GRAVELY (See also Martin, Gravely & Martin), HAIRSTON, Geo. Of course, we didnt and that often meant digging deeper for the facts. The plantation is probably named after Leatherwood Creek, a tributary to the Smith River (Virginia), which ran through the property. interpretation questions and inconsistent counting and page numbering methods used by the Though the census schedules speak in terms of slave owners, the The names below were copied from an old ledger kept by Col. George Hairston, who operated a store at his estate, "Marrowbone," in Henry County, Virginia.This plantation was situated on the Marrowbone River, near Martinsville. Get full property details, plus crime rates, environmental hazards, natural disaster risks and more at - 171496868. . Pre-1820 manumissions of individuals drawn from the extant deed and will books of Dinwiddie, Prince George, Chesterfield, Charles City, Isle of Wight, Southampton, Surry, and Sussex Counties. HAIRSTON, Virginia b:1837 d: after 1860 (grave marker states 1838, but is incorrect) WATKINS, Elizabeth Perkins b:1862 d:1945 WATKINS, Louisa Hardyman HAIRSTON b:1821 d:1873 On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [13], In 1902, the Henry County Historical Society was incorporated at Martinsville with its first officers being John W. Carter, J. Harrison Spencer and C. B. It seems these plantations are now used in different ways. No one lives in the old home today. C: Meticulous attention to detail. PLANTATION NAMES. Shepherd Hall (1798) in Ohio County is one of the earliest plantations established in the Ohio River valley. Virginia Department of Historic Resources. Charles City County -- its beauty, history and tradition make it a must stop on any Virginia tour. Chapter VI: ANTEBELLUM DAYS. Login to post. We learned not only about the specific plantation, but about how the home and its inhabitants both the family and the slaves were affected by the Civil War. Contact the Profile Managers privately: Public Comments: Plantation names were not shown on the census. There is so much information available to those interested and although you may have to set up an appointment, it is worth it. No local disttricts were shown on this enumeration. Linking names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list is beyond the scope of this transcription. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. There is also a beautiful mansion built in there. William Randolph of Tuckahoe, Thomas Mann Randolph, Sr., Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr. Carter Braxton, Colonel John West, Martha Custis Dandridge, William Berkeley, Philip Ludwell, Philip Ludwell II, Philip Ludwell III, Thomas Fairfax 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron, Judge John Tyler, Sr., President John Tyler, Robert King Carter, William Fanning Wickham, Joseph Guilaume Lombard, Jean Louise Grasse, Robert Carter Burwell, Philip Nelson, Hugh Mortimer Nelson, John Martin, Robert Bargrave, Nathaniel Harrison, Nathaniel Harrison II, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Dale, William Byrd, Richard Kennon, Thomas Eldridge, Abraham Wood, Thomas Chamberlayne, John Alexander Strachan, William Stith, Peter Randolph, John Wayles, Thomas Jefferson, Sir Peyton Skipwith - 7th Baronet Skipwith, Henry Light-Horse Harry Lee, William Maffitt, Thomas West, Edward Hill, John Carter, Robert King Carter, William Morton, Daniel Morgan, Griffin Taylor, John C. Scott, Theodorick Lee, Richard Bland, Richard Bland Lee, Francis Lightfoot Lee II, William Temple Thomson Mason, Henry A. Subscribe to Virginia Plantations Tools. Prince William County. Jai Williams and Charlene Giannetti spent six months visiting 40 plantations in Virginia, taking tours and talking with the families and the professionals tasked with caring for these historic properties. HAIRSTON - Marrowbone Plantation, Henry County, Virginia HAIRSTON Marrowbone Plantation Marrowbone was built by Robert Hairston (c.1717-c.1791). Henry Willis married Mildred Lewis, daughter of John 'Councillor' Lewis and Elizabeth Warner, on 30 Oct 1726. We also knew we wanted to visitthe plantations along the James River, including Westover where the HBO miniseries John Adams starring Paul Giamatti was filmed. In 1652, Surry County was formed from a portion of James City County in the Royal Colony of Virginia south of the James River. FORMAT. to County boundaries. During one renovation, a mouse nest was discovered in a wall. Hispanics/Latinos can be of any race. J: Virginia is thriving with plantations both publicly and/or privately owned. . Violet Bank Drive Violet Bank Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, USA. Coordinates: 3640N 7953W / 36.67N 79.88W / 36.67; -79.88. With each owner, the buildings and grounds underwent dramatic changes. pages being reported here with a B added to the number of the preceding page. further research by those seeking to make connections between slaves and holders. The heart of the community is its early l8th-century courthouse, a 250-year-old cultural link between past and present. by Carolyn Henderson, Libba Johnson and Robert E. Hairston, Jr. - included the following: Georgia, up 80,000 (17%); Texas, up 70,000 (38%); Alabama, up 37,000 On June 7, 1975, at Petersburg, West Virginia, he was . It has a gracefulstaircase, tall windows and ornamental woodwork, with smooth green lawns sloping down to Marrowbone Creek. Hopefully, other plantations will consider adding something similar as there is interest and to tell the whole story, certain voices cannot be omitted. Virginia Historical Marker U-40. [4], Patrick Henry also saw the Leatherwood plantation as far removed from the combat in eastern Virginia, and thought his family safer from British forces while in Henry County. Numerous owners built or inherited more than one plantation over the course of their lives, particularly among those considered Virginia royalty such as the Carters, Berkeleys, and Tayloes. We take so much for granted, our access to clean water, food, heated homes, health care, convenient transportation. Berkeley Plantation is the most historic plantation on the James River and is located between Williamsburg and Richmond, Virginia. "Martinsville History." New! Tavner Hailey (b.1793) of Martinsville became an early pioneer in Tennessee and served in the War of 1812. Sadly, many were used as hospitals in which floors were painted black to cover the blood-stained wood to grounds being used as unmarked cemeteries. including surname. General Robert E. Lee spent much of his childhood here. The names of the freed slaves were not recorded.[7]. 25 Dec 1784 (aged 74-75) Studley, Hanover County, Virginia, USA. While residing there, Henry served in the Virginia General Assembly (1780-1784). publication of slaveholder names beginning with the largest holders will enable naming of the ). In 1780, Henry County was named in his honor, and sent him back to the capital as their representative to the Virginia House of Delegates. 2011. Marrowbone was builtby Robert Hairston (c.1717-c.1791). Bertie County, established in 1722 from a section of the Chowan precinct, is located in the northeastern part of North Carolina. Erected by the Patrick Henry Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Virginia original warrants and plats, 1774-1791 [for land now located in Kentucky] Family History Library. MSS., available on microfilm at FS Library. employer, the combined total has been used here. comparing census data for different years, the transcriber was not aware of any relevant changes How were these plantations affected during the Civil War? Linking names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list is beyond the scope of this transcription. There are only eleven graves in this small burying ground. Furthermore, shooting towards the end of the year (autumn/winter) removed, in my opinion, the lightheartedness sometimes conveyed when these same places are shot during the (spring/summer). increased just under 5% to 5,581. Augusta County, Virginia was named after his wife, Rebecca Staunton. The amount of research involved in these restorations is amazing and those who work on these projects are truly design detectives. George Hairston (17501827) was a son of Robert Hairston and his wife, Ruth Stovall.Many papers relating to the Hairston family are kept at the Manuscripts . State Heading - If your plantation page is complete with all the information that is available to us at this time (ie: names, profiles, and/or census data only because that is all there is) please place it in alphabetical order directly under the state name. Jai and Charlene talk about what became for them a transformative journey, researching and writing Plantations of Virginia. VII, No. available through Heritage Quest at. The house is judged as one of the finest Federal period country estate houses in the nation. History[ edit] Violet Bank is a historic plantation house and museum in Colonial Heights, Virginia. In Southern plantations are an endless source of fascination. He served as a member of the Virginia Legislature longer than any member before or since. available through Heritage Quest at . 3 Virginia (Henry County), Fieldale A-109 Waller's Ford . Berkeley is the site of the first official Thanksgiving as well as the ancestral home of Benjamin Harrison V, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, his son, ninth U.S. President William Henry Harrison, and . . It brought home how much work we still have to do to mend race relations in our country. Americans on the 1870 census who were enumerated with the same surname. Leatherwood Plantation of 10,000 acres (40 km2) was located in Henry County, Virginia, where American Founding Father Patrick Henry lived from 1779 until 1784. holders of the most slaves with the least amount of transcription work. These works in progress have fascinating stories to tell. Georgia Pioneers has a vast collection of county records and includes the states of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Secondly, how interconnected plantations were in Virginia. Henry County, Virginia Magna Vista Plantation 1988 - Photo by Desmond Kendrick. Although we had lived in Washington, D.C. in the 70s, we hadnt spent much time in Virginia. Jai: Ive lived in Virginia for quite awhile now and you are subconsciously immersed in history wherever you go. . Visiting Montpelier, I learned more about Madison, known as the Father of the Constitution and the Architect of the Bill of Rights. Drag images here or select from your computer. At times, being in a place that held so much untold history felt heavy, especially as the book developed. Homes On The Indian Trail.". After Patrick Henry completed his first term as the first elected governor of Virginia in 1776, he moved to a brick home on Leatherwood plantation. C: Of course we had to include the crown jewels Mount Vernon, Monticello, and Montpelier the homes of our Founding Fathers. Alabama Plantations; Georgia Plantations; Lousiana Plantations; Mississippi Plantations; Oatlands Plantation is an estate located in Leesburg, Virginia. He first lived at Marrowbone but later built Hordsville, where he spent the remainder of his life. Following the It is estimated by this transcriber that in 1860, slaveholders of census enumerators, interested researchers should view the source film personally to verify or R. Weam? We took the tours, some provided by volunteer docents others by historians with extensive knowledge. Top photo: Tuckahoe Plantation, Plantations of Virginia Loudoun County, Virginia Marriages After 1850 Volume I 1851-1880. enumerated by County in 1860 and included 393,975 named persons holding 3,950,546 unnamed Virginia state historic marker for plantation of Patrick Henry, county's namesake, Leatherwood, Henry County As an independent city since 1928, Martinsville is not part of Henry County, but exists as an enclave, surrounded by the county. In the 1600s an eastern Siouan tribe inhabited the region. Charlene: About five years ago, my husband and I began dividing our time between New York City and Alexandria, Virginia. An oil portrait of George Hairston once dominated the living room, but this portrait is now owned by Louisa Breeden. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material Their homes, Mount Vernon, Monticello, and Montpelier, remain the crown jewels and should be experienced by every American for their historic value. About 8.80% of families and 11.70% of the population were below the poverty line, including 15.20% of those under age 18 and 12.60% of those age 65 or over. In 1780, Henry County was named in his honor, and sent him back to the capital as their representative to the Virginia House of Delegates. operated by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a National Historic Landmark. Plantations of Virginia $ 21.95 By Jai Williams and Charlene C. Giannetti. Experts are consulted about paint colors, fabrics, and the materials used inside and outside the home. Photos by Jai Williams film #2024587 Henry VA Personal Prop Taxes 1783 alph, takers indicated at left, so helps group across names list taken by Lyon - John Daniel Senr & Negro Sam, 2 tithes, 1 wh tithe >21, 1 slv over 16, 2 horse, 6 cattle, 1.5.6 list taken by Lyon - Edward Tatum, with Jesse Tatum, Rafe and Cuse (slaves) Henry Co VA Will Abstracts v.1&2 1777 . We hope our book will start people on a journey. Do any of the personalities you write about in the book stand out? slaveholders. Captain Robert Hairston, a noted politician in the Colony of Virginia, owned Marrowbone plantation, commanded a militia company and served as Henry County's first high sheriff. The creature had used a piece of the homes original wallpaper for its bedding. To make sure that the information was correct as some reports were written in the 60s, 70s, and 80s on the aforementioned sites; we provided each plantation with a copy of the text before we submitted it to the publisher for a final fact check. Linking names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list Freed Martha, widowed at 37, managed Leatherwood plantation, administered the will of her husband and of her brother William; Martha and John buried at Leatherwood, Henry Co., VA."[2] His son, John, also lived there. The Academy Awards Do You Know Some Hollywood Golden Age Facts? J: Two things: First, that many tours would either omit or gloss over the slavery aspect. Unger, Harlow Giles. A county of rich soil and numerous waterways, Bertie was once inhabited by the Tuscarora. How did the two of you come together to write this book? It is located near Stanleytown on the old Carolina Post Road between Bassett and Fieldale and is a copy of a house George had seen in Richmond. The walnut corner cupboard was put together with wooden pegs and is a collectors item. His other brothers and sisters were William Overton Winston, Henry Pendleton Winston, Bickerton Lyle . Families still live in some of these homes and we were fascinated that young children were being raised surrounded by such rich history. He was the originator of the Smith River Navigation Company and the Union Iron Works. Patrick Henry married (2nd) Dorothea Dandridge 25 Oct 1777, born 25 Sept 1755 (or 1757) at "Chelsea", died 14 Feb 1831 at age 73 at "Seven Islands", Halifax Co., VA; because of inclement weather, she was initially buried at "Seven Islands" and subsequently reinterred at "Red Hill" beside Patrick Henry. He was the son of George Stovall Hairston and Elizabeth Perkins (Letcher) Hairston. County. Same is not very well kept, and is in very bad condition today; most of the stone markers have fallen down and many excavations are exposed. decrease. This transcription lists the names of those largest slaveholders in the Henry County, Temple Hall is an early 19th-century Federal-style mansion and working farm near the Potomac River north of Leesburg in Loudoun County, Virginia which was constructed in 1810. and our loyal RootsWeb community. He was one of the three sons of Peter, the first Hairston to come to America. The locations of National Register properties and districts for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below, may be seen in an online map. Negroeswas less than twice what the colored population had been 100 years before.) Moseley Family of Lower Norfolk County, Princess Anne County, and Henrico County, Virginia, 1600-1800s. Living through the Civil War was horrific. We heard many horror stories which brought to mind scenes in the Oscar-winning film 12 Years a Slave. interpretation questions and inconsistent counting and page numbering methods used by the 1791 at age 34 at "Leatherwood," Revolutionary War soldier, buried in unmarked grave at "Leatherwood," Henry Co., VA, married Susannah Walker (she remarried 1798 to Richard White and died in Abingdon, VA)." Henry Holloway Plantation Ledger, 1796-1810, records the business activities of the Holloway family's plantation and the personal financial activities of Henry Holloway. Where did the freed slaves go if they did not stay in the same County? Although Julia turned down his first proposal, after he saved her during a tragedy on a naval ship, she agreed to marry him. He was born March 3, 1950, in Elkins, a son of the late Hobert Henry Corley and the late Teresa Ann Falcone Corley. Despite the grandeur of many of these homes, living was often a struggle. Limit 20 per day. George Waller (1734-1814) and his wife, Anne Winston Waller (1735-1839), established their plantation at Waller's Ford on the Smith River near here about 1770. We were impressed with the amount of research involved. In 1634, a palisade was built near Middle Plantation. And then there are those that are being brought back from rubble, determined individuals on a mission to preserve history. It was established in 1619 and its plantations and farms along the James River have survived the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the War Between the States. Estimates of the number of former Patrick Henry purchased Leatherwood and jointly owned it along with his first cousin, Ann Wilson Carr and her husband, George Waller. After that, we broadened our search to every corner of the state and were rewarded with some amazing finds, including some plantations that are now mere shells but being renovated in order to preserve their history.
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