Their chart also showed some of the IMR and Reloader powders to be the worst with some more than 100 fps difference due to temps. My concern is powder and loading for the pair of guns. Wyatt has won numerous elk calling competitions at the ISE Best of the West Elk Calling Competition. I would love to have guidance on SuperFormance for developing loads. Vihtavuori offers rifle reloading data for numerous calibers and bullets for match and hunting purposes. 270 Win 140 gr SST Superformance - Hornady Manufacturing, Inc tests small arms almost exclusively; it is ordinarily omitted from the English translation of the name.) There's data for 300wsm but not the 270WSM. Ryan and Dianna continue to not only compete, but train and film all over the country. Quickly he was attending weekly, monthly, and annual shoots, which included Nebraska state, USAYESS, and many more. Rifle. After graduating college, Ryan moved to Tulsa, OK to take a position as a plastics engineer and in 2011 began shooting 3-Gun competitively. Presses. Good luck, I wish I had room and time for another hobby, I used to love reloading to unwind after a long day. .270 Winchester, Why I love you so much? - Matthews Hunting Experience In 2015, Ryan and Dianna traveled to over 36 events across the world, including Italy and New Zealand. In her free time, she shoots in NRL22 club matches around the Kansas City area, where she lives with her husband Shane and where she works as a pharmacist. IMR . This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. 7 mm-08 Remington.284 Winchester. The Official Predator Masters Search Engine. Tenring, I missed the part of your post about purchasing a 300 WSM but the rest of my post still stands. (Please refer to out " Reloading Tips " for proper measurement techniques) If possible, we recommend that you determine the COAL of your rifle, and load your bullets at 1mm short of the lands. The game hooked me, but I fell in love with the people! Since returning to competition on 2009, Dianna has earned a plethora of High Lady wins, including the 2013 and 2016 USPSA Ladies Open National Championship. 270 Winchester Short Magnum. I have two 270WSM's (wife's and mine). Residing in Cheney Washington, Jake Vibbert owns JC Steel targets Inc. and is a strong competitor in the Precision Rifle Series and the National Rifle League. So I started with a moderate load for H4831 from the Nosler #6 manual and worked up in 1/2gr. I actually found two handloads that were posted in a reloader forum on another site and I might try those (starting way low of course and working up) but they both posted loads for 130grain bullets with one using 67.2 grains of powder and the other used 65.5 grains for velocities that were 3210 and 3170 respectively. Never exceed maximum loads. Precision is making and looks forward to the future of creating the best professional custom rifles on the market. .270 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data. Good info thanks for sharing. $55.02. Rl 22 is an excellent powder but it is a coarse stick powder that works well for lead bullets which are shorter than the Barnes bullets of the same weight. Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder, Re: Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. By 2011, she sold her farm and all of her horses to focus on 3-Gun and the 2nd Amendment. I've never used Reloader powders. I still can't believe the velocity my 270 win gets with Superformance, I have chrono the load a couple of times and they still run at around the 3130 fps. Thanks for the offers, you are right, powder supplies are definitely starting to ease up. A devoted husband and father, Jake has formal degrees in sports medicine and youth ministry. I have found tons of data for the 300 WSM and Superformance but none for the 270 WSM. I made a Magneto V3 adapter on the cheap, Dirt cheap UPS has officially stopped shipping guns. All I really have for data is the advertising but Hodgdon has touted their Extreme powders for years as the most temperature tolerant of all powders averaging less than 5-10 fps difference in temps from 0 - 125 degrees. Increase your rifle's performance up to 200 fps without extra chamber pressure, recoil, muzzle blast, temperature sensitivity, fouling, or loss of accuracy. I have two pounds of this stuff and I am beginning to wonder what cartredges I will actually be able to use it in. The terrain in Southern Idaho often requires a hunter to be able to take shots at 400 yards and well beyond. SO, anybody loaded the 270 WSM with Superformance yet? 270 WSM Load Data | Peregrine Bullets If I could use the 4 pounds of powder I bought for both calibers that would certainly be a plus, especially with the scarcity of powder around here. I plan to shoot 140 grain Accubonds because I have a huge stash but if not I can also load up some 130gr SST's. I guess the online reloading center is more efficient anyway and the data there is the same as in the magazine but I liked to keep them handy for reference and occasionally use them to talk myself into a new caliber ruling from my throne. If I ever want to shoot a really flat load then I would likely shoot 130grain bullets with a different powder. IMR reloading data - Balistix Bullets Jaclyn has also taken up Extreme Long Range matches, including King of Two Miles in New Mexico, where she placed 14th out of 80 invited competitors. Nosler Load Data A couple months later, Zach shot USAYESS competition in Grand Island. Too much wind today. This is a deal breaker for me as a hand loader. It may be all BS but Hodgdon has advertised this for years and they own IMR powders and don't give them a break either. Thank you for sharing Hodgdon Reloading data. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Load data for caliber ".270 WSM". If I could get a .277" 140 grain Accubond velocities to surpass 3000fps and be an accurate load with the powder I have on hand then I would be satisfied. I know the Superformance powder is a ball type powder but it is supposed to be coated to maintain consistent velocities throughout realistic temperature ranges and perform like their Extreme powders. Todd is a competitive shooter and firearms instructor. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. 724. Handloaders that have called Hodgdon have received nothing but stern warnings from them that they should not attempt to load for cartridges which they have no published data for. fired with a 65.0-gr. Nick lives in rural NSW, Australia. Powders include Hodgdon 2010 Elk Hunt 5x5 Bull with X-Bolt 270 WSM. Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder I also have a chronograph which helps. In addition to shooting, Zach plays plays baseball, basketball, football, and track & field. He is also the past Editor of Blackpowder Guns and Hunting Magazine. Superformance is listed as slower burning than H4831. . 7 x 64. From sub-zero arctic temperatures to almost unbearable desert . Superformance doesn't give the same results for every cartridge. 01-18-2011, 09:31 AM #4 Colorado Cajun. Handloads: .300 Winchester Short Magnum - An Official Journal Of The NRA An avid outdoorsman, he enjoys hunting and fishing with his family and mentoring youth through his ministry service. Sporting Accessories. She remains the only female to take home overall wins in national level precision rifle competitions when she won the 2016 NorCal Tactical Bolt Rifle Challenge and 2018 K&M Kahles Precision Rifle Competition. Dank der einmaligen Innovationen und der stndigen Weiterentwicklung von Produkten, welche die Przision und Qualitt von handgeladenen Patronen steigern sollen, ist die Firma Hornady schon seit nun mehr 40 Jahren uerst erfolgreich an internationalen Mrkten vertreten. To develop a load one can use the relative burn rate chart on the Hodgdon web site. . loyola academy high school basketball; west collierville middle school registration Item #80558 | 20/Box. .270 win and superformance | Long Range Hunting Forum If you use the Barnes bullets remember they . 270 WSM 145 gr ELD-X Precision Hunter - Hornady Manufacturing, Inc 270WSM Superformance Powder - North Carolina Hunting and Fishing Forums I've never used Reloader powders. Load data for .270 Superformance? - PredatorMasters Forums Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder, Re: Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. increments, watching closely for preasure signs. of Varget as a maximum load @ 3200 F.P.S. Targeted velocities are well in excess of 100 fps over the best published handloads and even larger gains over factory ammunition! RJ338 said: I think you would be very impressed with Magpro powder, it really works w/140 accubonds in my. In 2016, she plans to lead a delegate of women to Capitol Hill in an effort to give legislators a face to put with gun owners. Yep, those Hodgdon manuals sold me a 7mm-08 Rem, a 280 Rem, 270 WSM, 300 WSM, 243 WSSM (hated that one) a 22-250 Rem over the years and probably could have talked me into a new 325 WSM if they had published a new one. Going to do some workups tomorrow and thought that this may be worth a shot. Reloading and Firearms . In Stock. I hope you will be as pleased as I was. She helps organize and coordinate Arizonas own national level event, the Tactical Precision Rifle Challenge. His last three years of service were spent at the 1st Marine Division Scout Sniper School as the Primary Marksmanship Instructor. Phillip is a 10-year Marine Corps veteran having served his whole career in the Scout Sniper community. In her off time, Regina writes for many publications in both print and digital mediums, trains other shooters, and mentors several up-and-coming female competitors in the precision rifle discipline. Powders include Hodgdon 270 Winchester 270 Winchester Maximum Loads Should Be Used With Caution - Always Start With Minimum Loads. Superformance delivers striking velocities in cartridges like the 22-250 Remington, 243 Winchester and 300 Winchester Short Magnum. Superformance in 30-06 - Forums Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. safeguards that all firearms and ammunition sold to civilian purchasers in member states are safe for the users. Test notes: Both rifles were shot off lead sleds, on a . That's on par with a 300 H&H Magnum, a 300 Remington SAUM, and 308 Norma Magnum. Thanks for the input guys. I have started out with Superformance loads that are 2 grains less than those listed for H4831 and looked for overpressure signs such as flat primers, trouble extracting the case or expansion of the case head. Anyone load any 270WSM with the Hornady superformance powder? $430.00 Private User. 17 Remington Fireball . Yep, those Hodgdon manuals sold me a 7mm-08 Rem, a 280 Rem, 270 WSM, 300 WSM, 243 WSSM (hated that one) a 22-250 Rem over the years and probably could have talked me into a new 325 WSM if they had published a new one. Out of Stock. He play trumpet in the Junior High Band and I am an honor roll student at St. Pats. Was wondering if I could take the 300wsm info and scale it down based on H20 capacity vs recommended load? From 2" to 3 ", our arsenal of shotgun data. PDF 270 Winchester Short Magnum - Speer She has also competed for the USA in two Pan-American Shotgun matches and the 2015 IPSC World Shotgun Ladies team that brought home gold! I also have a chronograph which helps. Shellholders: Hornady #35 Great care has been given by Hornady engineers to develop superior, match-accurate hunting loads that allow the ELD-X bullet to achieve its maximum . Although her family hobby was horse shows and barrel racing, her father introduced her to USPSA in high school. where did you get it at? I've tried a couple and have gotten good accuracy but not the velocity to go with it.
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