Hmmm Hmmm This is not a thus sayeth the Lord its just me sharing my thoughts. Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle and Prophetic Ministries Today is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation. Under the section, spiritually fat disgruntled people, the ones in the vault are the ones with the Joseph anointing. Because it was a vision in a flash I was trying to recall the colors (sorry, no I couldnt immediately recall the colors of the rainbow) So then I started praying into these colors to get the meaning of each of them. learning to know our boundaries through warfare is beneficial even though at times it overwhelmes: He is the "Anointing." His Presence is "The Anointing." Another definition or meaning for the word anointed is "chosen one." The literal translation of the Hebrew word mashiach (messiah) is "anointed." You need to serve under them once you realize they have the mantle that you are destined to wear, Learn all that you can from them as you are serving. You can actually function and operate in an anointing and not have a mantle. People Give to You. Not against you but in you. (1 Kings 1 11 & 1 Chronicles 28 2 Chronicles 9). A "mantle" is a Scriptural metaphor (symbol) for a calling, ministry, anointing, andwhen applicableoffice, given to individuals by God. Do you know those wealthy people who say they have no intentions of leaving their wealth to their children, instead they will give it to charity? Verse Concepts. Type YOUR prayer requests in chat now. Behold, a son shall be born to you, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies all around. I have seen that most people who will walk in healing and miracles suffer chronic illness. That is absolutely ludacris. And then, he wore the garb of a servant. So should you pray to receive this mantle? Then I see a light come out of heaven and go through one side of the prism. Thank you for sharing. Each of these levels have authority at that level. If you look at the First ladies of the US, they all looked like the First lady before they became the First lady. There was no turning back. Biden served before the mantle was transferred to him. You cant have someone lay hands on you to get the 7 Spirits of God. Its very significant & remarkable to me. 1 John 2:20. That is why it was multicolored. I want to do my masters and doctorate Hi Cyprian, you need to pray and ask God what that means for you. Most people are in great battles tearing down generational curses and doing spiritual warfare. All of those colors were in Josephs mantle. Now, I am not making this happen. So, you will change from mantle to mantle until you get to the final position. Im saying all this to let you know, dont complain about your warfare or your trials. Its like they are a magnate that pulls people in. There are various types of anointings, and we need to find out what God reveals to us about our individual anointing. This is where he was a little boy who made a wish that he would be a grown up and he got his wish. Blessings, i love your ministry, reading on Joseph, I recently bought beautiful hanging strings of shinny crystals (not new age anything like that) I bought it to see the beautifu colors in the light, my neice also gave me colorful wind chime, it amazes me people that can be jealous, joseph in the dungeon, we all know the story, so much of it paralles in my life, even my jewish birthday comes to joseph, my ex an his family very wealthy family live in las vegas, they help me alot when I need to pay some bills, I give the gospel truth an spare no words just because they help me, nevertheless, I ask your team of prayer warriors to pray the Lord would send someone my way to help me with technology, I am a senior, just one person that could help me with some basic things, (but are big things really) where 2 or 3 are gathered I am in the midst of thee,, thank y ou for hearing, an thank you for your ministry, I am blessed an enriched, love sandra. He didnt even ask for the job. There was no darkness there. let me look for the 1&2 articles on mantles anointing then Ill come back to this onesmore .much blessings, may God grant your peace and happiness as you serve him always. That means, the Pharaoh released the guilty man. Did Rehoboam really need more money? Thank you for sharing so I know its not just me. Even the unsaved, as we see with King Cyrus. It is really divine to be here. With the mantle it is in position of authority and you can operate with no anointing. You need a mantle to hold an office but you can operate in a gifting/anointing for an event without having the office. By Heather Clark Christian News Network. The contrast I desired to draw with my post was this: there is a difference between being anointed for a moment and being anointed to occupy an office or position, spiritually speaking. God uses those in oversight and authority to recognize and establish us in that calling at the right time. i do appreciate this article especially where you mentioned that warfare shapes you and mold youso we should not complain. God doesnt make mistakes. I want to leave you with one final thought, reflecting on Josephs Mantle compared to Solomons we have to look at how each of these men ended their assignment. In this post I will talk about the Joseph anointing. It wont look pretty to the world but the Josephs will be in place to take up their role and feed the people. Esther didnt open her mouth until the moment was right. They are usually very critical of themselves because they will look back at what they did before and always think it wasnt good enough and they couldve done better. They have different levels. He married her a year after. I had a vision as I was driving in my car and praying about this teaching. However, this time I decided to use it as a teachable moment for those who are having similar experiences or may feel the way you do, even if they may see things differently. Joseph practiced servanthood for yearsfirst, he served his father, then Potiphar, then the prison wardenbefore he received the mantle of rulership God destined him for. There is a possibility that mantle got passed long before he went home to be with the Lord. A mantle not only covers, it envelopes whatever it covers. The solidification and build-up of the anointing will usher you into another higher dimension called the mantle, which is an emblem of God's manifest presence in the natural realm and functions as a spiritual covering that rests upon an individual in order to exercise a heightened degree of authority or dominion over a territory. What is Jesus Christ telling me? Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. 31This famine will be so severe that even the memory of the good years will be erased. Asking God to show me. Those two characters all were anointed but ended differently. Based on these definitions we see that the mantle is a symbol of authority and position. 5. 7Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. Do you notice she has her mantle around her? He never told the Pharaoh that he was falsely accused like he did when he was in prison. This teaching and prayer has immensely blessed me and is leading me forward in my prayer and time with the Lord. In the vision I see a prism. The parents dug those trenches and laid the foundation so when they get there all the ground work has been laid and they just need to build, increase, multiply and grow. A mantle is a symbolic representation of the anointing. You wont look the same: A great vindication. Well, he gave the same instructions to his son. Saying hallelujah or Glory to God or Praise Jesus every other sentence when people are trying to have a conversation with you in the workplace, is not the approach you should take. There was an ease to the assignment that David never had. The character and glory of God is developed in us by an intimate relationship with God called the anointing. I took a safe Haven back to my hometown church. Solomon is a king, Joseph is not. Davids job was to dig the trenches out so that when Solomon got there his job would be easier to build the temple. Do you realize that? Give me eyes to see the progression of my mantle and anointings. Scriptures covered: 2Kings 2-3. There you have it! Isaiah 10:27. 4For he is Gods minister to you for good. Wow! In a practical sense, if you are in arts and entertainment field you can have the mantle to be an actor that then changes to a directors mantle that then changes to a producer mantle when you own the movie studio. But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease. (the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, hes not taking credit). Then his final mantle was given when he became Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:42). First lets look at Joseph personality and his character: Lets look at the anointing or the gifts that go with this mantle: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); But wait, I said to the Lord where is The Spirit of Might? The people destined for those anointings usually look the opposite of it until they get delivered. Please can you direct me where to find part1 and part2 to this topic? 33Therefore, Pharaoh should find an intelligent and wise man and put him in charge of the entire land of Egypt. Ive only seen 1 Christian artist with this mantle. When Aaron and Miriam, complained and criticized Moses for his interracial marriage only Miriam was cursed with leprosy. It is a timely information. The first mantle was given by his father Genesis 37:3, the Hebrew word is kesones passim it is translated striped, colorful, ornate robe that goes all the way down to the floor and the wrist. But Potiphars wife grabbed his cloakand used it to accuse him. I even reread the story about Joseph in the Bible. God save the Queen. Thank you and God richly bless you in Jesus name. She just doesnt. While you can have wisdom, wealth and people give to you, I know very few people who operate in life with ease. It was worn not only by priests but by kings ( 1 Samuel 24:4 ), prophets ( 15:27 ), and rich men ( Job 1:20 ; 2:12 ). Acts 16: 16-26 25But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Yet, we fail to make progress in building, multiplying and growing in these seasons of rest because we forget our purpose. Required fields are marked *. It is a mantle for a season that the world and the church must go through. So now he goes and he builds out and restores those places. 2Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. So start paying attention because there is something on you as well which you may not even realize is there. Be strong, and do the work.. Help. Sometimes people dont know when they have enough and they just keep going after more and more and more. Now, Ive heard many people sing since the concert and God never reminded me of this event so I knew that God was showing me, she is going to have this anointing. Love Ashwen. They are sought after by others because they are known for the quality of their work. The Lord said to Elijah, Go and anoint, as prophet in your place, Elijah. This led to the mantle being thrown onto Elisha. People should be able to clearly see if this is on your life. So God is going to arrange the meeting. Most dont say pink they use indigo. No thanks. Ive lost friends from just being a divorced woman which is fine bc he cheated on me so he is the one who disrespected and shamed me even thought I consumed myself in books and the Bible and after I saw that full circle rainbow around the sun in the middle of the day, them later sounds, music, smells, fear of questioning if I was possessed by evil spirits and the crazy clouds and wind and crows and everything almost seem textbook psychosis however- they cant technically say it due to the religious context and the fact that science cant label everyone with a disorder if God made us in him image. I saw a video on my feed and the title says For our complete teaching library please visit Again it is one that has authority. It was either your parents or your grandparents or some relative that handled all the spiritual warfare and generational curses. In 1 Samuel 15 we see that the Lord took King Sauls anointing and gave it to David in 1 Samuel 16. He was raised up for a season when there was a famine and he was the supplier, the one with the resources to sustain the people. Even though he is behind bars, this was just another stepping stone to his final destination. Do we have to sit under someone and learn from them to receive a mantle? The relationship between these various aspects of God's power is essenti Why is that? Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal, (2) and Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here; the LORD is sending me on to Bethel." (1 Samuel 16), Who anointed Elisha? And, He says No, there is no darkness in this. All that we are and all that we have are for His purpose, agenda and assignments (Col. 1:26; Eph. Someone I know, a woman deep into the Lord, said, I see what you are getting from the Lord. So I said to the Lord it was dark is it black?. Lets pray so that God can reveal to you what it is. Im going thru enough, dont need God to give me more. You can see that he was sorry that he wasted so much time. Warfare starts again. He showed me that she had a mantle for worship. Actually, in the Unites States in most work places you cant talk about your faith. Your email address will not be published. Anyway, back to the story of this ladythe first time I heard her sing I got a flashback to this concert and what happened there. I am at my cross road and this word has taken me over, I truly carry this anointing but I need deliverance to walk in its fullness; the enemy is ensuring I look the opposite of this with all I have and the wisdom and excellence on my life I am broke.. And I even repent and ask father for forgiveness of mismanagement but more over the eyes of my understanding is open and for sure I know the enemy is at work.. I currently have a degree in theology People with this mantle have others give them things/money/resources/tools/time without even asking for it. Serving with faithfulness and a teachable heart is a powerful means of being positioned to attain your God-ordained destiny. He used the people in those towns to build and later on when his son Rehoboam was king the people began to complain about the hard labor and heavy taxes they faced at the hand of Solomon (2 Chronicles 10). Pretty cool how 3 Marys were at Jesus side and appeared to them first. Then he got a second mantle when he became the chief in Potiphars household. Elijah threw his mantle onto Elisha, which led to Elisha following in Elijahs footsteps and ministering in the same ways as Elijah. (2 Kings 3:11). The mantle served the practical purpose of keeping people warm and protecting them from the elements. We all know how intimately David knew the Lord and that he was known as a man after Gods own heart. If we have everything exactly the way we want it would we carry out the purposes of God? Even though David was anointed to be king and he later got the mantle of the king, he still didnt build the temple because that was not his assignment. Ive been in the refinery process for about 2 years now. I just feel like its nice to read about others who smelled aromas and had dreams or even insights that almost made me think I was like God. That is worthless to His purposes upon the earth. Joseph was prophetic and he believed in Gods word up to the very end. 4This pleased Potiphar, so he soon made Joseph his personal attendant. He needed to stop defending himself and allow the Lord to do it. While both handled wealth, Solomon was the owner of what he had while Joseph was a distributor of what he had and he didnt own it. He asked them to mention his name to the Pharaoh, maybe that was him doing it to help himself and not God. It is important to know the anointings of those we associate with. I also think that they thought I was crazy until things I warmed them about- happened while I was safe on a beautiful island with rainbows everyday while the mainland was hit with riots, drama, and now- hate from old men in politics, evangelicals, and too many fake prophets like that ________ guy that wrote a silly book about a Harbinger. I give glory and honour to the Almighty God. These singers have notes/keys that they sing that unlock prison gates in the heavenlies. I believe He allowed this to be written by Solomon, so that we wont make same mistakes and waste the precious time and freedom/ease that He has given to us for our purpose and assignments.and I pray that well receive the grace to go through our lives journey like Joseph to become and achieve all that He had in mind for us, written in His scrolls in Jesus Name (amen). Everything that I have written here is a really good springboard for you to read the book of Ecclesiastes. Can you imagine what it must have been like for the Pharaoh to hear him? He shall build a house for My name, and he shall be My son, and I will be his Father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.. The statement everyone in authority has been put there by GOD is erroneous and misleading. Not a song, a note. While they are the position, they have the protection of the mantle. It takes time. I believe Solomon had a lot of FREEDOM & TIME at His disposal, and this is why He could easily set himself up to study, desire, and get involved in loads of stuffs, pleasure, activities, bcuz He wanted to figure out the essence of Life. Ive learned something different from this Wisdom involves submission to authorities , the superiority of wisdom, The rich persons success does not mean he has obtained wisdom. Then I told her that she has the mantle. 7. God still honored what he did even though he was walking in disobedience. Here was Davids response to that, 2 Samuel 1:14-16 (NKJV) 14So David said to him, How was it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the Lords anointed? 15Then David called one of the young men and said, Go near, and execute him! And he struck him so that he died. Once you know what your mantle is, ask God to show you where you need to serve and serve. I shall be looking into more of them to receive further insight in Gods Word. If you feel that you may have this anointing on your life your highest priority should be to go through the process and the purification of the Lord so that you can walk in this mantle. In addition, she introduces words such as 'thrower' [mentor] and 'catcher' [mentee], showing how a mantle anointing is passed, received, and executed. Im sure if you went through the bible and read any of the stories of the greats, Abraham, Moses, David, Deborah, Esther you would probably be able to identify the 7 Spirits of God on them. So there is absolutely no one in authority that God didnt put there. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. It represented his appointment as a Prophet of God. 3. Generally, no one can explain how they got the position but everyone will agree they deserve it. When I think Might I think about David and Goliath or Samson so I didnt see Might in this. I have been richly blessed and strengthened in my spiritual journey to be in Gods presence. of the Messiah, Messianic prince Youre right, its more than money or mantles or gifts. Hi, back in May this year Kris Vallotton from Bethel prophesied over me and put on the mantle of Davids famous mighty men. He only said it because they needed it, We do not need to advertise ourselves in the marketplace. Now imagine this scene everyone is pinned in their seat and the few that could get up were screaming on the floor until the demon got out of them. Who anointed David? Ive been shopping in this particular store for about 2 years. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Show me how to walk in it. If the Presidency is a mantle that means that a mantle can be passed without the person dying. In this post I want to address the subject of mantles and anointings. God positions you with people and leaders that He wants you to serve now. Famine will destroy the land. However- no one thinks I experienced the things I did over several days and months even though I couldnt help to use Facebook as a way to get out all the thoughts that came to me so fast! A modern day look at this would be the Queen. Elisha was appointed by God as Prophet and successor to Elijahbut God used Elijah to recognize, prepare and establish that appointment. Also notable about Davids mighty men is their loyalty to their King, some were armour bearers too, so I would be thinking about excellence in serving God-given leadership as well. Samuel didnt even know who he was anointing when He went to Jesses house. The good news is that he was repentant for it so we know that the Lord forgave him for that. Wow I was sleeping today and I heard a voice say the power of the mantle I was reading the book of Acts and its no wonder the Revelations of the 7spirits of God, cant thank you enough as Ive gotten a base when am teaching on mantles. This is what the Apostles did when the Holy Spirit came upon them. (Eccl. It was known long ago what each person would be. He was giving her that mantle. For example you need a mantle of a prophet to say you are a prophet called by the Lord. The story ends in Genesis 50 with Joseph saying that he wants his bones brought back to the land of promise when God comes to rescue and deliver His people. He will anoint whomever He wants to accomplish a particular purpose. This is not just a singer, it is deliverance minister using song. 6For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are Gods ministers attending continually to this very thing. Having to study the book of Ecclesiastes all over again, I could feel this sense of a much older Solomon towards the latter end of His life giving a brief recap and insight into ALL the affairs of Men on earth..Thank you Dear MOP, for unraveling some of the limitations/enemies of this mantle. And we should obey Gods spiritual laws that are in place by not cursing the person wearing the mantle or we will call judgement upon ourselves as we read before in Romans 13:1-7. The plan for death landed him in the house of Potiphar who was the captains of Pharoahs army. Solomon on the other hand never had to go through any of that and because everything was handed to him, it was harder for him to stay on track. Anoint me with all the gifts to wear the mantle you have ordained for me. It is Yahweh who is the giver of all the gifts, talents, kingdoms, ministries, mantles, and anointings. The main difference I see from one mantle to the other is that one was made out of animal hair (it was hairy) and the other was linen. All his household affairs ran smoothly, and his crops and livestock flourished. Elisha didnt just receive Elijahs mantle because he happened to be at the right place at the right time. Now this all serves as a lesson to us that chasing money and fame is futile. Mantle Anointing is a book of unique, God-ordained relationships. Some say the robe even covered his palm. and dix makes me realize Why you said that the mantle is rare (even in the body of Christ).not many are able to follow or pursue their God given purpose and assignment bcux of the ease (Freedom) & Time that they lack. A mantle in the natural is a cloak or outer garment for covering the body. His brothers took it when they sold him into slavery (Genesis 37:23). No coveting of mantles! Laziness. It had to be Solomon. Elisha served under Elijah. After the demons left the room, I felt the force that was holding us in our seats lift and we were able to stand up. David had the anointing to be King, but Saul had the mantle, Elisha was anointed to be the prophet of the land, but Elijah had the mantle, Prince Charles is anointed to be the Sovereign of the UK but Queen Elizabeth has the mantle. Elisha asked for double portion When taken up in chariot of fire, My fatherMy father speaking of the relation ship they had. Each mantle and anointing is unique. I thought to myself. Therefore if he attacked him he was coming against the position and authority of his mantle. Box 774 Gainesville, Texas 76241-0774, 22nd Prophetic Memoir Activating His Grace, 21st Prophetic Memoir Get Understanding, 19th Prophetic Memoir Even Demons Believe, 18th Prophetic Memoir Secure Your Salvation. Ms. Megan Doctor, 7 th Episcopal District. 1. This doesnt mean you have to like the person, but you need to respect the authority of the person. They are generally well groomed individuals. Answer: When Elijah looked for someone to throw a mantle on, he walked past the guys up front and went to the guy way in the back! James 1:2-4 New International Version (NIV). Pray about the 7 Spirits of God. It is not a mantle about money and getting rich. At the end of the movie he goes back to being a little boy but he as still wearing his grown up clothes. (1 Kings 4:29-34), 2. You just need to position yourself. I told these dreams to the magicians, but no one could tell me what they mean.. How can we receive the mantle God has ordained for us? But then Potiphars wife approached Joseph, wanting to seduce him. And got the light bulb. And we really do waste so much time on modern day things like TV and social media. Yes Ibrahim, good points! What a MAGITI (Fijian for Feast) that I am having here in your midst The Lord is REFRESHING me with so much confirmation after an almost 30 year journey. But I have heard that when you hear about a dream you can interpret it., 16It is beyond my power to do this, Joseph replied. You have to have your own level of intimacy with the Lord. The enemy is always going to attack you will the very thing you have as your anointing. So Rehoboam instead of listening to the people and lightening the load of the work he decides to become even worse than his father and make it harder. Thats all I have for you. This is not the full story. Do you know how many wars David fought through his entire lifetime? What if it wasnt just a song, but notes and keys that were sung that went up into the heavens like a spiritual key that unlock gates and doors to released them on earth? No one could stand up. I was just speaking to him that He is the one that release wealth to whom he pleases. (1 Kings 10:24), 3. It was a mass deliverance from a single note. So David fought about 9 battles, thats not counting all the running he had to do from Saul or even Goliath. You can imagine how I got here? And when his jealous brothers threw him in a pit and sold him to Egyptian slave traders, they wrenched the coat from him.
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