If the featured images now work, one of your plugins was the issue. Its most likely because youve uploaded a featured image while also including the same image in your content as a cover or regular image. February 22, 2022 at 2:36 am #300302. To start, install and activate the Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags plugin on your WordPress site. This is done by using the align feature. After youve located the potential culprit, turn off lazy loading, clear your site cache, and check if that resolves any issues you may have with your featured images. To remove the header, check the top box called disable primary header and update the page. This tool scrapes any URL you want and tells you whether any errors occur with Facebook accessing the information. This should be empty, asking you to upload a featured image. Youll see a message that tells you the Image Saved. Figuring out the optimal dimensions before uploading the images allows you to minimize instances where the featured image gets stretched out or cropped strangely. It allows you to swap out several previously listed uploaded featured images, making all of them the same image. Your dashboard settings could have the featured image fields completely turned off. The first is OG, which comes in handy for adding the Open Graph protocol to turn any webpage into rich objects for social media. Overall, photos on your website take up a significant amount of server space, potentially slowing down your site loading times. The downside of setting a default featured image is that theres a chance you end up with several featured images that arent relevant to the post. The only time youll find that its okay to share an image on your website for free is when you pull from a website like Pexels or Unsplash. Insert any content you want for the blog post. Scroll down to find a new field called Default Featured Image. If its not there, click the Screen Options tab and mark the Featured Image checkbox to reveal it in the editor. Featured images dont show up as thumbnails in your lists of posts and pages on the dashboard. Regardless, select an image, or multiple images, by holding down the Shift key while choosing the images, and click the Choose Images button to proceed. In this module, you can select multiple images from your Media Library. You can still maintain the quality of an image after compression, cropping, or resizing. Go to Posts > Add New to create a new blog post. The following page explains which current featured images will be replaced by the future featured image you specified from before. The first few settings dont have anything to do with the featured image, but they can affect how the posts show up in the block and make your featured images look strange. Is there a way to do that without using an external plugin? Choose the Facebook option and scroll down to locate the field to Enable Open Graph Markup. Problems with featured images stem from various problems. All of them allow you to adjust or get rid of the current featured image. No featured image complements the posts when sharing on Facebook. Its also prudent to understand what types of photos work well as featured images, seeing how it may be the original photos causing the issues to begin with. The featured image may not be in the right place inside the page or post template. However, if you use any other hosting provider, it may prove useful. You can search for specific keywords and set them as your featured images. To edit featured images in WordPress, open a post and scroll to the Featured Images section in the Post Settings panel. If not, how do you go about fixing that problem? There, below the disable section title, you can check all the boxes of the sections that you would like to remove. Search for the Cover block and click to add it. Note: Featured images get pulled from WordPress and populated on social media sites with the use of something called Open Graph. Theyre vital to help your post or page move up the rankings. Stick with landscape sizes over portrait photos. I agree Pedro, I have never liked working Gutenberg editor, It has a way of messing things up. If youre still not having success with that, consider going to the Facebook Sharing Debugger to ensure Facebook knows how to crawl your website, as thats usually the problem if you already have the Open Graph protocol activated. Once everything is configured, hit the Publish button. One way to get in serious trouble with your images is by using photos and graphics you randomly find online. You have two options for grabbing URLs from your site. For instance, you may want to pull the first image in your content and make it your featured image for a post. The set dimensions dictate the maximum dimensions youll see on your website for the given image sizes. The great part about this plugin is that it doesnt replace the featured images you already have on your posts. I later deactivated the plugin, but that hasn't made a difference. If you switch it to the Thumbnail option, those images shrink slightly and usually become perfect squares. Showing a gallery or list of your recent blog posts is done by adding a Gutenberg block element to the page designated as the WordPress Homepage. Also, you may have to configure a specific theme setting so that featured images are populating for all posts. Overall, the plugin has a field to paste in a URL from an image and insert that image into the featured image slot. For more such image optimization tips and tricks, read our in-depth image optimization guide. Some non-WordPress image editing tools you can use are GIMP, Photoshop Express, and Paint.NET. The featured image is prone to human error, considering the page or post author must manually upload a featured image whenever creating a new webpage. Because of this, pasting and Debugging the URL in the Sharing Debugger Tool from Facebook could actually solve your problems altogether. When I exported post and media and imported on my new site everything was fine eventually. The theme doesnt allow for featured images, or you have to turn them on through the theme settings. Pay for photos on sites like Shutterstock and iStockPhoto. You may see a simple list of links, along with descriptions from those posts. For example, you may rather have one featured image appear in the sidebar, but a different one shows up when the post is in a list on your homepage. You are not familiar with PHP so you can use this plugin for the header image. The block is called Latest Posts. I have experienced similar issues, I exported my post from another website to another new site I am building when I tried importing, it didnt come with the featured images. Now that you have the featured images ready, get sharing! Auto Featured Image even has a bulk featured image generation tool. We recommend experimenting with the content settings, like showing Post Content, Display Author Name, or Display Post Date. Whenever youre done editing an image, you can click Enter to active the edit, and then Save the image. The first is going about it manually, clicking on each post and page on your site and collecting the URLs into a document. However, you may find that the theme has removed featured images in the coding, and it doesnt have any additional tools to override the lack of featured images. You can upload an image to be your cover by clicking on the Select Media or Upload buttons. Another specific Open Graph module from this plugin is for Twitter. However, with the Default Featured Image plugin active, all you have to do is click on the posts Update button. Its getting placed on a digital medium where the photos resolution doesnt necessarily have to be print-worthy to look good. Problematic WordPress themes or plugins. The featured image also appears in the embeds when a post or page is shared on social media sites. Or if the featured image fails to show up on social media, but its working fine on your website. It also provides a clean preview of what you can expect to see if you were to paste or share that URL on Facebook. Click the Preview Filtering button to see which bulk replacements will occur. No matter the reason, you may find that your WordPress theme doesnt offer support for standard featured images. Image optimization tools like ShortPixel and, Direct lazy loading plugins such as Lazy Load by, Database and site optimization tools such as. Youre better off editing a photo to meet those suggested dimensions before uploading it to WordPress. After all, a theme or plugin could be causing the problem. You may be having trouble uploading the featured image the right way. For more details, you can see our guide on how to add header and footer code in WordPress. Both can be accessed and implemented by going to the Posts or Pages menus and creating a new item or visiting an old page or post. With the OG plugin activated, you should now see the post information and the featured image in the preview. One way to ensure your featured image field is never empty is to set a default featured image for all posts. Clicking on that brings you directly to the WordPress Media Library. We covered this solution already in the previous section, yet it fits well in the best practices, too. Whats great about Yoast SEO is that simply installing the plugin may do the trick for activating the Open Graph protocol for social sharing. https://wordpress.org/plugins/unique-headers/ I think its work for you Share Improve this answer Follow answered Mar 22, 2019 at 4:32 Harsh Khare 509 1 3 13 I tried this as well and it didn't override the current theme's headers and didn't add anything unfortunately. To adjust the location of a featured image, go to the page or post template being used. Another way to see if this works is if you have any social sharing buttons on your website. Just make sure its the right image and that the plugin is recognizing it. Make sure thats checked off to reveal the Featured Image option in your posts and pages. I don't understand why the image only works in . The max height shouldnt matter as much since your featured images shouldnt be that tall. Featured images break for various reasons, and its often on a case-by-case basis. Be sure to click the Save Changes button to activate the default featured image on your site. Its used to show the start of a new section or an article. Regardless, the best course of action is to follow these steps: An interesting thing about featured images is that some WordPress themes may not support them. WordPress added the Cover block to its Gutenberg editor only recently. The following block of code is what you can insert (or look for) in the functions.php file: Lazy Loading serves as one of the many methods used for optimizing images to improve site performance. Without automated featured images, youre left with blocks of text and links to webpages. You can reach out to your current hosting provider and ask them to expand the PHP limit. Test out the fields for the Number of Items and Columns to ensure your featured images are both presentable and appealing when they get published on the homepage. Here, select the Facebook tab. Thats because having four columns will require having much more space (and smaller images) than a block with two or three columns. Theres quite a bit of information about how your URL interacts with Facebook, but all you need to look at is the preview. These are the general settings for all social media sharing, making sure Facebook and Twitter dont randomly select photos from your article or other places on your website. Open the post or page in the editor. it's not working. Locate the Settings panel towards the right side of the page. For instance, we added a Recent Posts feed on the homepage of our test site. Regardless, a WordPress featured image not showing up is both frustrating and concerning. The Ixion theme supports featured images on single Posts and Pages. Furthermore, an engaging story isnt complete without the introduction, and thats exactly the purpose of a featured image. You can see that two of my posts now have a new featured image, and theyre the same images. These are excellent tools for replacing poorly designed featured images or fixing problems when certain featured images dont show up in the first place. Many blind people are using the internet through screen readers. @chrissel: Hello there, I am afraid the option to display Header Images on all pages is only available in the pro version of the theme. Finding free images for personal and commercial is hard. It seems there is a conflict with your theme because I have tried to add an image header but it doesn't show at all. Therefore, it serves as a backup to the real featured image field, just in case you forget to upload the featured image but still want something to show up. Get all your applications, databases and WordPress sites online and under one roof. It could be a good thing but it downgrades the development experience. Simply having a header.php in your theme's folder will not output your header to the browser. Another simple yet common mistake made by WordPress users is to implement a cover image for a post or page and assume it works like a featured image. Unfortunately, you discover that the featured image doesnt look quite as nice as you had hoped it would. An image optimization plugin does much of the work for you, ensuring that your featured images actually show up and dont slow down your website. The following screenshot shows a post working well on Facebook since it includes a summary of the post content, with a link, the title, and the featured image. Click the Choose Image button to proceed. This brings up the Media Library, from where you can choose an image to serve as your Default Featured Image. The Featured Image column should now appear in your list of posts or pages. Feel free to go back and choose more images if you missed any. Finally, you also have the option to visit theDevelopers Debug Tool on Facebook. body a.novashare-ctt{display:block;background:#00abf0;margin:30px auto;padding:20px 20px 20px 15px;color:#fff;text-decoration:none!important;box-shadow:none!important;-webkit-box-shadow:none!important;-moz-box-shadow:none!important;border:none;border-left:5px solid #00abf0}body a.novashare-ctt:hover{color:#fff;border-left:5px solid #008cc4}body a.novashare-ctt:visited{color:#fff}body a.novashare-ctt *{pointer-events:none}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-tweet{display:block;font-size:18px;line-height:27px;margin-bottom:10px}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-container{display:block;overflow:hidden}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta{float:right}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-cta-left .novashare-ctt-cta{float:left}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-text{font-size:16px;line-height:16px;vertical-align:middle}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-icon{margin-left:10px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-icon svg{vertical-align:middle;height:18px}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple{background:0 0;padding:10px 0 10px 20px;color:inherit}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt{background:#f9f9f9;padding:20px;color:#404040}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt:hover,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple:hover{border-left:5px solid #008cc4}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple .novashare-ctt-cta,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt .novashare-ctt-cta{color:#00abf0}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt:hover .novashare-ctt-cta,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple:hover .novashare-ctt-cta{color:#008cc4}WordPress featured images not showing properly on your site? Maybe you encounter one of the following: Luckily, WordPress already includes a wide range of photo editing tools for you to ensure the featured image looks professional. Participant. As always, we recommend backing up your WordPress site before making edits to the code. This tells us the plugin is doing its job by adding the default featured image to the right posts and leaving out the ones that already have featured images. Scroll to the bottom of the page to click on the Next button. such as page.php, single.php, archive.php and so on. A WordPress featured image functions as a visual welcome card, a cue to visitors to come on in and enjoy whats behind a link. Get premium content from an award-winning cloud hosting platform. Click on Preferences to reveal a new pop-up window. To begin, install and activate the OG plugin on your WordPress site. Visit our Facebook page; Visit our Twitter account; Visit our Instagram account; Visit our LinkedIn account It also helps when your older posts dont have appropriate featured images. Overall, the Default Featured Image plugin has some simple tools for adding a default featured image with a buttons click. The problem prevents images from displaying on both the backend and frontend. Test a deployment on our modern App Hosting. Many image optimization plugins offer lazy loading functionality as an add-on. This gets around the idea of uploading an image to your WordPress Media Library and activating that image as a featured image. A cover image provides a wide or full-width image section to add anywhere on the site. Whether youre overriding existing featured images or trying to fix ones that werent existent in the first place, the Quick Featured Images plugin does the trick for all of that. Some websites already have hundreds or even thousands of featured images, so a bulk editing tool is required. Kinsta Hosting already offers Open Graph support, along with the possibility to control this using Yoast SEO. Plugins, although rather useful for building a WordPress website, occasionally have questionable coding. Easy setup and management in the MyKinsta dashboard, The best Google Cloud Platform hardware and network, powered by Kubernetes for maximum scalability, An enterprise-level Cloudflare integration for speed and security, Global audience reach with up to 35 data centers and 275 PoPs worldwide. Again, check to see if the featured images are showing up after all plugins are deactivated. You can now go to Posts > All Posts in your dashboard to view the posts in a list and make sure the featured images truly got replaced in the posts. Allow Featured Image for Viewing 6. Theres also an Image Alignment setting to indicate if the images should slide to the right, center, or left. You can find the Featured Image in the right-side Settings panel for all posts and pages. Going with the Media Library reveals whatever images youve already uploaded to WordPress. Make your site accessible to them. If the problem isnt fixed, proceed to deactivate all plugins. The whole point of a featured image is to serve as a visual introduction to the article, much like a title, and the first paragraph of an article provides previews to the reader of what they can expect to read. Several images are pulled from the post, but you must choose which one you want to use. It can also prevent people from sharing your work, considering its not all that appealing to share a blog post on Facebook that doesnt have a featured image. The Quick Featured Images plugin handles bulk editing for featured images along with a myriad of other functionalities, like adding a default featured image for all posts or setting presets for default featured images. In this tutorial, we have a page called Homepage. Yours may have a different name depending on what youve named it. Rather, quickly explain whats in the picture and potentially add the keyword to boost your rankings. Note the exact issue, like if the image isnt uploading. Note: Sometimes newer websites have trouble with Facebook and other social sites because Facebook hasnt crawled the site already. Plugin Conflicts. As promised, three choices appear when uploading an image through a Kinsta-hosted website: Choose one based on whether or not you have your own photos and where theyre stored. Click on the page specified as the Front Page. Consider any WordPress issues that may be causing the problem with your featured image, like conflicts between plugins or a. Youve figured out how to upload a featured image and completed your post content. Go to the post in question, click on the Share to Facebook link, and see if the featured image appears in the pop-up window. You can insert a Cover block anywhere in a post or page, not just at the beginning. Weve outlined both common and uncommon problems with featured images. An even page header\footer. Therefore, you have to check each plugin to see if they have this feature enabled on your site. With your position I solved a problem that lasted for months. The Add Block button looks like a + sign. Sometimes theres a problem with your theme, and other times youll find that a plugin is causing the issue. First, you have to decide what youre trying to achieve. The most important option right now is the Include Image field. As a test, lets visit a post that already has a featured image included with the article. As long as youre not making the image too small, you should still be able to offer a beautiful featured image. This is particularly important if youre highlighting your recent posts on the homepage. Locate the section titled Actions with a single image. You would select those images later and swap every single one of them out in place of the new one. All files/pages are in the root folder. A Cover block, in contrast, is housed in the Gutenberg Block Library, which is accessible by clicking on an Add Block button in the editor.
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