bradford M. Bethea II is a signal officer assigned to the Combined Arms Support Command Enterprise Systems Directorate. 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458
Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion
Commander, US Army Communications-Electronics Command and Fort Monmouth, ATTN: AMSEL-ME-MP, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703-5000. <>
Time of Instruction: 0 hr 10 mins
Satellite access time is provided year round, assuring sustainers that their communications needs will be met. 5. CAISI incorporates two radios and is dual- band frequency capable. cap, potective, dust nsn: 5340-01-506-2773 1 each item # 7 clamp, hose nsn: 4730-01-540-5274 1 each item # 8 coupling half, quick Case 2 is the SSR accessory case and contains all the components youll need to configure, set up and test the system in the field. 41-ITEM ALSO PRODUCED IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA HTTPS://ENT.LDAC.ARMY.MIL/ETMAPP-- C1 DATED 06 JAN 2023 IS AN ADMIN CHANGE. To order individual CAISI items, use the CAISI hardware component description tables in the attached PDF: Click on image above to view full PDF You can find more info on CAISI operation,. Components include laptop computers, radios, routers, modems and power supplies. stream
UNITED STATES ARMY AcqUISITION PhASE INvESTMENT cOMPONENT Combat Service Support Communications (CSS Comms) . 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458
!-\oL_K ! 1huErdz Academic Hours/Methods
9 0 obj
Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas. Safety
It also had to use strong FIPS140-2 encryption, to prevent communications from being viewed by unauthorized parties. It eliminates support layers and minimizes support unit footprint in the COE. It is certified in accordance with Federal Information Processing Standards 140-2 Level 2. endstream
The 10 things you should know about CAISI and CSS VSAT, Army announces winners of 2022 Community Partnership Awards, Army announces upcoming unit deployment to support European allies and partners, Army Establishes two new Initiatives to Combat Harmful Behaviors, Army recognizes garrisons for outstanding community partnerships, Army Threat Integration Center receives security community award, U.S. Army STAND-TO! A .mil website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. TM distribution is restricted, so youll need to log in with your CAC first. This application includes valuable information to the operator in the field. CAISI is the communications interface for sustainment information systems and GCSS-Army. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. 1 0 obj
"The software includes anti-virus and other security data," he said. IMPROVE USER EXPERIENCE AND OPERATIONAL. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. Case 1, the SSR CBM transit case, contains the authorized stockage list (ASL) equipment in support of field-level maintenance by the SASMO. Be advised that the SSR CBM case (Case 1) has the exact same configuration as the CBM case, OL-701A/TYQ. <>
Units must order replacement CAISI components through the Army supply system. CONDITION: In a classroom environment, given operational VSAT and assembly instructions. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. Case 1, the SSR CBM transit case, contains the authorized stockage list (ASL) equipment in support of field-level maintenance by the SASMO. The equipping of units by type is based on their location in the COE and the population they support. o|J:\\4$,E1]&cw(Ha]
):TTnH;nACF>_z The Portuguese army launched an acquisition contract for the purchase of new anti-aircraft defense systems which include eight weapon terminals for the Integrated Anti-Aircraft . Method of Instruction. <>
The CAISI Bridge Module (CBM) is a kitted solution. To do this, click on the "New Topic" button and make your request. It is recommended that each Battalion and higher sends Soldiers to the Systems Support Representative Course (SSR) to ensure that trouble shooting and minor fixes can be taken care of at the lowest level. Identify the purpose and principles of CUSR. At that distance, it takes the satellite a full 24 hours to circle the planet. Turn in unserviceable equipment through normal supply channels. Tobyhanna Army Depot is the Defense Department's largest center for the repair, overhaul and fabrication of a wide variety of electronics systems and components, from tactical field radios to the ground terminals for the defense satellite communications network. 192 KB.
The Network will improve situational awareness and the quality and speed of combat decision making. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion
By Mr. Anthony Ricchiazzi (AMC)October 5, 2010. CAISI does not require the use of long cable runs. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
The two (2) cases only differ in color; typically the SSR CBM case is black and the CBM case is green. For questions regarding CAISI, please contact the U.S. Armys Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS).
The CAISI and CSS VSAT systems are found everywhere an Army sustainer works; they are used in support of combat training center rotations, field training exercises, garrison operations, and contingency operations. CAISI and CSS VSAT are supported by unit sustainment automation support management office (SASMO) personnel. 7. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. To order individual CAISI items, use the CAISI hardware component description tables in the attached PDF: Click on image above to view full PDF You can find more info on CAISI operation,. Capt. Using a grid-to-grid line of sight configuration allows a sustainer the freedom to operate up to 35 miles away from the CSS VSAT. Time of Instruction: 0 hr 5 mins
No DEERS/RAPIDS are provided since Soldiers would go to the higher BCT/Bde. He is a graduate of the Communications Security Custodians Course, Sustainment Automation Support Management Office Course, and the Warrant Officer Staff Course. PDF 72 Combat Service Support Communications (CSS Comms) Everyone is responsible for safety.
"And with the new configuration, it makes an almost unlimited number of connections whether it is using directional antennas or satellites. CAISI was fielded in the mid 1990s and provides secure, encrypted wireless and wired local data communications system that works via Local Area Networks and satellites to provide global access to the military Internet. The ISA is a proven solution for the Army, because it is the same portable terminal as the Transportable Tactical Command Communications (T2C2) Lite, a program of record that provides voice and. Or contact CECOM ILS manager John E. Slade, Jr. at: After entering a keyword, you must hit or click the, With the migration to Army365, emailsin older articles may still reflect an address. . ATTENTION: To obtain electronic files for AMC technical and equipment publications visit the USAMCLDAC website. VSAT and CAISI (Very Small Aperture Terminal/
Remote CSS SATCOM Terminal
components and BII listing for a few items : BII / COEI Listings <>
Units should coordinate with their local Sustainment Automation Support Management Office (SASMO) for field-level maintenance support. ny:XR%5nn&Y>y{8G@`#? TFamIx..)>Q-f eAH-s D4UvL; %UiixY+y5"RLpj Since it takes Earth 24 hours to spin on in its axis, the satellite and Earth move together. At the heart of this solution is the General Dynamics Fortress Technologies ES520 Deployable Mesh Point. Media: Small Group Instruction. So, a satellite in GEO always stays directly over the same spot on Earth. Washington DC 20310-0107, OPERATOR AND FIELD MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR PROCESSOR GROUP, SIGNAL DATA: COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS INTERFACE (CAISI) WIRELESS 2.0 CONSISTING OF: OL-701A/TYQ (NSN: 5820-01-564-4845) (EIC: KC3) AND MK-2975A/TYQ (NSN: 5999-01-566-3094) (EIC: KC2), (This file can be found at the official website located within the footnotes. A satellite in geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) is located directly above the equator, exactly 22,300 miles out in space. PDF The 10 Things You Should Know About CAISI and CSS VSAT Secure .mil websites use HTTPS
VISION. A reply will be sent direct to you. Time of Instruction: 10 mins. 4. xYM6 \r,xfu&z(z($H/]{-$v[9I\WP|vuRYq2i_+,b8|J/?g/X2?{8v? 4 0 obj
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Land Command & Control GeoSuite Turn in unserviceable equipment through normal supply channels. endobj
They are found in ammunition transfer holding points, motor pools, supply shops, support operations shops, brigade S-1 shops, and battalion or unit aid stations. For more details visit, 4/15/2012 SUPERSEDED BY ED, 4/21/2015 ; 11/15/2012 SUPERSEDED BY ED, 5/21/2015, SUPERSEDED TM 11-5895-1897-13, 04/21/2015; SUPERSEDED TM 11-5895-1897-13, 04/21/2015, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access),, Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. Responsible for providing both system and software technical support, as well as upgrades to all . Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. AB-1244/GRC-1 antenna mast kit, NSN 5985-01-616-6192, which is included in each CBM and SSR kit. <>
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PDF PACKING LIST 2 . ORDER NO. - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT|INFORMATION QUALITY, An official website of the United States government. "Version 2.0 has just one module.
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