Cartwright, M. (2018, November 07). Anonymous, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. 7. This code made knights act honorably, bravely, honestly, and courteously. If the sorrow is a result of the best of bone and blood, it could refer to a woman (who is the best living thing in the world, according to the poet) or, as has also been suggested, Christ (a divine being in human form). Cease! The ideals of a Knights Code of Chivalry was publicised in the poems, ballads, writings and literary works of Knights authors. World History Encyclopedia. Mark is a full-time author, researcher, historian, and editor. Belt buckles and brooches to tie a cloak at the shoulder were an especially popular way of showing off a bit of bling. Greatness lives in one who triumphs equally over defeat and victory." -John Steinbeck, 'The Acts Of King Arthur And His Noble Knights'. His soul is with the saints, I trust. Not much is known about the real Ono no Komachi, though there are many folktales, songs, plays, and legends about her as her work became some the most famous of early Japanese poets. Sheesh! This is such a great post. 04 Mar 2023. Twas a trumpets pealing sound! My body, wandering, lost, Ruthless I like to use, but I was never clear on if ruth/routh could stand on its own as a descriptor. Pingback: 10 Short Medieval Poems Everyone Should Read | My BlogThe Philosopher's blog. Blue mountains lie beyond the north wall; And have almost had to. Knights were amongst the most dedicated of all medieval fashion followers, indeed, other professions such as the clergy were often rebuked for trying to make themselves look as flashy as the knights did. Learn more about the definition of medieval romance literature . Hallam died in 1833, and Tennyson wrote Morte dArthur in 1833-34. Li Po and Tu Fu were also famous Tang Dynasty Chinese poets who were also good friends. There were three rauens sat on a tree, The plates could protect all parts of the body, and they came in various shapes and designs, the pieces held together using laces (points), straps, hinges, buckles, or semicircular rivets. Images, top to bottom:Heures de Marchal de Boucicaut, c. 1410, public domain;Codex Manesse, 71v, Kristan of Hamle (medieval Lovers, pulled in a basket), c. 1305, public domain. Running a website with millions of readers every month is expensive. Somer is y-comen in (also Sumer is icumen in, i.e. This long Arthurian poem was composed in the fourteenth century by an unknown poet who probably lived in the West Midlands or the North West of England. Is gone, and the birch in its stead is grown. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! Utterly fascinating I loved this post and will be quoting these lines for days to come Im sure! World History Encyclopedia. Tu Fu, on the other hand, wrote autobiographical poems steeped in Confucian morality with a good dose of humor. Thanks for this. Pingback: 10 Short Medieval Poems Everyone Should Read | Brian W G Bowley2b. Special interests include art, architecture, and discovering the ideas that all civilizations share. Reblogged this on The Canterbury Scriptorium. hail, hail to you, I beg you. Very interesting. Chivalry was an informal code. First simple conical helmets were worn, then a nose guard or mask was added, and, by the 13th century, the fully enclosed helmet was used with further design tweaks such as a protruding snout for better ventilation or conical top to deflect blows better. Thank you for your help! Damn. A proficiency with additional weapons such as a dagger, battleaxe, mace, bow, and crossbow might come in handy, too. Oh, the floating clouds and the thoughts of a wanderer! The medieval tournament was a forum for European knights where they Mark is a full-time author, researcher, historian, and editor. Pingback: Old Poem Saturday Whan the Turuf is Thy Tour | Illustrated Poetry. Her relatively short poems (theyre considered short for the time) retell folk songs, stories, and Arthurian legends. This one I stayed with a rhyme scheme but I'm struggling with meter at the moment so this one doesn't have any. Typically portrayed in full armour and bearing a shield, these stone carvings can still be seen in many churches across Europe, and they provide historians with an invaluable record of medieval weapons and armour but also remind of the reverence knights enjoyed in the Middle Ages. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Morte dArthur. The Knights Templar were established c. 1119 and given papal recognition A medieval Teutonic Knight was a member of the Catholic military Middle Ages for Kids: History of the Medieval Knight, Education resources for schools teachers and students. . Neidhart von Reuental (1190-1237), a medieval German poet, composed songs about a fictional knight whose amorous pursuits were often obstructed by local peasants. My thatch hut grows still. For more short poems, check out our pick of the best very short poems by the Victorians. Their poetry could not be more different in terms of theme. Sing cucku! Anonymous, The Baffled Knight; or, Ladys Policy. Knights also had to be well-versed in poetry as part of the code of medieval chivalry. Interesting Literature is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Some are destroyed by defeat, and some made small and mean by victory. Lover I feel such sorrow now you go, This is one of the most interesting things Ive read all day. He must be capable of using a heavy sword with a blade up to one metre (40 inches) in length for a sustained period of fighting and fit enough to move around with speed while wearing heavy metal armour. You the legend of my armored heart. summers blaze giving way. Boasting a terrace and free WiFi, Medieval Poem is set in the centre of Rhodes Town, close to Akti Kanari Beach, Elli Beach and Clock Tower. In a forthcoming book entitled . Medieval knights fought for a variety of reasons, most commonly to protect the land and people of their liege lord. Short Medieval Poems. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. ** FOUR KNIGHTS **. The typical starting point for a young lad of 7 to 10 years old was to become a page when he learned to handle horses, hunt, and use mock weapons while serving a knight proper. Hearing it read aloud added a new layer of appreciation for the poem. Epic tales, poems of praise, and fantastic legends swirled around famous knights in the Middle Ages. Unexpectedly. One of the most notable aspects of this period is its poetry. Web. Talking of nineteenth-century writers interest in all things medieval, heres an even more famous example than Hemans. Sort: Popular Score A - Z. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is an epic poem set in the Arthurian court that entwines Green Man mythos with Christian morality and knightly codes of honor.It was written by an anonymous poet in the 14th century, and on my most recent read of the poem, I wondered if that unknown poet could be a woman. With a downe, derrie, derrie, derrie, downe, downe . Its basis was a blend of military, social, and Christian ethics*. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is one of the best works of medieval poetry because it criticizes the fact that chivalric courtesy often displaces true Christian ethics. We conclude this pick of the best poems about knights and chivalry with this light poem from Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919). Chivalry included the values of honor, valor, courtesy, and purity, as well as loyalty to a lord, a cause, or a noblewoman. Weve analysed this wonderful summer poem here. Submitted by Mark Cartwright, published on 07 November 2018. High quality Medieval Poems-inspired gifts and merchandise. And I say that as somebody whose knowledge of Medieval literature (not translated into modern English) started and ended with the Canterbury Tales at school! Much sorwe I walk with Kids love to learn about the medieval times, including knights, queens, and castles. Poetry. Pingback: Go Medieval on Your Verse | The Drugstore Notebook. They were used mostly in church and other religious events. For my fellow English nerds (or anyone! Thank you for your help! Poems during the medieval era were religious in nature and were commonly written by clerics. World History Encyclopedia. Reblogged to Sir William WallaceKjetil Bjrnsrud (CC BY-SA). The spelling reveals nothing, and in the context of that final line it could be either. It's imperative that the time travelers not skew the timeline and alter the course of history. Among the cypress trees we picnic in the Tuscan sun a bottle of wine and some bread. Key facts about the Middle Ages include: The feudal system was a way of structuring the government with a King at the top (seen to be appointed by God), followed by high members of the church and nobility, knights . Medieval romance is a genre of poetry that has certain ways a knight lives his life. Here are some ideas to get you started and allowing children to explore and imagine medieval times. Effigies of knights were a common way to ensure remembrance. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. has anyone read a midsummer nights dream? Medieval Knight. Weve got just what you need and more! Where may the grave of that good man be? As envying her selfe, that too exceeding shone . In the poem above, note how "wood" and "tree" invoke the cross while "sun" and "son" seem to invoke each other. Sir Knight of the Army of God, These poems about knights capture the essence of what it means to be a knight, from their courage and strength to their dedication and loyalty. And I will have a special care Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. There's no more iconic symbol of medieval Europe than the knight: clad in shining . A new knight was given his sword blessed by a priest with the proviso he always protect the poor & weak. From age 14, the next step was to become a squire (or esquire), who had more responsibility than a page, learned to use real weapons, and started an education, especially the study of chivalry. The two fell in love, which she recounts in her Diary, but then he too died. Thank you! She authored many works of theology as well as medical advice books and natural histories. The blade had two cutting edges - one to represent justice, the other loyalty and chivalry. Chivalry. Reblogged this on My Community | Zoo Animals & Wildlife. The 14th-century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight fits into the genre of a medieval romance (or also referred to as a chivalrous romance) because it has the characteristics of one, these characteristics being mysterious writing, a supernatural setting, idealized chivalry, courtly love, and the masking of a character's real identity. These are the best examples of Medieval Adventure poems written by international poets. Its the perfect book for dipping into on a cold winter night, in front of the fire, while sipping a sherry or egg nog. And whistled and roared in the winter alone, 10. With the best training, the best clothes, the best weapons and, supposedly, the best manners, they were what everyone else aspired to be. Weve had to leave some personal favourites out: alas, we couldnt squeeze in the wonderful medieval poem about a cat, Pangur Bn, though you can find that discussed in our pick of the best poems about cats. Here we part, friend, once forever. Reblogged this on arcade # 1775 and commented: The Medieval Era, which spanned from 500 to 1500 AD, had a profound effect on European culture. Medieval Chivalric Romance. Geoffrey's History is the first book to tell the story of King Arthur, his queen, his knights, his strange begetting, and his death. Medieval science developed, and the largest monasteries and churches in Georgia were built. Medieval poetry can be a daunting field to dip into (to mix our metaphors terribly). The all-important horses that made knights the equivalent of modern tanks on the medieval battlefield also had particular protection. Pingback: 10 Short Medieval Poems Everyone Should Read | helceng. License. I had a lot to get off my chest and I finally did. Ich am of Irlandeis a famous song, perhaps one of the most famous medieval English lyric poems. Sir Gawain has a twisty plot, with lots of magic and sex and violence. But as the literature of medieval romance began to blossom in the 12th century, a sophisticated culture of courtly behaviour between men and women began to change the idealised image of a knight. Reblogged this on Texas Poetry and commented: The moniker, El Cid, is derived from an Arabic word - Assid, meaning god or lord. A Sonnet On Cervantes By Rubn Daro Translated By Thomas Walsh And Salomn De La Selva. However, knights would eventually become only male descendants . Thank you. Reblogged this on untraum and commented: Perhaps players of the PC game "Age of Empires" would know of him. I invite you to pass for my new blog Although there is no official consensus regarding the exact beginning and end of the Medieval Period, it is most commonly associated with the collapse of the Roman Empire, around the 5th century, and leading up all the way to the 15th century, which is widely considered (though the exact beginning is disputed) the beginning of the Renaissance Period. Try it now for free and see the difference for yourself! . 4a, Le Moyen ge, de l'Oural l'Atlantique . And the harvests done . Then they get a taste of battle. Li Po was a famous drunkard, and his poems often depict spirit journeys and powerful emotions. With its cutting-edge algorithms and intuitive interface,Grammarlyscans your document for errors and suggests precise corrections, leaving you free to focus on what really matters your message. Im glad you included the Ireland poem, I love that. Joan of Arc. Her poems range in topic, from romance to a celebration of Joan of Arc to allegory. Next, he was given his horse, and then his shield and banner, which might bear his family coat of arms. Felicia Dorothea Hemans, The Captive Knight. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Pearl . Shall you and I, O lady faire, A good list, but I missed the wonderful poem by a man complaining that he couldnt get any sleep because of the noise made by blacksmith. 'I was coming to that,' the Knight said. Medieval times from a knight's perspective. As a follow up, Im now preparing a new post (soon to publish I hope) about a painting by my father from 1967 that includes me as a little girl with a strange memento mori. Introduction. Peep this collection of. The knights rode towards each other at full gallop along a 100-200 metre (110-220 yards) long area known as the lists with the aim of knocking the opponent off his horse. with a downe, Whan the turuf is thy tour (i.e. Many early knights were given their title on the battlefield by a lord or monarch (often symbolically in the form of spurs, hence the expression 'to win one's spurs') typically after displaying particular valour and effectiveness in fighting the enemy. Lay a great water, and the moon was full . Thank you for sharing. Miri it is while sumer i-last For the really devout Christian knight, there was also the option of joining a military order such as the Knights Hospitaller or Knights Templar, where one lived much like a monk but at least had the opportunity of the best training and weapons of all medieval knights. With royall robes and gorgeous array, In addition, it was very much a status symbol, with certain materials being restricted to the aristocrats by law. The chivalric code guiding the conduct of knights was embodied in a wide range of literary sources. downe a downe, hay downe, hay downe, Tournaments became such prestigious events with prizes for the winners that knights began to practise for them in earnest and circuits developed with many knights becoming, in effect, professional tournament players. Last modified November 07, 2018. from O Viridissima Virga. with loneliness, There amid the inky gloom shown the Templar's spotless Childrens Poems: The Ruler Of The World - Poem by Ron Knight Childrens poems from famous poets and best childrens poems to feel good. Her 12 lais are her most famous, and include a poem about a werewolf! Their code of chivalry and unyielding sense of honour inspires us even today. Dont be put off, dont assume its going to be stuffy- dive in and feel those vowel sounds rolling round your tongue. Thanks! Why have ye no routhe on my child? is a lament for a lost child (rode is the rood or Cross, and routhe is ruth or compassion which is why someone who lacks compassion is described as ruthless). No one knows how medieval knights really fought. And no birds sing. Reblogged this on ismaelmartinezgarcia01. Displaying 1 poem from the Medieval Fantasy genre. And a Christian host, in its pride and power, Sing cucku! She had fallen in love with this fallen warrior: And they the arrows that murder sleep, at every hour of the cold night, are love-lamenting, for time spent with. Which leads to the temple above, According to scholars, literature in the Middle Ages was international rather than local. They actually appreciate the story once they get past the spelling. That was a great help! About the wight poem (9): I wonder what the Wife of Bath would say. Epic tales, poems of praise, and fantastic legends swirled around famous knights in the Middle Ages. In the classic twelfth century poem, Gawain, youngest of the knights at the round table (Dunn), faces many hardships and temptations throughout his journey. The last line, Ne swik thou never nou!, is an entreaty to the cuckoo never to stop singing. The knight awarding the honour then might attach a spur or put the sword and belt on the squire, and give him a kiss on the cheek. 1 & 2 were set by Benjamin Britten as part of his choral collection of 8 medieval lyrics, Sacred and Profane. It seems timely then to revisit the fourteenth-century poem on which it is based, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Coming face to face with the original Arthurian legend could produce a ripple effect that changes everything. That stood on a dark strait of barren land. Marie de France was a 12th century French poet, but little is known about her life. Anonymous, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Too busy, could post, . No wonder ruthless just really sums up an action sometimes . 4. But I omit the verses when I render you the song. Courtesy The British Library Board, Cotton Nero A. X, art.3, f.42 Although Chaucers Canterbury Tales and DantesDivine Comedy are masterpieces and essential reading, perhaps the best route into medieval poetry as with any poetry is to start small. She expressed her grief and love through her poetry. Theres also no room for I have a gentil cok, so youll have to seek that one out for yourself. Fouls in the frith Is about a man who loves nature, and as a hunter holds sorrow in his heart for the bone and blood of the beasts he has killed. Me lovien wold.'. Hemans (1793-1835) is best-remembered for her two poems Casabianca (beginning The boy stood on the burning deck) and The Homes of England. You should tryGrammarlytoday! This was a fabulous post. This does mean that several words/phrases need glossing, so weve done this briefly before each poem. Ei, ei, what this night is long, In this epic sequel to Once & Future, Ari and her Rainbow knights must pull off a Holy Grail heist thousands of years in the past -- without destroying their own destinies. Tunics (long, short, padded, sleeveless or long-sleeved), stockings, cloaks, gloves, and hats of all shapes and sizes were all worn. These poems are so interesting, perhaps because for the most part you have to say them out loud to get the full effect. "The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armor. cool stuff. Middle Ages are considered to start from the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476) until the discovery of America (1492). World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. That I do not know if I can bear it. The poem focuses on King Arthur's nephew, the young Sir Gawain, who accepts the challenged issued by the mysterious Green Knight who arrives at . Youre welcome! But when Gawain beheads the stranger, things do not go quite as planned, and the Knight survives. Collection. I teach Lord Randall and Get Up and Bar the Door to my students. I am a fan of all types of poetry. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. There were specific devices for training such as the quintain - a rotating arm with a shield at one end and a weight at the other. A very difficult sing! ), this is a great post of Medieval poetry with some quick tidbits about origin and meaning. Chivalry is the term for the knightly system of _____ in the Middle Ages. However, she wrote many other poems, and this one tells of a Christian knight taken captive during the Crusades. Like an unrooted water-grass. When the grass lies over you, your skin and white throat shall (Shullen) be good for worms. Thanks for sharing. 8. . On the day of the ceremony the squire was dressed by two knights with a white tunic and white belt to symbolise purity, black or brown stockings to represent the earth to which he will one day return, and a scarlet cloak for the blood he is now ready to spill for his baron, sovereign, and church. Plate armour became more common from the 14th century and offered better protection against arrows and sword blows. A full suit of armour weighed from 20 to 25 kilograms (45-55 lbs) - less than a modern infantryman would carry in equipment - and so a knight who fell off his horse was not totally helpless and immobile. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. 6. Ill make sure to learn more about this topic. Oc now neghth winds blast Here are some of my favorite examples of medieval poets that everyone can enjoy. the wound in love is deeper still. I find playing the audio reading adds interest as well. Below, we introduce ten of the very best poems about chivalry, knights, and noble deeds from a bygone era. And have al thine will.'. Cause I'm the vanquished as much as I'm the gallant. NOT a poetry fan but i could read this all day. Whether youre a fan of medieval tales or just looking for some inspiration, these poems will leave you inspired by the power of knighthood. A full suit of mail could weigh up to 13.5 kilograms (30 pounds). After they marry, its revealed that she is not a shepherds daughter after all, but a noblewoman. Reblogged this on The Darkness in the Light. Tears in my eyes reading number 6. Sing cucku, nou! And the knight lookd down from the Paynims tower, This is amazing. Are you itching for some more poetry like this? _____ had absolute power _____ (barons, lords, knights, etc.) The simplest option was a cloth caparison which might also enclose the animal's head and ears and which was another handy canvas for armorial display. [1] Their poetry is indeed highly crafted and stylistically sophisticated. Finally! that is why my sleeves Publication Date: 1992-01-01. Dance to baroque music and do this movement poem: Here is the Prince with the feathered cap (Boys take off caps and bow) Here are his boots that go tap, tap . 1. Or step forward in history into our best short Renaissance poems in English. "Most have been forgotten. Reblogged this on Bluestone Scribe's Blog. The strangeness of the medieval poem "Pearl," now out in a new translation, magnifies its emotional power. Early knights could come from any background, all that was needed was courage and endeavour. 7. Live the pics too! The troubadours and the minnesnger are known for their lyric poetry about courtly love.. I just published a post about the beginnings of memento mori during the Middle Ages up to and including more contemporary interpretations. The heroes will always be remembered. Retrieved from Cite This Work Their bravery in battle and tournament victories inspired incredible accounts of both fact and . Be sure to check out this list of love poetry books and this list of books about medieval history. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor. Ne swik thou never nou! To reach this elevated position, however, became more and more challenging as the Middle Ages wore on because the elite wished to maintain their exclusive status. Alone and palely loitering? Reblogged this on From The Diary Pages and commented: Elizabeth Louise Edwards. Reblogged this on Progressive Rubber Boots. Tip: The rhythm of your lines and spaces is _, When the dust settles and I stand still unmasked, Choka poem about the Cathars who arrived in England and their trial probably in 1165 AD, this is a part of a song series i will write about a young medieval man discovering life, Profanity : Our optional filter replaced words with *** on this page , Cathars In The Land Of The Angles (narrative poem), the grass is green and the trees are tall. yet gaze deep in my eyes and it lies there. And rustled its leaves in the fall of the year, Worth the read! In some of them, Arthur is just a casual character; in others . King Arthur: then, because his wound was deep, Sing cucku nou! Keeping sheep all on the plain; Merry it is while summer lasts seems to use a sort of pathetic fallacy (as John Ruskin would later call it) to reflect the speakers moral penitence (I for great wrongdoing / Sorrow and mourn and grieve, the last two lines say) by relating this to the passing of the summer and the coming of autumn and winter. A collection of 228 troubadour songs in Latin and German, discovered in 1803 by Freiherr Christoph von Arentin in the monastery of Benedikt Beuren, about 60 miles south of Munich. Not only do we pay for our servers, but also for related services such as our content delivery network, Google Workspace, email, and much more. whispered magic and sonnets of light. Reblogged this on Boondoggling with Bojenn and commented: Medieval poetry was divided by lines of . And weder strong. If a knight did not do these things and, even worse, if they did the opposite, they could lose their status as a knight and their reputation and that of their family was blackened forever. Love these! 21/04/2017 14:37. One day, in the mid-12th Century, an unremarkable monk sat down in St Edmund's Abbey, Suffolk, and set pen to parchment. Sun-day is also Son-day, to Christians. Good. Who should ride by but Knight William Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Selected Writings translated by Mark Atherton contains some of her poems, and you can read more here and here. 9. What use then are all the worlds pleasures? epic poems reflected the warrior culture of the Anglo-Saxons, while pilgrims' tales and medieval romances . Her poems are religious and she began to experience visions of God during her early years that continued throughout her life. Thanks! My sweet secret love without you, oh, Morte dArthur was written shortly after the death of Tennysons friend Arthur Hallam, and the portrayal of kingly Arthur may owe something to Hallam (Morte dArthur means, of course, the death of Arthur). An interesting blog post for writers always looking for something different to inspire a story hidden somewhere in the depths of their mind. To my way of thinking the best of what should represent the best of Freshly Pressed should come from the Most humble of us WordPress Posters. The majority of us are not professional writers, nor art-enabled posters who wish to demonstrate the higher priced programs WordPress sells in its marketplace. Must read. Better protection was offered by a two-piece coat of chain mail (one for the front and the other hung behind the saddle), a padded helmet, a plate head covering, or an armour plate of metal or boiled leather to protect the chest. Also known as The Three Ravens (the number of ravens or corbies varies from telling to telling), this ballad tells how some ravens see a dead knight, recently slain, and debate whether they can eat him. Against the tale of perfection I had you convinced. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed! A knight had to be accomplished in riding a horse while carrying a long, triangular leather and wood shield and a wooden lance 2.4-3.0 metres (8-10 ft) in length, so he needed to practise guiding his steed using only the knees and feet. At the bottom stair, in bunchgrass, lit dew shimmers. When that rage comes over him, Modern version of living next to a motorway? O. They had to memorise poems about the courage and chivalric code followed by Medieval knights. Number 3 reminds me of a Welsh song we used to sing in the round when I was in primary school- about summer coming and the cuckoo singing- the bit where you sang Cuckoo! In any case, knights often mixed mail and plate armour, selecting their own protection according to preference, with chest plates and greaves for the legs being the most common pieces worn. There were several barriers that medieval warriors had to overcome that were not closely related to battles and fights. And his good sword rust; C hivalry refers to the lifestyle and moral code followed by medieval* knights. Listen, I know. I argue that Keats' La Belle Dame Sans Merci warns against obsessive love using the frame of a medieval romance, . Finally, a chance to dust off my Middle English skills. The fishs in the flod, With fouls song; The Knights Tomb By Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Jews In The Land Of Israel By Yehuda Amichai, The Knights Epitaph By William Cullen Bryant, Tales From The Saddle: 29+ Best Poems About Horses, The Mind In Overdrive: 11+ Unconventional Poems About Paranoia, The Next Generation: 9+ Best Poems About Grandsons, Glorious Extremities: 17+ Random Poems About Limbs, 57+ websites that will pay for your poetry in 2023, From Homer To Hip Hop: A Brief History Of Poetry (5000BC- Present), Inspiration Awaits: 51+ Poetry Writing Prompts, The Mind-body Connection: 7+ Poems About Health and Wellness, The Power of Words: 5+ Powerful Poems About Emotional Abuse, Beneath The Surface: 7+ Challenging Poems About Drug Abuse, Sisters In Solidarity: 13+ Interesting Poems About Feminism.