But its great, I love it. Just fabulous. "A fact checker from the New Yorker called the other day, and every fact they checked with me was wrong," she said. pagetype = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:type"]').getAttribute("content"), Vimeo. Financial support from Ann and Gordon Getty, Tatiana and Gerret Copeland, Peter T. Paul, Athena and Timothy Blackburn, Maria Manetti Shrem, Dede Wilsey, John Traina, and Robert and Margrit Mondavi, among others in addition to the generous support of numerous individuals, partner wineries, resorts and hotels, and local businesses helped launch what is now one of the countrys top summer festivals. throw Error('onSuccess callback is required'); She is the chairman emeritus of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Somebody alive would be really nice. She would love to date someone confident who doesnt find her intimidating (because remember, shes not intimidating) and who is as passionate about philanthropy as she is. The fact that they are all-inclusive. Sean Wilsey alleges that his stepmother did not allow him or his stepbrothers from Wilsey's previous marriages to view their father's will. . $form.find('.signup-failed').show().siblings().hide(); The cast of characters is as rich and intertwined as a soap opera. Like. I didnt feel any better. As happens with some memoirs, author and subject appear to be in two polarized camps, with Wilsey's friends protecting him and his stepmothers' friends protectively closing ranks around her. }); You can do something that changes somebodys life. Says, Bill, pictured here with Deborah, Ultimately were building a culture around wine and hospitality that we all hope will last for generations. var settings = cookieSettings[cookieName]; Now living in Los Angeles, she's writing her own memoir. San Francisco philanthropist Dede Wilsey underwrites the festival's dance series, which has featured dancers from American Ballet Theatre, Bandaloop, Bolshoi Ballet, . Traina was nominated by President Trump and approved by the Senate, before he moved his wife, Alexis Swanson Traina, and two children, to Europe. She divorced Traina in 1980 and married Al Wilsey, divorced by then from Montandon, in May 1981. + '<\/div>' "What's impressive is the degree to which he acknowledges the good and the bad in both sets of parents," Maupin said. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE PHOTO BYCHRISTINA KOCI HERNANDEZ CAT, Mr and Mrs Alfred Wilsey // Append ouibounce to page $modal.css({ setTimeout(function() { Blacksmithing and blade smithing classes followed, and he found his passion. ), For Alexisthe daughter of Elizabeth and W. Clarke Swanson Jr., a renowned vintner, whose grandfather started the national food-production company that bears the family namewhats outside of the house is equally important. function checkCookies() { Matthew Kelly More than 200 artists, wineries, resorts, theaters, restaurants, chefs, and vintners participate each year, joining with audiences, patrons, staff and volunteers to create a vibrant and vital community. Want to stay ahead of the art world? expiration_days: 5 }; Traina is living in the exact house that Wilseys father resided in and much remains the sameincluding the exterior, gardens, and grand staircase. // Submit the form As Herb Caen used to say, 'There's nothing older than yesterday's news.' "It's not a gossipy tell-all, it's a coming-of-age story about a child surviving a life of conspicuous consumption," Maupin said in a telephone interview from New York, where a film based on his latest novel, "The Night Listener," is being filmed with Robin Williams and Toni Collette. // Init - Anything you want to happen onLoad (usually event bindings) "I'm surprised I'm in the book -- I wouldn't know Sean Wilsey if he walked in my front door," said de Wildt, a Hollander known for his witty one- liners and scathing put-downs. + 'Please enter a valid email address' The home saw an addition by Crabb in the 1880s and a near total rebuild after a devastating fire more than a century later, in 1997. Following her mother Ruth Buchanan's death, Dede Wilsey purchased the house in March 2020. And that is a marvelous position to be in. Dede Wilsey. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. The Best Carry-On Backpacks for Every Traveler, The Best Luxury Luggage for Traveling in Style, A Guide to 8 Hotels in The Reluctant Traveler. His millions came from his Wilsey Bennett Co., which manufactured edible oils, margarines and butter pats, and also from real estate investments. Dede Wilsey is a San Francisco socialite, Republican donor and philanthropist, and the widow of San Francisco businessman Al Wilsey. } If you could steal one work of art without getting caught, what would it be? } He did drugs, got in fights at boarding school, stole money and even took his uncle's gun, at one point. slideInModal('Up'); There were two people in beautiful clothes, a man and a woman with a parasol, walking away from you. link.href = fileName; + '