Infectors price is 100 shards which make him, along with A.I.M. Mister Fantastic may seem like an ordinary Hero but he is actually amazing when he is combined with other Fantastic Four allies and Namor. Operative is an essential part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. The passive ability grants Defense Up for 2 turns on the start of combat to Omega Red and all Weapon X allies. Passive ability grants Mister Sinister 3 Ability Energy at the start of combat, heals him at the start of each turn depending on the number of Marauder allies, and applies Regeneration to the 2 most injured Mutant allies every turn. Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a Mutant Brawler whose explosive hits are so hard, they knock positive effects off her target. Mister Fantastic is a Controller who uses his hyper-genius to remove positive effects from foes. Colleen Wing is a Heroes for Hire Katana Brawler who cuts through enemies like through butter. Obviously, she needs a Striker ISO-8 class to further increase his incredible damage output. She doesnt have dodge chance and she cannot cleanse but on the other hand, she can apply Defense Down, she is faster and most importantly she has synergy with Rescues Offense Up. The passive ability allows Lady Deathstrike to heal a percentage of her Health each turn and grants her 2 Deathproofs and Evade when her Health drops low. If you dont want to do that you can replace him with Hand Archer getting the almost same attacking potential but the fact remains that this team has full synergy only with Vision who can choose where to put Ability Block in the first turn and who can easily remove Defense Up in the second. Simliary to original Spider-Man, I would equip Miles with Raider ISO-8 class but if yount to be sure that his debuffs will be placed equipp him with Skirmisher class. This attack always grants +5000%. Swarms ultimate attacks all targets causing heavy damage and placing up to 2 Bleeds on each target. Moondragons price is 100 shards and she is currently available only in supplies for Power Cores meaning that we got another pay-to-win Hero. The other possibility is to combine Loki and Spider-Man Symbiote with Kestrel for allowing your team to always have an extra strike by Kestrel because all enemies will be under Defense Down all the time. A mercenary is an individual who fights for money in various types of armed conflicts and who is not part of any government or political cause. He increases the critical chance of all S.H.I.E.L.D. In Alliance War offense damage output of the ultimate is increased by 50% Piercing damage when fully upgraded. If you need Mordo for full Supernatural synergy you can replace him with numerous other Heroes that can improve the strength of this team (Minn-Erva, Mysterio, etc..) but in the fact that we need another Hero for this team remains. His second skill clears Heal Bloc from 2 most injured allies and grants Mister Sinister Offense Up for 2 turns. The first skill hits hard and provides allies with energy if the initial hit kills an enemy, and the second skill hits even harder and has a chance (100% when maxed) for another strike. No other team provide better protection than Black Order but is often a risk to leave them in the Defense when you might need them in the attack. The introduction of Cyclops will definitely strengthen the already powerful X-men team. Operative but for Blitz and Arena S.H.I.E.L.D. Despite the fact that she cannot be acquired easily and that it is very hard to develop him on even 4 stars he should be obtained and maximized immediately. It remains to be seen how will this team affect the current balance in the Alliance War, but at least some characters who were useless before now can be really dangerous. Also, when Bishops is in Raid and has the Offense Up on self, his total damage is further increased by up to 20%. Due to the new Taskmaster's kit, he will assist on every Underworld or Mercenary ally turn. Star-Lord Rocket Raccoon combination is well known. Dark Phoenix cannot place Vulnerability or benefit from other actions available to ISO-8 classes but he receives stat improvement from a chosen ISO-8 class. Quake was the best Controller in the game at the beginning but that was changed very fast. Villain, Global, Tech, Controller, Pym Tech, Aspiring. Quake is a S.H.I.E.L.D. team depends only on your roster and your desires. Lady Deathstrike is a member of the new Weapon X team (along with Omega Red, Silver Samurai, Sabretooth, and Wolverine) that will be an answer for almost all opponents defending the HeliCarrier. In the Alliance War, Electros ultimate clears all positive effects on the primary target and up to 2 positive effects on all other targets. She Hulks ultimate attacks the primary target causing immense damage and applying Stun while placing Taunt on the most injured target at the same time. That, along with certain additional synergies that will be introduced when this team is ready, makes Shatterstar very important even though he doesnt have many uses at the moment. Gamora is expensive and her price is 100 shards but because she can be farmed in blitz supplies and blitz orbs she can be obtained with no problems after 20 days of playing (at most). The difference in strength between Infinity Watch and Black Order is greater than between X-Man and Brotherhood of Mutants. Falcons ultimate strikes all enemy targets for medium piercing damage and grants 1 bonus attack per positive effect on targets with positive effects. Deathpools price is 100 shards and players will be able to start farming it via Devoted orbs and grim Reaper Orbs from the upcoming Shadow of Deathpool Event. Ironhearts ultimate attacks all enemies causing moderate damage and applying Defense Down on each target. Additionally, when someone uses Blind against Rhino, his Speed Bar is changed by up to 100% and he clears 1 negative effect from self and all allies. His first skill delivers medium Piercing damage and applies Bleed on critical strikes. In Marvel Strike Force, Mercenary Lieutenant is a Mercenary minion who buffs up his allies. However, Spider-Verse team can deal with Spider-Verse nodes in other Raids now, which wasnt the case before. Shatterstars ultimate attacks the primary target causing up to 350% damage and then chains to up to 3 targets causing up to 310% damage to each of them. Iron Mans main weakness is his speed but nevertheless, he has one of the highest damage outputs in the game especially if he is in the team with Power Armor Allies or Captain America. Security is a non-lethal combat specialist with a protective shield and baton that stuns opponents. Ravager Boomer is a very fast blaster who can attack the main target and adjacent targets with his heavy plasma rifle. was Scientist Supreme but after he was killed by MODOK leadership was transferred to his killer. Her main weakness is her Speed but in X-Factor synergy that may not be a big issue. Otherwise, he should be added to the Mercenary team. This attack cannot be avoided and it always crits. Nick Fury is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Sipa-Press Ultron is one of the most important characters in Marvel Strike Force who will totally change your game-play. Along with Strife, Mister Sinister will be an ideal addition to Sabretooth and Mystique whose importance started to fade away in the last few months after the introduction of X-Men and other new Heroes. Hero, Global, Mutant, Controller, X-Force, Unity, Lucky. In Alliance War, Electro gains 1 Charge on the turn of any Sinister Six ally. The supernatural team is another sure-to-win Blitz team. Coulsons ultimate applies Offense Up on all S.H.I.E.L.D. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Brawler, Kree, Military. If the target has any positive effects his Extra Crit Chance is increased by up to 50%. If Scream has 3 or more Symbiote allies she decreases the Resistance of all enemies by 30%. If Mister Sinister is an ally, when Mister Sinisters Health drops below 50%, Stryfe automatically activates Taunt and gains a Barrier equal to 15% of his Max Health. Because of his special ability, he doesnt rely on Ghosts healing and he is practically self-sufficient. Besides that, Taskmaster opens the combat by placing Blind on 3 targets and Bleed for 2 turns on all targets which is amazing. In my opinion, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Hulk are the best possible combination of Wave I Avengers but if you dont want to use Heroes from other teams you can put Ant-Man and Wasp instead of Thor and Hulk and you will get a formidable team made of Heroes who can be used with success only in this team. Genius, egomaniac, and mastermind, Doctor Octopus enhances Sinister Six allies and summons them to battle. Someone could find that she will benefit more from increased Crit Strike from the Raider class, but at the first glance, I consider it as a mistake. This attack is unavoidable and cannot be blocked. I dont have any legendaries yet. She will assist every Moondragons basic attack increasing the potential damage output of Infinity Watch out of boundaries and whenever an ally drops below 50% or her target has a positive effect, Adam Warlock will place Safeguard. To further increase his Critical Chance, Iron Man needs to be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class. He can cast Defense Up which can heal him and last 3 turns if enhanced. Maria Hill is a charismatic Secret Avenger Support who uses the help of S.H.I.E.L.D. Phyla-Vells price is 45 shards and she will be available through the Vote for Loki Special Event. His first skill inflicts moderate damage against the single target, places Defense Down and then chains to another target causing slightly lesser damage with the same effect. The passive ability grants her up to 50% chance (100% chance in Raids) to heal the most injured ally by up to 25% of Marias Max Health, every time she or her allies Blocks an attack. Scientist Supreme is a mad scientist who converts negative effects to positive effects while healing her allies. Nevertheless, she will be an irreplaceable part of the Infinity Watch team so it is highly unlikely that anyone will use her outside of the new META team. However, since they do not have a 5th member you will need to carefully choose who will accompany them in War Defense. At the same time, it applies Slow and Stun, and changes the targets Speed Bar by up to -85%. Moon Knights skill-set is amazing, especially in Alliance War. If the healed ally is Wakandan, Shuri also removes 1 negative effect from that ally. If fully upgraded, the passive ability enables Proxima to always clear Stealth from the most injured target. With Raider class, she can more often exploit increased damage of Critical hits while with Skirmisher class she will be able to constantly place Vulnerability and you will not worry either she will steal buffs or not, because her Focus will be significantly increased. Indeed, Mantis cannot be compared with Minn-Erva, but she has additional abilities in Raids that should provide you almost the same amount of sustain. It also places Heal Block for 1 turn and Disrupt for 2 turns. Also, her ability to benefit from every negative effect that is placed on her either by healing herself or by punishing enemies with all negative effects active on her makes her an ideal option against literally every team or Hero that relies on debuffing. The problem of this team is the lack of any AoE which could be problematic if you want to use them constantly. Also, she can make enemies to attack each other and she will have great synergy with Magneto. With the introduction of the Shadowland trait, Elektras role instantly became more important and now she should be maximized as well. When we add that members of Infinity Watch can place literally all existing debuffs in the game with their skills and that Adam Warlocks and Moondragons HP pool is almost limitless we must ask ourselves about the game balance. Giving him a Radier ISO-8 class could also be smart since his ultimate hit all targets several times which means that he would place Vulnerability on all enemies after using ultimate. A.I.M. Okoyes ultimate grants her Offense Up before performing a full piercing attack to the single target for a high amount of damage that delays the enemys turn. White Tiger is a Shadowlands Mystic Brawler who lowers the Defense of enemies and prevents them from healing while increasing the attacking capabilities and Speed of all Shadowland allies. He is even stronger in AW which means that the Weapon X team will be capable of dealing with literally any enemy but Infinity Watch. With recent improvements, Taskmaster will place his debuffs and utilities almost always regardless of enemy Resistance and his Focus. His first skill inflicts medium damage against the single target and causes even more damage per negative effect on that target. In beginning the sole purpose of A.I.M. Additionally, his Resistance is increased for u to 50% and another 50% if he has Cosmic Villain enemy, while his Focus is also increased by 50% + 50% if he has a Hero Cosmic ally. This team is a combination of Brawlers synergy and Defenders synergy. Okoyes full potential will be reached only if she is in a full Wakandan team. Striker Iso-8 class is a natural decision for Phyla-Vell since when you have the highest damage potential you want to increase it further, however, since she will assist a lot she may benefit from Skirmisher as well especially if you want to help your team with constant Offense Downs on enemies and constant removing of enemy buffs. Ghost Rider is a Supernatural Brawler who mistreats his enemies with various negative effects and who will avenge the death of every ally. His first skill inflicts medium damage against the single target. His first skill inflicts medium Piercing damage and applies Offense down to the enemy target. Mercenary Sniper is an expert marksman who can deliver high damage with a single shot. His first skill causes medium damage to primary and adjacent targets and flips 1 positive effect on each target. His first skill inflicts heavy damage and copies positive effects from the target as well as clears them. If any of the targets is Protector, Coleen causes up to 400% Piercing instead and places up to 3 Bleeds. Psylocke, herself, is not that strong although she is very useful against enemies who rely on debuffs. Taskmaster has a took kit includes Imitating Strike (Basic), Adaptive Assault (Special), Incendiary Arrow (Ultimate), and Copycat Criminal (Passive). Electro is a decent character who obviously works best with Sinister Six and Doctor Octopus who grants her additional Charged. Her first skill delivers medium damage and has a chance for one or two bonus attacks. His second skill delivers medium damage to primary and adjacent targets applying 2 Bleeds for 2 turns on each target. Hand Archer has mediocre stats but he has very good base damage and a 5% dodge chance. Swarm is a Sinister Six Controller whose body is made of bees who are ready to obey his orders and harass his enemies. If his allies are Guardians they receive Defense Up, Speed Up, Offense Up, and Counter upon Groots death. Ultron is the most important Hero for any Raid team and he can be a part of various combinations. Ultimate is unavoidable and cannot be blocked. At the end of turn, if Sam has Taunt without Deflect, he clears taunt and places up to 2 Regeneration instead. Examine the creation of the summer's thrilling Marvel Studios' 'Black Widow' blockbuster in this immersive documentary!